Deepfake thread

deepfake thread
full frontal bikini
give some info, age, first name, relationship makes it fun

Attached: 1562904820906.jpg (1066x1200, 167K)

Other urls found in this thread:


hannah 26 cousin

Attached: 812735_10101121592147437_333412690_o.jpg (2048x1536, 409K)

Macy, 20, friends girlfriend. Always flirty but i cant do anything with her. Any attempt appreciated

Attached: 20E3FC1B-0CB8-45CD-B7FB-4BCA8A4C8BBE.jpg (750x871, 205K)

from last thread

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 371K)

Attached: SmartSelect_20190712-001418_Instagram.jpg (589x1016, 474K)

Whatever shot works better !

Attached: 63C98FCE-1D96-44A6-B8C9-CE033CF16C68.jpg (750x871, 173K)

Trying again

Attached: Screenshot_20190712-001517.jpg (1440x1761, 877K)

someone wanted this last thread

Attached: deepnude58.png (512x512, 424K)

Do her plz

Attached: F3531BDD-1E9B-40DB-BDB1-76451F8A6894.jpg (1218x1735, 283K)

This chic is insanely hot in real life

Attached: 1562905162253.jpg (540x960, 50K)

Holly 18 fb friend

Attached: 1562903818195.jpg (1399x1822, 950K)

Attached: SmartSelect_20190712-002550_Instagram.jpg (461x1000, 380K)

Attached: IMG_2712.jpg (633x877, 215K)

Chick from barstool

Attached: 46FC8970-6246-4C21-AE36-32E8F0B4ECA7.jpg (726x823, 406K)

this was wanted

Attached: deepnude123123.png (512x512, 334K)

pls someone do this on the G

Attached: 01508885066356872760970_o.jpg (960x1280, 127K)

Went to high school with her see her around the bars she’s slutty when she drinks. I heard she has a lil bush on her pussy

Attached: IMG_2713.jpg (532x866, 130K)

Attached: SmartSelect_20190712-002612_Instagram.jpg (822x771, 520K)

Attached: EE8DF769-B1C1-4010-B5E3-A02E1468AD55.jpg (750x558, 294K)

Attached: herdzrx6.jpg (600x800, 76K)

shadows fuck it up a bit

i said deepfake not deepnude FUCK

Attached: 684489489.png (512x512, 402K)

goes to my uni

Attached: 1562905364183.png (720x894, 847K)


i will attempt this but cannot promise anything. big titties don't mesh well

Attached: IMG_2711.jpg (569x626, 138K)


Attached: 894894.png (512x512, 409K)

Worked with her

Attached: A0C74B78-6761-4BA6-B5D2-7CD8FFC5A5AC.jpg (1339x1355, 1.3M)

freind's cousin

Attached: 4343243240234.jpg (1248x1152, 159K)

Attached: IMG_2716.jpg (646x863, 185K)

okay you lucky, this was gold / D

Attached: manthissomegoodshit.png (512x512, 449K)

This one!

Attached: 1562885296248.jpg (576x576, 118K)

Attached: IMG_2701.jpg (750x726, 226K)

Attached: 12716983_190669817958793_1653756341_n.jpg (1080x1080, 65K)

Looks fucking great

Old friend from church

Attached: 86C28F57-2C40-4108-86DF-A5675446C167.jpg (640x1075, 103K)

Attached: e8.jpg (650x650, 274K)

Attached: IMG_2704.jpg (736x927, 187K)

Attached: 18514298_416222992095469_246314978561228800_n.jpg (1080x1080, 195K)

this one was kind of disappointing but the perspective actually turned out ok

Attached: 97987987.png (512x512, 425K)

Wow great job!! Hope mine makes the cut haha

the thumbnail looks like a real nude photo

Attached: 23354_10151183759442126_284453325_n.jpg (600x800, 63K)

Nice chest

Attached: G9.jpg (663x663, 251K)

Olivia, school

Attached: Screenshot_20170728-050447_01.png (1080x939, 1.38M)

pls try this girl

Attached: pongorbarka.png (640x1136, 671K)

Attached: IMG_2706.jpg (640x906, 197K)

gig em

Attached: 435E4AD3-C4A9-446C-A4A9-FA512E50AA27.jpg (346x821, 122K)

