I fucked up fellas

I fucked up fellas.

I had the most important thing in the world, someone's love, and I fucked it up.

Girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me 2 months ago. She's better off without me and I'm worse off without her. I haven't felt happy since before we started fighting. The stupid thing is it could have worked out. In hindsight we didn't even fight over anything major. I just let my insecurities control me at the time and I lost her.

She's not even the same person anymore. We used to have simple lives where we put each other first and only indulged in simple pleasures. Now that we're done she's gone off and tried drinking alcohol and drugs.

I don't know what to do. She's not even the same person anymore. She's gone. I fucked up. It's all my fault.

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Do alcohol and drugs together.

I'm not that kind of person and we're not on speaking terms anymore

The laugh you loved is now for another guy, the ass u grabbed is being grabbed ny another guy. The lips u miss are being kissed by another man. You think of her, she thinks what shes ganna wear on friday night to get attention

Forget about her, and learn to love yourself. Find enjoyment in being alone, it means you're free to do whatever, whenever, no burdens.

Then once you're content & ready to fulfill a relationship, find someone new.

I snorted coke and fucked your ex all night OP

U mad whiteboi?

I can't. I'm just so lost right now. I gave up all my friends since we spent the past two years together. I can't enjoy being alone if it's not a choice.

You could always kill yourself you miserable bastard. Or alternatively, grow a pair of balls and stop whining about some slut on the internet. Take a look at yourself and get your shit together faggot.

Based on what you're saying, I hate to break it to you but she's probably already fucked a couple of guys since you've gone and broke up. If she wanted to get back with you after she's had a mile of cock inside of her, would you be okay with it?

Move on. 2 years of your life is nothing. I've been with my wife for 11 years, married for 5 of those years. Would you rather move on from a 2 year relationship, or a decade's worth? I know what I'd chose.

It won't be easy. Hell, you could probably try working it out just for the sake of trying and to give yourself the closure that you at least tried to mend the relationship, but if it doesn't work, immerse yourself in a productive hobby for a while, in several months you'll be alright, probably well enough to be with someone else by that time.

Advice on the internet, I know, but at least consider and think through what I've had to say to you.

love is for faggots

The fuck is wrong with you? Go get whats yours

Of course she dont want to speak to you, she’s too busy bouncing on another guys dick to give you a second thought

I’d fucking love to be one of the friends you ditched for that fat howler just so i could laugh n slaughter you when you tried worming your way back into their company since youre now a pathetic friendless waste of daddys cum.
>dats y bro’s before hoes dickface

This guy gets it. All there is to it.

You cucked yourself user...

Seriously though, if it didn't work out then that probably means it's good to have some single-time to grow up a bit and build up a love for yourself so you can teach others by example how to love you. If you think it's at all possible to make up with her then you should apologize and communicate as openly as possible ASAP. If not, then do your best to try to move on. Make a tinder, meet other women, get good at giving head, stay busy and keep your mind off of her.

If you were to try to make up, I'd suggest this strategy for forming your speech/text/whathaveyou:

1) Acknowledge what you did wrong in the relationship
2) Explain why you did it without making excuses
3) Take full responsibility
4) Tell her how you're feeling directly and what the causes are (i.e, I'm angry with myself for not being patient enough; I feel upset because I want to be enough for you and I feel like I'm not, etc etc)
5) Tell her what you're planning on doing differently in the relationship to be better for her
6) Tell her you love her!

Make money your new gf. Thank me later. Bye.

I agree, do alcohol and drugs together, get it out of your system. Hard reset.

Figure out who you are with just yourself and move on.

>being broken down by a woman down to your core
Been there done that. It gets better user. You can take your time to grieve your emotional loss but the sooner you just stop thinking about her the better and sooner you can stop being a pitiful fuck.

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here have some absolutely shit tier video game codes. feel better OP

!4RC4N01D! 4: KOHBEEP edition — XW6ZW-LT4RB-LK2AN

Glitch Simulator 2018 — 3N2PG-5EFPJ-WQ9BR

Deep Ones — 5APJA-B65G3-N6EHN

Sniped !4RC4N01D! 4: KOHBEEP edition away from OP. He's a slowpoke.


