Ask a Pizza Hut employee anything

Ask a Pizza Hut employee anything.

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Would it be legal to put a sign on your house called "pizza nut". You'd shoot a load on each pizza and serve it to homosexuals.

Wouldn’t be FDA approved so no. There’s be no way you could get any type of food or business license with those plans.

If its not open to the public, like only your gay friends, wouldn't that make a difference?

So an illegal business? I guess anything could go then.

You dont need FDA approval to open a restaurant retard

What are the cleaning and food safety rules like?

why cant i order a medium pizza with stuffed crust. large is the only option.

But you do to sell cum-filled pizzas. That’s his whole business model.

Do you do deliveries, if so what is the weirdest thing you ever wotnessed?

Stuffed crust is only available in large. That’s just how it is.

Same as every other place. I will tell you though that people break those rules all the time and I imagine it’s like that everywhere else. For example: a wing falling from the bowl onto the wing semi-dirty wing station platform. Most employees will pick it up with bare hands and put it back in the bowl. This is even after exchanging money, hitting dab pens, and scratching their sweaty heads

Is the crust fresh or frozen?

Why the fuck do you always forget my crust flavor?

I did deliveries for awhile. It’s a hit or miss really, sometimes you can work 6 hours and go home with barely $25. Other days you can go home with nearly $200 from the same amount of hours.

Weirdest encounter I ever had was a guy telling me he’d buy all orders I had in the car (worth maybe $40) for $80 to feed his starving dogs. Like dude you have $80 you can go buy your dogs real fucking food.

I guess so.

Ever had some chick answer naked? Anyone offer you something other than money for pizza?

Fresh. In my store everything is fresh for the day, everyday. I have heard it depends on the store and I have heard nightmare stories about small-town pizza huts. My advice to everyone is never go to a small-town Pizza Hut.
As an employee this makes me angry as well. And let me tell you that it is 100% out of laziness so you deserve the right to be pissed. Cut table can be stressful especially during a rush so whoever’s cutting just wants to cut and get it over with. Crust finishers slow you down a bit.

Never had any girl answer naked as much as every driver expects it at least once but we’ve had drivers that were tipped in weed and weed carts before. Women flirt with the more attractive drivers all the time though and get phone numbers all the time. I’m a bit of an uggo manlet so almost people just want their pizza and for me to get the fuck out.

That’s fair. I figure it’s even less common than it seems, just curious. Thanks pizza-user

Do you smoke pot at work or go to work high?

Post a timesetamp.

Step on some ingredients.

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Are the wings baked or fried?

I’m already out of work for the day

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Why do you have so many asshole delivery people? Last time I ordered, some old fart was lecturing me about how to tip.

do you take pizza dough home and eat it.

Must be your location. Our store has the most easy going stoner drivers. Getting stiffed sucks but you shouldn’t always expect a tip since people will be cheap fucks.
Nope. I make myself pizzas all the time and take them home though.

do u cum on the pizzaz?

What happened to your dreams? Why have you given up on life?

Why is Little Caesar's so much better?