Be me

>be me
>be 20
>GF's friend tries to charm her / take her away from me
>get pissed off at him
>she tells me i'm like her ex bf
>ex bf was a jealous type and beat her
>she asks for a break
>get home
>Punch wall and break bathroom door in half
>my parents will come home in like an hour

What do Yea Forums?
Also this does not help my case on being a non violent peaceful persom who would never hurt anyone. And my parents like my gf more then they like me.

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Stop being a pussy and learn how to control your emotions. Nothing more retarded than sperging out over a bird.

Other side, that is the bathroom

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Yeah, ur probably right. Just felt so powerless you know

jesus you mong hope your parents disown you, learn to control yourself rofl

Might get kicked out. Probably deserve it TBH, at least i never hurt people, that's something right?

It's a fucking bait you retards. Check the hole in the first pic. Blue outside and sunny, does it looke like anything from the 2nd pic? No

Herd of lamps?

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If u don't think it's real

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You need professional help. Normal people don't do shit like this.

Thought this was the chick i was gonna marry, i got pretty fucking broken down man, it's been 2.5 years

Planed a trip to the nederlands tickets and hotel payed, spendt pretty much all my savings on it

Just feel like a total tool

no, it's the same hole.

good thing you weren't 2 or 3 inches to the right. see that stud? you would have fucked the wall up worse if you broke it, and your hand would be in really bad shape. fix the holes or pay someone to to appease your parents.

wait, is this a trailer?

yellow wallpaper is gonna be a problem. that's vintage stuff.

Turns out the door is something like 50$ i have that i'll just do that first and maby i won't get kicked out if they see i try to fix it

I know right, if he was a real man he would have beat his woman not the fucking wall like a cuck

No 2 story house just old

didn't take a picture of the door?

Lol, never hurt a fly. But i can get angry and punch a wall or shit like that

Better than jail lol

yes, but punching walls is not an appropriate or healthy way to deal with anger or hurt.

The door, also broke hinges

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Felt like that or jumping out a window

I was mercilessly beaten by my father and I punched my door in half yet couldn't raise a fist to him

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>gf dumps you
>destroy your parent's home
Yeh you deserve it user, ise this as an opportunity to grow or continue being a fuck-up, it's your life I guess. Maybe next time break something you paid for instead.

Doors like that are quite cheap, ita the bathroom you should be worried about since theres often lots of work waterprhoofing that shit.

the story is you walked into the door holding something because you thought it was open (hence why you weren't looking at the door) but the wind blew it shut and the pain of walking into the door caused you to punch the wall.

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How mutch do you think it will cost?

bout tree fiddy

yeah, that's an inexpensive hollow door. you could glue & clamp it in the meantime and put it back up.

if the screws for the hinges pulled out of the wall, get some round wooden toothpics, a hammer, and front or side cutters. gently tap toothpics into the bad screw holes until they are full. cut the toothpics flush with the wood surface and tap again to make sure they are flush. put the door back up, the holes will be very close to new wood.

see, that's not good either. instead of lashing out (wall) or doing something rash (jumping) you need to recognize and process you anger or hurt. it's okay to be angry or hurt, it's not okay to resort to violence or self-harm. honestly, these aren't good signs for your mental health.

violence around intimate relationships is a progression. it starts with walls and ends with people. self-harm reflects despair, and no one should let themselves get to that point. yes, your mental health is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.

Damn fuck, i didn't know Yea Forums would be that helpful
You're welcome user

I'll watch it after i have somewhat fixed the situation up

the old man is full of tricks!

And people try tell me Yea Forums is all porn and loli now

i forgot to mention, use wood glue on the door. if you don't have clamps, take the knob off and use anything heavy to press it together while it dries. will take ~24 hours to dry.

Ok hinges are back on, and fuck it, maby i'll find a new chick to bring to amsterdam with me in a month. That sounds like a good way to kickstart a new relationship

Do it please, before you keep fucking up your life because of some cheating whore.
And yes, she has already cheated on you, sorry for bringing it up, but knowing is part of the process.