Has my woman, mother of my kids, 10 years together chest on me, do drugs worh other dudes and leave me. Now she lives in another state with another dude and my kids. It fucking hurts man and 18 months ago I was on here saying I wanted to kill myself and being egged on by all the massive faggots on this board.

Motivational speaking helped me a lot, I’ve gone back to college and I’m fucking 30. Started my life over and I feel ok. There’s a massive hole but I feel alright. You’ll get there dude just make yourself a better person and work towards goals.

Oh and dabble in drugs, don’t get hooked but try a few. Roll a joint and watch a documentary works wonders

Oh and for the record she’s not better off without you, the reason she’s doing drugs amd bouncing on random dick (sorry man she is) is because she’s hurting and is trying to blank that hurt out. But her path doesn’t lead to long term fulfilment. Give her 4 years and she’ll be miserable and with a absolute looser (probably). She’s hurting but that doesn’t mean she wants you back. You’re young I’m guessing and one day this will make sense believe it or not

Kill yourself.

Sucks to be you getting back into the game after only 2 years and having to fuck new chicks. How disastrous

least you had a gf, unlike some of us who will end up dying alone

woman cannot make you more than what you are, unless they give you a child. a man will always elevate a womans place in this world; it doesn't work the other way. dont forget that.

There’s alwaus a woman out there who’s prepared to let you be with her and fuck her.

Remember a prostitute is like any other woman they all trade something for sex. Just find what they want and get it


there are exceptions though, my cousin dated a drug addict who was going nowhere, with her support he basically picked his life up, outjewed the jews he was working for and now hes a millionaire

*any step for a drug addict that isn't toward the grave is a step in the right direction. thats great for him, truly, but that's not what i meant. I meant for the large part women don't carry men, though they are emotionally stronger, men dont accept it. im not a misogynist, just pragmatic.

What the fuck man my, there is nigger on the outside world !
We are some motherfuckers who like to post trannies because WE ARE A TRANNIE DISCORD, join us nigger do,
GOies GOies GOies
Summer fag DO IT!!##lFk#k#R9#2Ss

misogynist my ass, dont eat up the magic spells women spew out just to try controlling you. if men weren't such pussywhipped white knights and actually stood up to women we would be in a better place as a society. but instead we have incels spending 30 bucks on a jar of "gamer girl bath water" because muh queenz

Haha I just find that shit funny, it’s pathetic really

i respect women i know, because respect is earned, not given away like candy. these kids SHOULD be cautious of woman cause they have the power to own, control, or ruin you, but no more power than what you give them.

my views or the bathwater thing

Honestly... Stop being a fag. People go through much worse stuff than this. You arent the first person to go through a break up. How would you manage if you actually went through some serious, real life shit?

She is going to swallow another man's cum.

this guy's trying to be cruel, but he could be right, and that's ok. dont let what might happen take from you all that could happen. you're free now to make a new life. anything you've done once you can do again. being a man is not giving a shit about what people from your past do. your life is yours.

again, using the magic words they use to control you, its genius actually, makes me wonder if it spontaneously came to be or someone sew the seeds

when you say you respect women you mean you hold them to a normal regard, however when someone else hears it they get the impression of holding them to a higher regard, in turn leading to the clusterfuck we see today

give women common human decency, not respect

The bathwater thing

I dumped a girl (this is like 8-10 years ago, now) because she was too flirty with just about any guy she met, daddy issues up the ass, man. a day or two after we broke up she said guys were trying to talk to her (trying to make me jealous). I told her, "it doesn't matter now; you're the past". it hit her hard and i felt free. i was lying to myself at the time but the more you do it the more its real and the easier it is to walk away from fucking anything. there's power in it, and its your gift to yourself.

the respect i give them, is and expectation of equality: women can walk along side me as long as they are stepping on my toes or draggin their feet. my expectation of those simple rules is my respect for women; i know they have the strength to get us to our future and not just hijack mine. keep your eyes open and you wont be played.

