Draw thread

draw thread

Attached: fruity.jpg (1350x912, 142K)

Other urls found in this thread:





Attached: big mouth kek.png (332x435, 122K)

Your mother was "meh."

>Draw stuff
>Interact or roleplay with others
>Threadly reminder that you can always git more gud
>Don't be afraid to try drawing a request yourself
>New Drawfriends are ALWAYS desired

systemax.jp/en/sai/ (PaintTool SAI, ¥5400, the most popular)
clipstudio.net/en (Clip Studio Paint Pro, $49.99, also sorta popular)
wonderunit.com/storyboarder/ (Storyboarder, Freeware, Animation!)
krita.org/ (Krita, Freeware)
firealpaca.com/en (Firealpaca, Freeware)
medibangpaint.com/en/ (MediaBang Paint, Freeware)
sketchbook.com/ (Sketchbook, free or paid $30/year, frequent mobile users choice)

(IC Sticky w/ Drawing Guide for Beginners link)
drawabox.com/ (Learn to Draw)
alexhays.com/loomis/ (Loomis)
If you don't know where to start, start with 'Fun With A Pencil'. Loomis is a meme for a reason.

justsketch.me/ (Online Posable Doll)
magicposer.com/ (Offline & Online Lite Posable Doll)
quickposes.com/en/gestures/random (Pose Practice)
artmodeltips.com/poses/ (Nude Pose Gallery)
posemaniacs.com/ (Pose Gallery)
line-of-action.com/practice-tools/ (Various Practice Tools: Pose, Expression, etc)
artprompts.org/ (Art Prompts)

reddit.com/r/stylus/wiki/index (List of Tablets)
Intuos Draw/Art (formerly Bamboo) is fairly cheap and solid ($64/$79 USD Amazon)
Ask a Drawfriend

I joke about it but it pains me to kill off such qt character

Attached: wurm.png (800x700, 99K)

im tired bye thread

Attached: wurm.png (800x700, 31K)

yo sup am new here

Attached: nigga.png (379x466, 89K)

If you ever wanna smash!!
>No Pichu, Wario, Inkling, Peach, Palutena, Pokémon Trainer, ZSS
Only reason Wolf is high up is because I never played Brawl and I wanted to try them out only to find they fit my play style. The Cap and Fox are there because they almost never change play style so I stayed playing them

Attached: FAB2D2A5-3435-4FE4-B626-B64A33A31D37.jpg (300x232, 23K)

Ah debil if you're still here I was wrong, I checked and my most played are Snake, Captain Falcon, and Falco. similar top ones but not the same

Attached: not cap.jpg (274x288, 25K)

>No peach

Hot dangggg a drawbreddddd~ sup doooods

Attached: M.png (712x551, 15K)

old drawthread gone

requesting this fella doing something murderous or gorey
pls and thank

Attached: macky - garnetto.png (4196x2000, 1.98M)

I beat Deltarune for the first time.. fun game.. hard boss. Hi thread.

Attached: 2112.gif (500x500, 1M)

damn jevil is hardddd
how are you? also congrats!!

Want to fuckin McDie
How u?

Got kik?

Don't we all?
If you don't share the hyper orange I'm afraid I'm going to sick your other sister on you. I got dirt on you lad. Sister's love that gossip shit.
Except it's a bad smooch
IOU a smooch user
WEAK. Night dude
Jevil fight was so fun man

Attached: Road.png (969x969, 257K)

>Except it's a bad smooch
>IOU a smooch user
ey a smooch is a smooch now I sleep well ty

yea why though. also i prefer dicksword

>mystery skulls
nice taste btw

may i also donate smooch?

yes pls

>sleep well
Oh you'll sleep well alright... For eternity. Thanks for the late night snack


i also donate hugs :)))

Oh, i was just asking

Attached: 2355976062.jpg (1514x1624, 189K)

I take hugs and smooches and slooty stuff ofc

>Going to sleep
>Wurm does the same few minutes before
We know its u wurm under user dont b shy

pls make sure you have water in case you get an upset tummy!
coulda gone worse

Still, no chaos version..
I'm good! I thought he was hard but wasn't as bad as Undyne's murderer battle in the first game... I want Chapter 2 already..
The voice acting caught me off guard, but it was fun enough to the point where it wasn't annoying like the murder version of the bosses from the first game.

