Be SS Officer

>Be SS Officer
>Be in Hitler's bunker as Berlin falls to the soviets
>Hitler begins to say goodbye to everyone in the bunker
>Before he commits suicide he turns to everyone and says:

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I only have one testicle! I did all this with one testicle! this common knowledge? Huh. I thought I kept that bit to myself. Anyway Auf Weidersehen! *eats a gun*

Everybody do the dinosaur

Peace out, mah niggaz.

Obama out *BLAM*

boogie oogie oogie till you just can't boogie no more

your mom gay

Cut off one head, two more shall take its place

Bush did 9/11

Enjoy being ruled by the kikes

>implying we aren't ruled by corporations


i lost my godamn pepes

my computers hard drive died on my causing my pepes to be no more. I need those delicious bastards back.

If you guys could be so kind as to share one from your collection, I would be forever in your debt.

I just shidded and farded and camed my pants

Finger. Look at your finger.

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Hitler 1945:
Brothers. Comrades. Children...
My dream has been shattered.
But I do not blame you all.
It was my fault.
I rushed into action to quickly.
If only I had planned it in advanced...
But do not worry.
Although the Communists are coming to butcher us, steal our bodies, and parade us around like puppets, I assure you this will not destroy the white people's spirit.
We will keep fighting.
And we will keep surviving.
And we shall keep existing.
Not out of spite for the non-whites...
But for hope for our own people.
May God be on our sides when we reach the after life.
Goodbye and thank you, my loyal allies.

Belle Delphine 2019: L M A O fuck white bois, I love BBC! Lol these pathetic beta males will buy anything I even touch! How retarded! XDDDDD The white race is dying! Yaaaay!

I failed you Volksgenossen. I failed you.

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aw the murderous tyrant has a sad qq

Murderous to enemies. Loving to his own.

She's a dyke tho. Unless you mean clit