Cali wins lets go guys

cali wins lets go guys

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209 here

Bchs mcnair anyone?

209 nigga here

which part Yea Forumsro


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Anyone here?

where my 209 guys at?

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East LA/Boyle heights anyone?

san jose

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Anybody got wins of her?

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Need some galt wins or Lodi

Pathetic faggot

who that?

stockton, anyone?

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Post more

925 pls

you know her?

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Nah but from the area

oh nice haha

Hey my man ---->\invite\VwxfERa
Sea Dat sit ? Join today,
God said YB

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408 here

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anyone here?

I can’t contribute, lurking tho

951 here.

Attached: short-hair-hot-young-naked-girls-and-sexy-nude-teens-14162450554kg8n.jpg (476x640, 23K)

why not contribute?


who do you know in 916?

Whoah there dont skip dont you want to see pure porn and memes?\invite\uzAtczX
Join them, pure server, sexy porn and funny memes
I believe in you, YES YOU CAN
Its a trannieserver lolilol23rINl

760 inyo county here

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the ol' pacific islander club-slut. the fukkin cities here are fucking crawling with them. protip: they stay pregnant

how fukkin insecure is this bitch that she has to make excuses for her fukked up nails. we already know she's a cheap hoe form the complimentary LV gift bag as a purse and the faux snake skin pants that a sure sign that you can fuck her bareback if you spend enough that night.


626 Covina?




Looks like another Cali thread is gonna 404

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None of these are really wins, tbh.

916 elk grove
Julyana Marie Estrada

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805 Ucsb please anything from there!


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yes please more

she looks fairly familar... i think i follow her on ig kek

u go to ucsb?

no i don't but i just thinking i follow her on ig... have a feeling there's something floating around with her

what do u mean floating around?

wins floating around


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tf is this photoshop

yes post more 805 ucsb or slo


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no she has implants

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Dont think she attended any, just works at Starbucks in Brentwood after HS

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Exactly what I'd expect from 408

Oh i like her! Shes tiny, daddy want

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i just found it online so yeah haha im not the op this guy is

Bummer i wanted her info

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wish i knew bro


*UCSTD. fuck the entire golita county and its bitchy blond 'Communications Majors'.

Lara Q from 925 pls

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California needs to be destroyed.

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this thread needs more diversity

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lol i went there


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831 nigga reporting in

she still work at starbucks?

nvm wrong brentwood


I dunno havent been in years to that one

Any interest in my slut?

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where from?


Lemme see that dick

No, sorry.

What's her name, I'll go on my way home. And what Starbucks lone tree, sand creek or Brentwood Blvd?


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thats why ppl dont post

I guess I should really review my life choices as I've apparently ruined a thread on an image board.

I think it was brentwood blvd, mckenna


which part?

also moar?

Oh damn i want her dirty thongs

No ones tryin to see the old hags


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Holy shit I know these tattoos, she went to UOP and got kicked out


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Lol now i gotta know the story

More 951!

This girl is in my area code and I don't know her and that makes me sad.

951 here. Where my /k/ bois and grills at?

Novastomper on snapchat.

Hey i think i know her. Lodi right?

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562 here

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her yes?

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By jove i think he’s got it

Go on

you have kik i wanna message you


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562 again.

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so guessing no kik?




oh so whats the story? how do you know her?

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I don’t


I went to her school

What school? Highs


Hey me too

Any 805

Post 925, assholes

What high school?



Hello fellow 925 fag

Hey Yea Forumsro

Any nudes

So wheres the pics Yea Forumsros

Go run up some 925 hood rats and post em

Anyone recognize

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916. Anybody got some Roseville wins?

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209 up in here

Where the fuck the 818 at?

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No meth head 209 trash in here

cool story

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ill trade if you have ucsb or slo

Got plenty of 714. Drop your kik if you're looking for that area.
Or, any good cali cords out there?


>repost shit version of original
not exactly what I had in mind

whoops kek i thought i had it on a different one

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any of right? keep going

ahh i do i just gotta look for it in the folder

any more?

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here we go


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209 checking in

Anymore 562 here?

925 here

Any 951 Corona?


Actually, I think I do. Did she have some kind of medical condition? Reminds me of a girl on FetLife from some years back when I lived in 925

You fucking mung. Thanks for posting my pic again faggot
I posted this last night but you missed the win I posteeed too


Are her initials B.J.?

Anyone recognize? 951

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anymore 916?

More inyo county or kern county

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Looking for her wins, lives in LA

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well damn!

sexy af

where is everyone from and who you got to share?

You got a kik?

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Yeah, what's yours?

925 checking in

>inyo county
Not in mine.


Anyone know her from Ukiah

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916 / Kim?

Bakersfield,Shafter or Wasco?

916 Melissa M

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530 Auburn. Where's all the junkie slut wins?

hmmm nice big tits and ass

I think I went to high school with her. GBHS?

whos that got more?

any folsom?


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Just coming in here to ask you faggots to learn how to fucking drive before transplanting to our state because of your outrageous taxes and nanny laws. Thanks.

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hmmm joce


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bump for 916

Holy shit, PLEASE post more

More roseville wins...or lincoln?

Kik kian191

Kik is gay


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bump bump bump

looking to trade 661 AV for more 661 AV
KIK me
kik: Tradin4shitt


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Yo I know her she’s in the military and she was in my unit

More pics?

Unfortunately no

But I’ve seen more on here before

stockton lodi?

Need some 661 in here

i got a lot of palmdale lancaster 661

Post it

hit me up on kik
kik: tradin4shitt

Bako 661 reporting

So still no Corona?

Kindra R


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951 as well. She dtf?

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I wanna see some five cities bitches. Never see any on here. Hear slo everyonce in a while tho.

That's fantastic

need some bako sluts

hot bod full frontal?

any lone pine or bishop?

Bako 661

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Nikki aka Minty_moth on IG. Long Beach area. Anyone know her or have wins?

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I wish, Yea Forumsro. I'm from there.

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any yall got some 559?


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got any other ukiah?


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How many of you 916 guys are there on this board? Every fucking CA thread is filled with Roseville, SB, SLO, Bakersfield and so on. Rarely see LA and SD, it’s so weird. Two of most populous cities in CA and they barely get on here!

What a country.

Looks like a tranny.

909 plsss

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916 meth slut right here boi

I’d still fuck the shit out of him

California is a fucking garbage pit. Fuck off faggot.

323 Korea town

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Lmao that’s too bad 619 here, we had our own meth problem too. But damn, thanks for proving my point kek.

What shit hole state are you from?

Texas? New York? Louisiana? Or how about some real massive shit pile like Washington or Oregon?

I rarely see Bako honestly. I see it mostly when there is a new person on Yea Forums sharing nudes.

Typical non-CA resident.

I had gone to Phoenix a few months back and couldn’t help but think “This place sucks.” I couldn’t wait to get back home where I could enjoy the ocean.

We have the bitches, beaches, weed, celebs, money, and avocados.

Your state on the other hand doesn't have shit!

Yooo is her name Janette?

I'm only looking for 714!

Fuck merced. I hate when i go there for work, full of bums and crackheads and beaner gangsters


you are aware the 209 isn't just merced right?

Angela H right?

theres a severe lack of 530 in this thread

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925 , anyone recognize her or have more?

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San jose too

Know her?

408 checkin in

yea, have her on insta, been wanting to see her

Anyone recognize this slut?

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Recognize her?

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more of middle?

Anyone recognize? Post initals

Orange county

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any 530 woodland here?

any 650 /415 wins?

>just works at Starbucks in Brentwood after HS
What year?

looking for 916 stoner girl wins. girls that work at dispensaries/model