It’s perspective dude, to him this is the worst pain ever. Man I’ve been all over the country, lost family and friends, my best friend was shot to death. I’ve been deployed for 11 months. But nothing came close to the pain of my fiancé leaving me. Different things affect different people. OP is just a dude

well im sorry to break it to you but equality and egalitarianism is an illusion. the fundamental rules of nature dont abide by equality, its just a product of this flawed idea that something that seems good in the short term is objectively good no Matter what

Once a relationship (though most today are more like situationshios) starts going south, you can bet the woman is going to have shit on the side already. It's nearly always that way, mainly because they don't know how to go about ending it and don't wanna hurt the guy (at least not right away). So they fuck around endlessly behind their back with "someone who is just a friend".

Fuck all that shit man, like anons said already, go it alone...or just find fuck buddies now and then if you that hard up. Aint worth it these days, shit aint what it was 50 years ago.

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Lol, get over it op. She's already fucking another dude if she isn't talking to you. Best to move on quick, nigga.

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ya got me all wrong. maybe i am a misogynist. my relationships have always been me draggin my gf by the hand, helping her keep pace. i pay for a lot, i do because i can, but i do it to assert my position in the relationship. ive even paid for college, text books, clothes, rent, etc., but never beyond what's disposible to me. it means the world to her and when she fucks up, its gone, and she knows she fukked up. then i leave. so when she sees another girl with me in the sunshine, she knows that girls has everything she lost. that's power.

this right here, boys. women always have a life raft ready to jump ship. usually some bro loser from school. the best thing you can do is drop her before she's ready to go so that you still have all the cards. she will usually over estimate the affect she has on her side hustle and be on out on her ass with nothing but here misplaced expectations in her hands

Grow up. What are you 12? "She's gone off and tried drinking alcohol" lol...

Lol basically. OP needs to drop the beta male bs. Don't be the emasculated fags and spineless pussies on shows like TBBT. Be US Marshal Matt Dillon from Gunsmoke. That's the epitome of alpha male...that's why he never messed around with Miss Kitty, because he didn't want any drama and bs (he still sneaked a peak though when possible).

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this guy put it well

op is a total faggot; im not just here for him. sometimes i think about being his age again and it makes my stomach turn. we all go through the blindness and weakness of youth, but, in hindsight, its super cringy and makes me glad i left my 20's behind

Damn, nigga. That's some real power. I'm envious

Definitely relate. My girlfriend of 3 years kept lying about drugs and drinking with random guys. We barely split up after months of troubles (she cheated on me a while ago but I still have her a chance), and she's already fucked like 2 or 3 guys. I'm sorry lad. I understand.

Lol right? Yeah....sooooooo hardcore! Too funny.

listen to this guy, OP, you faggot, hes got some sound logic & youll be fine if you do. you'll look back on this one day and itll be embarassement you feel, not sadness.

you take your natural role as the provider, i myself wouldn't pay for her college because thats more like a long term investment she can continue benefiting from even without you.
i think we have a lot in common, im just more of a realist when it comes to morality. again the world would be a much better place if more men were like us.
my own ideals are: make your money and enjoy the fruits of your labor and cunning, but also be considerate

it gets old and produces an environment where love will never grow, but it gets you through the rough dating years relatively unscathed

wonder why she broke up with you. she most likely found someone better and more exciting than you.

Here's my advice since i kind of experienced the same shit: go to a gym, from there you can meet a lot of people. If not, go to club or some massage with happy endings. I know this is ridiculous but you can also meet or talk to someone from there to somehow release the steam off of your mind. I know this shits hard to forget and everyone here will say just move or some random stuff but that shits work out fine with me

>underage b&

>you are probably 16 still in high school faggot

damn straight. i didn't learn the consideration part until in was in my 30s and had i practiced more empathy in my 20s, id have been taken advantage of, more than i already was. i agree with you about the college thing; it just gives them wings, whether they earn them or not, wings are for flying away. i always you do you, cause noone else will. ive stuck by that and looked after me so that i can get to a place where i can look after others. a man need that kind of satisfaction, of providing, to feel whole.

the gym is great advice, but dont burn it by trying to hit on chicks; they get that shit all day at the gym and aren't trying to hear it. work out and get your conficence, then you'll approach women from a place of conficence and pulling chicks will be easy. just knowing you could have someone if you wanted to is enough sometimes to not need anyone.

agreed my dude

Get a load of this guy who gives genuine advice on the internet.

