Why do the democrats want open borders?

Why do the democrats want open borders?

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>Importing voters so you can get a paycheck for the rest of you life.

Gosh, I have no idea why they would want to.

Why do neocons like creating refugee crises?

They dont. Next question.


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then why do they keep putting CO2 into the atmosphere and destabilizing foreign governments

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Maybe those governments aren't giving a fuck about the environment and this is how we pressure them? You idiots every think of that?

we don't want open borders. we just don't believe in treating people like subhumans.

Study after study shows undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans. Also, most economists think they are an economic benefit to the average American. What are you afraid of?

Btw, your favorite progressive to shit on, AOC, proved your right-wing economics "experts", Fox Business, and a Koch funded billboard wrong about NY needing to pay Amazon $3b for their HQ and jobs.

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why dont you

Yeah, you want open borders.

because spics turn everywhere they live into a shit hole

The amount of seats you get in government is based off the number people in your districts. Illegals run to democrat districts. They want more illegals so they have more seats. This is why they fear the wall and the upcoming raids to expel illegals.

They're afraid of the day when they'll actually have to convince citizens to see their point of view.

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Why do you such so hard at trolling?

to make you cry about it on Yea Forums

Nyc wasn’t going to pay amazon fucktard. It’s given in tax breaks and incentives

Because the birth rate is under 2 per family in the United States. The only way we will maintain population or grow is by allowing immigration

Because trading is hard if noone is allowed to pass

But AOC said, she said uh . . . she said put that money back into econemy and hiring teachers and stuff. She said it on the Televisions.

And the prison toilets at refugee camps. Those not good enough for refugees so she said put loads of hispanic american out of work by dismantling boarder patrol, and er . . . homeland security too!

AOC is about as worthless as Maxiene "poverty pimp" Waters, and her followers. Dont get me wrong, can say the same for 90% of politicians in the U.S., regardless of party affiliation. Theyre just there to collect a fat check and top tier health care.

Goodbye Yea Forums, its sort of all starting to pile up on me, and I think I'm going to end it here.
Recently my brother has came out as a transgender, and has admitted that he has sexual feelings for me. My mother mixed alcohol and pills a couple days ago and shes still in the hospital. My father does nothing but smoke weed all day, and literally watches MLP, and sometimes is into other furry shit.
Everything is just disgusting and fucked up. I'm broke, dont have a girl friend, dont have a job, dont even have a car.

But, since you guys have always been here for me, and have kept me happy, I'll return the favor. I'll be live streaming the suicide in about 20 minutes. Ill be doing it via hanging/asphyxiation. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to answer them within the 20 minutes I have left

Stream link (in-chat just ask for it):

Thank you for always being my favorite board btw.


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i really think that woman is going insane.

soy boy found go eat a steak if you can even chew it.
checked they want them because its the slippery slope
>step 1: open all boarders
>step 2: give the gibs to them they love you
>step 3: "they are hard workers goy let them be Americans now"
>step 4: give them all citizenship
>step 5: never lose an election again

correct answer

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Why does OP make this thread everyday?

Why don't you go back to Europe?

To have a dumb brown underclass that vote for them and stay in power perpetually

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It's always about power for them.

This is where they are wrong though and very stupid. Once areas have enough illegals, they, much like OP's pic, will start voting eachother in, over the current old jew and white Dems. Their districts will become plague-zones of welfare and crime. After that. much like my hometown of Miami, they will drop all the protections for illegals and go Republican. The brown stain of humanity will never go away though. I predict a civil war long before all that plays out though.

They don't.



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Open borders are the natural state of the world and enforcing them creates more problems than allowing free travel. Just because things have been the way they are for only a hundred years you think it's the correct order of things. See also drug illegalization and DHS.


You understand our entire system of government is designed to prevent this? Immigrants voting in solid blue districts would have literally zero effect? They're already blue?

Borders have been a thing for millennia. All illegal border invaders, should be shot on sight.

I don't want my country flooded with non-whites and don't want to see my race replaced. Thankfully I live in 99.8% white country, I'll pick up a weapon to fight for my country and my people if I have to.

>If you mow my lawn you can live in my backyard free.
>That's not pay!


Where? Anywhere in Europe is fair game for mudslimes, or soon will be.

Cool fantasy. It's a good thing you're so big otherwise I'd hit you!

You should probably learn the difference between enemy combatants (who would have been easy to spot), people, castles/seats of power vs dominion. Nobody was enforcing fucking borders and they have not been a thing for millennia.

Poland in the richer part of the country. Moved from Sweden. I never have seen mudslime or negro in here. Feelsgodman.jpeg

There is no country on Earth that is 99.8% white. Homeboy lives in a trash dump with 198 other homeless faggots and the guy who locks the gate and rolls his eyes is mexican

Because without the illegals and blacks they wouldn't win seats and elections.

