I have an opportunity to get a toothless blowjob for $20. The pic attached is the cheap whore. Should I do this?

I have an opportunity to get a toothless blowjob for $20. The pic attached is the cheap whore. Should I do this?

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life advice:

if you think it MIGHT be a bad idea, do not do it

She's got a gross body, too. But I have never had a toothless blowjob. Is it worth it?

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Do it fag!

>cheap whore
Might want to use a condom, but 20 bucks is an incredible price for something so novel.

That's what I'm thinking. But also, gum job. So...

A condom is a definite.

Then 100% do it. If you have 20 bucks to throw around you have 20 bucks to throw around on what could be either a mediocre or an amazing experience. Just try to enjoy it dude.

Literally female Chris chan

fag here. Ive gotten several blow jobs from guys with no teeth. tbh they aren't any better. technique counts more than amount of teeth in their mouth.

When I was in highschool I knew a chick that had no teeth due to a birth defect. She blew me with her dentures out and it was AMAZING. However she was no cheap whore. If you are paying for anything use a condom, but using a rubber for a blow job is pointless. So either take the risk, or don't bother.

>big tits

Don't do it lad you'll have to live the rest of your life knowing you paid a fat ugly bitch to suck your dick, toothless or not. 10 minutes of feel-good time is not worth a lifetime of shame

I don't think I will.

She's in Ann Arbor, MI if anyone else in interested.

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holy shit lol I live in Ypsi / work in Ann Arbor

how old are you user?

a BJ and $20 in my pocket? not a bad deal!

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For $20?? Wtf why not

Should we meet for a beer?

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For science? I guess...?

Fucking kek