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Yep. It's even worse with the high maintenance types. If they aren't pleased 24-7, they'll have that life raft going and there's simply NOTHING the guy can do about it. But even many the cute little innocent ones with their "I'd never do that" routine, do it all the same and just as much.

And yeah, always has to be the loser shitstain bro from High School. I'll never understand it. The lying and duplicitous bitch I had been with did all of that and still remains friends with him too (yet I am non-existent). It's unreal. The guy has to be the biggest loser ever: lives at home at 44yo, sits on Shit Book all day adding up skanks from dating sites, adds up fembot/scam accounts he thinks are real people, and does all he can to impress the few people he had added from HS, none of whom give a single fuck about him. Meanwhile, I did everything under the sun for her, she told me everything under the sun as well about what I meant to her at one time, and neither of us were perfect, but nothing over-the-top ever took place. It was just your standard stupid shit and pushing/pulling crap.

Rather than just communicate and work through things though, she gave up and basically flushed herself down the toilet and became a completely different person. And of course, I am made out to be the perpetual bad guy for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I'll see her liking stupid ass posts and memes by her dumbass gfs (who are no different than she is), trying to relate me to it in someway to make herself feel better, when it doesn't even relate to me at all lol.

Total passive-aggressive type, and of course, those types always tend to be pathological liars too (yet claim they don't tolerate lying, just like she had done).

This is why I am done with it all...best to just have fun, chill, and not get attached. Too much drama and bs to deal with.


Stop trying so hard. It’s pathetic

God this board needs some fucking Red Pill reading asap, what's up with men glorifying pussy in this day and age?
Open your eyes retards, the sexual market has been completely shattered by social media and dating apps, women aren't playing anything they've got the free win from the get go.
What's more, falling in love with a western, American (most probably) woman on top of it...holy shit the ignorance.

meh same here close to 3 years first 3 months were shiet but you get over it


Hey my man ---->
Sea Dat sit ? Join today,
God said tm

someone jealous they dont have enough life experience or sense to give advice at all? sounds like. its not even about OP anymore. also he got more props than you, jus sayin.

Happened to me. I just got back into the game after 2 back to back relationships. A 6 year relationship, then a 3 year relationship with a coworker right after the 6 year one ended. Its like the whole world changed. Chicks online are way more guarded, fat bitches are more stuck up and conceited now because of shit like(pic related), everyone has kids...EVERYONE has kids, and not many are down to just fuck.

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bro, bro. it the shoe dont fit dont go buy a fucking shoehorn, just toss it. dont compare yourself, ever, to another dude cause then its just a pissing contest and you wont see clearly. she is the problem, not some dude. if she doesnt fit in your life, cut her out like cancer. and if you truly are a good dude to her, or women in general, just remind yourself that they can have everything, or they can have nothing. dont drag yourself all over the inbetween. strengthen your resolve and fortify yourself. id say that to son when hes gets to dating age.

fucking this

>not many are down to just fuck.
They are for most guys. Morals have gone to shit.
Maybe you're just trash-grade boyfriend material - ugly, broke, boring, abusive. Cause elsewhere? Chicks be fucking! And freaky fucking - anal, BDSM, cosplay shit. It's off the hook, yo!

let me explain, simps bs to women like this to get their dicks wet, women go on tinder amd get fucked by a 7or 8 because she is the o ly thing available at the moment and fat pussy beats masturbation, so the girls logic is like a zip tie, she got plowed by an 8 so she can only do better

good point. IG got every girl thinking the world wants her, her shitty, free IG account convinces her every day that you should get in line and pay some toll. it doesnt' take much to shatter that illusion. hold yourself to a higher standard, that usually does the trick. trive. do better without her than you ever did with her and itll kick any bitch from her fucking imaginary pedistal.

don’t worry op ily

You are fucking brutal, man.
It's pretty truthful, sure, but sugar that shit up a bit. That's a tough pill.