Attached: AAC7C7B1-37F4-4ABA-ACDC-B8F5C5B2A005.jpg (467x960, 65K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190712-003147.jpg (1207x1407, 898K)


Attached: 7C8A74D0-D6B0-4F60-BBC3-6032C32C0070.jpg (277x546, 36K)

nice now someone nut on it

Dont know just found it on a thread

Attached: Screenshot_20170830-070728_01.png (1080x1376, 1.7M)

Attached: 856616F2-3B6D-4C92-83F9-90E0CF635FA7.jpg (340x630, 66K)

Knew her in high school. Now she’s a milf mom 29

ngl user if girls from my church looked like this i'd go all the time

Attached: 544981231.png (512x512, 286K)


Attached: 018E5FEB-7DE1-4CAA-B249-C01D33091802.jpg (640x792, 411K)

Figured it might be hard, thank for trying!

Attached: deepnudead1212.png (512x512, 263K)

Attached: deepnude59.png (436x510, 463K)

Swimsuit is awkward, how will dn handle it?

Attached: la6.png (705x705, 882K)

this girl went to my church and was super into it and was very straight edge but had a fat ass and i always wanted to fuck her

Attached: 9AB30F7A-E650-46AA-A370-EBF71E3B3F57.jpg (271x776, 63K)

Attached: htmylp1r4.jpg (1280x853, 240K)

yeah it didn't animate nipples again. i will try again later

Try this pls

Attached: Screenshot_20181215-004250_01.png (1080x1418, 1.18M)

Attached: F7DA0DC6-DE6C-4D40-8D6B-B1F38CE10D18.jpg (306x344, 47K)

Attached: 418894.png (512x512, 445K)

Attached: CSH8EACGm.jpg (768x1024, 66K)



Attached: nn7.jpg (505x505, 55K)

Attached: 6BB58566-E384-4571-8225-E1F28D7091FA.jpg (651x807, 136K)

point me to some that have been waiting along time to get nudified.

she looks like it user

Attached: 516561.png (512x512, 249K)

tried her aswell, didn't make realistic breasts. any other photos of her that are straight on?

Attached: BkJoxdrEAE.jpg (1000x667, 62K)

Do this one. Asking for ages

Attached: d58.jpg (580x580, 115K)

Attached: 16789220_363049694094204_1829206183156645888_n.jpg (1080x810, 150K)

these pls

Attached: 36986_n.jpg (383x473, 54K)

think this is the only other one

Attached: 745093AB-99F8-49AF-B460-489F71488DFD.jpg (778x553, 107K)

not as bad as you would think apparently

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 451K)

A lot of same classes at uni right now. Total prudes.

Attached: jsa8u43mv.png (285x545, 402K)

Attached: Screenshot_20190712-001255.jpg (803x1465, 442K)

This one please

Attached: a5.jpg (789x789, 195K)

Adjunct professor, tutoring me this summer, Dying to pull her boobs out at our next study session

Attached: 832D9B10-1640-4B18-AABE-3806BA4E6446.jpg (761x1344, 202K)

it seems like black&white doesn't work. makes the boob go autistic

Attached: deepnude60.png (512x512, 387K)

Attached: C2.jpg (687x687, 412K)

Attached: 785A04F2-CA59-44A3-9B2A-582C8B03915D.jpg (1224x1608, 194K)


Attached: 3B62759A-B5CA-4AF6-A5FB-4E0711E59E0E.jpg (1242x1418, 1.32M)

Attached: IMG_2717.jpg (543x734, 119K)


sorry user been sleeping on this one for like five threads straight. will work on it a bit more

Attached: 387378738.png (512x512, 429K)

Attached: 2CD8DCBB-3538-45B0-B016-880F96CAA545.jpg (870x1149, 151K)

Attached: 9D9A2901-A823-4D0B-855F-07618A8F0946.jpg (663x1079, 93K)

Attached: FCD82588-1279-4D29-979F-281E61CB4569.jpg (1242x1555, 903K)



Megan 25 single bartender looking for the tip.

Attached: FB_IMG_1429896502706.jpg (960x960, 76K)


Just checking if it's doable

Attached: 75514.jpg (1042x1504, 761K)

Waiting on this one if possible

Attached: deepnude61.png (512x512, 428K)

OH well. Thanks

nipples are actually in the right place in this one

Attached: 4894894.png (512x512, 386K)

This one as wel

need a lot more skin user. swimsuit maybe?

please do liz

Attached: 160ae2.jpg (1000x667, 398K)

Mmm so cute

Any chance of trying again?

