It's these kind of things that make me lose any semblance of faith in the human race...

It's these kind of things that make me lose any semblance of faith in the human race. Racism has no place in modern society. If you're a racist then you're plain retarded, no other explanation. How else am I supposed to interprete such behaviour? It's no wonder why majority of racists are unemployed, skilless, useless wastes of matter because such an individual doesn't even possess the necessary IQ to function as a normal human being.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Niggers have no place in modern society

Some people are stupid, it is nothing new.

>crying nigger
haha what a pussy

Pretty sure racists can rise to be the president of the United States. You're argument is full of fallacies

>there is systematic racism imposed from the highest levels of politics and business across not only the most powerful country on earth but all countries all over the earth.
>all racists are unemployed white trash.
Try again nigger worshipper.

Or, people have formed an opinion based on life experiences and have found a number of stereotypes to be true.

dont be mad about them, they will die out when the mixing is complete. Its inevitable and they know it. They cant stop Evolution by looking backwards.But their fragile Personality, dont allow them to be positive about it. Race is a pretty young construct.

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This is John Barnes, when he played football people would dress as monkeys and throw bananas. He didn’t cry he just got on with it and became one of the best football players in the world. Negros need to man up.

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I find that my life experience of wealthy, professional football players to have massively reinforced my negative perception of an entire subsection of humanity.

>be soccer guy
>anything happens
>take a dive

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Obviously b8 because the entire script is flipped. Niggers dont have jobs but the hard working racists do

Doesn't look like a football player to me. Looks like a faggy egg ball player

This right here but op is too far gone in his fantasy to care


football is for retards anyway

>20 shitposts
>no info
Well? what exactly happened?

Race is just another thing for people to attack, like being fat or ugly. Harden up people. The world isn't fair, people aren't nice. There is just as much white racism now or more. Whites just dont care as much.

Humans will never get past "us" vs "them". So until we all share the same colors or cultures (which fucking till we all look the same will not work , the only way to get rid of racism is to destroy the other races.

No need to respond to these ones. It's evident not only to me but more importantly to yourselves how pathetic your lives actually are. Do us all a favour...

Rising to become president has no implications on IQ. Also to suggest he's racist to begin with again proves my point. You're a retard.

Based on life experiences? Do you not lack the cognitive capacity to figure out some people behave the way they do due to the situations they are born into and brought up in? Retard


Wtf. Is the bitch nigger on life support or something

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>Egg ball player
>Person in OP's pic is a "professional" soccer player
Kek not even europoors can convince themselves that soccer is a serious sport

the more you live surrounded with niggers the more racist you are. Only faggots like you that have no real contact with them (maybe some high-class and educated black people) say that racism is unjustified. If you disagree I dare you to go to live a full year in a normal black neighbourhood or to a black city like detroit.

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Once one method of categorization is eliminated, people will find another thing that divides us. Perhaps an "us" vs "them" mentality will always exist, but I'd rather that be the case rather than the alternative route of endless destruction

I am capable of observing that the black kids in the same poor neighborhoid that i grew up in, turned to crime and drugs instead of working their way out like most others. Poverty is no excuse.

A lot of truth in this. The ones that cry racism live very sheltered lives in areas with little to no black population.

I agree on the first, disagree on the second. The reasons will change but its only because its wanted to divide the people.

Donald Trump is absolutely a racist.

He also likes to rape little girls with Jeffrey Epstein. Don't defend a child rapist.

The in and out groups have always been an intrinsic primate value. Naturally this has fallen on superficial and easily distinguished traits, amount of melanoma in the skin.

If you’re honestly think we can devoid ourselves from basic tendencies simply because we’ve made great inventions, I think you over value the human species.

0 evidence unlike bill and Hillary who have been proven to gather children for him.


Yes racism is bad. Unfortunately so are people, so you might want to accept that it’s going to be around as long as people are.

Once the other races were destroyed (and im not arguing which ones would/should be) thrn we would always find more reasons to be divided. It just wouldnt be rascism anymore .

>muh enviroment explains everything
Gypsies still behave better.

Ironically your type creates the enviroment by enabling it with letting them get away with it because muh poor innocent faggots.


>let’s celebrate diversity by doing away with it!
You sound like an idiot.

>get rid of racism is to destroy the other races
thats retarded

biologically speaking
interbreeding will increase genetic diversity at this point
youll be creating more subspecies of human, all stemming from the same genus

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At least I'm not a nigger loving faggot like you. Fucking pussy

This. But it's not a future thing. It's been already true for all medieval history even between neighbor towns. People always build groups that fight each other.