You're a brainwashed idiot. There is zero reason to talk to you. Please, for the good of mankind, KYS.

Unfortunately the world will never be ready for open borders. Being born one one side of an imaginary line will always have a bearing on a persons fate.

Good on Poland, keep that filth out.

I just told you the truth. Take it or leave it.

Spoken like a brainwashed idiot.

Actually I told you the truth. Take it or leave it.

I don't know the exact percentage and I was shooting from the hip but honestly, I feel the percentage is relatively close. And that's a good thing. The less "Diversity" the better.

>The richer part of Poland
My sides are currently passing the van allen belt.

My truth is the better truth. Take it or leave it.

Get out immgrant. You have no stake to my homeland.

It's split in two and honestly, the difference is minor. One side just has more employment prospects due to large companies.

Your homeland?

We do allow immigration. Thee is a very long wait because no matter what anybody says, we take in more immigrants than any other nation on Earth.

Yeah I'm polish. Get out filthy immigrant. You don't pay taxes or work. You bring your Thor hammer homoshit here. Get a haircut you disgusting creature and go back to bork bork land.


>Why do the democrats want open borders?

Because Republicans don’t.

I was born in Poland, but my parents decided to move. So I'm not an immigrant. I work and pay taxes, and currently thinking about setting up my own business.

>Get a haircut you disgusting creature

No thanks. My hair is fabulous.

>Study after study shows undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans
Seeing as how they are inherently committing a crime by being in the country illegally I would like to see sources of this.

This is an emotional argument, like a woman's.

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Demographics. two thirds of hispanics vote democrat. the next election could well be the last that the republicans win. texas will soon never vote republican again.

damn? now how would that work?

Uh are you culturally Polish? No? Then go bitch we don't want you.

Why do Republicans like raping kids?

Do you call someone who commits a parking infraction a criminal? Cause it's the same type of offense. Autism harder.

This is only a problem because of debt and pensions, but don't worry, European countries have bigger pensions and housing loans based on expected rises in property value.

How is it an emotional argument? You have to lack critical thinking not to realize that moving millions of people from another race into a country with negative birthrates will cause ethnic displacement over some period of time.

Lol right?

Are you retarded or just high?

>parking infraction
going to have to explain how this is equivalent to sneaking into another country. This time please use facts.

Cały czas miałem rodzine w Polsce utrzymywałem z nimi kontakt. Dużo czasu spędzałem tu jako dziecko.

This thread is still alive?

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Idc what study shows their crime rate. If 1 out of 1000 commits crime it's still not worth it because that victim of the crime should have never been in the situation if we had better border enforcement. Idgaf what reason they come here for. Shitting on the immigration process is a big mistake and a massive slap in the face of the people who come here legally. Also I believe that anchor babies should not be given citizenship. This would deter illegal immigration even more. Send as many as we can back and tell them to come back legally next time. Dems who are trying to get tax payers to foot the bill for healthcare for illegals and the promotion of open borders under the guise of "seeking asylum" is going to cause even more people to try to enter our country illegally.

What is a civil infraction? What is a misdemeanor? Are those things the criminals you're so worried about are up to?

Democrats don't want open borders you idiot.

>it's the same type of offense
no it's not lol

Why is that man in the cornfield so scary? He never moves but he's just trying to trick me.

Keith Ellison - who served as deputy chair of the DNC wearing an interesting T shirt at an ICE protest

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Overstaying a Visa is by far the most common offense. It's how people get in. It's the same as a parking ticket. It's fine that you don't know that though.

Donald Trump has said Bitcoin is bad. Why do republicans hate Bitcoin?

Even if you do consider it "just a misdemeanor". They are committing a misdemeanor crime every second they live here illegally. Can I pick and choose which laws I want to openly disobey without repercussion?

It's reposted every few hours by shareblue. Kikes can't stop shilling.

because when blacks realize how bad the dems have screwed them, they'll never win an election again unless they can get a bunch of immigrants in to pander to.

quite literally, no-one who is a citizen will vote for them, not even fucking naturalized Latinos lmao

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who else is gonna vote for them, obviously nobody with a brain.

>worried about
can't say I'm worried. I just think that if you go to another country you should follow the laws of that country. If that seems difficult to comprehend then more likely then not your probably a criminal

That's not how trespassing works lol. You don't get charged separately with trespassing for every moment you're doing it. Durrrrrr

>Democrats don't want open borders you idiot.

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So if you get a parking ticket in another country you should be locked up indefinitely? Cool common sense based world view.

>vehicles == people
yeah that makes sense; totally an apple to pee hole comparison

>borders have always been enforced!
>posting from the us
>where grandparents entered and signed a form maybe
>where people walked across france and mexico with indians to get to the pacific ocean
Lol ok

And living here illegally isn't "just trespassing" either.

people are not vehicles and the way those crimes are dealt with in a different way. What is so hard to understand about that?