>trash-grade boyfriend material

That would completely go against my point of “just down to fuck” as in fucking WITHOUT commitment. Most profiles you see online are “NO HOOKUPS”, “not here for hook ups, I want a conversation and looking for mr. Right”, “first and foremost, if you’re just looking for some p**sy, then you can go right ahead and keep swiping” etc.

And there’s the kids issue. I have 2 fuck buddies who both have kids(one is in school and works as an EMT) so sex is a hassle.

>morals have gone to shit

One of the fuck buddies is married so I know that much already

yeah well not much we can do about it, the best imo is going mgtow, building a good life for yourself

unless youre willing to take women's rights away, but lets be honest with the amount of simps that exist, that wont happen

We are men, we don't need sugary things.
It's obviously a tough pill to take, but if you don't want to be miserable for the rest of your life (i.e. following modern women) then there's no other option.
To OP: Man up you fucking idiot, you have no fucking idea how much more valuable and capable you are now that you're free from that bitch.

You basically nailed it right there. Like I said earlier, this whole age we now live in is littered with enormous distractions and mountains of illusions, due to "social media", which I call social degeneration/distortion. The pic you posted is beyond typical today: cliche ho with 2-3 kids, divorced/just dumped ex (or multiple ones for that matter), has like 4000 "friends" added, mostly all gibbering fucktard knuckledraggers standing in line and repeating the same generic bs over and over on their walls. Pics are usually always filtered to shit too, blurred and loaded with lighting in certain spots to hide their age lol...it's all so sad and pathetic.

Crazy shit, what you said about the "fat ones", that basically descried my ex to a tee lol. Stuck up as could be, thinks her shit don't stink, never wrong, and loves playing the part of the angel. It's really something. I mean, I ain't no greek god myself, though I do look decent enough, but shit goes to their head and they think their suddenly Cherly Ladd in her prime (pic related).

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Yea i was just talking about this the other day. Fat chicks have let years of guys flooding their DM’s with “good morning sexy” messages get to their heads and make them believe they are more desirable than they really are.

When they don’t realize that these dudes are saying whatever they have to to clap those cheeks and bounce. There are A LOT of bitter 25 - 30 year old fat single moms out there with kids because of this lol

tbh, the rat utopia experiment has a lot of parallels to what we are experiencing in society right now, which is horrifying to think about how we are supposed to be humans with greater intellect than a bunch of rats but fall to the same fate

Drugs, alcohol and partying turned my gf (now ex) into a shallow slut. Police their friendgroups as best as you can. Their friends will encourage every degenerate, evil, fucked up thing they can. And if you're against it you're "controlling". Be strong and they'll follow you, though.

Well, the Nigger factor brings down that average intellect, so....

2 months? That's an eternity in thot years. She's already fucked at least 10 other guys.

There's 7 BILLION people on the planet, user. Forget about her and find someone else...

I had a total opposite experience. Younger girls today are way bigger sluts, sex is like a handshake. For me dating in my thirties has been "lets fuck first and see if it's good, then lets figure out if we like each other"

this is also a pretty fucked up wildcard. you need to assert yourself as the dominant one, the one whos word goes and if she still wants to do it tell her youll leave her if she does and mean it

>7 BILLION people on the planet, user
An oversimplification. Half of them are dudes, and OP didn't indicate he's a filthy faggot, so that takes half out. Then there are niggers, towelheads, red dots, beaners, and the lower-end Asians, like Koreans and Thai. Toss out Jews; who needs that kind of trouble. Deranged woke SJW ass pains.
There's like 40 or 50 dateable chicks out there, when you think about it.