Chances are, all three of them are guilty.

Let’s just ignore than 15% of the population (black males) makes up 50% of the violent crime in America

You’re an ignorant cunt

Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. nC

Live stream link + further explanation:

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Chances are, you have no evidence to back your claim
back to /x/ schizo

Thy Played against my hometown team and I know the guy who offended him

Racism isn't bad. That's what humanity was founded upon. It's the battle for survival. We wouldn't be here if we didn't kill off the Neanderthals.

Found the pedophile

Is this thread real? It seems like it's just concentrated bait

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what? im not into feet faggot
again back to /x/ with you demon

I may be one, doesnt really matter.
No reason to celebrate or be mad about it. As i said, its Inevitable.
Its like Protesting against the Rain, when you want the Sun to shine. Excuse my bad English

Feet? Your a dumb nigger

You will lose special adaption.
We currently have various groups well adapted to their natural climate. If you mix it up you get something that can't live everywhere on the planet.

A simple example is skin color. Whitey is good for north because he get's enough vit D even with a weaker sun but burns in south.
Black doesn't get skin cancer going outside but will get suicidal in north because of lack of vit D. The nose form is also linked to climate. Some of the slavs have also genes for cold adaption. The guys in himalaya have height adaption.

It makes no sense to give up this natural adaption to the environment. Hopefully we can edit ourself in the future with genetic databases but currently the best option is to keep breeds with different environmental adaption.

If anything you want to keep stock breeds so when genetic engineering finally arrives you can use them for your database as blueprints.

The end game of it is certainly retarded but its true. No matter how open we become to people, no group is just going to allow themselves to be breed out of existence. Individuals of a group, yes, but not as a whole. A group will have to be dominated to have this. In some way or another, they will have to be forceably destroyed.

But we didn’t kill off the Neanderthals, the two groups bred to become one.... that’s why a lot of Europeans and middle eastern have Neanderthal dna.

We actually just fucked them, mostly.
But yeah, tribalism is at the heart of our cultural development. It is easy to change the targeted 'outsider' group (irish, jewish, black, arab ect), but difficult to eradicate the tendency.
We are basic creatures sometimes.

Zoomers need to die.
Barnes is one of the greatest football players ever ffs.

Also based and redpilled

Niggers are basic creatures all the time

Is this for real? What a fucking pussy. Forget race, they should make fun of him for having a vagina

>This level of trolling.

Well, you called him a pedohile.
Or did your dumb ass mean paedophile?

That's not football you backwards europoor. Soccer isn't a serious sport.

You spelled pedophile wrong you dumb ass europoor

Quit butchering the English language


I scored top tenth of one percent on college entrance exams, have a well paying job, have my own house, pay my taxes. I'm racist.
I have really bad news for your friend. Blacks and Mexicans are some of the most racist people I've ever known. Right up there with whites. Racism exists for a reason. It's never going away. Pick a more useful crusade.

>special adaption to natural climate
I get where you're coming from, but the argument is moot.

The Chinese are the most racist xenophobic people on the planet. Why don't these limp wristed soy chugging fucks complain about them?

It doesnt fit their apologist narrative.

A human being on loan? Das racist

How long did it take your big brain to come up with this brilliant response?

Living outside your zone is hell even in 2019.
I'm a snowwhite norwegian and one year spain on exchange was a roller coaster of repeated sunburns despite sunscreen. Not to mention how much time you waste with it.

For all the technical advances it still sucks major dick to be outside your natural habitat.
From what i know about supplements i don't think people who have to deal with vit d deficiency will do swell chugging pills either.

Unironically this.

They won't get virtue points doing that

I came into the thread ready to say it.

Hurry up and suicide already so you stop spamming threads

As long as the racist can be made to obsess against out-groups he doesn’t seem to notice the oligarchs and their handmaiden politicians are picking his pockets. Bubba stands atwart history yelling nigger, nigger, nigger whilst the rich get richer and working and middle class wealth is siphoned to the top.

>Has World Series of rounders.
>only teams from one country can enter.
>changes ever sport to be easier for its troglodytes to understand.

Yeah it's a sport for pussies

What situation was Michael Brown born into that made him steal from a store and then start a fistfight with a cop? If you want to apologize for anyone's bad behavior, that's on you. But maybe you should start listening respectfully. It's what you would do if a black person were speaking to you right now, unironic cuckold.