"Omg, immigration laws change over time!?" - you

The penalty. For both. Is. A. Civil. Infraction. Like. A. Parking ticket.
Does that make it easier for you to understand lol

If you are illegal and a cop so much as questions you for looking at him funny and you come back as illegal? You should be detained and deported, with full record of your dirty spic ass, so they can put you in prison if you come back again.

It's also not a crime. It's not a misdemeanor. It's not a felony. Living in the US with no Visa is a civil infraction. Like a parking ticket is a civil infraction.

You didn't answer the question. You didn't answer the one before either. If you are in a foreign country and you get a parking ticket should you be detained indefinitely and deported?

except it isn't. it's a misdemeanor offense that carries fines and no more than six months in prison

You forget the long push to eliminate the electorial college and force election by popular vote. As of now, 70% of the 270 votes nationwide, are secured in favor of doing so. Tie that in with the push for immigration, and you have a blue controlled America until the next civil war.

Nevada surprisingly refused to be party to that idiocy, on the grounds that it stripped Nevadans of their voice in favor of a larger collective.

>undocumented immigrants
>commit fewer crimes
you fucking moron. "undocumented" means illegal... They are already breaking the law.
How fucking retarded can you be??

Except you're thinking about the illegally crossing the border part not the overstaying the visa part. Visa overstay is 10x more common and the way 'illegals' successfully enter the states. You're not really concerned about the facts though because you feel strongly about brown people.

I'm a different user, and yes 100% if I become a dirty vagrant illegal alien, in a foreign country, that is there strictly for welfare, I should be detained, deported or preferably killed on the spot, for being a dirty piece of human filth, if I break the law, which I already have for being there.


Do you consider parking infractions 'crimes'? Because the vast vast majority of 'illegals' are visa overstays, which is a civil infraction on the same level as playing music too loud or double parking.

Have you ever committed a crime? You're a criminal for life, scum.

>Except you're thinking about the illegally crossing the border part not the overstaying the visa part
and you are not thinking about those who climbed over the fence

>You're not really concerned about the facts though because you feel strongly about brown people.
racism card is for those who can't win an argument so they resort to unfounded shaming to get their way. Childish to say the least. Not convinced you aren't projecting your own racism.

Do you believe that if you get a parking ticket in a foreign country that you should be detained and indefinitely, then deported? Just answer the question without all your additional hypothetical bullshit please.

Are you fucking retarded?

>Study after study shows undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans.

Logical fallacy, undocumented immigration is a crime in itself, so in fact they are all criminals.

No. What I said is true. What you are claiming is false. The penalty for climbing the fence, while slightly more serious, isn't significant. It's on par with grafitti. Jumping the border is as illegal as grafitti and living in the us is as illegal as a parking ticket. Neither of those crimes should be punished with indefinite detention.

Can you answer the question? lol who's retarded? Yes? No?

>Visa overstay is 10x more common
100K+ Crossed in June and it was considered a, "Victory for new policies!" because it was down 28%... Visa overstays, is 100% pure kike gaslight.

lol ok believer of made up stats, whatever you say

>isn't significant
Who made you dictator and decided that everything you think is fact? This is bullshit.

>Jumping the border is as illegal as grafitti
And if I went to some other country and grafitti'd the it for several years they would deport my ass at the very least. At best I would sit in jail. Glad we finally got there. Clap Clap

Vandalism isn't comparable to illegal trespass.

One requires recompense the other requires physical removal.

You think people do not overstay visas? That it's hard to get a visa or something? it's clear you've never even spoken to an immigrant about it XD

>commit fewer crimes than native-born Americans
Does 'Native born americans' include niggers? Because plenty on the right might prefer to deport them too.

C02 isn't even an issue. Do some research. Like actual research from credible sources.

You know what will be funny? When the right is pushed and begins showing these 'subhumans' as you assume we think they are, along with yourselves that we can be just as dirty as you are. Fuck you. Being an American citizen is not a birth right.

Oh I'm sorry... I forgot that clearly small crimes arnt considers crimes, my mistake. Fucking brain dead cunts...

It doesn't fucking matter, the comment I was replying to is a bullshit lie stating "undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes than native Americans.They are already commit a crime be it a "lesser" crime than most... its still breaking the law and they can and should be prosecuted/deported for it.

Why not just become a citizen the legal way? pay taxes? contribute to society?
Why? because why would they... and now you fucktards are promising to give them free healthcare if they commit voter fraud and vote a Dem as president...
How can you fucking dumb cunts be soooooo stupid!?
You have your own people paying taxes and living pay check to pay check only for some lazy piece of shit to walk over the boarder get wellfair education and now healthcare all free...
the USA is making themselves look like a bunch of doormats to third worlds countries.


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>grafitti'd the it

Big boy talk lol

104000 arrests /= 104000 crossing in June being arrested for hth. Stats 101.


