Let's do this

Let's do this

Attached: Census Boycott.jpg (1132x1600, 890K)

It's a federal crime to deliberately obstruct the census.

Naw dog


Nice try Kike / Nigger / Faggot / Commie / Antifart / satan... which ever applies.

Attached: both pills.jpg (720x405, 45K)

That's retarded as shit. Fuck off




This is such an amazingly wrong move it has to be a false flag operation. Its trying to convince trump dominant areas to purposely get undercounted so that they get fewer representatives and fewer delegates.

Far better play is to 1-drop rule it. If Warren can consider herself a Native American anyone with ancestors here before 1850 can probably trace back to an Indian as well. Had a wayward great-great-great uncle. Count yourself as black. If in doubt count yourself as Other mix race. I appear white as can be but as kids we all have the hint of Asian eye-slant. Those wacky Mongol hordes. List myself as part Asian. 1) its not lying and liberals always say there is no such thing as a "pure" ethnicity. 2) its not illegal. Ethnicity is self-reported from your perspective. In fact it is illegal for the government to assign race/ethnicity to you

Why do you want to do this? 1) Demographic information is used to select the next town or county that need to be blessed by diversity. Unless you suddenly want 200 Somalis dumped on your doorstep you want your white areas to read as "diverse". 2) since democrats assume they have a lock on minority areas they will ignore your political region and concentrate their propaganda elsewhere if they see an existing minority percentage. 3) it might wake up some more whites to the policy of replacement when they see those percentages dip even further.

Goldstein pulling the jew big time here. Warns of impending doom if you don't follow their advice. Their advice is what dooms you.

i'm not american, but god damn what the fuck is wrong with trump supporters, you're the cringiest political movement that exists in the western world by far

this is middle eastern/communist tier cuckery

Attached: 1556308178689.jpg (1024x768, 169K)

((Agent)) being semi-honest. Meme isn't from a Trump supporter. Of course you already knew that.

Obviously this is liberal-made
Liberals want people to break laws like census participation


My dad got fined $10,000 for refusing back in 1990. They really dont fuck around

What’s honestly cringy is the group that lost the election to these”trump supporters”

who cares

I support this effort and will always do what Trump needs.


This. Fucking this.

No truer post in this thread.
T. White male self-reporting as Black White Halfie.

There has never been a fine that high.

Only true Americans here. Why does everyone else want to play right into the hands of the elite?

LOL I love this. By all means Trumptards let yourselves not be counted as existing in this country. Because you shouldn't. Just brilliant kinda like your pedo emperor you've finally outsmarted yourselves.

this is so fucking retarded.

Says the democratic shill who honestly believes Trump supporters are as dumb as his ((masters)) say. Hint: they're not.

>complains that census counting illegals may impact voting
>solution is for legal voters not to participate, driving more congressional seats into the overrun districts.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to think this is a good idea.

Welcome to the cause. Don't do this because then your DNA is available for sale, but if you look at results from places like Ancestry.com people are usually more mixed than expected. I've seen insiders talk about how a number of this genetic sites purposely fake the data to make people more "diverse" especially if they suggest they are looking for specific ethnicities to show or not to show in their genetics. Eg. nothing will get your percentage of Jewish boosted than looking for German lineage. All to advance their "we're all mixed" agenda. The 2020 census is an excellent opportunity to "play into their hands" By golly you're right. You've won, whitey is gone now, time to move onto a different project.

That's why its obvious this wasn't done by Trump supporters. Democrats thinking anyone who supported Trump must be an utter moron so of course they'll fall for something this dumb.

Ohh god please do this.

If republicans ignore the census that means the will be less represented in politics.
That's fucking great.