Roommate horror stories?

Roommate horror stories?

This deals with both the place I was renting from, and my roommate.

>Be me
>Just got acceptance letter into university
>It's a state university, the bar is fucking low to get in, but you're still hyped.
>Want full independence
>Start looking around for an apartment.
>See this place offering $425 utils included, onsite laundry, night security. Call up and get told that it's quiet, drug free and party free.
>Fucking perfect
>Go in to fill out the forms
>Fill out personality test indicating I'm a quiet faggot who doesn't drink or do drugs as my job test for both. I went to sleep early and got up early and liked everything quiet
>Immediately get placed with someone
>I was told this guy was my perfect match
>I walk into the apartment and looks like someone just fucking katamari'd a trailer park into a single entity
>The place smelled like urine
>The walls and doors all had fist sized holes in them
>There were half drank beers laying open pouring onto the carpet.
>The door to my room had a hole through it
>He introduced himself as Dale and offered me a pabst
>I was 21
>Dale looked to be nearing 40
>I walked out and told the management I won't live with this guy. I was promised a quiet clean unit and I don't want anything different.
>They put me with a new guy
>I walk over there
>He's sitting on the couch playing some vidya
>Nice guy clean apartment
>We talked for a while, I saw it was getting late.
>Decided fuck it I own the room, may as well sleep there and just move my shit in the morning.
>I got back home the next day and got violently ill
>Doctor said in no uncertain terms that my shit was fucked up and it's not going to unfuck itself anytime soon if at all.
>Can't really work anymore I'm just constantly ill
>Miss a ton of classes, but the professors are super understanding about everything
>However this is where shit started to hit the fan with my roommate.
>I had to move out while still being on the lease.

Attached: fucking roommate.png (442x652, 425K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's the first video (From OP)

>Have to work random jobs that don’t last a while to be able to afford the rent on the place
>Decide to post it on CraigsList
>”$425 a month apt, utils included, wifi, cable. I need to move out due to personal health issues.”
>Don’t hear from anyone that would be able to take over
>A black guy hits me up and asks about the place
>He wants to take it over right now
>Turns out he has two evictions
>Turns out he has a felony kidnapping charge
>Fucker was declined faster than my credit card


>It wasn’t for another month of me reposting it everywhere I could that I found someone able and willing to take it over.
>Figure I should go check on the place before he sees it
>I go to the apartment and it smells like someone died
>Hadn’t heard from roommate for a while
>Think the worst
>Open door frantically
>The whole place is fucked
>He has a shit ton of weed out so I throw it into his room quick and record a video
Shits still a felony here
>Everything in the fridge was molded over to the point that it was spreading to the actual fridge itself
>There were garbage bags laying in the common area that were full of gnats and smelled of rot and human shit
>The freezer had no food, just vodka
>My room that I requested be locked while I was looking for someone to take it over had been used to smoke weed in
>He pulled the fire detector off the ceiling to do it.
>The stove was entirely fucked
>I was honestly impressed at this one he managed to fuck all four burners
>One was caked in melted plastic
>One was pushed down so far that it was permanently bent
>The back two for some reason just didn’t work.
>The microwave was somehow stained almost yellow and broken
>The only food in the entire place was a bag of cereal he ripped open and left in the cupboard and would just eat off the bare cupboard.
>It was also molded
>The sink was full of tv dinners and paper plates
>The living room was a fucking mess
>I called the guy that was going to come see the place to apologize and lie and say I couldn’t make it out
>I called my roommate and asked what the fuck happened in only a couple months.
“Man I’m so sorry, I know you’re going through some shit trying to get out of your lease… but my work schedule has just been hectic as fuck lately. I’m working long hours and shit.”
>”That means nothing this place is a disaster, half the shits broken”
“Listen I’m super sorry man… I’ll get it all cleaned up.
I'll cont if people care

No stop I don't care. I have similar roommate horror stories but it's been years since I have been any of them. This is why you don't live with adult babies.