No, you are right here. Those are the ones they caught. Imagine how many also slipped through... You people are fucked in the heads.

She's got that shit shade. She's got that wet back. She's got those fucked teeth, and she's got that fat. Sadly, she exists, and a misguided white liberal is just fine with her being there. If I were taking that photo I would hogtie that fat fucking cow and call ICE immediately or haul her worthless ass there myself while searching up racial insults I could use against her in her own subhuman (and sadly European) language. Fucking waste of life.

"Detained" is arrested you fucking idiot. When they pull you aside at the border to ask you further questions that's being detained. When you go through airport security and they test your laptop that's being detained.

it clearly says detained and detained isn't arrested by any stretch you retard
they write that shit to trick idiots like you and wow surprise surprise it works

>this bait or being this dumb

Nah you wouldn't. You can go harass minorities right now if you want. You aren't. Calm down.

>cartel threaten my family of 56 senor, please let me in for asylum, esse
>well, here's your court date, make sure to show up
>sure thing gringo

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Why are republicans mentally retarded? Don’t bother saying you aren’t you are too retarded to know.

It's a KIKE rag! How is it bait?

Keep pushing the right. I'm not even considered 'aryan' enough by some of them and due to my bisexuality am considered somehow inferior by a supposedly aryan guy who has shit brown eyes and brown hair. Because if anything is Aryan, it's THAT. Point is, I'm not even your worst enemy dude. I'm considered mild for the right. There are people on youtube right now who are fucking deranged, and while I don't wish bad on you nor would I want these nutjobs to, if you keep pushing them like this,I won't care if they lose their shit on you. You assume Antifa are the only violent fuckers and that they're on your side, well I've seen crazy motherfuckers online over there who I guarantee are most likely a lot more physically intimidating than you. I'll even say myself that some people in the right wing, particularly women, are pieces of shit. Same goes for the left.

Last October it was 50000. And Nov. And Dec.
So why'd it get so bad? Hmmmmmmmm

I wish you'd say this to my face man. Even when you're face to face, you always wear a mask. It's as if you want a safe space even in violence. Isn't it funny that for people supposedly fighting for what is just and good, you have to wear a mask as if you're ashamed or maybe understand that you're on the wrong side? I guarantee you're likely a white person who has never experienced poverty, never had a day where you didn't fucking eat and had money from mommy and daddy that instead of giving to minorities who were poor, you likely wasted on some liberal arts degree or other worthless degree. That's the thing about you, and yes, I would hogtie that wetback bitch and get ICE over there before you could say concentration camp.

Good. Go kill people. Get out of the general population. Get arrested. Get murdered by antifa I don't care. Live your dream as some avenging savior. It's not real. You just go in a hole and nobody remembers your name in a year. Great job wasting your life on hatred. Kill me too. I don't give a shit. Martyr me. Whatever fits your zealous narrative.

Lol a mask? What are you talking about? Oh the scarecrow you're afraid of XD. I sincerely hope for your sake that's pasta.

Yeah I yell at pussies like you on the internet I'm so tough!

ok we heard you we're cutting everything including dhs

I'm not talking to you, I'm posting for lurkers and reposters to make up their minds, about what I'm relaying. You are simply my enemy, an enemy that I fight and destroy daily with facts.

and he's a grammar Nazi now too!


>I'm not talking to you

>enemy combatants (who would have been easy to spot), people, castles/seats of power vs dominion. Nobody was enforcing fucking borders and they have not been a thing for millennia.
let me guess, all your knowledge about medieval feudalism, the roman empire, ancient greek city states and ancient mesopotamian and persian civilization and ancient china comes from pop-science tv shows? otherwise there is no excuse for this stupid and factual totally wrong post.

You are here solely to spread propaganda and you admit it? Cool cool lol. Now post the immigration numbers from last year and see that your crisis is manufactured and your victory is twice as bad as it was before.

Why do the democrats want open borders?

>For the destruction of Western Values and Science.

>For the rape of white women and the slaughter of white men, especially white men.

>For Islam and Catholicism to come together in one final genocidal battle.

>For the selfish bleeding heart stupidity of women.

>To get temporary votes.

>To get temporary cheap labor.

>To undermine the working poor.

>To make the world a more violently religious and distrusting shit whole full of rape, murder and slavery.

Until like the mid 1900s borders were far from stringent and most territory on the planet was unaccounted for.

Whoa you think Catholics are driving accelerationism lol dude slow your roll. I'm like 8l

I am here to post midkips and talk about stupid shit with anons. But, for years now, I am here to fight off the retardation that is destroying the fucking world. Because of that, I am also armed to the teeth and have more ammo than a small country because I know this will turn into a civil war. Heed my words.

You have no idea what you're talking about.

