Give it back, burgers
Give it back, burgers
Funny the map is in Spanish... Know your history you douchebag
Actually, as a spic user, spain sold most of it, except only Texans were real cunts
so what bitch does another language scare you
look how much of the continent we saved from the shithole cartel run corrupt federale 3rd world. now fuckin say "gracias senor"
>hurr durr previously Mexican colonies have always been majority Hispanic!
>Tfw mexico is still living like the wild west
>spain sold most of it
I don't even like burgers, fuck you spic.
haha that was a lie
That's the only reason Mexico is a shitty place, remove cartels and it would be half decent
user stop it, we all know you love cock
We sill are. Come take it back, chump.
If you discount the widespread poverty, uncleanliness, presence of diseases, brutality of people, and corrupt politicians; yeah, I guess it'd be an okay country if we still lived in the eighteenth century.
You can have California, it's basically Mexico Jr. anyway.
It's never too late to complete our Manifest Destiny and settle in Mexico. Look at what we did with Texas. Mexico could become a suitable place after fifty years or so under American supervision.
Come and fucking get it bitch. Murica
cartels are mexican people - the mexican people made mexico shit
You are just lucky we don't want your third world shithole of a desert.
>lose territory because you lose a war
>160 years later claim it was stolen
Mexico should just take the L and move on.
As you, i'm Mexican, and... You'd better read something about our history, come on, you only are makeing their stereotypes real... Man, delet this.
Oh shit...
He was saying you guys already got conquered by the Spanish. Then by americans. You guys are low tier humans who cant control their own land. You dont deserve it back
Go back to spicland and tell your teachers they failed you.
Protip: Never ask Tucker Carlson to draw you a map.
But the cartels work for your CIA, fatso.
>state had to name itself after roofing tiles
No taking necessary. Y'all done it to yerselfs.
most of the occupation of mexicans in california was pedophile catholics who beat and raped the local populations of native americans while slave running them to death.
most of the missions that were build have bronze statues of catholic priests molesting native american boys.
that is basically Spanish empire territory, bro.
Lol. That green part was not "Mexico" you dumbass. It was "claimed by Spain". You know, that country over in Europe--not the inbred uneducated female-sacrificing to imaginary god ooga-boogas in what would become Mexico.
Mexico itself only became a country in 1810 (September 16, 1810) when THEY TOO stole the land from what was SPAIN!!!
Further, the U.S. stole nothing, unlike the Mexicans did from Spain. The U.S. negotiated with the Spanish and paid $15,000,000 ($585 Milliion Dollars in 2019) plus assumed the debt (i.e., land purchased by individual Americans from the Spanish that was as yet not fully paid for) for what was entirely scrub land that was entirely uninhabited by even a single (what would be) Mexican.
1. It wasn't "Mexico" at all. Mexico didn't even exist yet.
2. The U.S. PAID for it, if not overpaid for what it was then, and again--from Spain.
3. The ooga-boogas that would become "Mexicans" then STOLE the land that is not Mexico from the Spainish, who colonized and DEVELOPED IT for them--and the "Mexicans" paid literally nothing (stolen).
What a bunch of lying sacks of shits you Mexicans are.
Are you the same guy who's posting his discord with one stream and a gun?
Learned that from a Zorro movie?
They are "Maras"
there were no actual mexicans living in texas though at that time
it was entirely Apache territory prior to the Europeans from Eastern U.S. coming there
not a single mexican was ever in texas
Those tats look like they're from US prisons, not Mexican cartels.
You just keep making shit up.
those are mexican cartels in mexico the name is in the file description they are los zetas
then prove him wrong, homo.
Found you in a filename, too.
did you even look at my map?
Those places are only that Hispanic because of modern immigration law
I remember that guy
>not a single mexican was ever in texas
A few Mexicans were in Texas, less than 5,000. Apaches and Comanches had more claim to Texas than Mexicans.
The tribes shown for southern California, Baja California, and Sonora are inaccurate. It would take too long to be more specific.
Read a book.
North from Mexico
Carey McWilliams, 3rd edition recommended
You might then learn where placenames such as California, Sacramento, Nevada, and Colorado come from.
Pinche niño imbécil.
Lol I remember America beating Mexican ass past the baja peninsula and only giving it back because we sent terrible negotiators.
How convenient
South Carolina here, I would be perfectly okay with the map going back to that. This would completely eliminate California from our electoral process. There is a slight problem, though. California is home to 32 military bases alone, plus around 30 more in the rest of that map. Some of those bases service nuclear submarines and some service bombers, meaning nuclear weapon storage facilities. And that's just the bases whose information is publicly available, there's no telling how many ICBM silos might be in that map. There is absolutely zero chance of the US letting go of that territory now or ever, not just because of not wanting to give Mexico those bases and weapons, but not wanting to lose those bases and weapons ourselves. You're welcome to try and take them by force if you like. Try and make a good show of it so we'll look justified when we annex the rest of Mexico in the war.
Just give the land back to the native Americans.
is this french food or mexican food?
is that a german accordion or a mexican accordion?
Try taking it back retards. Do you think that invading countries just gave back the land they got. Go fucking kill yourself retarded scum