What idiot thinks a guy literally famous for being rich cares about average Americans...

What idiot thinks a guy literally famous for being rich cares about average Americans? How is this not the corrupt elite playing you against your own interests?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Please tell me what you think my interests are?

I'd rather have this idiot in office than any Democrat

Trump could literally surrender the US to Russia and go on TV saying he was a plant and did it all for the revival of the USSR and idiots like you would still chant USA! USA! without realizing how instrumental you’ve been to it’s downfall.

the derangement never ends

Unless you're rich it doesnt matter who runs the country.

Lol muh russia.

Things that will never happen

I'll shit in your mouth faggot

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My favorite thing ever is how straight up OFFENSIVE the idea universal healthcare and education are. It works very well elsewhere but somehow the richest country in the world can’t pull it off? You already pay all the taxes, would you rather go bankrupt just for getting sick?

Pay no attention to the fact that since Trump was elected, your 401K has grown immensely and the market has grown by 9 trillion dollars while the economy has grown twice as fast as it did under Obama 2014-2016.

Trump is the most relentlessly investigated human organism in universal history, but of course you know better. Don't mind us ignoring you.

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Anything ran by the government doesn't work. They don't even do their job as it is. Government should be left out of Healthcare and education.

Because of the drones aka the Bible thumpers and anybody wearing a maga hat. They don’t realize that they will also be abandoned once the rhetoric is over. The end game to all this? So they can sell you breathable air.

When was the last time anyone said "oh good, the US government is getting involved"

>50 shekels have been deposited into your account.

Is this some kinda reverse psycology? Are you pretending to be a retarded anti-trumper to annoy people into being pro trump?

No, he had 6 bankruptcies. For a total of $6.888 billion. That why he has to rely on russia and Saudi Arabia for loans.

Why bring this up? What makes you think anyone else running on either side of the aisle in 2016 cared for the common working man?
No one up there does, but there was a glimmering hope that this independantly wealthy man wouldn't be bought by corporations. That was the idea anyway.

I'm Canadian and fuck you for saying universal healthcare works.

Sorry to break it to you user, but all politicians are rich.

another sad plebeian that knows nothing about economics and how economic growth occurs.
when you say care about the average american do you mean more free shit for mediocre citizens?

Except it doesn't really work.

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Except the report states he's suspected but he cant legally say 100% without opening himself up for lawsuits

I suspect you're a pedophile.
I can't say 100% without opening myself up for lawsuits though.

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Mueller: Not enough evidence for collusion, tons of evidence for obstruction.

He tells it like his supporters want to hear it. He has so little regard for the truth, no one else even listens anymore. Gave up trying.

I’m also Canadian and can confirm it doesn’t, you’ll die waiting for treatment.

you know who else is a pedophile


>Mueller: tons of evidence for obstruction.
Show me where he stated this.

Shut the fuck up you populist retard.

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Do you suspect him, user?
But you probably can't say 100% without opening yourself up for lawsuits. amirite?

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Never heard of defamation lawsuits?

He lost over a Billion Dollars. more than any other american businessman ever. He's the king of failure.

So the market being up is a fluke?

I suspect you're also a pedophile.
I can't confirm that 100% though.

Jeff Bezos lost $5.5 billion.

you realize trump has been a democrat most of his life.id rather have bush back

Mark Zuckerberg Lost $15 Billion in 2018.

Yeah what I want is somebody like Biden who’s been a career politician for 40 years, or better yet Bernie, who has literally never had a real job.

That not what the voter registry says.

>tons of evidence
Is that a direct quote? Or was it more like pic related?

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either way,he deserves to be with the democrats.alongside every other piece of shit anti gun person

>more than any American businessman ever

It’s funny when kids just make shit up as they go.

op is an idiot, piss off

You do of course understand that trump has done more to hurt Russia than any president since the soviet union went away, right? Look up all the sanctions and work done to stop Russia supplying more gas to Europe...

also,im pretty sure the only reason his family voted republican is because daddy ran for president as one

Oh, it's you.
Have fun shilling all day, user.

All these plebs thinking bankruptcy equates failure. You faggots have never owned even the smallest business, let alone know how to snub the system when investments turn south. "He lost x amount of dollars" and yet he's still profoundly rich, has power beyond your knowledge and is PotUS. Wake up from your lefty fantasy where your cuckwage life is the only thing that makes sense amd steers you toward socialism. The system, the gov't and capitalism are your enemy. Trump is a player, not a representative of the game itself. Until you realize the game is rigged, you play it. Albeit absolutely poorly.

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Yeah, that makes total sense.

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you retards wernt even born yet when the soviet union was around.stupid zoomer faggots

>muh politics yay

Every fucking disaster and public service. Idiots like you are just to stupid to realise how much every citizen already relies on socialized programs.

Glad your wallstreet overlords are doing good. Make sure you don't miss a spot with your boot licking.

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Real life isn’t monopoly jr kids, bankrupt doesn’t mean zero money and you lose.

Do you not have any investments? Just living paycheck to paycheck and want the government to take care of you?

Yes, because it's the right wing conglomerates like FB, Google, and YouTube who sell you tons of apps and sell your data....

>sell me tons of apps
Nope, I don’t pay for apps
>sell my data
Oh no’s not my data! I need that to live

I don't like trump but this is about the only argument ill appreciate about unironically supporting him anymore. Which idiot do you like more or hate less?
That's an opinion I can get behind.

Claims he can turn the economy around.
Turns the economy around.
BUT TRUMP LOL so nope I guess?

We get a lot of interns from Canada and I hear this a lot. There's always some conversation about how bad the healthcare system in America is and how much better it must be in Canada only to have the interns say something along the lines of "well our system has its own share of problems."

Can you elaborate some more on canada's health care system? Genuinely curious.

Hey my man ---->
Sea Dat sit ? Join today,
God said MI

Ah, a rich larper is attacking my person in place of an actual argument. Who would have guessed?

hes still richer than you nigger

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“Our investigation found multiple acts by the President that were capable of exerting undue influence over law enforcement investigations, including the Russian-interference and obstruction investigations,” Mueller wrote.

Emergency rooms closing
Understaffed hospitals
Lack of doctors
LONG waiting list for tests
LONGER waiting list for treatment

>I'll assume this whole group of people havey my better interests.
Adhering to an absolute is a sure sign of being ignorant and to lazy to change it.

