Why are socialists so fucking stupid?
Why are socialists so fucking stupid?
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I dont know but goddamn I want to fuck her
I know she does retarded things but I dont care. Dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes. Favorite combo.
So you just got reported. Enjoy it.
>imagine getting paid to shitpost this every single day as a way to make a handful of rubles
Why is she living in your head? She's hasn't done anything yet.
I laughed out loud in real life.
Now THAT's what I call Cumbrain Vol 7
Thanks user if you think that's funny read her actual interviews
...you know how modern leftism started out right?
The French Revolution, and look at the stuttering cluster fuck of a mess that was, it took France over a century to stabilize from its dumb fuckery
>actual liberal
Me too, user. Me too.
Jesus Christ, Joe, not in front of the cameras!
Bootlicking class cuck.
How does it feel to love to suck your bosses dick you faggot
Ah you love being bent over and getting your asses back wall rubbed by your bosses dick huh class cuck?
The understanding of socialism in this board never mind the world is crazy off base. Socialism, capitalism, communism, fascism. All so mislabeled that it’s sad
Explain it to us.
>seething [posters 13]
because they are all women, or gay.
Socialism- a wide range of beliefs were society owns parts of the means of production. This includes citizen ownership or government ownership. The post office is a socialist institution. Public schools are socialist. Roads are socialist. Socialism isn’t anti capitalist by nature. There is a form of it called market socialism that is but non market socialism is very much pro socialist. It just means that the public owns some industries. These industries are ideally ones that provide a needed service but that isn’t profitable at a level that provides the service. Utilities in some areas are owned by the local governments as an “authority” which provided the service and may make a profit but that profit goes back to the government to offset taxes. Usually though they do not make money but without them people might be without running water or electricity. There are offshoots of socialism that may be more extreme but at its core socialism isn’t anti capitalism. It’s just against unrestricted feee free market capitalism, something that has not and will never exist
Becuause theyre the last man, ist called behavioural sink. Enjoy the end. Or go MAGA and hope were on Mars before ist over.
This period between day 315 and day 600 saw a breakdown in social structure and in normal social behavior. Among the aberrations in behavior were the following: expulsion of young before weaning was complete, wounding of young, increase in homosexual behavior, inability of dominant males to maintain the defense of their territory and females, aggressive behavior of females, passivity of non-dominant males with increased attacks on each other which were not defended against.
After day 600, the social breakdown continued and the population declined toward extinction. During this period females ceased to reproduce.
I meant non market socialism is pro capitalism
>t. the real bootlicker
You’re the one sitting around waiting, and praying, for the boss to give you a higher wage. While also praying that communism saves you. Communism, of course, being a societal setup that necessitates bootlicking, or you get thrown in a fucking gulag.
She's not a socialist. She's a neoliberal disguised as a progressive to stall revolt.
Is that why the roads around here are so shitty? Because socialists wasted the road repair budget on bullshit gibs?
She’s a non factor being turned into one with in internet memes like this
Roads are shitty because citizens don’t want to pay taxes to fix them. And because politicians use the money for pet projects and pork barrel shit.
Cuz if they were smart, they wouldn't be socialists.
The biggest thing about today's leftism is that none of them actually know where any of the government's money comes from........
If you look at the budgets of local state or federal government and saw the shit that gets money spent on it you would be sick.
Non factor collecting a big paycheck
As big as the rest of the nonfactors
I--big govt-------------------------------small govt--I
Dems, reps, socialists, communists (socialists), fascists are all on the same end of the scale. When the result is always the same, does the rhetoric really matter?
The biggest chuck of state budgets in generally Medicaid. Health insurance for the poor.
It's genetic. If you had any intelligence, you wouldn't be a socialist. We have seen examples of socialism in many countries over the last 100+ years (even in large nations, but also in small ones). It has ALWAYS failed and devolved into tyranny of the elite.
It takes a real lack of intelligence to fall for the defense of socialism which argues, "Well... we didn't do it right all those other times. This time we will make it work!"
That is what con artists do to make fast money. And those who believe them end up losing everything. The problem with the socialist con artists is that when you lose, you lose your freedom, not your money (which is why unintelligent people fall for it, because they say "I have no money to risk, so nothing bad will happen to me!")
Local is usually schools
that describes basically 90% of the worlds population of muds
Define socialist.
theyre belive system in based in ignorance and lies
theyre believe system in based in ignorance and lies
When your supposed elected representative bodies start fucking you for their friends' gain, and your infrastructure starts going to shit elsewhere but they don't care because their gentrification project is gonna make their friends really rich...
And then they have the goddamned gall to come telling us they need to raise taxes for the streets, after wasting all that money on bullshit like bike lanes/paths and fancier street lights for the "historic" district....
Then people wonder why we don't want to pay more taxes!!
The truth of the matter is that taxes are a wholly inefficient way to accomplish things, primarily because of shitbag corrupt thief politicians, and ideologically-awashed well-meaning retards, spending money where it doesn't need to be spent, then wondering why the fuck we don't want to give them more so they can do the job they were fucking supposed to in the first goddamned place!!
Corrupt and inefficient leaders ought to be beheaded again....
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Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. Tz
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Sort your socialist politicians out then. I pay plenty of taxes. Way too much to drive around these potholes.
It doesn’t help when their own politicians spew memes at them like “3 billionaires own 50% of the wealth of this nation, we can just steal their money and spread it around to make ourselves wealthier!”
I am sick of it. That’s why I am sick of socialist politicians fucking up the budgets.
Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. Un
Live stream link + further explanation:
Medicaid is fine by me. I’ve been unemployed. It also covers those with physical and mental disabilities as well as people who’s income falls below a certain threshold. I’m happy to pay taxes to support vulnerable people like those. I am not happy about the rest of the budget. Especially how money gets wasted on crap instead of fixing the fucking potholes.
I’m not sure it’s genetic. I think it’s down to a lack of proper education, combined with the main goals of socialism/communism being things that appeal to uneducated people who also can’t deal with modern life. It’s all fluffy crap like “the government will give us better stuff than we already have”, or “my boss won’t pay me enough to live like the people on tv” or “he said a nasty thing to me, I need the government to protect me from nasty words”.