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reply or mom die
did somebody say "stonetoss thread"?
this didnt happen i remember
Oh look, it's more "stone toss doesn't understand history"
Looked deliberate
well we don't know the full story or what they did to him
[Laught in White American]
humour is subjective
Take this gay shit to /pol/ no one gives a fuck
Yes, but that doesn't mean you're not retarded for finding Adam sandler funny, and this dude is less funny than that
Fucking lost lol
>t. la luz extinguido
Hahahahahah niggers
Stonetoss is great because it's sometimes funny when it's not being overtly racist or denying the holocaust, and even then it's still funny, just ironically. The guy who makes it clearly has some comedic talent, he's just a massive incel.
you can't deny something that has never happened
Funny if you're retarded, makes good points if you're even more retarded
>Africans were inbred by a bunch of insanely intelligent alien species to get the traits they wanted
Of course i can
Hereby i deny that unicorns ever fucked wolpertingers
Go cry to your rabbi faggot
This looks more like a cry for help than a racist meme
>hi, enjoy your coffee
He sees someone with darker skin and enters a state in which everything he can think about is black people
This is the only good one
monkey rage
What a fucking primate. thats why they should hang from trees
thanks, but whites can't take all the credit
did him died?
I don't think they incinerated only one body at a time across all concentration camps, lol.
Just go eat your gonna fucking die anyway.
wild nig
This is it Yea Forums,
Ending it all on stream. Thanks for the good times brosYJYhI challeng u to watch me fuck her (holy n word jew)
Are you going to continue shit posting after you retire next year? Can't you take up fly tying or day drinking or something?
because I'm sure they would burn one body at a time
The soul of a Samarai is amazing
And as we all know, all bodies were burned
It's a critique of Starbucks after that whole "scandal" about the black people getting arrested and then Starbucks shut down stores for a whole day for "training"
could you??
That's embarassing for the first dude...that girl took way more punches.
This is what we need, more cropped boomer meme action
The only good one
Mathematically impossible.
Where can I buy a crate of these stinky bois?
but privately owned cannons was and is a factually proven thing.
You should get more upset
WW3 please come asap
Are you certain about your math there?
>not had Facebook since 2013
niggers gonna nig
I guarantee nobody wanted to see more of that shitty-ass comic. The guy who draws it is an ultrafaggot.
What the fuck
Difference is those bigots had talent.
Why do you think they would only kill 2 jews a minute?
You gotta think bigger.
quints don lie
finally a funny one
I knew it was a rekt video as soon as I saw the Chinese logo
Off by 1
I laughed
so add physics to the list of things stonetoss doesn't understand. Is there anything that retard does understand?
>according to 2 random studies of 40 people in a couple European countries, trans women dont commit suicide as much! "Just 5.1%"!
You do realize the average suicide rate is 13 people per 100,000?
1 in 20 vs 13 in 100,000 not even close
"Numbers are like people, if you torture them enough they will tell you anything."
Is this a win or a fail?
I've never had a FB account - or twitter, IG, etc. None of it.
Yours is also shit, shithead
Impressive. Stonetoss is indeed an ultrafag. This is truth. Quints have spoken.
Those women just want the D. They don't care about anything else.
They missed his stop
The guy that writes this comic is a fucking moron
not because he's racist, but because he missed the perfect opportunity to say "African americano"
Yes, but it wasn't until recently that some people started thinking the 2nd ammendment meant they could own any guns
That's some James Bond shit.
No shit more trans people kill themselves. But the idea that it's 40% and that post op causes an increase is absolute bullshit. Ask yourself this, if trans people weren't as looked down upon, would they kill themselves as much
The quints have spoken.
To kill 6 million kikes within those 5 years they'd have to kill 2 kikes per minute. Again impossible, especially under the conditions Germany was under. The chances of victory were slim even without the strain a project the size of the holocaust would've put on Germany.
what is the joke supposed to be here? or am i just being retarded?
Neither my mom uses Facebook anymore in 2019
Because they're mentally ill numbnut.
No it's not
>if trans people weren't as looked down upon, would they kill themselves as much
Yeah they wouldn't kill themselves as much, but it would be just marginal
They kill themselves because they can never be what they want
Society shouldn't encourage people to explore the question "am I transgender?"
A lot of confused people explore that question, think they are trans, and then live horribly sad lives after going through with some irreversible transition aspect or killing themselves
Machine guns work much faster - along with zyklon B
how the fuck can you remember something that didnt happen?
Wonder what the crazy cunt was saying.
>wooden doors
And if sex change operations are shown to put them at less risk of suicide attempts, does that mean it's an effective treatment?
Facebook is still a thing?
Then why didn't they use them?
The gas chambers had steel doors
Made me laugh.
>Then why didn't they use them?
They did but it wasn't efficient enough. Gas was the faster more efficient option.
For the workers of camps, and most camps weren't death camps
Can i borrow a white bucket ?
that's a weird gas chamber "steel door" from auschwitz.