Obstruction = failing to adequately pretend the totally discredited bullshit investigation had any reason to exist in the first place

You are STUPID

Yes I do realize that

It mostly comes down to wait times for non-emergency procedures. That said, many other universal healthcare systems have extremely low wait times. But honestly, the best thing is that it costs way less but sees better results.

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What about “while the report doesn’t conclude the president committed a crime”

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It's either you can do a hell of a mental gymnastic routine or you are genuinely an idiot.

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Nah, we should have Tyrone balancing the budget. Do you also think we are democracy? Actually, you are an example why we don't let the "common" folk have to much power.

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>Emergency rooms closing
Not happening as much as one would believe
>Understaffed hospitals
There are entire counties in the US with 0 medical assistance facilities (clinics, hospitals, etc)
>Lack of doctors
Canada has just as many doctors per capita as the US
>LONG waiting list for tests
I waited 3 weeks for an sleep apnea test here in the UD
>LONGER waiting list for treatment
Once I got the test back, had to argue with insurance for just shy of a yrar before they agreed to foot 60% of the cost for my CPAP.

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His followers have been brain-washed for approximately 20 years due to right-wing media and radio. Reagan promised sunshine, but killed the unions and promoted the "free market" and "trickle down" theories, as well as deregulation. The free market brought down wages, the trickle down has never occurred (see the Panama Papers), and deregulation has led to crappier products produced by slaves in Bangladesh. Of course, once Trump threw in a bit of racism (Birthers), the fine Christian conservatives threw in their lot with a pussy-grabbin', frequently bankrupt Orange Mussolini.

>Surrender to Russia.
That would be weird considering we are not at war.
>All for the revival of the USSR, and you idiots would still chant USA!
lol... I love how the imagination on someone on the left paints this manchurian Trump candidate - who is both somehow a genius but also the most retarded person on earth... to be this weird Russian plant... But then when you start asking details about Bidens *actual* collusion to get his son a sweet deal in the Ukraine, and how Obama was going to be "more flexible after he wins"... those are just ignored because anyone on the left good.. anyone on the right Hitler.
>Without realize how instrumental you've been to it's downfall!
Look in mirror for that one. You only pay attention to shit your told to pay attention to, and your hyper emotional posistions do more damage than anything. When you only see how fucked up government has been for the last 3 years - but were furiously masturbating to Obama for 8... Yea you really don't know whats going on, and you are basically an arm chair pundit at that point.


user asked what the problem was with Canada’s healthcare, so I told him.

Claims he can keep Hillary from destroying the USA, Fucking did it, Nobel Peace Prize please for this man.


For example in 1 quarter.... Tesla lost over 700 mill. A lot of these companies run in the red because it gives them sweet tax breaks. Why do you think Amazon pays zero in tax? This is part of it.


"Trickle down" economics is a liberal meme that only serves to illustrate how little the left actually understands about how the economy works. For the most part the "wealth inequality" you guys are so buttblasted over is the result of high taxation, excessive regulation and a bloated welfare state making it unattractive for companies to manufacture products in the United States. At the same time, the companies that DO manage to do well here are mostly tech companies which generate huge profits with low overhead, which means that the people at the top and the handful of engineers and programmers they employ get incredibly rich, without creating any additional jobs for unskilled/low skilled workers. In addition, the cost of living in the cities where these companies are located skyrockets, without an additional increase in average income.

Meanwhile, the same people who brought you the high taxes and excessive government regulation that killed off most of middle America are simultaneously opening borders to allow hordes of immigrants to swarm in and scoop up the handful of low-skill jobs that ARE available, which not only makes these jobs more competitive, but also ensures that wages remain low.

Why do you think Apple and Facebook and Amazon and all these faggot Silicon Valley companies support the Democrats so much? Because they actually give a shit about black people and tranny bathroom rights? Try pulling your head out of your ass and getting your information from somewhere besides John Oliver's Twitter feed, you useful idiot.

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Are Liberals willfully blind or ……….?
Biden's brother $1.5b contract in Iraq.
Biden's son $1.5b deal w/ China.

Zuckerberg lost 16 billion in a single day.

Hey my man ---->
Sea Dat sit ? Join today,
God said Cc

watch this and then come back and tell me if you still feel the same OR if its the same treatment of a president by the opposing party.
and who did it first?

Do you think Obama was treated unfairly by the opposition?

Most Trump supporters still believe Raegan was a good president. The facts against that are overwhelming and if people are still willing to deny that Reagan did anythomg wrong the it really goes to show that most Trump supporters in fact do not study. They dont fact check, they base all their opinions on a guy by how much charisma they have.
Trump supporters be like
>Well I heard this on fox news
>Oh that's not true? Well I'm not going to bother to verify that claim.
>I don't have to because confirmation bias
>Show ME the evidence.
>oh that? Dont you know the news lies, I wouldnt have believed you anyways.

Hey my man ---->
Sea Dat sit ? Join today,
God said sH


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By which metric? Because by all the ones I've seen it is slowing down under Trump after 6 years of solid growth well ahead of every other nation under Obama.

You appear to be missing a clause. At least make your half-quotes actual sentences you disingenuous cunt.

Obama was a liar and a master manipulator, having said that, He was treated the same way Trump is being treated now, the only exception is the way he handles criticism vs Obama...Obama released documents, Obama never attacked the opposing party in a childish manner. Trump is being treated equally as bad as Obama was treated by the Reps. So why cant Trump be as presidential as the Liar and master manipulator? He is just too dumb to be in office. THAT is the problem. its embarrassing.

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I'm also Canadian and if universal healthcare didn't exist my busy appendix would have bankrupted me, and the wait times are absolutely not add bad as you lists would have people believe. Stop larping as a Canadian to try and sell your lie, Trumpanzee samefag.

Most businesses fail.
Trumps started dozen of businesses.
Four bankruptcies.
That's a pretty good track record.

So, you're essentially saying that Obama's treatment was justified but he acted well mannered about it while Trump doesn't and because of this, he shouldn't be President?
I just lost double digit IQ points for reading your post, congratulations user.

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>Literally never had a real job.
He has, and almost certainly more jobs than you have had larping NEET.

How much money do you make?

Very smart guy. But the chuds here are full of brain parasites and don't know any better. You think getting fucked over since Reagan would have taught them anything. But Trump hugs flags man, he must love America. He eats Macdonalds like me. He a true hero.

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I doubt it, Bernie's had like 3-4 obs throughout his life.

Top kek.