Attached: 2113.png (600x600, 98K)

okay :)
if you want to talk i can tell you what either one is
my general rule is no slooty stuff unless im in a relationship w that person just so things dont backfire on me...hugs and kisses are for sweet people though!! :)

ooh true undyne can be hard. i fell asleep in the middle f spade kings battle and havent picked it back up since. love deltarune though :)

Even in 4 I played Random, I mean I only played top tiers there too lel
I play my snake all CQC because I’m not high IQ enough...
I like to think I can play all the chars at a basic level, I don’t know the 0-death with them though lel

Attached: D8394F42-7751-43B4-8BAA-E3126BEDF705.jpg (298x262, 28K)

Requesting a comic of this girl, completely nude, getting swallowed whole and alive by a giant toad
>Grabbed by it's long sticky tongue
>Pulled into its mouth head-first; her lower body still outside the toad
>Toad gulps once pulling her deeper inside; hooves still outside, the rest of her inside the mouth
>Toad gulps again; lower body is in the mouth, upper body is in the stomach
>View of her entirely in its stomach
>From the outside, you can't even tell she was eaten
>Digested alive
>Remains disposed of
The idea originally popped in my head after playing some Fallout 76 and getting attacked by a radtoad.

Attached: baphomet00.jpg (422x500, 140K)

Attached: 4.jpg (500x650, 155K)

Attached: 6.jpg (800x900, 470K)

>Puff on top
Mad lad

Another relatively new drawfag here, Hello! Hi! etc.
I doodled this tongue fox just now. Requesting art of him, I guess?

Willing to try some quick/simple SFW requests too while I'm here
Quality shown here is about what you can expect from me
Have an appointment to go to soon-ish though, so no promises

Attached: fox.jpg (3024x4032, 1.44M)

>my general rule is no slooty stuff unless im in a relationship w that person just so things dont backfire on me...hugs and kisses are for sweet people though!! :)
ok lay it on me bb

Oh don't worry, I have plenty! It's always a gamble with user souls... Sometimes they can be really gross... But usually they're pretty tasty.
Oh the voice acting totally shocked me too. Tbh I think San's fight is still the hardest so far. Took me like 6 hours to beat him? Tbf the second time I had to fight him for my sister it only took like 2 hours... Also man idk if it's my rhythm game freak tendencies, but Undyne's fight was a fuckin blast. Especially her genocide route

>repost bc i cant multitask aaaaa

Attached: title tba oneshot concept 1 downscaled.png (1030x881, 1.7M)

Is this tonguefag?

Sure thing! (I'm the one who asked for the kik/discord)


my kik is spiderwolvess
and discordd is yeehaw777#6536

Draw Garfield from memory.

Are you up for coloring request?

with two smooches I can sleep double good

maybe, but know im picky

I would like two orders of the fuckin McDie pls! I am phenomenaalllllll my d00dddd!! how u?

Attached: M.png (666x666, 146K)

i know you might now want to do this request but can you color and shade the lineart on the right with the colors on the left.
Its almost done

Attached: Squirrel.png (1119x573, 260K)


Ugh I know what I want to do for my avatar, but I can't fuckin execute it 'cuz I'm shit.
Gimme reqs to distract me, as I said though I'm shit so don't expect quality

Attached: 20 seconds.jpg (485x456, 25K)

I mean, the one on the left looks pretty good to me? It's a little rough, but maaaaybe... I'm currently recharging my batteries lol

howdy! requests?

Attached: aonoformalc.png (800x1200, 329K)

No? I just thought it'd be fun to draw, is all


Nah, "Safe For Work"

Blep boy, maybe?

Attached: garf.jpg (4032x3024, 1.62M)

Can you try to draw her please?

Attached: IMG-20181209-WA0008.jpg (783x783, 95K)

this poorly drawn man could really use some good art

Cute! Can I get the left boy eating some ice cream? He's cute


>but maaaaybe... I'm currently recharging my batteries lol
Looking at the way you colored on this its really great and cute. I would be so delighted to see you color the pic.
im alright with waiting

Get bent.

Uwahh kawaii M-sama desu!!
Best Jiggly in the threads don’t let a Side-B’ing MudWater let you tell you otherwise
Comfy drawing~
STERLING!! THE ABS-olute legend!!

Attached: F9B96CC7-5CCC-4D84-BB6B-BACA4CBF98C0.jpg (300x230, 25K)

Attached: good job.jpg (800x450, 61K)

Sperg harder, boy-o

Attached: 1520990966537.png (355x354, 46K)

requesting jevil as a cute shortstack being fucked

I want to fuck these fruit pussies. They look sexy



sorry man Idk how to draw animals

Attached: sorry bro.jpg (485x456, 43K)

ogawsh this isn't the rite canviiiss siezzzzzzz need moar spaes
UwU OWO!!! 可愛い!! How R u tohh-mah-dachiii??? Genki desu ka?