But some advice, you should leave some piss bottles around just for lulz since your paying for a lease that you don't occupy.


This was an ongoing thing. it got the point that he was breaking into my room to let people stay there and ruin it.

I had to call the cops multiple times and was told that there's nothing I could have done by the people that were in charge of my lease.

I plan to honestly just go there for one last time tomorrow as I just paid my last month and check on it.

If you don't mind me asking though, how do I avoid this kind of shit in the future? Around here it's either rent from someone and take the risk that entails or go through a company and end up like this.

Don’t be a poorfag that needs a roommate. Until you get to that level, get used to this shit.

I have 7 more years of college, anything I can do in the meantime?

Find a cheap shit hole to live in by yourself. I'd rather have a shitty apartment than a shitty roommate. Don't rule out a small commute. A lot of college towns have trailer parks around the outskirts of town. Or don't be a loner fag, make friends, and room up with one of them.

Please continue, compelling story. Reminds me of share house horrors.

You avoid this by living alone. Find a unit, flat, apt., one room bed sit...anything BUT shared living.




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I took his word for it, I had no reason to not trust the guy.
>I get busy with class load and trying to keep caught up
>Don’t end up going back for a couple months
>Decide to go check on the place
>I didn’t text the guy ahead of time
>He knows my exact diagnosis and promised he’d keep it clean so I can get rid of the place
>He gave me his word multiple times over text, was super apologetic about it
>I get there and I hear multiple voices coming from the back
>Our lease allows us to have friends over up until a certain time
>I wasn’t suspecting anything until I got the door open and the wall of weed smell hit me
>Then everything went fucking silent
>Started walking towards the bathroom to take a piss
>Get confronted by a dude I don’t recognize asking what I’m doing here
>Realize that none of these people are my roommate
>It’s just a room full of scrawny stoners
>”I live here, who the fuck are you?”
”oh, I’m (roommate’s name)’s friend and I’ve been staying in your room”
>”Fucking what”
>The guy had an air mattress setup in my room
>The guy had a tv in my closet
>The guy got rid of the little bit of stuff I had moved in
>”You need to fucking leave”
“Hey according to (Roommate) you gave me permission to live here”
>”Did you fill out the application to take over the room”
“No, why the fuck would I do that?”

>Immediately call the police as the dude is trespassing.
>The guy and his friends are escorted out after they get both our sides
>The guy tries to claim that I don’t live there and don’t pay for it
>Tries to claim his name is on the lease
>Cop talks to me ask me if I said that he can stay there and smoke in my room
>Explain to cop that I have never met this man
>He’s taken away
>Don’t know if he got charged with anything
>Get a text from roommate the next day
>Long drawn out shit about how I’m a horrible person, how I should have been chill with it because I wasn’t using, and why the fuck should I care if he was paying I maybe dying anyway I should have bigger things to be worrying about.
>Tells me that for calling the cops I deserve to die

Take CLEP exams to graduate faster and save money. Why 7 years though, it only took me 4 to do both my bachelor's and master's.

Now that I'm no longer dying I want to make the most of it and be the first in my family to get a PhD. I haven't finished my bachelors yet so It'll be a bit.

God, that's horrible, what a shitty circumstance.

Continue please

I'm gonna go grab a sandwich and I'll cont

Ok, enjoy your sandwich and see you shortly.

>Red flags everywhere
>Roommate tries to claim that he’s going to sue me getting his friend arrested and lying about it and all this dumb shit
>I ask him what happened to the old laptop I brought with me when I moved in as I didn’t see it
>He ‘doesn’t know’
Spoiler : he sold it, along with shit out of my car that he took
>At this point I’m struggling to keep up with bills
>I’m working a couple jobs to be able to afford everything while trying to not fail out and stay positive
>I am fucking fed up with everything
>Drive down and go to management the next day
>I tell them everything that happened
”hey man you really should have just told us instead of going to the cops, we could have called your roommate and sorted it out. We try to get cops involved as a last resort.”
>...the fuck
>”Okay well is there anything you can do about this, I’m fucking sick of dealing with this and just want out”
“I mean the most we can do is give your roommate a cleaning notice and email him about not having people in your room, and not going into your room, after three cleaning notices we can start the eviction. We can’t really let you out of your lease though”
>”So you can really do nothing”
“No we can email him about the situation and try to resolve it”
>This changes nothing