And you were incorrect. Every problem you ascribed to Canada's healthcare system exists and is either as bad or worse in the US.

I'm not sure what gave people the idea he was independent of corporations especially since he isnt independently wealthy. His only real skill is branding, most of the properties with his name on them arent even his or the trump companies assets

See post above, he's put his name on dozens of businesses that he only has a stake in but did not create

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>Has about as much political experience as Donald.
>Isn't a businesswoman but does understand economics, which she studied at the university level.
>Demonstrably less corrupt than Donald, and even clearly illustrates and calls out corruption in the system.
>Worked an honest job to pay her way through college and people give her shit about it, while Donald LOST his father BUCKETS of money, operated very dishonest businesses, and then got daddy to bail him out when he started losing his 'own' money after he went his own way with a 'small loan'.
>Isn't asking anyone to vote for her to be president.

Free healthcare is available in the US under Medicaid for all vulnerable people such as people with physical or mental disability and people with an income that falls below a threshold. It’s only able-bodies people that are expected to work and earn money to pay for insurance. If you choose not to pay for insurance, then you take that risk on your own. What’s your problem with that system?

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Yes, because communists won’t abandon you when you get your wish and put them in charge?

>figured out their (retarded) ruse

>at least democrats didn’t remove parents from their children
those kids were sexually assaulted in the camps, separating kids from adults has reduced that risk

>you realize trump has been a democrat most of his life
He's nothing but what immediately benefits him. He had the same set of superficial talking points in New York as he does now that favors the GOP

>meanwhile, George Soros, a guy who's literally famous for being rich, paid a subsidiary to pay you $0.02 to make this post

>user has not waited 7 hours at the DMV

Obama didnt have the liberal media against him at every turn and he was a total pussy who let everyone walk all over the US when he was in office.

You’re communist overlords will send you to a gulag if your bootlicking enthusiasm isn’t up to standard.

4 of Trump's businesses went bankrupt. That's less than 1% of the business under the Trump name. Stop leaving out info to push your stupid political views.

Lol@cheap shillin'

I definitely dont think were on the same IQ level bud.
Im comparing the treatment of the president to former president O based on anons post about Trump being the worst treated most investigated president 804382576
At what point did I mention he shouldn't be president because of that?

Because of his stupidity in handling foreign affairs and the many laws hes broken already, that's why he shouldn't be in office.

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Your data is your identity. Whoever told you that your privacy is unimportant, lied to you.

Talking about Obama's lying in a comparison with Trump makes you a disingenuous moron

We once said this about trump becoming president you fucking idiot.

>be well traveled, enlightened democrat
>get diagnosed with cancer
>get told by progressive developed nations that borders aren't real, travel and healthcare are human rights
>can't get free healthcare under Trump's fascist regime
>being well traveled and enlightened, just board a plane to canada, germany or the UK and enjoy some free, borderless healthcare
>they're human rights, after all
Oh wait, medical tourism comes to America but doesn't leave it. Imagine that!

>and the many laws hes broken already
>I definitely dont think were on the same IQ level bud.
I think you're right.

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And yet the economy turned around.

I doubt he caused it, but at least he stopped fucking it up like the last guy.

It's almost as if Bernie Sanders was a man of the people, didnt drive around in 180000 dollar cars, have multiple mansions. Oh wait, Bernie Sanders is the exact same as Donald Trump. Rhetoric is worthless, their both rich and both plan to stay that way. I wonder, had bernie been elected president instead of trump, which private bank would have financed off of his deficit spending?
The same one that finances trumps, Obama's, Clinton's, both bushes....
Naw I'm sure it's all coincidence. We can believe career liars I mean politicians.
Which private bank financed Obama's deficit spending? Same one as trump? Hmmmmmm. Naw I'm sure it's all just coincidence. Lets believe what the career liars tell us.

ITT: People who do not understand what a corporate bankruptcy is.

>At what point did I mention he shouldn't be president because of that?
>He is just too dumb to be in office.
When you follow up comments regarding manners with, "He is just too dumb to be in office.", I can only assume you're talking talking about manners.
Maybe your high IQ forgot what context is.

He did the right thing by abandoning the Democrat party. They're full of idiots now.

Why would he turn a great economy around?

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I like how you use assumptions as arguments. Well done.

I believe that makes me an objective thinker, who isn't easily swayed by fast talking lying politicians, which both of these presidents are.
well one talks fast the other slow and retarded lol.
we need a new leader, one that actually stands with the people and for the people, disregarding the political party they stand with for the sake and benefit of the people.
we need change, we need new agreements that allow us to live in peace and free to do what we feel is right to do.

To stand with a guy that claims, he is " a stable genius" and "the best at_" is to stand with a narcissist looking out for himself only, not the people. When have you ever heard a normal person say " I am the best at everything" and actually be the very best at everything? Wake up.

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>Which private bank financed Obama's deficit spending?
>implying that's pertinent
Trump lies about literally everything. And they're not calculated lies with room for ambiguity like any talented politician does, he just shotguns bullshit big and small, from pointless ones, like the NFL sending a letter in support of his Kaepernick bitching, to total reversals, like promising to release his tax returns, to his entire administration claiming it was a conspiracy theory that they were trying to add the citizen question to the census.
Whereas Obama made you work to uncover his deceptions, every time Trump speaks it's riddled with mistruths and laughably false claims, to the point where there's literally no reason to take anything he says seriously

>we need a new leader, one that actually stands with the people and for the people, disregarding the political party they stand with for the sake and benefit of the people.

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If I ever take over the world, I'm using anyone who has ever visited Yea Forums as my list of people to eradicate because 75% of you are retarded. Most of you just project your sweeping idealizations onto everyone you argue against, and the cognitive dissonance required for you to say "BUT JOE BIDEN/HILLARY/BERNIE DID THIS" while Trump is doing the same shit is hilarious. If you're enjoying this thread or this makes you happy, that's going to be only positive outcome out of this thread. Otherwise, stop acting like anyone gives a shit what you say on Yea Forums, and also if ya'll could stop sucking rich people and corrupt politicians dick that would be great and maybe we could get this country back on track.

Please explain. The facts are against you.

They do that to point out the hypocrisy of their opposition.
If you're going to go after Trump for doing what others did, then equally call it out.

you realize bush was a neocon stooge? and you realize who the neocons are? and you realize what the neocons and the democrat power brokers have in common?

neocon shills are the most odd. they hate regular republicans as much as the democrats yet they try to appeal to republicans by pretending to be gun and 2a fanatics. quite sneaky.