I don't know, and to be real if she could brak it off like that i don't give a shit if she cheated or not she is worthless to me

American shit tier houses are one tier above mud huts caked with shit.

Norway but ok

Just watch the video, I'll wait for your reply

So i guess it's time to fix up the house fix up my life go to the gym and try to hammer some pussy

And maby I'll leak her nudes on here, who knows

Seen you in a couple of threads now looks like bate but IDK,

you can tell he isn't american, look at his numbers. clearly eurofag.

plus, insulation in interior walls? we don't do that here cuz we're too stupid to spend the tiny amount of additional money.

You're fucked, bud.

Was on my phone, phone died on laptop now. thread prob gonna 404 but thank you man

Yeah, i'll fix it, at least i'll try

>my parents like my gf more then they like me
>my dad is trying to charm my gf and succeeds

U do know the discord link has timed out right?

helpful and sensitive. where am i?

>dad uses charm
>it is super effective

or just bring a friend. if i were you i'd offer it to a pal at like half price--good deal for them, you recoup some of your money, and you get to hang out on vacation with somebody you like with no relationship pressure.

or bring one of your parents in recompense for destroying their wall.

As your father, who properly set up that plaster wall by himself, I would beat you into submission with the rest of the door.

You ungrateful little bitch.

How do you dare trash my home.

Just tell her she's a bitch and leave that skank, treat yourself with some highschool pussy

I have told my GF in the past that if she cheeted i would leave and never look back, communication is not the issue, she is just kinda innicent and doesn't understand when guys are hitting on her, she is hot but she has a low sosial intelligence

> snorting intensifies

Going to the nederlands to smoke weed mostly, dad is anti weed

Turns out my dad hates the yellow tapastry and i tld him i would change all of it to repay damages. so he isn't mad anymore and the door beaing back on made the whole seen look less fucked, whoever said the toothpick thing might have saved my ass

So thank you for everything man

no worries, glad to help. like i said, you'd probably consider me an old man, but i've learned a few tricks over the years... ;)

But i don't think she cheeted but her needing a break is all i need to know that the relationship ment nothing to her, and by proxy means nothing to me anymore

Well good night OP out

And you actually believe that bullshit lmao.
You think people here are trying to help you out of imaginary experiences? All women are the same retard, wake up.

again, glad to help. now you can tell your friends that you met an american that isn't a moron!

yeah it's pretty late in norway.

Fuck you Kyle. Grow up.

I understand, but you need to be better. In terms of what to do; tell them that you got angry, punched a hole in the wall, feel ashamed, and will repair it yourself out of pocket.


you are

just , blame a nigger

no norwegian tits though? we helped you faggot

> girlfriend says I remind her of someone violent
> I punch down the walls in response
She was right then, dumbass. See someone about your anger, it's not normal to break shit.

Atleast your door what practice on how you’re gonna beat her.

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just tell them you fell and elbow planted on the wall hard af you fucking retard.

Kjip den..

wow that's a thin wall. At least with this you can push it together. You would have trouble quickly sealing it without it being noticeable.

Drop that thot. If she breaks up with you when another guy shows up she's bound to become a petri dish.

leave that bitch, if she's gonna drop you like yesterday's news because you got mad at some other douche trying to fuckup your relationship, then that's a relationship not worth saving. Go to anger management btw.

Tell parents the entire story and pay to fix the wall. They will be pissed, but will understand.

Dump girls and never contact ever again.

Verysimilar thing happened to me OP punched drywall through etc, I knocked a couple of teeth out the guys face when I saw him next, that helped me settle things.

an actual intellectual comment on Yea Forums. i'm confused

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sorry i confused you. i just wanted to help him re-hang his door, might go over well with his parents.

that an point out that violent reactions to anger aren't the way...

Get over it. Dump her dump ya feelings dump in a new chick

Somebody please shop an actual herd of lamps in a grassy field.

Dump her first