Would you suck?

Would you suck?

Attached: Photo on 7-9-19 at 12.38 AM #2.jpg (435x457, 60K)

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depends who's attached to it

How much are you paying?

i could ask you the same question, faggot

mmm yes daddy uWu

not until after marriage, pervert

I'd definitely gag on that

Attached: Photo on 7-9-19 at 12.26 AM.jpg (477x537, 76K)

Yes, and would kindly open my ass to it.


Ahhh... The Thinker...

I want to swallow your cum

Only suck cocks this size

Attached: e5244af1-b425-4d06-9b11-389778448cbf.png (768x1024, 705K)


pic related is you

Attached: 683015.jpg (1024x992, 120K)


blow this

Attached: fl69pcuu.jpg (1486x1680, 390K)

that's not his dick that's a pic he got offline. he's a cocklusting faggot just like you are

that looks like 4 inches

Yet i wouldnt Touch your ugly monkey dick.
Tells more about You than about me lmao.

you blind?

Attached: j6v3h5il.jpg (1680x1402, 404K)

Not my dick, got it from a dude of kik

You cant compete with that dude

Attached: Screenshot_20190523-224147.png (720x1280, 996K)

neither can you, faggot

you're a pathetic seething faggot who is mad because my dick is bigger than yours so you have to post someone else's dick to feel better about your own tiny one

2nd time: not my dick, its a dude from Kik, You cant compete with him

Attached: Screenshot_20190527-232408.png (720x1280, 925K)

yeah you stupid faggot IT'S NOT YOUR DICK
you have to live vicariously through somebody else cause you yourself are inadequate

I never said its my dick, are You autistic or sth? Reading comprehenson You dicklet lol.

post YOUR OWN dick and then you can talk shit, dicklet

that's the point you fucking idiot. you don't get to brag about someone else's penis

you're the dicklet bitch. that's why you're too embarrassed to post your own cocktail weeny

>imagine being such a dicklet you gloat about someone else's cock

Samefag with a very, very small penis

says the dicklet who lives vicariously through other men's dicks cause his is so microscopic
post YOUR penis dicklet and then if it's bigger than mine you can talk shit.

Attached: fuck you robin suck my dick.jpg (645x495, 65K)

t. dicklet who still refuses to post his own penis cause it's too tiny
>imagine being such a weak faggot dicklet you live vicariously through images of other men's cocks you took from off the internet

Having a small penis really angers ppl right?

bigger than yours

i don't know i guess you should knowing seeing as you're too embarrassed to post your own and instead have to post pics of someone else you got from a gay sex chat where you probably showed him pics of your shaved asshole

I would love to suck it while you comment my ex gf’s pics

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definitely still looks 4 inches. 5/10 for making it look bigger

Totally would explain why You rage that hard over a big penis that You have seen on the Internet

explain why you live vicariously through a pic you got from a gay sex chat where you showed another man a picture of your asshole and in return he sent you pictures of his cock which is much larger than yours and now you use said pics to feel superior to others

why can't you post YOUR OWN penis you fucking dicklet? how do you not get it? so what that guy has a bigger cock than me? you don't.

The real joke is you hounding another man on the internet to show you his dick.

Do your parents know you're a faggot?

Spoiler, they do


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says the faggot in a thread filled with nothing but other men's dicks. you literally save pictures of other men's cocks from the internet you faggot

Sorry, i wont suck on your Baby dick, im not a pedo

my dick is bigger than yours and you are jealous

post yours, baby dick

Nice balls

Thank you, I’m proud of my huge balls

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Why, You gay Baby?

No. I only suck my own dick

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Disgusting and tiny - no

Who would win in a sword fight me or OP

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Like my gf sucking?

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Fuck that is a gorgeous dick. I want that in me

Bump for life

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Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. uL

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562854530.772.jpg (360x640, 80K)