Exactly. If you think TWO 100+ story building fell into their own footprint after being struck by planes. Please tell me you don't own a demolition business.

I think most of them do. I hate Joe Biden, Hillary, Trump, pretty much any rich person and most politicans, save people like Dan Crenshaw and Bernie because they've proven one way or another they're not corrupt. That was the point of my cognitive dissonance post, most people don't call out everyone that's doing stuff wrong. They just find a person and stick to them no matter what they do... Why can't we call out everyone on their bullshit? People turn into retarded zealots and I hate it.

Explain how Feinstein isn't playing against our own interests?

Which has nothing to do with the success rate.

What's offensive is the sense of entitlement.

>should not be ignored
Copying here for visibility:
"Trickle down" economics is a liberal meme that only serves to illustrate how little the left actually understands about how the economy works. For the most part the "wealth inequality" you guys are so buttblasted over is the result of high taxation, excessive regulation and a bloated welfare state making it unattractive for companies to manufacture products in the United States. At the same time, the companies that DO manage to do well here are mostly tech companies which generate huge profits with low overhead, which means that the people at the top and the handful of engineers and programmers they employ get incredibly rich, without creating any additional jobs for unskilled/low skilled workers. In addition, the cost of living in the cities where these companies are located skyrockets, without an additional increase in average income.

Meanwhile, the same people who brought you the high taxes and excessive government regulation that killed off most of middle America are simultaneously opening borders to allow hordes of immigrants to swarm in and scoop up the handful of low-skill jobs that ARE available, which not only makes these jobs more competitive, but also ensures that wages remain low.

Why do you think Apple and Facebook and Amazon and all these faggot Silicon Valley companies support the Democrats so much? Because they actually give a shit about black people and tranny bathroom rights? Try pulling your head out of your ass and getting your information from somewhere besides John Oliver's Twitter feed, you useful idiot.

>save people like Dan Crenshaw and Bernie because they've proven one way or another they're not corrupt.
Didn't Bernie co-sponsor and support a Bill that would allow the dumping of nuclear waste in Sierra Blanca?

Your facts will not be tolerated!

we outsource manufacturing because other countries are better at it.

I have no idea. I'd be inclined to think not because he supports the Green New Deal (which I think is retarded). They were just examples of people I think aren't corrupt. Obviously I could be wrong. I'm not really scared of where we put nuclear waste anyway though, I work next to a nuclear reactor, I think if I can put my balls on a shutdown reactor I'd be okay with spent fuel rods in casks being in my backyard. But that's beside the point.

Bill and Hillary say hi.

Cheaper. Not better. Compare hand tools made in the USA vs China. One is superior. Take your time figuring out which one.

Guess again.
>Enter our hero, then-Representative Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who ardently supported and co-sponsored the bill H.R. 629, the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact Consent Act. Once passed and signed, the bill would validate the currently existing individual state bills, and thus start the construction of the waste disposal site. But where in Texas would the dump site be? Tasked with finding a suitable location, the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority (TLLRWDA) recommended to build the waste facility five miles away from a small town in West Texas called Sierra Blanca:

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>we outsource manufacturing because other countries are better at it.

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Not to mention of Bernie or some other socialist gets elected the middle class will further evaporate because taxes will be ridiculous for us. You think the 1% alone can fund healthcare for all Americans? HA! Now you're making maybe 25% or more less than you used to while the poor still work the system and get taxed less now. Give me mah food stampz so I can sit at home and do drugs and bitch about opportunities I would never pursue anyway

weird coincidence, there was a thread last week where a poster dumped a bizarre mix of a lot of pro-communism pics and anti-trump memes as well as a lot of scat porn and pedophilia scat erotica, and argued hard for communism against everyone else that was asking him why he’d even consider being a communist and trying to open his eyes as to what communism is

Butthurt much? The more rage directed at a statement, the more truthful it must be.
Hey, if you have no problems being a Trumpian lick-spittle, that's fine by me. I don't have my head up Alex Jones' ample ass.

>They were just examples of people I think aren't corrupt. Obviously I could be wrong.
Yeah, I hear you.
At least you're open to the possibility that you're wrong.

if one hand tool is of adequate quality for 1/4 of the price, you bet your ass I'm taking it over US made.
Now compare electronics. Would you rather pay 3000 dollars for a phone you can get for 800?
Things are more expensive in the US because american workers can negotiate better wages and benefits, but the real matter is that less and less prefer a shitty factory job over working in an office.
The premium you pay for US products makes them a luxury, one most americans cannot afford.

Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia,

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My neighbor should never have to pay my bills by government coercion. When did that become a foreign idea?

The main issue is it's become a business and created a welfare state. It's also pandering to insurance company's, legalized theft.
Universal health care isnt "free", it means its available to everyone who chips in.

Do you realize how fucking stupid you look?

what a weak response

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Hey my man ---->
Sea Dat sit ? Join today,
God said PN

>Alex Jones' ample ass

>if one hand tool is of adequate quality for 1/4 of the price, you bet your ass I'm taking it over US made.
Proof you've never worked a job in your life that requires hand tools.
I'm an Industrial Steel Worker, we'll gladly pay 4x more for hand tools that won't break every week.
Do you have any idea how much money it would cost us if we needed specific tools a single day that we cannot get our hands on because the ones we had were broken and wanting to be replaced?
There are entire companies of Chinese made hand tools that we refuse to buy because they break under the smallest amount of torque.

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>going bankrupt 4 times
>happily flipping burgers for somebody else
yeah idk my dude

also it's worthy to note that he didn't simply go bankrupt once, like most people who try to start a business.

I have almost no clothes and no money left, but it's better that working for someone else and having no money.

Yes? You get massive amounts of goods for cheap.

I forgot it's still Summer.
Carry on, child.

you see this pathetic androgynous being screaming at the sky? Your little rant there and I know you're doing the same exact thing next to your computer. Take your helmet off and bang your head on the desk thank you

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Washington DC is a Democrat-run city. The President doesn’t set their budgets. A Democrat-run city with a badly mismanaged budget, now why am I not surprised?

TRUMP 2020

You stopped at 2024. They'll be back in power in 2025.

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Huh. Go figure. Like I said, we do have to put it somewhere, and I really don't care where we put it honestly because spent nuclear fuel is pretty fucking safe. At least it's not destroying the atmosphere.