Chinese master race..
Machine gunning thousands of unarmed women and children was having a bad effect on SS morale believe it or not.
So why didn't they gas them?
Those "studies" are all bullshit
They only look at the first year after the surgery
Transgenders talk about "the pink mist"
When you first get on hormones, or first get a breast augmentation, or first get bottom surgery, you are in an optimistic mood (pink mist).
Those studies track 5 years down the line because they'd discover that the suicide rate didn't change.
And they know this, so they don't.
Left wing identity politics is now structuring experiments to get the outcome they want.
And if you want to structure an experiment a different way? YOU ARE A RACIST BIGOT HOMOPHOBE! and they get you fired.
is this real?? source???
The cringe is unreal
There were never any steel doors in German concentration camps
It didn't happen in the first place believe it or not. There were no documents, no official orders, no evidence of any written communication that could even hint at the extermination of any specific group.
The source is G-bag himself.
>most camps weren't death camps
They did
>He believes everything he reads on the internet.
user they replaced the doors when the place became a museum.
He was drunk so the fall couldn't hurt him.
wats dat?? link?
who told you that ? princess breanna ?
No it's not
>what is the wannsee conference
I know there will never be sufficient proof for stormfag incels but what the hell.
Thread derailed
this one is kinda funny
This artist is not very clever, though. I even agree with some of the basic tenants of the strip, but the execution is just terrible.
Conveniently all of the death camps were only inspected by Russia
Shit i wish i knew people who got actual INTELLEGENT humor like this, most sheep.. i mean 'friends' i have on facebook can only seem to relate topre school level 'instergramers' and 'youtubers' i deserve better.
Nobody is claiming 6 million Jews were cremated dumbass. 6 million Jews died from a multitude of things, mostly starvation.
How? Describe the process, every single step and explain how was it efficient.
Find it yourself you lazy fuck.
But user they did. First they tried carbon monoxide, but that wasn't fast enough, or efficient. So they used poison gas.
I can't imagine saying "ugh" to a stranger on the street. How much of a cunt do you have to be to do that?
>6 million Jews are in danger because of anti-semitic governments
Fast forward
>those 6 million Jews that were in danger died
Did you know Elie Wiesel admitted to a Rabbi that his book "Night" was made up?
Look it up.
I had to read it in high school and we were told it was non-fiction
Yes, most weren't death camps, but all camps were inspected
And the stormfags shit up another YLYL thread. Good job boys.
If there is so much proof, why do they photoshop so many photos?
Because you said so?
Rutting season in full swing
holy shit you have it all worked out
It's not really intelligent humor, though. I should know because I write an operating system from scratch. I'm way smarter than this artist.
They rusted up and were too heavy for tourists to move. user why would the Jew's make up a story like the holocaust? What do they gain.
You can look at how the study was conducted retard.
They never track the trannies past like 1 or 2 years.
Jews to the chamber
Gas massive amounts at once
Get rid of the bodies
Like an assembly line of genocide
Yup the bullshit piles up so fast you need wings to stay above it
>it happened plenty of times in the past
>must mean it's right
>Believing everything you read on the internet
Okay user. Is they sky falling again?
Einsatzgruppen Reports. Read it.
kek lost
Yeah because I was thinking about transitioning for years
Then I studied Jungian psychology and realized transgenderism is a manifestation of something much deeper
Transgender identity is a mental illness
i refuse to think about it
And the rest of your post is because you said so?
And that pic is not claiming that either. It's calculating how many jews had to be killed per minute to kill 6,000,000 of them within 5 years.
Yes, jews died mostly due to starvation and typhus, maybe couple hundred thousand, but they weren't deliberately starved.
I'm pro second amendment, but I'm anti-stonetoss.
He's like a ben garrison that can't draw
All the evidence is there, but tell me again what Germany is gaining from your theory
Studies are stupid. All of them. No matter what they claim to prove or not prove.
Someone has to pay for the study. People investing money into the study want a specific outcome. Why waste the money unless the result is going to be what they want?
Absolute retard
And all you contribute is a negative comment, well done, cunt
I give a fuck, faggot.
Pregnant before hand, or just good old rape
the quran literally describes and endorses terrorism tho
Ballpoint pens are much older
They didn't
>Russia inspects all of the camps
>Oh whaddya know its genocidal death camps!
>plz pay for the war Germay like how you just did in WW1!
>t. Russia
So you just ignored me last time, but I'll ask again. What do the Jew's gain from making up a story like the holocaust. Also who forged all those years worth of documents related to the holocaust?
Not even a challenge, grandma.
>people found to be lying about being in the holocaust are found guilty
>other people have not been lying so they have not been found guilty of fraud
Both of those photos were on the History Channel back in its Hitler Channel days that's not like suppressed underground info
But that's made up
Do you know what the Marshall plan is?