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You must not have read what I said. I didn't say 'go kill people' nor did I say you should be killed. I said it's at the point where I do not endorse that shit, and am so drained with politics and the news and this democratic bias that I just don't care anymore. A boatload of illegals drown? Meh. An illegal and his daughter washed up dead on some fucking beach, and instead of being a real father the dumb wetback brings his kid along instead of just doing the smart thing and sending money back? Natural selection and a parasite gone. I myself will die of cancer likely before age 27, so I mean there you go, I too die from natural selection. That's what I get for trusting a woman. And that wetback drowning and being dumb enough to bring his kid is what he got. I don't blame the kid either, it was their retarded dad's fault and the democrats don't care one bit once those votes stop coming in I guarantee. One of your biggest people, Hillary, laughed at a fucking child being raped. You don't care about these people, if anything I care more about them than you. If you want to help them, don't help them. They need to fix their own countries, period.

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Go do it pussy. You're a punk bitch posting about your guns online. If you want a war go get one. But you won't. Because you're scared. It's why you post post post and don't shoot shoot shoot.

It's the democrats in power that keeping the ultra rich liberals from paying more taxes.

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>A woman somehow gave me cancer

>Until like the mid 1900s borders were far from stringent
that doesnt mean they were non existant.

>most territory on the planet was unaccounted for.
that is a) not the point and b) not even true: china got a pretty tight organized statehood since at least a millenium before christ, was that land unaccounted just because europeans hadnt discovered it yet? what about the mayan and inca people, they had empires with borders too, read it up.

So you ignore Hillary laughing at child rape. You ignore her calling black men super predators. You ignore me telling you logical things.

Somehow, you're supposed to be the side that cares?

It's almost like they're all bad and leftist policy is the only thing that makes sense for the modern human race but you have Cletus over here talking about his murder fantasies and blaming everyone else for his problems.

more than you obviously, otherwise you would have tried to convince me with arguments.

I post to change minds and wake people up to the subversion, before it's too late. I just want to be happy.

I care enough to support policies that benefit you directly. I don't care what you say because you're retarded if you think trusting a woman gave you cancer.

Tell us more about all your guns so you're ready to murder your neighbors. It's really charming.


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Tell me more about how you probably live in a country that doesn't even have freedom of speech

You ever hear of HPV? It's a disease that causes cancer. A disease that condoms can't control, and a disease that a shit ton of Americans (30%) have. Know why you haven't heard of it? Because doctors only care about how it hurts women. I'm willing to bet you're a feminist simp too.

Pretty sad that you guys have to strawman her to even make an argument

>being this new

Why not? Just another step closer to the inevitable globalization and extinction

my country has MORE freedom of speech than yours

Policies that benefit me directly? Do you mean as a bisexual man? Fuck you for treating me like I'm not an adult and need shit spoonfed to me. If you think gays want help from people who embody everything faggot but the sexuality, I assure you, your support is an insult.

Lol enjoy your cancer and wear a condom next life

I’m about to jerk off any takers

I mean as an obvious retard with a learning disability and cancer. I don't give a shit who you jerk off to.

Highly unlikely. What has brainwashed you into believing that?

>calling them "undocumented " instead of "illegal "
Nice word game faggot. Doesn't change the fact that they are all criminals by virtue of being in the US illegally.

I'm Irish and there are thousands of Irish currently overstaying their visas and living illegally in the US. They should also be deported.
Borders are there to be enforced and for the protection of the nation and its citizens.

Faggots like you haven't a clue. When is enough "enough "? Can the whole world just move to whatever country they want? Can I move into your house and eat all your food if I want to? The law is the law you soft queer.

I assure you pretending to be gay online is a great way to make a point.

>implying any US politician wants anything other than what they are paid to want
Our government is run by the checkbooks of lobbyists. If you think either party exists for much reason aside from giving the plebeians a side to pick and argue about, you're blind

It's a minor misdemeanor to cross the border as a first offender, Nimrod.

I’m rock hard wet dick

Many things are unlikely and yet they happen all the time.

It's a civil infraction (like a parking ticket) to overstay a visa.

Agenda 21 is why Democrats want open borders. Not just Democrats either. Google it.

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>borders have only existed for the last 100 years

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Drain my balls

"Things have been the way they are" =\ "borders have only existed"
Are you actually retarded

Enjoy your brainwashed state of mind, and judging by statistics, enjoy when someone close to you dies of it as well, slowly, and in agony the whole way. You apparently didn't read when I said that condoms do not offer effective protection against it.

it's almost like rich people don't care about anyone.


Do you think maybe there are other benefits to open borders that outweigh the negatives? Lol of course you don't think.

you with your fucking parking tickets... besides that the same degree of penalty doesnt mean the offence has the same impact on society or is equally considered the same "level of wrong": does being on the same level as a parking ticket makes overstaying your visa right? what do you think why its penalized in the first place? because its okay to do?

