food in USA schools
Food in USA schools
Wait, you get food in school?
What sorcery is this?
3rd world dweller asking.
Damn, that's pretty disturbing
No wonder school shooting is prominent in the U.S.
3.6 roentgen not great not terrible
This is why I'm glad I was homeschooled
damn xtra crunchy that shit look good
I always enjoyed the food in school and I lived in a pretty poor area. The pizza is honestly really good, and looks nothing like this. Anyone who bitches about the food is just a picky bitch.
Yeah and it's free if you're poor
not at all actually
you must be really poor because not even the homeless kids ate the food at my school. sometimes we'd pull the wrapper/crust off the eggrolls and eat that or eat an apple when they weren't rotten, oh and the crust of the Jamaican "beef" patty but never the internal contents because not even the Haitian kids trusted that shit and they eat actual dirt so you know if they aren't eating it, its for a good reason
It is the max in the scale
This, most people avoided that garbage. School food is a major reason so many kids are obese. It's mostly empty carbs with lots of corn syrup and additives in everything. Basically getting them ready for a life of McDonalds and Burger King.
And it should be free regardless. $1,409 of my property tax dollars last year went to the schools, and they blow it all on stupid shit like new uniforms for the football team and a new basketball court, and, I shit you not, they're deciding whether or not to build a SWIMMING POOL!
Meanwhile, while I have no kids (yet still have to pay this tax) when my nieces and nephews went there I could see that 90% of the homework they were being given is just pointless busywork.
Fuck U.S. schools.
I worked in the sdusd food service for about 5 years. They shouldn't have have served this.
I don't know where the fuck you guys went to school but I had some premium shit and you could pick what you wanted to eat that day
is that literally a wasp nest?
michelle obama,that you? have fun forcing schoolchildren to eat better while being a fat pig eating fried chicken and hamburgers
The food in my school absolutely looked like this, and I went to a private school 6-12th
You're just a bitch
swimming pool I get at least thats excercise and being able to not drown, the school team worship I hate
Mommy made you good little snackies huh loser?
Yeah, homework is BS but everything else you are complaining about is necessary. Sports uniforms get ruined at require replacements because... The kids play fucking sports in them. And a fucking basketball court? You're complaining about that? You don't want your neice to have to do busy work but you also want her to spend 7 hours of her life in a featureless prison with no activities to do? Go fuck yourself you dumb prick
7 hours of her life every day*
My public school food was so-so. As an adult I wish someone would just hand me a lunch that I dont have to think about or cook myself
>You don't want your neice to have to do busy work but you also want her to spend 7 hours of her life in a featureless prison with no activities to do?
You mean like the real world?
You posting from prison? Say hi to Jamal for me
>this is what food in US schools look like when you're a whiny liberal
you've clearly ever tasted it