Attached: M.png (777x777, 152K)

Draw a robo girl with a lot junk on her hump


Cute, though! Thanks for trying. :3

Attached: deer.jpg (4032x3024, 1.03M)

does this mean you played 3000 match with each of these characters ?

I have bad coordination.. But you should finish it, the epilogue is neat.
I'm good at some rhythm games but for whatever reason I had the hardest time for her over sans..
We should fight again sometime!
Jevil is for chaos, not lewd.

Attached: 2114.png (800x800, 205K)

chaotic lewds


still taking reqs?

Attached: 1225702327.jpg (1916x1604, 213K)

Probably, I think I have time for one, maybe two more

ech...maybe i'll suck less tomorrow
night thread

Attached: Pawnches.gif (800x450, 64K)

Still here?


is-is this a fetish
is that a porn game

Attached: aortaic.png (512x512, 85K)

Attached: whatamidoingwithmylife.png (512x1000, 643K)

my soullll still lingursss...

Attached: M.png (777x777, 152K)

gay penis

I think you need coffee

also gay penis

requesting pic related giving a thighjob

Attached: walani.jpg (1000x1200, 95K)


>is-is this a fetish
Mot really
More of a silly doodle for the heck of it, honestly

Attached: frog.jpg (4032x3024, 1009K)

gimme dem requests

Attached: rider.png (682x956, 161K)

>requesting my the exact weakness I complained about
Man I can't do mechanical parts for the life of me, but robot girls are where it's at, sorry it's trash, but here it is

Attached: can't draw robots.jpg (448x902, 61K)

hehe not gunna lie... sum blakk cuffee wuld bee prettii dope rite noa...

Attached: M.png (666x666, 168K)

either of these, please and thank you
i appreciate it

Your character?


Do you take lewd request?

The weird fox from maybe? :P

Normally i don't but it's after hours i suppose....so i guess it'd be ok this one time... wat'd ya haev in mind friendo?

Attached: M.png (666x666, 155K)

now people will think that i only draw gore..
alrighty then

Attached: rider.png (871x924, 403K)

this is perfect holy shit
you have my undying affections user


You avatar doing the hands free bubble tea challenge

Are you still around? I took a short nap and I figured I'd at least try to color it. No promises though. I'm not really used to my software yet.

yeah, im still around



glad u like it

Attached: rider.png (233x1067, 69K)

Thanks so much~

Drawfag roll call

mistakes were made

Attached: M.png (777x777, 243K)

Whiteboard guy here, except not
Doc appointment time, will likely return eventually


Attached: 8.png (583x668, 26K)

niggaz in trouble

Attached: rider.png (853x750, 129K)

awake but not at best drawing capabilities

I'm here for a bit longer

Attached: unnamed character that isnt woz.jpg (230x209, 17K)

Are you drawing in flash?
Also I unironically prefer honest wobbles

Attached: 7787741908.jpg (2308x1616, 153K)

Not here! Time for sum Nyquil induced slumberrrr g'nite bred

Attached: M.png (666x666, 21K)

Ily M
Sleep well!

I shouldn't be awake but here I am, attempting to color when idk what I'm doing and I'm deliriously high on pain meds

Attached: Road.png (969x969, 163K)

no i draw in sai...li was just experimenting with the vector layer to be honest it faster and easier than just repeating the same line over and over again it almost a perfect line at the forst stroke...

Attached: rider.png (375x642, 50K)

requesting her groping herself

Attached: flower girl.png (817x1531, 379K)

ah I feel you. I haven't ever used sai, had no idea it was vector/raster. yeah a hundred useless curves make the wrist pain hard to justify ^_^;

Requesting Queen Sectonia getting mascara applied on her exactly like the left pic.

Attached: 1562805127642.jpg (1360x1029, 667K)

Aqualube is shit though. From experience it does not feel pleasant at all.

yeh tho it feels like cheating to me so i mostly avoid using it..also i rarely have wrist pain like never...probably because of an injury i had when i was toddler i fell of on my hand and ever since..i can do these weird cracking noises with it..

Attached: rider.png (341x497, 47K)

requesting you fight me, I'll draw a skullgirls character facing the left, you draw one facing to the right


Attached: Dead.gif (899x679, 108K)

huh.. neat, I'm glad it doesn't hurt you. I also have loud cracking wrist noises, but it is pretty painful ^_^;
anyway, time for sleepin, thanks for the short chat, I love your stuff

Hey user sorry I'm gonna scrap this. I'm fuckin tired and feel like death. Sorry dude. It's kinda comin out like crap anyway. Maybe try asking me another time, but I don't think I'll return to it.
Aw man that actually sounds like a lot of fun but idk if I'll survive even drawing another thing dude...