Cancer sure is funny. It's also funny when a wetback drowns with his young daughter, or when a shitskinned little boy washes up on an ocean. You know, the only sad part is that they couldn't have been facing up so I could enjoy seeing their dead, worthless, bloated faces. Also, hopefully you'll somehow be able to let me know when someone close to you dies of cancer. I hope you think back on when you said you thought less of someone for that, and then remember how tolerant and caring of a liberal you are.

Because they care more about their families and/or job you asshole fuck Stalinist. Drain my balls kid

Take personal responsibility for your health. Don't blame it on other people.

you sure you should post here while on meth?

So let me guess, if a black person or, sorry 'person of color' as you like to call them disagrees with your viewpoints they're either LARPing or a coon somehow, right? Know what's funny? The fact that that shitskin wetback fucker drowned, the fact that hundreds of them drown in that fucking ocean trying to come here, having lived nothing but a life of misery. If I die of cancer? Well, at least I got to live something close to a real life instead of being born low, worthless, and dying worthless and not even human.

No. You also shouldn't park illegally. But it's not a big deal by any stretch of the imagination. And it's not something to form a massive governmental pork program with no oversight over. An appropriate punishment would be a fine and having it considered if you attempt to gain citizenship.

I'm not a liberal.

I think when someone openly lies to you knowing they have a disease, it's safe to say some of that blame goes back on them. You'll likely disagree, but you also apparently don't care when someone laughs about child rape so I mean your opinion isn't worth shit anyway.

If u go 3 miles over the speed limit your a criminal in the same level as an "illegal alien"

You really are.

Don't have sex with people you can't trust. Your problem.

You don't know what that word means bud.

The ad campaign led by the pharmaceutical company that created HPV vaccines targeted people in their late teens to early 20s, of both sexes. The reason why the (((((mainstream medical community))))) primarily talks about the HPV risks to women is because it's more deadly to them than it is men. AMA, I'm a Zionist nigger medical doctor with three degrees between Ivy League and Oxbridge.

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if you park in the wrong spot, you get a fine, but if you dont move your vehicle after that, you get towed. same with deportation. the governmental program is just so big because you cant handle people the same way as cars and just leave them at some junkyard after towing them.

>Borders exist to be enforced
Imagine believing that dude lol

I'm willing to bet all these open border fans lock their doors when they leave their house. The irony lol

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Lol at you faggots thinking you're going to die of dick cancer at 22 because you have hpv.

Imagine thinking this was the point

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We can give them another ticket and fine. And if they fail to pay the fine, they go to jail because that's a criminal infraction and law works.

Illegals shouldn't be in the country you soft cunt. What's wrong with your brain? I can't just get out of bed in the morning, decide to move to America and then expect to have education and healthcare entitlements. I wouldn't work illegally because it has a negative social and economic cost.

It's hard for you to think so you can only imagine doing it?

so you think its the more lenient thing to put them in jail (US jail on top of that) instead of just sending them home? watch out guys, top tier jurist coming through...



Ideally put them in prison and then on a plane back to sandtown. A good deterrent.

If they don't pay their fines, yes? Put them in jail.

so you fine them for being in the US illegally, they come to pay the fine and you fine them again immediately because they are still in the country illegally. and after that, instead of choosing the most lenient action of just sending them home, ending the infriction, you put them in jail. genius.
look up the word Proportionality and study law for a semester or two and you will see that the law doesnt work like you think it does.

Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. tP

Live stream link + further explanation:

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Why would a person 'come' pay a fine? Would they pay the fine directly to a cop? Should cops hang out and inspect every person who comes to pay a fine? Do you think they just magically show up?

they make a money transfer with an account that has an US-adress attached to it, so it seems likely they are still in the country when they payed the fine. the point is, the person could be fined indefinitely because the infraction persists, and thats nothing short of abuse of power. the most lawful way of dealing with the whole thing is still to just send them home.

the drug war

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>231 replies

Fuck off Russian bot

all funny comedians are liberal

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Ok. Then do that. Doesn't require taskforces to go hunt them down.

its the states job to find and end infractions of the law. just because you doesnt like a particular law doesnt mean law enforcement should ignore it.

Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. an

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562936978.944.jpg (360x640, 80K)

If you don't care about me, a legal citizen, why should I care about illegals? I'm merely mirroring your hate.

I did trust them. Guess those migrants dying, kids dying, well that's there problem.

send them home ?
no more crisis.

This disease will kill me and there was barely any campaign to bring awareness to men. Only recently did they impliment the shots for young boys, before it was only women they cared about.

Okay it is not more deadly to them than it is to men dude. A woman can get a pap, a man can't. Men have zero way of knowing and doctors don't give half a shit about men with it.

Be me, live in a poor town ,be working class, own house and a car.
Better than living in San Francisco or other democratic hell holes.

leftists believe in the magic soil.
they don't understand that when you allow people from bad places to infest your nation, they just turn your nation into the bad place they came from.

most entitled thing I've ever read in my life

Be me. Own house in San Francisco. Paid a quarter of what it's worth. Drive nice car. Eat nice food. Only have to be at the office twice a week.