>Next week
>Contact student legal services
>Get an appointment with a lawyer
“Well user you have the following options, he has ruined the apartment, it’s full of insects, and you can’t get out of your lease. You could sue your roommate for damaging the room and keeping the place trashed. You could also sue the person living there for living there illegally and breaking into your room.”
>Would that do anything
“Not really, you’ll still be in the same situation. I’d just focus on your health and trying to find someone to take over the sublease”
>”Thanks man”
>That’s neat I’m fucked and at this point stuck paying for the place for 5 more months.
>Post it up on craigs list
>Pray to any god that will listen that I can get rid of the place.
Then my roommate went from being a dick to being fully malicious.
Cont in a couple minutes.

>first night in new apartment with new roommate
>wakes up basically dying
suspicious? i think so

I'd been fucked up for a while. I didn't get poisoned or anything. I just never went to a doctor before because it was never that bad. I'm obviously okay now

well okay enough, but at least my ass isn't dying

bump, invested in the story now.
>inb4 walk the dinosaur

Anons I have a question
How do prevent from being a manchild
I think I act like a man child and I'd love to prevent that because who in the fuck would want to be around a pussy ass bitch excuse of a man? Male or female

Tips and help?
19 year old, no drugs, no felonies, work as bus boy right now and somewhat childish/insecure

hurry up op i wanna see the rest and have literally nothing better to do

keep thinking that cutting board is a giant fro pick

you're still a kid, don't worry about that shit until you hit your mid 20s. everyone your age is going through the same shit.

Where can I find a shit hole apartment? I'd rather live solo that with a fucking nightmare mate if I were to be a trashouse I'd rather be that myself than include someone else in that

>Live with 4 other people, we're all good friends
>Roommate asks if his brother can stay with us for a few weeks
>We have a spare room and agree that as long as its temporary and cool, it shouldnt be a problem
>Guy agrees to help split rent and utilities
>Moves in, first week he fixes/cleans a bunch of shit
>A few weeks pass, guy has become a ghost and we never know if hes even home unless we look for his car
>Roommate points out he has a fourloko in his car's cupholder, vaguely concerned
>Decided to investigate his room while he's at work
Normally I wouldnt do this, but we were all curious to how he's been treating the spare room.
>I enter
>piles of 30 pack boxes/cans on his table
>JUGS of piss. Im talking the 2.5 and 5 gallon jugs FILLED WITH PISS
>Investigate the 'empty' beer cans
>All filled with piss
>Talk to OG roommate and tell him his brothers gotta go
>After 2 months, guy is gone
>Still get his mail

I’ve been distracted by Louis Rossmann and food, my bad guys. I'm nearing the end.

>This is the point where my roommate deliberately starts going out of his way to fuck with me
>He knows I really want that security deposit back
>My ass could really use that $500
>Been living basically in poverty for a while
>If I could save the money and not pay for the last month and just use that security deposit I could eat some real food for once in this semester

>He randomly decides to take up painting models
>He decides to do it in my room that he breaks into again
>He decides to do it over the uncovered carpet and leave them to dry on the carpet and sometimes leaning against the walls
>Sends me pictures
>report it to management
“We will send out another email that he will have to acknowledge when he pays”
>This did nothing
>He texts me pissed off for reporting him
>same spiel about it’s just a hobby, aren’t you busy dying, why should you care