Attached: aaaaa.png (1119x573, 605K)

>Aw man that actually sounds like a lot of fun but idk if I'll survive even drawing another thing dude...
Ay it's chill road, take care of yourself, we can do it another time

I wouldn't consider it cheating.. I have the shakiest hands in the world and without a stabilizer I draw like a baby

Attached: 2115.png (800x800, 224K)

Weh this is all I got.. Don't have the energy to do nice things rn. You win by default lol

Attached: Road.png (969x969, 268K)

In a shocking turn of events, YOU win by default; when I saw your response I deleted my wip and shut down my pc, well played

YOU KILLED HER !!!1!!!!!!1!!!!!111!

Attached: Road.png (969x969, 297K)

I stayed up and played medieval engineers all night

we killed her

I know them feels nameless

I’m a diehard big band main bro, I killed him

atleast you have shakey hands..i have sweaty hands i always have baby powder next to me...
and i said it it only cheating for me since i want to improve my linework and i was talking about smoothing not stablizer their both different actually..
cool nice chatting with ya have a gudnight pal!!

Attached: rider.png (270x400, 35K)

If you are who I think you are.. Even if you aren't.. GO TO BED LOSER

Attached: Road.png (969x969, 702K)

I'm definitely not who you think i am but i am defenetly a loser roads
I will take a nap but i have to work in 3 hours

It's okay user, we can be losers full of regret together. I'm practically in a constant state of regret at all times

Attached: Road.png (969x969, 193K)

Everyday is a day of cringy memories
I hate it
*cries in ugly*

I feel your pain user... Every day I relive cringe. I lose subscriber. It is worst.

Attached: Road.png (969x969, 244K)

Show tits

Id subscribe to you
Many feels dear roads
I nap now

what happened to drawing requests

your mother

Take care Road, you deserve the sleep. Thank you so much for doing this

Have a good nap lad
Sorry it isn't much dude
Hey look it's the fun police

What if.. In my pain med high... I did voice recordings....

Attached: Road.png (969x969, 294K)

seeing two retards blogging isn't fun

You're just butthurt your request sucks and you don't like it when other people have fun and talk to each other.

Attached: 6493704329.jpg (1014x1670, 116K)

what happened to drawing my bee

Attached: beh.png (200x200, 5K)

Why draw requests when you can draw reaction pics of your avatar's face for the 1000+ time?


I thinkk your lineart is looking really good so far though! But I see what you mean now.. I just use the default sketch brush that came with sai for all my drawings, the weight is kinda weird with it but I got used to it.
Is it late night past cringe confession hour?

Attached: 2116.png (800x800, 208K)

You would probably regret it
No just early morning cringe remembrance hour

Are you taking any requests?

no hes just showing off

here he is
It's night for me..
I could do one more

Attached: 2117.png (800x800, 501K)

You guys could try making interesting requests. That'd be fun.
Oh god I think that'll finally do me in... I'd just die.
I've done it before, so putting my voice out here isn't really an issue.

Attached: Road.png (969x969, 249K)

I dont want your shitty chickenscratch as a 'delivery'

could you do if its not too much

draw this in your style

Attached: TIT BIRD.png (399x316, 7K)

Mind giving this a try?

Road drew this . I think she's way above chickenscratch. You're just having a fit because your vore request didn't get done, huh?

Insulting the artists. Nice.

No that's definitely chicken scratch.

Cmon it'll be fun..

Attached: 2118.png (800x800, 232K)

Well then... Any quick colouring requests?

Attached: _fan fingers_.png (768x768, 114K)

amazing this is beautiful thanks so much

uhhhh unless he plans to color it

I used to blast the weeb music after school when I was in middle school... I've committed so many sins father... I can't even begin to count the ways...
But I think I'm going to head to bed. I hear birds and I probably shouldn't fight sleep anymore. We'll chat more later dude.
Love ya thread!

Attached: Road.png (969x969, 378K)

You should sleep forever.

Good night road, let’s rematch some time

One day I'll be free user.. Just you wait...

If you wouldn't mind, could you upload a version without the sketch underneath?

who the fuck r yuo

Attached: Dem0nz.png (875x576, 9K)

but shittier

That's Road. Pretty cowardly to ask and get into battle stance after she's going to bed.

Go back into your hole YV

Awh FUCK, I don't read shit.

Attached: Dem0nz.png (875x576, 10K)

no prob!
I uh.. didn't save it without the sketch lines, sorry..
>implying I still don't blast the weeb music
aha.. goodbye Road!
She's gone, EHG. You need to let go..