I mean, so far since Trumps start he's done nothing but improve our country both at home and with other countries.
I don't know why Liberal/Democrats think he's bad, he's doing better than Obama and Bush; hes slated to get a second-term too

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>Proof you've never worked a job in your life that requires hand tools.
I was a landscaper and carpenter. If it was a tool I would need on occasion, but not often, it came from china, and there were a number of hammers that did the job fine.
And as we're seeing now, asian made products are improving in quality control. If there's a point that they match US made, it's far away, but you're ignoring the bigger picture in that a nation as big as us consumers a lot of products, and asian countries fill that demand because US products are not affordable.

>also got her nomination by auditioning at an open call held by Bernie’s ex-campaign financier auditioning for puppets who’ll help them infiltrate the elected Democrat-establishment in order to push a further-left agenda

kek you tell me. We're probably capable of sustaining independent manufacturing, so why don't we?

I'm missing the point of your argument. Both costs are 1/4? What did you mean to say?

The premium you pay means you and your neighbor might have a job. Consider it charity if you know what that word means.

If you, instead, like to subsidize slavery, by all means, keep buying chinese goods. But don't demand I pay reparations.

While this is pretty true, it's cause he's such a piece of shit that no one likes him. Given the politically correct world we live in now, he's basically the anti-christ. I mean don't get me wrong I think he's never had business being president because of his character myself, BUT I can't deny he's not the worst president. Socialism is gonna fuck us in the ass though and I think we're headed that way solely because people hate this guy so much

It's not that they're not affordable, it's that everyone and their mother wants a life of luxury.
They want it all and they want it now, they don't want to pay more for better products when they can just buy multiple products that are half as good.

its funny how they are framing it in the media and talk shit about it... so you recognize the economy runs better... only to shittalk it down by comparing it with the economy from 1950 for example... you know, i think the slogan was "make america great AGAIN" but that doesnt matter, we take a single quote and frame everything the head of state does in a bad light... you and these people are then at fault for Trump 2020

GG EZ Libtard Demcucks


And free to those that never put a dime in. Care to explain how you will exclude them?

>Socialism is gonna fuck us in the ass
No need to worry about socialism. We're a long way from that. Universal healthcare or a single payer system and free education are not socialism. It doesn't matter how loudly the far right cries about it.

>high IQ
>yet they praise obama’s talent for being a liar and manipulator
>yet they also complain about trump for not being a liar and manipulator
>they also compare the one mainstream media outlet that complained about obama as being equivalent to literally every other mainstream media outlet complaining about trump with no mention of the difference between the level of influence in the public that one outlet and dozens of outlets have
>but they’re high IQ is too high to deal with everyone else
>absolutely not disingenuous or elitist
Ladies and gentlemen, your communist overlords!

Trump 2020

You don't exclude them. You raise the marginal tax rate on income over $10 million and raise capital gains tax. Why should someone die of a preventable disease to help millionaires and billionaires buy a new yacht?

>What did you mean to say?
That our insatiable hunger for products need to come from somewhere, and asian manufacturing fills that need.
>Consider it charity
Kek no. Automation is going to wreck that very soon, and no one really has a good answer as what to do with the millions people that will be without a job.
>If you, instead, like to subsidize slavery,
Human rights are a first world privilege. For a nation to modernize requires a lot of heart breaking sights, and yet the simple fact is that the very opportunity of working in a factory with suicide nets is preferable to what was available to those people beforehand.
We went through the same shit when Britain and the US began to industrialize, and it won't be until places like China are sufficiently development to where their workers can hope for similar conditions that we ourselves enjoy.
I love how you're making such snowflakey emotional appeals

What job do you do?Do you provide it for "free"? Don't ask doctors too. One person's rights do not include another's services rendered by govt'd coercion.

You’ll be charged whatever costs are incurred in your treatment if you avail of any medical services in EU countries unless you’re a resident taxpayer, or a registered refugee. Their health service isn’t free, and they don’t allow it to be abused.

>their mother wants a life of luxury.
elaborate on that
I don't think wanting an affordable smartphone or computer in this tech age is a luxury or a necessity

>trump not being a liar and manipulator
Trump lies constantly. He opens his mouth and a stream of lies comes out. He lies about big things and he lies about inconsequential things. He lies fucking constantly.

*but a

We should make America great again and raise the top tax bracket to 90%. Maybe close some tax loopholes while we're at it. Problem fucking solved, bootlicker.

Human rights are a privilege. Outstanding.

You mandate a health card of some sort. Canada does just fine, if you arent a citizen you need to pay up unless it's an emergency, even still you get charged. And what this guy said.

Make it 100%. Government will give you what you deserve.

that's like saying "he died four times how could he bring someone back from the dead"

you guys are retarded

Yeah, sounds like Trump had nothing to do with the economy turning around when he stopped fucking it up like the last guy.

Just post your dick and get it over with

hE nOt pOliTicIan, hE diFfErEnT. hE wAs sEnT bY gOd tO dEfEnD iSrAel aNd tO dEfEnD mY TrAiLeR pArK fRoM iSis

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A health card? No, I pay my bills. When my car needs service I don't have my neighbor pay the bill. When I shop for groceries I don't ask the guy in line behind me to pay for it.

Human rights are what the government grants you. I'd prefer to see China adopt what we have in the US, but that's the state of affairs we're dealing with.

Amazing rebuttal.

Did your mom write that for you?

XD XD XD the Democrats are just salty. Let's Start a civil war if one wins in 2020 XD.
>>Fucking idiot.

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Government doesn't grant rights, it protects them. Sorry you failed civics.

>it protects them
And if there's none in a country's constitution, then they don't exist, and thus there are none to protect. Simple as that.

Hog out or log out

countries that you want to talk about aren't full of niggers like the USA

What does that have to do with anything?

You got me. I don't have the right to exist. Anyone can take up arms against me and I cannot defend myself.

Were you born stupid or did something happen to you?

No right to life. No right to liberty.

Government grants that.