Love is so hard at 14 years old

Eh, you're right. But the point being his ex is gone. Drugs and alcohol? She's a thot now and has traded her holes for at least the drugs. He's better off forgetting her and finding another woman.

>Love is so hard at 14 years old
Fuck you, whiner. You got nothing to offer anyone. No cash, no game. You're not interesting, yet.
Grab a tube sock like every other 14 year old in the history of man, whiney bitch!

I find a lot of comic relief in all of that though, as sad and pathetic as it may be overall. What I love seeing the most is when they claim to be "in wubs" with some fag, and then 1 week later it's over...then it's on again...then it's over...I've seen them get added/removed up to 20 times in some cases lol. Then it finally ends permanently and the cycle just repeats all over again with some other nignog.

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It was like that for me before(in 2009/2010). Now its the opposite. I just hate...HATE that awkward few seconds of silence leading to “.........so, I was thinking about something” or getting a random text “I just really like you, and I don’t see why we can’t just....”.

Go for a psychedelic experience and find out what you really want to do with your life. I'm single and have never been happier. If you're happy with your own life, someone will come along eventually.

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Stop being such a pussy, faggot. Go drinking. "Not that kind of person" omg lol

Why is the 'shroomhead answer to Everything,
>Go for a psychedelic experience
It's like walking around with only a hammer in your toolbox.

I did LSD a few times, never done shrooms.
It simply shows you perspectives on your life you never saw before and allows you to see things more clearly. What you do with it afterwards is up to you.

I dunno, man. I know a few guys who dropped acid in college, and every-fucking thing - you know what would help that? Acid.

Hey, my lawn mower sounds off, like it's missing on a cylinder or something. Dude, try some acid.

Fucking router - can't get wifi out on my deck. Acid, brother. Seriously.

Dammit! Burnt the steaks, again. Sorry. Did you try acid?

this describes me too. I always got into it with a hookup and then seeing if we click after. the whole dating scene it alot of work and just the worst

Another thing too that is beyond f'ing irritating is the fags and bitches who can never stfu about every damn thing they are doing 24-7. This is what I mean about the age we live in now. It's all about OTHER PEOPLE and putting a show on FOR THEM, rather than it being about themselves and focusing on what is actually important. I see people going out to dinner and needing to take 1000 pics of the food they ate. WTF!? Yeah man, I uhh...I know what steal and red wine looks like, I don't need to see it. Then they wonder why their "relatonship" goes to shit in no time flat. When I go on dates, I FOCUS ON HER, not stupid online bs and chatting ith mofos about the food.

This is what people do on dates now, seriously? Them f'ing phones man, I tell ya...done way more harm than good combined with the social media fanaticism,

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This, except
>I FOCUS ON getting HER into bed,

hey op, 2 years ago i was in the exact same place with my first love, and best friend. i had episodes, went thru severe drug addictions, arrests, rehab, the whole 9. i learned that the best thing to do in that situation is to accept what has happened, to let time take its course and to focus on healing. ik sounds very cliche yea but trust me everything's gonna be ok in the end. you’re not alone faggot

I went through something very, very similar almost a decade ago. It was hard at the time...really for the better part of a couple of years, but you get over it. It took me a long time to understand that the person she ultimately chose to be had little to do with me and our relationship. Now that I'm over it and don't have such an emotional attachment to her, I realize that she's incredibly immature and hasn't grown much, while I've used that initial pain to fuel my own development.

There are things I still miss that I haven't felt or experienced in relationships since (she was an absolute freak in the sheets and probably the most intellectual woman I've ever been with), but I know the grass is greener on the other side, so to speak.

>blah blah blah
>sour grapes
>blah blah blah

Aside from the bitter fatties with all of their selfie bs and worship by the lowly and desperate fags, this stuff here is even more hilarious (pic related). They can't even tell the difference between fake fembot/porno ad accounts.

Attached: fb_porn_bot-dumbass_comments.jpg (505x859, 244K)

Theres at least one denizen of Zion amongst that sea of programmed sheep

Who do you think? Morpheus? Tank?