Got promise

Alyshea K, 27
Old neighbour in college.

Attached: 6BB19622-E756-415C-AB37-C9B67C85F857.jpg (1242x2110, 405K)

nice want her ig?

the discoloration this program makes is always so upsetting

Attached: 926489849.png (512x512, 426K)

See if this works

Attached: Screenshot_20190712-004148_01.png (1080x1362, 1.52M)

want her ig?

i can.

Attached: IMG_2719.jpg (601x842, 136K)

join the discord

go for it user

younger sister
half cuban
loves eating and once won a hot dog eating contest (inb4 sexual joke)
good at school and softball
biggest breasticles of any girl i know

Attached: edit 2.jpg (1536x2048, 511K)

Jamie, the 24 yeast old who posts inspirational quotes on facebook right before she passes out from the Molly.

Attached: FB_IMG_1497140583480.jpg (720x960, 94K)

Attached: akka7.jpg (749x749, 288K)

plz fam

Attached: 64280381_800799260320203_5234992141521567825_n.jpg (1440x1800, 334K)

bottom didn't form but good tits i think

Attached: deepnude62.png (450x512, 402K)


Attached: E9BBD6B7-BC92-40F7-9180-503DF4663019.jpg (459x828, 143K)

Will this work better

Attached: CQW9d6JVEAANHRa.jpg (1024x768, 122K)

Attached: IMG_2703.jpg (259x633, 111K)

Yes plz!

waiting on this one

Give both a try?

Attached: Gghjg1027.jpg (452x592, 98K)

Attached: akka4.png (526x526, 377K)

damn this one didn't turn out as well as i had hoped

every single time deepnude comes up there's always a fag advertising a discord server. wtf are you guys selling? it's fucking free

Attached: 18816.png (512x512, 423K)


Sara underwood, Saw her at a fashion week event, obsessed ever since. If only she was my lesbian lover...

Attached: Screenshot_20190711_214525.jpg (842x1172, 416K)

Here user. Would this work?

Attached: 7503452.jpg (720x480, 26K)

Attached: IMG_2710.jpg (588x659, 131K)

This one please

Attached: 1954973A-9AAD-4ED5-89EC-DDD9D1BC6D14.jpg (855x1536, 1001K)

Attached: 15BB60A7-6C0A-481E-A5DF-A8BF79662B17.jpg (1242x1234, 293K)

Attached: 85bb6c51.jpg (1333x2000, 489K)

Attached: 3B8185D9-3B7E-415F-96BA-1775EB22BB0B.jpg (831x1791, 275K)

Attached: 1534003027168.png (512x512, 347K)

Attached: 2F2F7E69-5D06-4DE0-92C8-9B9AD85996E1.jpg (924x1596, 326K)

deflated tits

Attached: deepnude63.png (512x512, 417K)

not sure what this fixation on seeing your sister naked is but whatever floats your boat user
don't blame you tho this worked well

Attached: 156891.png (512x512, 282K)

Attached: D8A482FE-1AD4-47EC-999F-871FE14AC741.jpg (1944x2592, 973K)

Brothers friend, Hawaii University, studies marine biology


Attached: C1744274-BD4E-40F9-A403-85717B38BF64.jpg (768x1024, 230K)

Attached: BC0D404A-94B8-450E-BEB2-A447092EDF1A.jpg (1242x1498, 299K)

Brothers friend, Hawaii Universisty, studies marine biology

holy fuck im gonna regret this fap but god damn. thanks

Attached: 9C1F88D2-3DF7-4927-92F6-D82B2B1D1E1D.jpg (242x310, 31K)


this one was pretty good

shame she doesn't have more bikini pics




Attached: 0-eidg2FcRLS1FXnsFM40uFAROj2ERQO6i8G9D7odak.jpg (640x819, 100K)

any better luck with right?