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The alt left's pockets get picked just the same. Isn't it coincidental that the wealthy promote the same "tax the rich to pay for the poor" laws the left supports.
I'm sure it's all coincidence

As someone who's spend over 20 years living in a predominantly black environment in South Africa I have to say, this has to be the most retarded point I've read in my entire life. Surely no one is as ignorant or as dumb as you are to believe this. Yes most crime where I'm from is also committed by black people. The difference between me and you though is that I actually have a brain to realise the circumstances that led them to behave in that manner. I have also lived in cities where most crime is committed by coloured individuals. Again the situation that led them to live such lives is almost identical to what I've witnessed with black people.

Keep sucking each other off convincing yourselves that your world views are nothing short of retarded

You sound like a limp wristed faggot

>no need to respond to these one
>currently responding to them

You're an apologist. You should off yourself.
We will make an excuse for you just like you do for them.

And you are blind, thinking anything you own or have is "earned". You were just lucky beeing born where you are born.

if you're a black adult and can't handle someone calling you a nigger then you're a faggot.

what a pussy. his bank account balance should be enough to make him just laugh it off. he literally gets paid millions each month. what a faggot.

Ive met only good black people.ive seen on the web and the tv very violent and antisocial it just a media ploy to undermine the colored folks or for the most part they're a horrible race?

Go back to South Africa you fag

>Isn't it coincidental that the wealthy promote the same "tax the rich to pay for the poor" laws the left supports
Dumbest fucking comment so far.

Na they're hated world wide

>if youcan't handle someone calling you a nigger then you're a faggot.

>If you are upset by being called an xyz, you must be an xyz

Fucking statement of the century right there m8.

>no arguments
blablabla insult
grow up

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I keep hearing this, but I married black and have been around blacks ever since. All I feel each passing year is more at home.

I work 70 hours a week and try to make good decisions. I dont care what color skin you have. You show up to work on time and do your job and dont cost me any extra money, you can work on my crew.
No one has given me shit.

>It's no wonder why majority of racists are unemployed, skilless, useless wastes of matter
Just like niggers

You mean >>/x/?
Only genuine faggot in this pretentious thread

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Most brainwashed person so far.
Social spending has only ever increased. Are the rich getting poorer? That's what I thought.


The only people I don't hire is faggots and those freaks who dress up like women. Fucking trannies.

Lol you think faggot means the same as nigger?

I've never had experience with anything like that. I've only got a 5 man crew so my turnover rate is fairly low. I dont care what they do with their genetalia off the clock. As long as the work gets done, I couldn't care less. There is no bickering or drama on my crew, cause they know if they have time for drama I will find something less pleasant for them to do.

best post

Holy dogshit!!a truer statement has never been said.dont be an xyz

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Helps when daddy gives you all his money

This is just entirely bullshit. Come back with some data. You have no fucking clue who is working and who isn't and neither does OP

Did that help him become president you think?

I'm a hard working racist

You must mean Obama. That fucking Anti-White racist has destroyed America. Look at what he’s done to the Southern States with Wetbacks and states like Minnesotta and Maine with Somali Niggers.


> white guy alert

Obama was a blip on the radar when it comes to gutting the US. Same as trump. Same as Clinton. Same as the bushes.
Populations are enslaved by swords or debt. Which set of chains you have around your ankles?

I fucking hate that lying nigger and his ugly ass chimp faced wife

Umm excuse me? My gender identity is meso-homo feminoid, referring to me as a guy is offensive, I'm a zeta-class Apolloyn

Chrust, you sound like a fucking larping tumblrette

I'm not larping. I really do hate them

i bet op's mom is getting fucked by a nigger as we speak

He's being forced to watch too

crying because you have somemore melanine and primitive dna and body? Yeah, they have no place

>The Mirror claim Osei-Tutu was called a ‘black c***’ by one of his opponents and the visibly distraught defender made his way off the field.

imagine crying because someone called you a white cunt lmao
it's almost as if recognition of their race alone is enough to drive niggers into a frenzy

all whites are responsible for how blacks ended up the way they are. the racism is unjustifiable and irredeemable. literally any history book and studying socioeconomics will tell you this. they created niggers through centuries of oppression and systemic racism, literally crippling their ability to make decent livings for themselves, not to mention the push of drugs into lower income and predominantly black areas. and now they're mad at their own creation top kek

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Maybe if they weren't fucking dumb niggers they wouldn't have to be oppressed

well that's a load of horseshit, but ok



All was said. Brainless monkeys that love to kill and torture animals for fun, that are ugly and couldn't evolve in million years should be exterminated.

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