>denizen of Zion
what is?
is this about the jews?

Thanks for your insightful comment

What I meant was, you sound like a bitter, butt hurt faggot. Now, after you got your ass dumped, you come to the realization how "immature" she was and how she "hasn't grown."
You're just mad some Chad is fucking your old lady and they laugh about all the intimate secrets you shared with her back when you thought your love was an eternal thing that would soar into the heavens on the wings on angels. Turns out, you just weren't xxx enough to hang onto her and now you're bitter.
Clearer now?

do women have any sense of sentimentality?

i can honestly say that any woman that i have ever been with has never shown that in any way

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>Now, after you got your ass dumped, you come to the realization how "immature" she was and how she "hasn't grown.
actually thats common in men, its not sour grapes its more like you see those red flags but since youre getting your dick wet, you find ways to excuse them or overlook them

You're not the kinda person to have fun drinking or smoking with friends? I'm assuming all shes doing is smoking weed since anyone who "isn't that kinda person" considers weed an actual drug as bad as actual drugs. No wonder she left you, you're boring af. The arguments were probably about you not letting her have any freedom anyways. Grow up user, once you love yourself then maybe someone else can too

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she deserves a real man user, let it go

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They don't love men, they love the "idea" of loving men depending on their current situation and what society tells them.

Much better. For a bit of context, in the decade or so since we've been broken up, she's been engaged, then broke it off with her guy about a month before the wedding. She's still in school as a PhD student and hasn't had a job outside of her research duties for her degree.

She reaches out to me a few times a year to "catch up" when she's had a bottle of wine or two and all she does it talk about hard her life is while also trying to push a weird Libertarian agenda that she apparently lives by now.

i always figured a womans "love" for a man was strictly pragmatic meaning they dont love you for you but what you can do for them

Attached: threads dead.jpg (1600x900, 322K)

i do :/

Yeah it's both of these things actually. Not only do they do not love you by who you are but they're conditioned do extract as many resources as possible from you.
Back in our grandparents days, this was a fair exchange because they actually wanted to raise a family and take care of the children, and eventually really get to deeply care about their significant other.
Today? They divorce/breakup your ass in a year tops, all while DMing side dick to monkey branch and repeat the process.
The result? The concept of family is broken. People grow up broken. Women break men, men hate women more than before...and society goes to shit.

Good while it lasted op. You had a good run.

are you autistic? not an insult im legitimately asking, do you land anywhere on the autism spectrum?

similarly to the rat utopia, take out the struggle and go extinct

Unfortunately there will always be men that stay forever whipped just to have a chance to get their dick in some pussy.
Social media only made things easier and worse by default, I wonder how will things go in 10 years? I'll be almost 40 and still fucking 18 year olds while women my age will hate me for playing their rigged game...and eventually more men will open their eyes and women themselves will start to cannibalize each other.

Whoah there dont skip dont you want to see pure porn and memes?
Join them, pure server, sexy porn and funny memes
I believe in you, YES YOU CAN
Its a trannieserver lolilol23znFQ

i feel like women will start eating men wayy before they cannibalize their own

This dude told what I wanted to.

Find something you might enjoy and sink into it. For me it was games, pc building and tech, downhill bikes, knowledge and random facts. Find/renew bonds with dudes of similar taste/hobbies and any woman you'll find will be an extension and addition to your wholesome and healthy life on it's own. Just like my mom is joking "you don't need to look for your half, I gave bith to a complete unit" :)

>you don't need to look for your half, I gave bith to a complete unit

love it

Old school moms are the shit man, what the fuck happened to modern women?

One girl out of 4 billion, buddy. Get a grip, learn from your mistakes and keep your next girl (who you WILL find) happy.

>what the fuck happened to modern women?
progress happened

No offense but how old are you? I dated a girl from when I was 18 to 25 and holy shit breaking up was the best thing that ever happened to me. People are always changing and you really don't become who you will be for a long time until you are 30. It can be hard because you fall in love who someone was and not who they became.