Are human inherently evil?

are human inherently evil?

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I'm 15 and this is a deep question.


well...? are human inherently evil?

Your sense of what is good or evil is based on social constructs.

There are children in Africa taken from their family’s as early as eight and force into rebel army’s. Giving guns and going through villages killing women and children alike. This kid does this till he’s 18 he’s going to be considered a “evil“ person but if they are told to not feel remorse and that what they are doing is wrong they might not feel like they have done anything evil. It’s all about perspective. We selectively breed almost every life form on earth but if you even suggest selectively breeding humans to only pass on good genes and to stop breeding bad DNA as it causes birth defects and often pain for the ones with the defects people will lose their minds. Is that an evil thought to want humanity to be as strong and intelligent as it can be by selectively breeding? Or is that a nazi way of thinking?
> Perspective.

Hey my man ---->\invite\VwxfERa
Sea Dat sit ? Join today,
God said tP

There is no good and evil. Every formal proof system needs a consistent set of axioms. Ethics doesn't have one and if we create one it's just an arbitrary set and we will never know if it has a correlation with the structure and feefees of the universe like for example Peano has.

>inadvertently referencing reddit
I can't think of something harsh enough for the likes of you so use your imagination.

More like a disease.

everything started to go wrong once humans perfected the arts of agriculture and industry, which eventually led to unprecedented levels of private property, economic interdependence, and inequality. Inequality breeds social division. Where societies had once been united by strong social bonds, the escalation of inequality soon turned us into ruthless competitors for status and domination. it is political and social institutions that make us evil, as we now are. In his secularised retelling of the Fall, the advent of economic inequality takes the place of our ejection from the Garden of Eden. It remains one of the most powerful indictments of modern society in the history of western thought.

Yea Forums and reddit has almost the same userbase. That's no secret anymore but people always act like this is a outrageous claim because they're dumb faggots. Most of the actual Yea Forums userbase is long gone


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I hope you and your family die a painful death

Hey my man ---->\invite\VwxfERa
Sea Dat sit ? Join today,
God said nQ

The system is not shit. People are.

People are a product of the system

There is no thing like Evil or Good. That's just our human morality based on our interests, culture,...
If you say, for example, we are an toxic animal because we destroy our environment, I would reply that its not true, its just ignorance or that we dont care because we think It wont afect us directly (ignorance).
But we are selfish and hedonists.
I apologice for my vas english.

You're a fucking retard.
No one has to be an asshole in capitalism.
It's a perfect system but the people decide to be assholes for their own profit. The system does not bring things out of people which aren't already there.

Hey my man ---->\invite\VwxfERa
Sea Dat sit ? Join today,
God said Hy

inherently? No from my experience 85% of people are good people with no ill will. But theres a good amount of shitbags also. Ive been helped by and also helped a fair amount of strangers for no other reason than i wanted to help and vice versa. Tldr. Not all humans are shit just some of them

We are toxic animals that turn everything we touch into shit.

Of course it's long gone, that doesn't mean you reddit faggots get to inherit it and ruin it with your stupid fucking references to your stupid fucking boards.
>durrrrr u juzz got R/WHOOOOOOOSHED XDDDDDD
>durrrr r/I'm15andthisisdeep durrr
>hurrrrrrrrrr r/ihavenothingimportanttosaysoireferencereddit
You guys ANY sort of substance. You're drones. NPCs. You're fucking boring. I'd rather scroll through pounds of titty pics than even listen to two reddit spergs speak to each other. It's so unbelievably pretentious every time. Everyone thinks they're funny as shit for making dad jokes and if you Dare try argue against their "comedic gold values" you'll get "DURRR U MUZZ BE FUN AT PARDEEZ XDDDDD" every. Fucking. Time.

Nope, the opposite.
We are herd animals, social creatures.
Indeed, the harshest form of punishment you can inflict on someone, the punishment they use for life convicted criminals, is to isolate them away from other people.

Our entire human global society exists based on our trust in each other, and it’s obviously working - because look at where we’ve come as a species.

The “inherently evil” individuals are routinely removed from wider society (see above)

No. People are inherently good.

define "evil"

How do you know this stuff if you don't browse reddit?

Humans have empathy, it's not something you can teach. When you shoot a woman and she screams for help you'll still feel empathetic while pulling the trigger. It's not a question of right or wrong because people do things they think are wrong all the time.

Choke on a bag of dicks.
I refuse to argue with you.

If you're trying to pin me as a redditor then you're really reaching for low hanging fruit. I've been ON reddit to see what it's about and occasionally to find information quickly but never will I make an account. The majority of posts are useless and I don't wish to speak anyone on that site.
Inb4 DURRRR ur a redditor user xD

No, humans are not programmed that way noone can live in abuse they're whole life unless it turns into Stockholm, humans act like animals but God told us to rise above the animal

I wouldn't say evil but inherently violent yea

>I browse reddit but I'm not a redditor
>inb4 hurr durr truth and facts
There's nothing left to say after this

Also it's the laws of nature the competition for resources used for good bigger bird picks on a smaller bird but then feeds a rat for no benefit

you stupid faggots are like vegans, every two seconds it's r/youdunfuckedup or r/woooooosh and you never shut the fuck up about, you can't help but know this shit.

yes human inherently evil

>DURRRR ur a redditor user XDDD
yep, we're officially done speaking to each other.