>Obama made you work to uncover his deceptions
And that is admirable, in your opinion? You actually want a leader who manipulates and lies to you in a masterful way, as if they’re an actor. A president straight out of a tv show? How is admiring masterful manipulators a good thing? Even in your personal life, how much respect would you give to somebody who confessed to you that they admire masterful manipulators? Do you seek to make friends with masterful manipulators and then wonder why they manipulate you? You do know that surrounding yourself with masterful manipulators will end up badly for you? I know now why you think Trump is a terrible person, because he doesn’t try to manipulate people. You see that as a weakness. As, potentially, an indicator that he has a low IQ? It may well be that he can’t manipulate people, but as a 72 years old rich guy, if he wanted to be a masterful manipulator, you do know that he could have paid for the finest training courses? In 7 decades, he’s decided not to cultivate manipulation as a skill. That’s not low IQ, that’s because he doesn’t want to manipulate people. Ever. He’s not a manipulative person. He chose not to be a manipulator. And you see that as a bad thing?

Reading comprehension for $1000 please, Alex.

Rights exist and can be protected by a government. Without a government the rights still exist, but you have to protect them yourself.

Free lesson. (Common sense is not common)

>an innovative tankie planning their extermination lists ahead of time

>Rights exist
Where? If it's not codified into law, you can make compelling arguments for a right to be so, but they're not floating around somewhere in the ether waiting to be enforced.

God, I wish this would happen.

Your ignorance is astounding.

You are actually suggesting that a human has no right to life without government. (Hillary or Bernie voter?)

I've heard of imbeciles but I thought they were fiction created to scare.

Reduce the equation to two people. You are implying one may simply kill the other because they haven't formed a government which protects the right to life?

I just lost 40 IQ points. Which sadly, is more than you started with.

>I’ll copy this too for more viewers to see
"Trickle down" economics is a liberal meme that only serves to illustrate how little the left actually understands about how the economy works. For the most part the "wealth inequality" you guys are so buttblasted over is the result of high taxation, excessive regulation and a bloated welfare state making it unattractive for companies to manufacture products in the United States. At the same time, the companies that DO manage to do well here are mostly tech companies which generate huge profits with low overhead, which means that the people at the top and the handful of engineers and programmers they employ get incredibly rich, without creating any additional jobs for unskilled/low skilled workers. In addition, the cost of living in the cities where these companies are located skyrockets, without an additional increase in average income.

Meanwhile, the same people who brought you the high taxes and excessive government regulation that killed off most of middle America are simultaneously opening borders to allow hordes of immigrants to swarm in and scoop up the handful of low-skill jobs that ARE available, which not only makes these jobs more competitive, but also ensures that wages remain low.

Why do you think Apple and Facebook and Amazon and all these faggot Silicon Valley companies support the Democrats so much? Because they actually give a shit about black people and tranny bathroom rights? Try pulling your head out of your ass and getting your information from somewhere besides John Oliver's Twitter feed, you useful idiot.

You actually have NO idea why government exists. Please tell me you aren't older than 4.

Yes comparing your health and the health of your fellow citizens is like a car... if you dont like it then move simple as. Go live in the Caribbean or somewhere that doesnt have jack squat in regards to health care at all. See how that goes when you get cancer and your insurance says nah you're to much of a risk because your doctor told us you ate like shit and drank to much beer.

If you are a conservative then you are one or all of the following:
-Extremely wealthy
-Extremely stupid
-Extremely vindictive, to the point of your own detriment in order to make others you don't like suffer.

>You are actually suggesting that a human has no right to life without government
Yup. If we're on a deserted island, why should I recognize your right to live?
I probably would, mind you, but just saying you have a right in and of itself had no practical bearing unless there's law and ways to enforce it.
> NO idea why government exist
That's not we're debating at all.

>Isn't a businesswoman but does understand economics, which she studied at the university level

I also studied economics "at a university level" (and finished with honors) and can assure you that she is absolutely clueless.

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Actually no. It's even simpler. I stay, and I don't pay for your problems. You want charity, ask for it.

So......... YOU have the answer???

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Thanks for your world view. Apparently it's government that keeps you from being a homicidal maniac.

I'll keep my guns and protect myself from people like you.

My problems belong to other people. I have no friends nor family to help me. I demand government force others to pay my bills.

BTW, that's also the current democrat campaign. Glad to have you on-board.

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You're really not getting it, are you?
In China, although technically they have a right to free speech, the government doesn't honor it all.
As a contrast, strange as it may be to you or me as, Brazil grants it's citizens a Right to Beauty, which mean cosmetic surgeries are free or much much cheaper than what could be done in the US.
If the State doesn't implement rights and enforce them, then they are nothing more than a nice idea.

Left vs Right Women

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Leftist woman

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right is a basic ass bitch

Looks like we are arguing two different things.

There are natural rights and government subsidies for services. Two completely different things.

If you were the last person in Brazil, good luck getting your cosmetic surgery.

Take some time to soak in the difference.

The only reason that Trump isn't guilty of conspiracy against the US is that the Russians worker to get him elected and purposely refused to cooperate. Trump TRIED to collude but the Russians are smart enough to keep him away from it.

Pick one

He did turn the economy around.
He turned it around 360 degrees and walked away.

Bernie does.

Economic suicide!

>There are natural rights
As detailed by a constitution and a state honoring them.
>government subsidies for services
There's a large number of reasons they do that, and not necessarily because something is a right.

>or some other socialist
You don't know what that is.

This is it Yea Forums,
Ending it all on stream. Thanks for the good times brosBMprI challeng u to watch me fuck her (holy n word jew)

>Meanwhile, the same people who brought you the high taxes and excessive government regulation that killed off most of middle America are simultaneously opening borders to allow hordes of immigrants to swarm in and scoop up the handful of low-skill jobs that ARE available, which not only makes these jobs more competitive, but also ensures that wages remain low.

Here's a perfect example of this bullshit happening as we speak....

Attached: Good news for Indian IT professionals.jpg (690x609, 71K)

You still can't comprehend the difference. I did my best. No cure for stupidity.

Best of luck to you.

Read the Declaration of Independence to get more insight on government - or have someone read it to you.

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Chasing the almighty dollar has evaporated our middle class by exporting those jobs to foreign countries just so we can save a few bucks by getting tools at 75% off list price. You are insane if saving a few bucks is worth sabotaging our own economy. We are currently engaged in a trade war to try to rebalance that equation. If you weren’t so money-obsessed, we would still have a healthy middle class, indigenous manufacturers and healthy relationships with our foreign friends. And that’s me, a republican saying all of that. You dopes need to understand economics before you go fucking with an economy and before you try to figure out if it’s worth saving 75% off consumer goods or if it’s worth nurturing our internal manufacturing skill sets. The funniest part of all of this is that the left are the ones who cry about how they understand the working classes, yet you’re happy to export their jobs to get cheaper goods? Madness.