Cause they are *border*line retarded

>Be you. Lying on a Mongolian basketweaving forum.

I am entitled to live in the United States and benefit from the actions of people who were the same color as myself. The fact that those people in those shithole countries couldn't get it together isn't my problem. Damn right I'm fucking entitled to it.

Carlin never called himself liberal you spastic. Liberals today want hate speech laws. Liberals today would boycott Carlin's shows and call him islamophobic.

liberals don't want hate speech laws, SJWs and conservatives do (flag burning). carlin was against war, for abortion rights, against racism. he was liberal, not sure why you're playing pretend on the internet.

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>successful people don't exist because I live in a mud hut

Lol die of dick cancer faggot

>The fact that those people in those shithole countries couldn't get it together isn't my problem.
banana republics. the drug war. your argument is invalid

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So the people of South America have absolutely no agency and are beneath the concept of personal responsibility? I knew leftist immigration ideas were the modern day white man's burden.

you don't get kicked out the nation permanently for going 3 miles over the limit 3 times. i probably went over the limit 30 times driving for 10 minutes tonight. even if i got 30 tickets at 200 bucks each, i'd still be allowed to live here.

the media learned to stop posting stories about illegals who had been deported 4+ times because people like me would remind everyone that if you've been deported 3 times, you can never, ever enter the nation for the rest of your life. it's not hard to get a lifetime ban. there was a 20-something WHITE female who was visiting from canada and when they asked the "purpose of her visit", she said she wanted to check out the legal weed in some state. she was immediately rejected and BANNED FOR LIFE. all she had to say was that she wanted to commit a federal crime.

liberals are so stupid they think it's possible to just give all illegals citizenship and be happy. many of them already have lifetime bans. would those be rescinded? how would that work?

Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. nY

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562939860.684.jpg (360x640, 80K)

Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. sP

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562939864.3379998.jpg (360x640, 80K)

biden just say yesterday that he wants no border

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>Carlin was liberal
Nope. You don't know enough about him.

From an interview Carlin did.

No other comedian consistently tweaks as many nerves, churns as many stomachs and terrorizes as many conservatives as George Carlin.

The man is a menace.

"The more resistance and discomfort I can feel from the audience, the better I feel," Carlin explains contentedly in a phone interview. "The happier I am."


At age 66, Carlin stands alone in his class.


Q: You don't do a lot of topical, current event comedy, do you?

A: I don't like topical stuff. It's too easy. Anybody can make fun of Bush. Hillary Clinton. Monica Lewinsky. Mike Tyson. That ... ain't hard. That's like shooting fish in a barrel. So I prefer going at things from an odd angle, different angle. I'm doing stuff about suicide ... I'm doing stuff about the fabric of space-time splitting open. I'm doing stuff about being a modern man with the language. So I'm just different, you know?

Q: Is being dark as important to you now as it was earlier in your career?

A: I don't know that I ever was (dark) - except now. I like testing people's limits. I like finding out what an audience feels uncomfortable with and pushing on that. That's the fun of art.

>Q: You're known as a very liberal comic. Are you trying to change people's political views when you go out there? Do you have an underlying agenda?

>A: No. First of all, I'm not liberal. I'm just about (being) anti-United States. I don't like the way this country operates. I think we've ruined this place. And I think it's largely because of businessmen. And businessmen are not liberals. So if that makes me a liberal, then that's just an association. It's not a choice. ...

Shit yo this person is gonna kill themself. We gotta do something

so his positions are liberal but he doesn't like labels. you interpret reality based on how you want it to be, not as it is

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>So the people of South America have absolutely no agency and are beneath the concept of personal responsibility?
personal responsibility lol. you take responsibility for what the united states is doing to other people around the world before demanding others take responsibility to resist us. you don't give a rat's ass about personal responsibility, it's just an excuse to be racist

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immigrants commit more crime but california sancturary laws prevent those crimes from even being reported. other countries do this too.

While I'm on the subject of ass cancer, isn't it weird that totalbiscuit is gone? Also it would be funny if you died of dick cancer and I just didn't. Or I was on a boat that capsized.

What are you gonna do about it, nigger faggot?

fuck off with your "all and everyone is racist"-bullshit. people like you are the reason these words lost their power.
personal responsibility includes getting up again after others brought you down, even if it was not your fault. that may be unfair, but it certainly isnt racist.

You're the one who thinks they are incapable of managing their own nations, who believes Hispanics aren't capable of agency, but I'm the racist? Name one current policy that makes it literally impossible for South Americans to fix their own countries, and explain why.

So white people can stop raping their white daughters so they can have a normal life, so with open borders they have a great selection and it's not their daughter

Listen here you wetback, we can make you a deal. Bring the women for white men and we'll impregnate them, you men can stay home and die.