>Fast forward two months
>Final stretch
>Want this place gone so I can finally move on with my life
>Place it up on craigslist with my full story that I’m fucked health wise and all the things the place offers
>Near end of semester so a lot of parents contact me about it, and people just coming into the city hit me up
>go down there with a bunch of different people who all fill out applications
>I was told a week later that all of them got denied
>I maybe a cancer ridden faggot but I wasn’t born yesterday
>Call up one of the guys that I helped out
>China #1 type guy
“Tank you for herping me get apartment”
“I firr out application, was told I can not take over you, but quarify for new appartment”
>I go onto contact a bunch of the other people
>all of them that got accepted were told that they weren’t able to take over for me

>They knew that I was struggling to pay them
>They knew the situation I was in
>They still would tack on massive late fees (almost 70 bucks) for the times I was a day or two late
>They still did all this shit

>Think fuck it
>I want to be done with these people so badly and just get on with my life
>Stop trying to search for people
>Still go to check on the place every so often to ensure it’s not been destroyed and that I can at least get some of the money back
>It’s always a fucking dump
>He ended up destroying the microwave by what looked to be throwing it against the floor
>At one point the (I think it’s called a toaster oven) had what looked to be actual shit caked into it and smelled like smoke and human feces
>The floor got ruined because he decided to bring a pile of truck rims inside
>and just casually throw them into the corner alongside wet bags of trash
>this fucked the actual wood floor
>He began to just leave his bags of garbage lying around to the point that the pile got up to my ass
>at that point there were actual visible clouds of gnats that would swarm around the sink and trash
>Yellow puddle shaped stains started appearing on the carpeting of my room (he broke in again and was using it, it was literally one of those doors you can open with a card. I didn’t question it because I really didn’t want to know.

>He also started shitting in the shower
>How do you know you ask
>He just left a lump of shit there
>I reported all of this to management
>I had them come take a look
>they agreed this is fucking revolting
“But user there’s still really nothing we can do, we send him a notice and he cleans up enough to pass inspection. We can only take any action if he doesn’t.”
>It finally snaps that all that matters to these people is the money rolling in every month

I eventually stopped going there or caring, I knew there was nothing I could do, but that isn’t the end of our story yet boys.

>Finish off semester
>I did pretty well all things considered
>I’m looking forward to having the summer free to relax
>Last couple months
>Decide to go to the main office to check on everything
>They recently did an inspection
>Oh thank god, they’ll see the shit that he’s caused and knowing I haven’t lived here he’ll be on the hook

“user, we saw extensive damages throughout your room and apartment. It would be unfair to solely blame your roommate for all this”
>You fucking wha?
“We are going to have to charge you for at least the damages to your room,you had to have let him in and allowed him to use your room as we locked it up per your request”
>”Hey but what about all these reports and times I’ve called up here about this shit”
“We don’t have any of that on record, look you owe us about $600 for the walls and carpet to get redone entirely.”
>I’m not paying them that
>Walk out schedule appointment with student legal services
>Get some advice and plan to take the matter to court if they don’t drop it
>It never goes anywhere

FF to last month
>Pay rent for last time
>Get a call from them thanking me for enrolling in the auto renew program
>A calm anger comes over me
>”I don’t want that, we both know I don’t want that”
“Sir you’re going to have to come in and fill out the paperwork and explain why you want that canceled. Though most of our tenants prefer to stay enrolled in the auto renew program.”
>I’m forced to drive over an hour there and fill out a cancellation form and explain that I no longer wish to do business with these people.
>I’m informed that it needs to be approved
>I’m also informed that I MAY still owe them money

So that brings us up to today user. I don’t know what’s going to happen but I know that I’d sooner suck start a shotgun than be on the hook for that place for another year, or pay them anything for damages I didn’t do. I have another meeting with the lawyer this week.