Germany is still paying out reparations for the Holocaust today dude
I have a pic that answers all of your questions but image limit is reached.
There is a jewish prophecy that says "6 million have to die before Israel is created"
>jews get paid money
>geopolitical power for creation of Israel
>Russia went along with it because they thought they could get paid for the war just like in WW1
Alright I'll bite. Why does the added/missing guy make a difference to the picture? The caption is about crowded bunks, not guys that don't know how to dress for pictures
>Like an assembly line of genocide
First you have to huddle the "massive amount at once" which would take 5 to 10 minuets, then they'd have to undress, another couple of minuets and again they all had to get into the chamber, another couple of minuets.
Getting rid of the bodies would take days just from a single batch, first you have to transport all the bodies, then you have to cremate them, did you ever see those tiny ovens Germans had? They had only a couple of them per camp. Even modern cremation equipment cremates a body over the span of 5 hours or so. So imagine how long it would take these small ovens to burn a pile of what, 50? 60? bodies once.
Hardly an "assembly line of genocide" if you ask me.
Holy shit these are lame
Pink mist has another definition too, ask any sniper.
Waste my time on fabricated bullshit? No thanks. They're as genuine as "einsatzgruppe photos".
You're implying all of them were cremated in ovens, which is false
>hey that picture is doctored
>who cares if they are lying?
The fuck is wrong with you
it shows they are doctoring photos, and to lead you to believe they were starving and working the Jews to death intentionally
When in reality that guy probably had Typhus
that's not the point of the comic
Back of the net
>no one can stop me from being my absolute retardest
>Marshall Plan 1948
Russia thought they were going to get paid before the Marshall plan came out just like what happened with WW1
These reports were used at the Nuremburg trials, dipshit.
They were literally taking trains full of them straight into gas Chambers. That number seems low. Only Jews they kept in camps were those they could work to death for a few months
It's funny how over the years the conspiracy changes. I've seen all the pictures, I've seen all the 'facts' that have come and gone over the years.
user, when did the Jews first start using the term Israel?
cum powered ethernet when
this, they were shot/stabbed/gassed/burnt and a huge huge portion of them died from disease. At no point does it say the 6million number was all gassings/cremations, thats just an idiotic american idea.
Long live the patriarchy!
So, tell again how this proves the germans were in on it?
biker was holding an explosive diarrhea from too much curry
>also nerve gas
>When in reality that guy probably had Typhus
The Typhoid out break in the camps was picked up on after the war when the allies liberated the camps.
>is this real?
Were you born from forest gumps ass?
Oh yeah, those mass graves that are at Auschwitz, but you cannot dig them up and confirm their existence because reasons.
>Zyklon b
>needs a sealed door to work
You guys realize zyklon B was even used in wooden boats to kill roaches right?
The germans weren't in on it, you retard
The germans did what America did in the 1940's
They interned potential enemies.
Bolshevik Russia was controlled by Jews.
The Holodomor happened because of Jews
The Jews led a failed revolution in germany in 1918
zyklon b is heavier than air, they dug trenches as it sank to the ground. These guys are fucking idiots bullshitting.
So the germans weren't in on it, but they never denied it happened, and they now have laws against denying it?
those laws exist because of retards like you.
I think they changed the plaque at Auschwitz about 3 or 4 times actually.
Documents such as NO-1128? Documents written and signed by Himmler himself and allegedly containing statistics showing the proof of genocide? Wrong. These documents were either falsified or their content outright ignored.
I worked there when that happened that was hilarious
no those are different camps.
If they wanted to murder them and "work to death" why were they paid for work? Why did the camps have infirmaries (both for guards and "prisoners")? Why were there nurseries? Why didn't they just kill them? That would have been faster and easier, keep the stronger ones and kill the weak ones. But for some reason the Germans in their determination to exterminate an entire ethnic group they spared pretty much everyone and allegedly murdered them via a slow and selective process.
You can find so many pictures of them you absolute dipshit, and film including patton, Eisenhower, and Bradley checking them out
There's 3 Auschwitz's
>tfw you don't provide condoms at the death camp and everyone thinks it's because you aren't killing people
>ftw you provide condoms and everyone wants to know why you gave luxuries at a death camp
loads of camps had no murder at all, just typhoid deaths, it was entirely dependant on what doctors were at the camps and if they had a large SS presence.
Oh yeah, I saw a film of Katyn mass graves. Those evil Germans... oh wait no those were Soviets who murdered over a thousand Polish officers and blamed the Germans at Nuremberg, my bad...
>you can't falsify pictures
So Germany, despite not being in on it as you claimed, created laws against questioning whether or not they took part in genocide, because people like me know the holocaust happened?
Not that there's anything wrong with being an ultrafaggot.
Deleted my facebook in December
Where the keys at nigger?
meant to tag the other guy to carry on from your comment, people like him, not you.
a lot of people here seem to think Auschwitz was the only death camp, it was one of the smaller ones .