>I'm not a redditor I-I swear. I-It's y-you.

yeah a little bit

>literally can't fathom why anyone has disdain for reddit
>even after two different people explain why they have disdain for reddit
Gee, it's no wonder why nobody likes you. You can't handle being confronted for what you really are: annoying.

I was just saying why I know his stupid reddit references, why I have distain for reddit is because the entire website is an autistic circle jerk of the same ideas over and over with no one challenging them, and if someone dares disagree with them then they either an incel, a Nazi, or a pedophile.


>why I have distain
Do you? Do you really have distain?
Maybe you should Shout it out, you illiterate fucking retard. Being this stupid, your other opinions are automatically suspect.
You come to Yea Forums, son, you come correct!

Yes, because with out humans evil cannot exist.

Define evil?

>his stupid reddit references,
I'm not even that guy.
I didn't know this reference despite the fact that I have 5 subreddits which I browse regularly.
You know it which shows me that you browse reddit far more often than just a "quick look to see what it is". The thing that annoys me is that people on Yea Forums pretend to hate reddit despite the fact that 80% of them have an reddit account and on reddit the same fucking people pretend to hate Yea Forums.
Shut up you fucking nigger.
Nice fantasy story you faggot.
How much of a cock sucking soiboy do you have to be to talk like that?


Wow, who would've figured that he'd choose more low hanging fruit rather than form any sort substance towards defending himself. Nope. Guess back peddling just gets the job done quicker.
>afraid of being confronted
Afraid of being confronted

when I go on youtube or anywhere outside of Yea Forums and someone says something like OP there's some fag saying r/im15andthisisdeep so this either shows that you're making shit up to call me a redditfag or you don't go anywhere outside of here, both options are sad to be honest.

This. Literally can't watch a single YouTube video without some man-child going "duh deh derrr heh R/WAHOOOOOOOSH XDDDDDD"

That's not what he said.

did you not readhe just removed the r/

You need to change your YouTube ID. I get a bunch of videos suggested that don't have that. I'm not even sure what the fuck
>"duh deh derrr heh R/WAHOOOOOOOSH XDDDDDD"
Maybe it's the videos you've been watching for the past five years that's fucked up the algorithm with respect to you.

What are you on about, guy? It's the comments, not the videos.

he's playing dumb to try to call us redditfags, just ignore the bait.

Yes they are
Most people are caught up/brainwashed by the system, norms, status quo and peer pressure
Any deviation from the norms results in ostracism
Most people are emotionally dependent of each other so nobody strays from the norms and readily accept the new bullshit pushed and forced down our throats whether it’s a new trend, new short shelf life “artist”, political bullshit, PC, etc
People by default think in a very childish manner and if they judge that you wronged them in their fucked up retarded heads, they will make their possible to run their mouths and have things seemingly coincidental happening to you
Fuck people

we're all evil degenerates, just strap in for the ride and have some fun

Nature VS. Nurture. We can go about this all day. Evil is a construct created by sosciety what is bad and good. Their is no such thing as good and bad. Rules were created to rule a society just as religion is used to shape people.

>Rules were created to rule a society
In fairness, life without society is kind of shit - short, nasty, poor, and brutish, as Hobbes wrote. So, rules/norms that makes society function are a good thing, unless you want to live life like on a Rust server, i.e., for about 5 minutes, until you meet another person.

YOU are a fucking retard
You are born into this world evolving around people who brought you up into this fucking messy shitty system and you fail to see how the entertainment and anything to do with marketing turn people to shit because it’s constantly a numbers game
People abandon who they are and who they aspire to be in order to be relevant to their surroundings because there’s this social conditioning that push people to follow each others nose up the ass and if you dare fucking the chain up by stick your nose out of someone’s ass and wiggle the nose up your ass out of it and say “guise, this isn’t right”
People are going to want you dead for even thinking of going against the grain, whether you’re right or not
The system and people who runs it make mindless childish snitch NPCs
It’s a fact


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>imagining people are more than their social conditioning
You're cute. Naive AF, but cute.

that is why Neanderthals died out, they were stronger than us but never developed a society so most died from either illness or by us picking them off


I never said that you fucking retard, learn to read

>People abandon who they are and who they aspire to be in order to be relevant to their surroundings because there’s this social conditioning
I think that's pretty much Exactly What You Wrote, idiot.

Morality is a luxury. A hungry man will lie, cheat and steal to survive.

That is true morality, doing good when it hurts you


if you want to bump a thread just say bump, that's all you got to do

No. But we are more than capable of evil.

Only the Black ones, although many scientists don't believe they are people anyway.

>social constructs

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Answer me this:
>What is evil?
Such subjective categories cannot be used to describe a fucking species.

Yes, we humans killed all the Neanderthals over millions of years ago. And we have been in never ending war with our own species from the dawn of human kind history and pre history.

Evil it’s our nature, evil it’s our future