Behold the master race

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Of course he doesn’t, only a schizo could come up with such a fantasy. He probably doesn’t even realise that his thought process is wonky.

Always so ironic whenever they try to use lickspittle it bootlicker as an insult, because communists are the ultimate bootlickers, as they’ll find out when their Commissar demands to see how loyal they are.

Care to provide some numbers to back up those spicy opinions?

>You still can't comprehend the difference.
You can't understand your conflation
>Read the Declaration of Independence
A piece of paper the government honors?

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>it’s ok to ruin the environment and disadvantage brown people by dumping nuclear waste beside a brown people town when Bernie does it, but if a Republican did that? I’d be enraged. ENRAGED!

>a few bucks by getting tools at 75% off list price
75% isn't a few bucks
> worth sabotaging our own economy.
Services make up 80% of our economy.
>If you weren’t so money-obsessed,
Tell people living below the poverty line they have a duty to buy american.
>f it’s worth nurturing our internal manufacturing skill sets
The manufacturing you want back in the United State will be done by robots.
You're living in a fantasy world.

Your ignorance knows no bounds. Excuse me for trying to educate.

Still amazed that you don't understand the difference between the declaration of independence and the U.S. Constitution. I hope you are still in elementary school and your lack of knowledge comes from ignorance and not intelligence.

>the declaration of independence and the U.S. Constitution
I do, and it has no bearing on whether the government honors it and the constitution. You're whistling past the grave yard of what we were talking about in the first place.

I'm convinced that the reason the economy is good is not because Trump won and is good at economy, but because obama is out and that goblin lost. I'd vote for an improperly stored pile of oily rags before I vote for any socialist asshat.

Fight me!

You keep saying government honors it, like it means something.

And no, you clearly have no idea what the difference is between the two.

not the ones who work

You sound like some ex-president's and candidates that conflate the two.

The declaration of independence, much like the statement on the base of the statue of liberty, is not law. I'm surprised you don't comprehend the difference. I thought you were smarter, much smarter. I was wrong.

>Trump openly admires dictators and wants to run America like one.
>Better than a democrat
>Trump repeatedly shames America by acting like a complete asshat infront of other world leaders and ambassadors
>Better than a democrat
>Trump signs off on legistation and deregulation that allows companies to do whatever the fuck they want, including relaxing regulation on toxic waste disposal.
>Better than a democrat
The absolute fucking state of americucks right now.

>You keep saying government honors it, like it means something.
It does if you want to enjoy the rights granted to us. Otherwise you can babble about natural born rights, go inna woods to protect them, but as far as society and the laws are concerned, if the government decides to stop protecting our rights, you're shit outta luck.

I'm Canadian and fuck you for suggesting universal healthcare doesn't work. Long wait times? Better than not being able to get any treatment whatsoever. Rushed care and bad bedside manner? Fuck you. I work in healthcare and we're constantly swamped because we're short staffed. Its not that the healthcare system is failing its that conservatives repeatedly slash funding to invest in their corporate pals that fund them and or guarentee jobs for them after their time in office. Fags that bitch about the healthcare system should fuck off to another country without it, get all fucked up and then realize they're going to go into debt just to pay for their hospital bill. Meanwhile Canadians just wait two to three hours longer and get rushed out the door ASAP. Though I'll admit clearly the healthcare system failed your mother since they seemed to have replaced her infant child with a steaming pile of shit. Do us all a favor and flush your miserable existence down the nearest toilet with a twelve gauge.

Its almost funny how ironic they are.
Completely negating facts and going with how they feel like a bunch of snowflakes.

>Meanwhile Canadians just wait two to three hours longer and get rushed out the door ASAP.

This is complete bullshit.

Thousands of Canadians regularly come to the US for medical treatment because they can pay for instant care here rather than being wait-listed for weeks and months in Canada, not "two or three hours longer"...

Attached: Wait Times for Health Care in Canada, 2018 Report.jpg (658x686, 66K)

US products aren’t affordable because of leftist policies of all types from environmental to worker safety protection and more.
And you, a leftist, are happy about that for some reason because you get to save a few bucks here and there.
Yet, you leftists will also claim to be the party closest to the US working classes. Then you’ll turn around and act shocked that there’s no middle class jobs any more. (Reality check: those middle class jobs are gone because the factories shut down because those leftist policies and regulations add cost to the product’s price which gets beaten by cheaper foreign products)
But the icing on the cake is when you applaud foreign manufacturing for being better and cheaper yet you turn a blind eye to the worker conditions, wages, environmental protections and every other leftist policy that you’ve forced US manufacturers to aide by. You leftists are the reason we rely on foreign goods now. You leftists are the reasons the US’s manufacturing supply chain got dismantled. You leftists are the reason we are mired in a trade war right now. Fucking hypocrites can’t even admit to your own mistakes.

>Canadians just wait two to three hours longer

Attached: hurryupandwait.jpg (918x662, 80K)

ITT: Fat beta males sticking up for their fat beta male, 4 time draft dodging leader. Your dads raised pussies if you follow this guy.

Wait for what though?
Most simple things get done in the same day, or in a few days depending on urgency.
There are walk in clinics everywhere that take you the same day to see a gp, within a few hours if you are early enough.
The only long waits I've had were for specialists, because there aren't enough of them.

>Universal healthcare or a single payer system and free education are not socialism.
You communists always have to lie, don’t you? Every European country that offers universal healthcare or a single payer system and free education also calls themselves a social-democracy. It’s socialism-lite. You would recognize that if you were honest with yourself. That’s too much to ask tankies though, isn’t it?

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>socialism bad

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>owns a little over 400 companies
>4 bankruptcies
>~99% success rate

Why is this even a talking point?

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>all types from environmental to worker safety protection
Yeah our water tables not being poisoned and people not dying or being crippled on the job, who could possibly want that?
> because you get to save a few bucks here and there
Welcome to capitalism :^)
> you turn a blind eye to the worker conditions, wages, environmental protections and every other leftist policy
We really don't, we champion for reform, but what exactly is an average foreigner supposed to do about the way the Chinese Government operates?
>are the reason we are mired in a trade war right now
No it was quite obviously started by some fat douchebag who walked in claiming trade wars are "easy to win". Under his watch, our trade deficits he's bitched about have gotten even worse, and the whole global economy is at risk of slowing down.
Because there is no such thing as America first. The world is integrated to the point where what we do affects everything else.
Goddamn you people are full of shit.