Bot post

Sage in all fields

Actually child abuse happens more in black and arab muslim families but keep on going.

I love how intimidated you conservicucks are by her. Lol.

It's cuckservative, not conservacuck.


Allow us to eject into the shithole.

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Lol...not one conservative is even mildly discomforted by her. By that logic you lefties must be inconsolable over Trump.

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but racists on Yea Forums are racist though lol. come on let's not play pretend. demanding that the victims of america's policies "take personal responsibility" (aka die quietly where we can't see them) while not taking personal responsibility yourself to vote for candidates who are non interventionist and against the drug war seems pretty fucking inexplicable. but those people are brown and yeah, i'm connecting the fucking dots.

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So that they can make money off of indefinite private detention. They are privately ran by John Kelly's company. The guy who made the plan. Shocker.

And Trumps dumbass is bussing them Dem sanctuary cities. He could bus them to repub areas but they are too racist to try and take the power grab.

What happens when an electoral district has more people?

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So you do believe brown people have absolutely zero personal agency?


How grandly you've missed the point dearest OP.

>You're the one who thinks they are incapable of managing their own nations, who believes Hispanics aren't capable of agency
well now you're telling lies nigger. i think hispanic countries are capable of managing themselves when america isn't actively toppling their governments and funding drug gangs that decapitate their leaders lol. maybe you're racist against americans cause you think they're incapable of adjusting to hispanic immigrants, or some contrived bullshit

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> while not taking personal responsibility yourself to vote for candidates who are non interventionist
why should this be my responsibility?

well mexico is looking to legalize marijuana last i heard, so no. now you take responsibility for the american drug war. do it faggot. accept the blame.

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One thing I noticed. Some blacks like to say we all came from Africa, pro blacks especially. If that's the case, doesn't that mean everyone evolved but them? Everyone changed in some helpful way, but they still live like it was 500 fucking years ago, yet they call whites cave dwellers. They're like walking dinosaurs. Like Cavemen.

because you're a citizen with voting rights retard, and because you're demanding other people take responsibility to fix problems we cause but not taking it yourself. you're a racist making excuses that you don't actually believe

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When was the last time America toppled a south American government? Do you have evidence the government is funding drug gangs? Illegal immigration has tangibly harmed the poorest and most vulnerable of American citizens while enriching the wealthiest and most corrupt. Why do you support that? Why should American poor people suffer because you feel a new version of the white man's burden?

Liberals defend Islam. Carlin shits on Islam. He would be hashtagged as a monster by today's liberals and get lots of air time on Fox news

You don't need a wall. You need Biden. He will make it a crime to employ illegals

>bwawawa, everything i dont like is racist

personal responsibility means taking care of yourself. if its MY responsibility to vote for someone who acts on behalf of THEM, i deprive them of their personal responsibility, because this implies they cant take care of themselves without my help. thats nothing short of colonialist-thinking. who is the racist now?

Sadly his daughter is an SJW Feminist type.

Conservatives love her because she makes the Democrats look even more insane than they really are.

They don't. Stay off 4 Chan you fuck tard Russian troll



Damn. How shit are those countries and their people if a foreign power can manipulate them so easily. You really are a USA hating racist.

>neocons are shuttling beaners to the border in massive numbers
>oh wait, that's far left ngos

>When was the last time America toppled a south American government?
we're actively trying to topple venezuela right now dude, please pay attention to the world around you to at least a small degree. also before that there was the whole iran contra deal, where we funded death squads who literally skinned people
>Do you have evidence the government is funding drug gangs?
well the government is still doing the whole drug war thing, which creates the black market that is the source of their profits. this is fact, even if you don't like that it invalidates your lazy excuses for being racist

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100% of illegals have committed a crime the moment they touch American soil

>if its MY responsibility to vote for someone who acts on behalf of THEM
it's your responsibility to vote for someone who doesn't actively harm others to benefit giant corporations. even if you're the most selfish motherfucker on the planet it's still retarded unless you actually do benefit from these things. do you own a big pharma company or a banana plantation? oil company? weapons company? or are you some dumb retard whose taxes are going towards those things and seeing nothing in return, while blaming the victims?

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trolling is fine but at least put in some effort. don't demean the art with this half ass bullshit

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>it's your responsibility to vote for someone who doesn't actively harm others
no its not, my responsibility is to care for myself, the same thing i demand from those countries and its citizens.
your personal world view isnt burding me with any kind of obligation to vote for "the right thing" in your eyes.

Different user. Why do blacks and browns need whitey to vote in favor of issues that don't matter to white people? Surely these colored people are citizens and have the same voting rights as us, right? Why cant they vote? If they aren't citizens their opinion is literally irrelevant. If they are and not enough of them are able to get a measure passed, it didnt impact a significant enough portion of the population for it to matter to most people. That's how the system works.

Because they want control of the currency