Help me out Yea Forums, I don't know what to do

Help me out Yea Forums, I don't know what to do

My son (16) is having friends over at my house right now, and i'm feeling disrespected. I brought down a bowl of chips to the basement and on the way out my son's friend threw a chip at my head.

They all started laughing, even my son. Do I go back down?

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Send them home, disrespectful little shits.

I'm 18, but when I was 16, my mom wouldn't tolerate that shit. She would tell a kid to show respect or walk home, regardless of how far they lived.

Unless you want them to do it again next time. It could be already too late, but either way get back there and send a couple of messages on your iBoi's face with your slApp.

I would´ve actually thrown them out in this instant. I wouldnt let them disrespect me in my house.
Just show your dominance if everything goes right they will leave and most likely do their get together somewhere else.
But never ever let this shit go through look at all those fucks who disrespect people show him how it goes and he will learn respect.

my personla opinion though, might even be a bit harsh but thats just me.

I'm debating on sending them home, but I don't think they'd go. One of his friends is kinda tall and tough, he threw the chip. Plus they brought girls down there and my son had been asking for weeks to let them stay.

Tell them to leave. Don't tolerate that bullshit or things will escalate

If youre roleplaying which you are, kys. On the off chance you aren't, so you're saying a kid threw a chip at your head in your own house and you're not gonna do anything about it? in that case kys also.

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Bait as fuck

Well thing is it would be a loose loose situation for the tall guy even if he resists go through with it he has to respect it. If he hits you call police and don´t give a shit bout the whole he asked upfront. Sure he asked but goddamn they must show some respect


>go to breaker box
>flip off all power in house/remove fuses etc
>find a comfy spot to sit and wait
>when they complain tell them you don’t know what happened but you’re not going to help them because you’ve got a chip on your shoulder
>kek internally

Drill a hole in the floor and piss through it down onto his head

(New to Yea Forums, not sure how to reply to a reply) regardless if he's tall, put your foot down. It's your fuckin house, my momma don't play that shit and neither would I. He hurts you, call the police.

Low quality bait

Shit up mike

Go down there and pull your dick out to establish dominance

Based pic
Based text

Fuck the girls in front of your son and his friends.

This. A million times this.

imagine the news report.

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