Attached: School.jpg (1440x2786, 1.75M)

this one was pretty good

shame she doesn't have more bikini pics, user

Attached: 56654.png (512x512, 352K)

Attached: 46.jpg (1080x1350, 149K)

i mean there is this one

Attached: 32D21D81-2F6F-4CFC-B279-D84EF31F79F1.jpg (828x559, 172K)


Attached: 35321282_244974976086492_4041464543640027136_n(1).jpg (1080x1143, 297K)

Can you put this one to bed?
She's my fav but I don't have many good pics.

P pls op

Attached: 20190117_203407.jpg (592x1138, 350K)

Attached: a3.png (844x844, 608K)

Olivia, she is 20 and an old friend.

Attached: 47692754_800090800344215_4611598701453699935_n.jpg (1080x1349, 86K)

Attached: 1552550200565.png (512x512, 498K)

Attached: uvJx0AMl.jpg (1005x1280, 126K)

Attached: IMG_2707.jpg (660x921, 164K)

Yes please

not good not terrible

sounds great user but there's one problem

Attached: 8974894.png (512x512, 333K)

not really

Attached: deepnude64.png (512x512, 435K)

Maybe this one

Attached: B59E8540-F13B-4684-AEC4-5B3994302DFB.jpg (1238x1477, 383K)

peyton, 19, single, friend of a friend

Attached: vsco5b5500b6616fe.jpg (1536x2048, 440K)

tried her, too much shadow on her breasts i think.

i already had one of her saved but i lost it somewhere

after the bump limit i'm gonna call it quits

Attached: 45648894.png (512x512, 345K)

or this one

Attached: 25036651_373597323045641_8938526253846102016_n.jpg (640x638, 58K)

This one should be great.

Attached: Ta9.jpg (599x599, 239K)

Attached: deepnude65.png (512x512, 492K)

Attached: 16E46D12-E9BC-4544-9488-C1C6ACD3425D.jpg (1944x2592, 1.82M)


Attached: 1B3EF3F8-458E-43AC-88BA-221681081766.jpg (494x834, 165K)


hasn't this already been done in like three threads already?

Attached: 415648.png (512x512, 350K)

Attached: 27579971_207412103143130_3410285865035890688_n(1).jpg (1080x1350, 356K)

this is as best as i can get it. it doesn't do well with the shadows and the black parts. sorry user

this is as best as i can get it. it doesn't do well with the shadows and the black parts. sorry user.

Attached: 465156.png (512x512, 407K)

best link for software please? fakes everywhere

Attached: deepnude66.png (355x512, 300K)

still solid, maybe this works better

Attached: 57043BE0-4090-46AE-B495-4D8352D21A1C.jpg (828x891, 283K)

pro shoots always work out reasonably well

look for it in the same place you can look for deepfakes

Attached: 564564.png (512x512, 339K)

Thank you /b I’m about to blast my shit to the ceiling with this. If you could get the one of the others iv posted Thad be cool too. No worries if you can’t get to it tho.

premium version on mega. if you search higher up you will see 2 separate links. they also contain the premium version but it is split into 2 for some reason. both should work

Attached: etkAQVl.jpg (1364x2048, 254K)

actually went pretty well, perspective's off though

Attached: 456484.png (512x512, 480K)

Thanks. Alex looks good

Do neither of these work? Should i try something else? Could you try the girl in blue here?

Attached: FB_IMG_1506042446023.jpg (539x960, 45K)

god tier

yeah she came out alright.

No, it's never been done. Why???

be dope if you could do girl on left

Attached: 0477855F-99F0-463A-9968-FAB8E45F1400.jpg (487x592, 108K)

i wonder where other guy went

Attached: 56558484.png (512x512, 534K)


She comes and cleans my house every two weeks

Attached: CBFB726E-D87F-4B6B-B536-8E3CDC23564B.jpg (1228x2048, 320K)

i promise we will get to everyones. the ones im not doing i still save to do later.

Attached: deepnude.png (512x512, 304K)


Nice job!


dunno just thought

alright Yea Forums imma head out, it's been nice fapping with you.

Maybe next time Tanya.

Carly. 23. She used to bully my gf back in school

Attached: 57272295_132135277932964_8736260500397812692_n.jpg (1024x1821, 179K)

Cool. You stating a new thread?

someone else can start it, i'm headin to sleep and to cum to some of these beauties. cya Yea Forums

don't know how. i'll keep making them if someone makes a new thread

which ones you gonna cum to?

Please fam

probably the girl in OP, that one is like the best one

Sure buddy