Who the fuck cares if the little mermaid is a nigger? if you don't like it your a racist

who the fuck cares if the little mermaid is a nigger? if you don't like it your a racist.

Attached: little-mermaid-nigger.jpg (770x433, 55K)

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Attached: ariel.png (851x1125, 707K)

niggers cant swim, how can they be mermaids

you care, obviously.

>implying nigger is a derogatory word.

the only people who say nigger is a bad word are racist.

>pic related

Attached: 1562365387497 Little Mermaid.png (1158x2048, 832K)

This pretty much sums up black people in the US.

She even looks like a fish with those eyes on the sides of her head

I guess this black man is racist towards his own people?


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>faggots still responding to these type of threads.
You exceeded OP's faggotry, congratulations

thats called a uncle tom. there is literally no reason why anyone should be upset about the ethnicity a actor plays in a movie. they played goku as a white guy in dragon ball evolution and nobody cared.

But it was a terrible terrible terrible terrible terrible movie, so will this lol

Every body cared. Lel


>thats called a uncle tom
>Anyone who agrees with white people and is not white is an uncle tom goys!
What a fucking shill.
Also, Anime can be played by any fucking White or Asian actor. You know why? Because Anime characters have huge fucking eyes and a large portion of those who watch anime are fucking white.
So no shit it's okay for White people to play Anime Characters, even though all those movies are shit anyway.
Fuck, I didn't care when L in the shitty Netflix Death Note Adaptation was black. At least it made fucking sense.
It's the modern age and he was still British, no fucking problems.

But Ariel? The Girlfriend of a literal European fucking Prince?
Oh yeah sure, there's totally no problem with a Sub-Saharan African (not even a fucking North African which I'd be fine with since it'd actually be possible for them to be mermaids since the Mediterranean is right fucking there) being the wife of a FUCKING MEDIEVAL EUROPEAN PRINCE.

Listen, before you call me a racist straight white male and insult me for being a Conservative or whatever bullshit, guess what:
I'm not even fucking white. Or straight.

So get fucked you Leftist Bigot, you can't pull identity politics on me.

your trying to tell me this movie wasn't absolute kino?

Attached: dragon-ball-evolution-1013099-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 99K)

op literally cannot refute this

I would have been ok if it was a hispanic lightskin since Ariel design was partly base off one.

Commies BTFO'd again!

>being this invested in a childrens cartoon movie.

this is your problem. I bet you love Disney shit and jack off to kingdom hearts fan fiction to

Most anime depic their characters with white charactereatics.o

I don't know why my people even want to be represented by Disney. Let the mermaid be white, let them keep it. Disney put fucking bones in our noses and made us jive talking crows, except better for ourselves.


why do you care? are you a little mermaid fanboi and heartbroken? or an actual racist that cant stand to see this? just dont see it, hit em where it hurts their soyboy pocketbooks

I'm not invested. I'm just pointing out the flaws in your argument and how retarded you're making yourself out to be.
Also, I fucking hate Disney.

Again, all you're doing is just insulting people without actually saying anything.
Which perfectly summarizes the Left as a whole.

Also, you're typing in all lowercase and you don't even know the difference between to and too. This is some high class Antifa Autism.

Fuck OP

anyone who is currently an adult really shouldn't even give a shit what they do to the Little Mermaid now. We have our generation's movie, let the kids have it their own way. we don't hear our parents or grandparents complain about what they turned Mickey Mouse into nowadays, or their other cartoons that we got new versions of. Stop being a fucking pussy and grow up.

No, it wouldn't.

>based melanated brother

preferably id rather little mermaid not be white either becuase im tired of remakes in general

also this I wouldn't give 2 shits if they played a beaner as peterpan in a movie. yall are some sensitive motherfuckers