too many continuations, fuck this, I'm stopping reading this shit

christ and I thought I was messy
Here's mine:
>be me
>needing place to go since old room mate moved out of state
>end up moving in with cousin I barely talked to before
>Get there, get inside
>Blasted in the face with the most acrid, pungent, sickening smell I've ever ever encountered
>It smells like a combination of cat shit, rotten food, body odor, fungus and actual death
>decide fuck it, I need to stay here
>Start cleaning it
>Behind his chair is a mound of trash, no shit, 5 feet tall
>clean it while he's working an overnight shift
>Go to bed, wake up the next day and go to work
>Get home 8 hours later
>Cousin has already started a new pile of trash an impressive 9 inches off of the ground
>He's a decent enough guy but he's a permavirgin to the surprise of nobody, fat and disgusting with extremely poor hygiene (duh)
>Babysit the apartment for a few months before I give up and end up having to move out
>Don't waste any time moving

so don't pay them retard
in fact you should def lawyer up because it sounds an awful lot like they already knew this guy was a dipshit (probably a poor one at that) and saw dollar signs in you. Kill two birds with one stone: get rid of the dipshit and let the fall guy pay for the damages

lawyer up, don't give them anything except a hard time

I don't plan on paying them. I have gotten a taste for actual food again and I'll be fucked if I ever go back.

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Damn bro, had 2 similar situations in the same apartment before 2 great friends of mine moved in

>roommate #1
>1 and I were pretty good friends at the time
>both moved to same city and needed place
>get apt and everything is fine
>until I find out he hasn't paid any Bill's
>I've given him all the money
>he just spent it
>I go on vacation and say
>"pay me back by the time I get back and we are cool"
>shocker, never get the money
>return from vacation to find out some wooks were over
>I specifically said these wooks couldn't come over
>they were hella shady and I did not trust them
>when I get back I find out they stole 2 priceless collectables of mine
>flip shit on roommate #1
>he gives me this whole sob story
>"muh striper gf doesnt care about me boohoo"
>tell him "bro, fuck that bitch. Go to work and make some money"
>turns out he was fired for overselling

Note: in my state weed is legal, overselling rec marijuana to a customer is illegal and a fireable offense.

>doesnt pay me Bill's now that I'm in charge of them
>doesnt pay me the next months rent
>tell him he has 2 weeks to get out or pay me back.
>end up kicking his sorry ass to the curb
>mutual friend decides to help him out.
>warn then heavily that this is not a good idea
>3 months later mutual friend goes
>"yea, fuck roommate #1, he screwed me over too"

The next pair though, holy shit these guys were bad.

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>roommate #2 and gf
>go into debt because of previous asshole
>need roommate quick
>find a couple who are interested
>same interests, same taste in music should be cool
>first month goes by no problem
>second month, they start fighting
>third month, find notes all over the kitchen
>real passive shit
>marking their food
>marking their cooking stuff
>not once have I eaten anything of theirs
>unless offered or I asked that is
>they start shouting matches at like 2 am
>I work every day at 7 am and I'm constantly being woken up
>eventually step in one night
>tell them both to shut the fuck up
>the bf says he wants to leave her
>the gf leaves for the night to stay who cares where
>tell the bf to do whatever he feels is right
>inside I'm like fucking do it shes a bitch
>nope, they stay together
>whatever fighting stops for a time
>leave for a festival with some friends
>broke ass roommates cant go cause drugs > anything to them
>sucks to suck I guess
>get back
>what. The. Fuck.
>confront then about it and they go
>"sorry man it was an accident, I lost control and started punching shit"
>walk in their room
>holes in the walls, the closet, everywhere
>tell them they need to pay for it
>spoiler alert, they never do
>randomly clothes start disappearing
>like my underwear and socks
>one time even my pants, like who does that
>put lock on my door and that ends
>between these 2 and an emotionally abusive uncle/boss have mental break down
>eventually get them the fuck out of my apartment
>still sometimes see them and roommate #1 around to this day
>I refuse to speak to these people

Now I'm in a decent sized house with my good friends and it is so much better. Hopefully I can get the fuck out soon though. Living with people sucks, even if you like them.

what a fucking nightmare... You have my sympathies.

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Dude you are a dumbass, you should have just paid the fee to break the lease when this all started.