>It’s socialism-lite
If they have market driven economies, then they are categorically not socialism.

Wait... he's a liberal?

Name one Democrat who is better and I'll point and laugh at how stupid you are newfag.

Because. Ugh there are a lot of reasons you don’t do that. If you’re legit in the dark, respond to this and I’ll explain then. If you’re just a brainwashed communist troll, then I’ll see you on the day this all comes to a head, I suppose.

That’s because you don’t understand politics.

Fuck me.
>Human rights are a first world privilege
Your communist overlords, everyone!

You seem to have not read the comment thread that reply was aimed at.
But, here’s a fun fact for you: did you know that when a new member is indoctrinated to a new ideology (I’m guessing for you it was communism), for many years after their indoctrination they’ll mimic one of the most powerful tools used by insidious groups when they indoctrinate people: powerful emotive repetition. You’re doing that here. Just count the amount of times you said ‘lies”there? Almost like you were hypnotized as you wrote that post. I guess you got worked up and couldn’t control your emotions enough to quell that repetitive urge? Don’t worry, that’ll pass within a few years after your brainwashing has seeped into the core of your identity. You better hope so anyway because you won’t be allowed to ride the ranks of that group until you learn to control your emotions! Nothing is cancer to a communist’s career like having an emotional connection to people you disagree with. It’s probably not too late to save yourself. But you have to make the effort to save yourself, nobody else can. Most of us will help you but... None of us are going to force you to save yourself. That’s got to come from within you.

And that’s where your argument breaks down.
You don’t understand economics.
Affording a smartphone or any other product is a function of your economy, and your wage, relative to the median wage.
If we hadn’t exported all of the factories, more Americans would be able to earn a higher wage, which would mean more Americans would be able to afford a smartphone that has a nominally higher currency cost, because that cost would be inexpensive to them relative to their earning potential.
By exporting all of those jobs. We now get cheap stuff from foreign countries but middle-income earners earn relatively less compared to the wealth I the wider economy, so even those foreign produced phones seem quite expensive.
You leftists screwed the pooch with the economy, and you happily endorse slaveshop conditions for the foreign human beings that build your phone, and you convince yourself it’s all cool because you don’t even understand why the fact that foreign phone feels kinda cheap, you just think that you’ve saved a few bucks so it’s all good.
You just vote against your own interests time and again and then you’ll naively wonder why your own kids will be poorer than you.

He’s a communist. His Commissar forced him to memorize that rebuttal before he’d be granted the privilege of kicking dog shit off of his boot.

terrible bait

Oh, piss off. Business owners that wanted to save a buck on their taxes shipped all the jobs off you fucking idiot. Shit your conservative overlords love doing, going offshore to save money. Quit acting like the left are the only ones that want cheap shit. Even our current illustrious leader has his shit made overseas because it costs him less money to do so. You want to talk about voting against your interest? You voted for a guy thinking he was going to lower your taxes, and he only did so for himself and his rich friends.

Do defamation lawsuits even mean anything these days? You don't really see people going to court to defend their reputation anymore

>There are natural rights
And these are determined by one law and one law only: Might Makes Right. No rights that are not defended by might exist in nature. In nature, when prey grail to defend themselves from a predator, thru are no longer allowed by nature to live, their natural right ceases to exist.

The kind of right you are talking about is the kind spoken about in the declaration of independence. In spite of what it says about them being inalienable, they do not exist in nature and only exist by social contract.

He means freeloaders. He’s worried that if you offer free healthcare to able-bodies Americans they will not pay into the tax pot. He’s right. Our current system ensures that every able-bodied person works to earn their keep, and buy their own health insurance. The non-working able bodied statistics across Europe are sky high. For example, Spain has an unemployment rate of 18-25’s that hovers between 15-20%.
For those of us in America who are temporarily unemployed, Medicaid covers us for a period until we rejoin the workforce.

>If we hadn’t exported all of the factories, more Americans would be able to earn a higher wage
kek source any of this nonsense

If anything. You see defamation lawsuits filed because the person filing said lawsuit didnt like someone reminding everyone that said person is a piece of shit.

UK has successful universal healthcare resulting in a longer average life expectancy than the US. It is also populated by more niggers per square mile than the US, and has areas which boast a higher niggers per square mile total than the most nigger-filled neighborhood in Detroit.

Try again and don't try to make it about race again you ignorant cunt.

>nsures that every able-bodied person works to earn their keep, and buy their own health insurance
Yet around 40 million people are without health insurance.
The fundamental point here is that people should not have their finances ruined over a health issue. And people like you are fine with that, just so the obscenely wealthy can keep their little playground.

I'm amazed at how stupid some of you are.

Constitution grants right to your life and the right to your liberty. Government protects those rights. Why are you debating about things you don’t understand?

He is a communist. You are trying to rationalize with a person that is so insane that they slowed themselves to be brainwashed by communist ideology. You can’t convince them to see reality.

>Opening borders
I grow tried of explaining to ignorant cunts like you that 'open borders' is a Fox News meme and not the reality of any democratic politician's policies.

>me too copying for more viewers to see
"Trickle down" economics is a liberal meme that only serves to illustrate how little the left actually understands about how the economy works. For the most part the "wealth inequality" you guys are so buttblasted over is the result of high taxation, excessive regulation and a bloated welfare state making it unattractive for companies to manufacture products in the United States. At the same time, the companies that DO manage to do well here are mostly tech companies which generate huge profits with low overhead, which means that the people at the top and the handful of engineers and programmers they employ get incredibly rich, without creating any additional jobs for unskilled/low skilled workers. In addition, the cost of living in the cities where these companies are located skyrockets, without an additional increase in average income.

Meanwhile, the same people who brought you the high taxes and excessive government regulation that killed off most of middle America are simultaneously opening borders to allow hordes of immigrants to swarm in and scoop up the handful of low-skill jobs that ARE available, which not only makes these jobs more competitive, but also ensures that wages remain low.

Why do you think Apple and Facebook and Amazon and all these faggot Silicon Valley companies support the Democrats so much? Because they actually give a shit about black people and tranny bathroom rights? Try pulling your head out of your ass and getting your information from somewhere besides John Oliver's Twitter feed, you useful idiot.

Vindictive like the leftist guy who said “Human rights are a privilege”? Because I’ve never heard any republican say anything that vindictive.

Do you really want to kill people? Are the laws the only thing stopping you fro murdering people and stealing their money so you can be rich?