Attached: 2119.png (800x800, 185K)

do you delete your drawings right after you finish them? just curious.


I keep them all saved but I usually do most art over the same canvas, so onces its saved, that's how its left. Even for bigger projects I'll often save new ones over old ones so I don't have copies of every WIP I do..

ah that's a shame

This is very adorable. Thanks!

Search for pi network in play store / app store and use raggimagga as invitation code. Earn money by mining PI on your phone without battery drain. Don't be late and join before it's to late.

Attached: images.jpg (292x173, 7K)

Road's twitter is slime_police if you're interested.

Is this the new bot?

Get bent.

Attached: 555.png (555x555, 19K)

Requesting the glaceon on the left getting her huge butt squeezed

Attached: glaceon.png (1878x934, 934K)

kek what a garbage request

demonz more liek deez nut ha gotem
oh thanks i really like your shading and painting style love it...also you just gotta use the tools provided by the software it what digital is all about...

Attached: rider.png (260x244, 19K)

ur a garbage req

Friendly reminder that this request is still available for doing

Attached: 59ce935fe007222d4252e3e9b8788283bb92ec90be5271405217e58e232fe188.jpg (800x600, 350K)

Friendly reminder that you got a fucking delivery already you hoe

Eat my dick, Pat

Attached: 1558260190820.jpg (600x663, 62K)

Maybe later John


To anyone interested. Requesting Honey Lemon getting her petite boobs milked.

Attached: Lemon milk.jpg (1488x1624, 326K)

*interior pain*

Attached: shadow86.png (1280x960, 18K)

So you empathize with your dog now?
You howling as well? Or just whimpering for now?


Pokemam teams and the strats.
3s & 6s.
Wucha got.
I needa learn some shit.

Attached: 1562853838889.png (1024x1024, 71K)

Going to assume gen 1. Because why would you play anything else....
Optimized for bullshit Snorlax

>Going to assume gen 1
I guess for general conversation sure.
But thats not gonna help out teach me anything about the current meta.
Ur dragonite and starmie boost ur snorlax?
>why would you play anything else....
Because i have a switch..
And striking device and shield will b out on it.

Also opened to doubles suggestions.
>no ones really gonna have this convo wit me anyway so idkytf im asking..

Attached: 1562854351367.png (1024x1024, 88K)

Welcome to deepfake's server

We've got everything you want. To whatever you dont want like deepfake of celebrity on childporn .. (100% legal because the face of the kid is censored)
Haha I challenge y o u pLS34jklFg##R#2Hf

Welcome to deepfake's server

We've got everything you want. To whatever you dont want like deepfake of celebrity on childporn .. (100% legal because the face of the kid is censored)
Haha I challenge y o u pLS34jklFg##R#2qw

It's okay coffee man.... I'll talk irrelevant shit with you until my coffee disappears and I have to go back to work....

The snorlax is just there to eat moves, rest, and frustrate the ever loving piss out of your opponent.
Remember something about... I think a Rhydon with substitute? Being a better choice for this. But I can't recall the specific mon with 100% accuracy. So I may be somewhat wrong with Rhydon. Alls I remember was normal type-ish.
The starmie is for op in gen1 psychic and recover. As well as some pretty solid stats. It's either this or MewTwo. Depending if you want the weakness to lightning as a tradeoff. MewTwo always served me well enough though... so I guess it's more or less preference on that.
And Dragonite because OP as fuck Hyperbeam.

Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. CE

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562854902.346.jpg (360x640, 80K)

Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. uQ

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562854910.0049999.jpg (360x640, 80K)

is this another bot

Attention whore

Requesting Ellis and Nadie (El Cazador de la Bruja) sharing a gentle kiss

Attached: Ellis and Nadie.png (620x776, 159K)

>baby powder

Attached: efefe.png (600x500, 92K)

Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. aO

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562855622.6729999.jpg (360x640, 80K)

Convert a baby to powder.
Snort said baby powder.

>I'll talk irrelevant shit with you until my coffee disappears
>snorlax is just there to eat moves
Yes i remember that was his thing.
Chansey was another kind like that.
>starmie is for op in gen1 psychic
>Dragonite because OP as fuck
Makes sense.
Can they chop through a snorlax themselves?
Did u kno hes married now?
Also im p sure everyone would run him, hes tops on the special stat.
I wish i could come up with a strat that revolved around that one ghost move that is worse than poison cause it never stops.
But the meta is too fast for that.

Attached: 1562855220096.png (1024x1024, 104K)

Taking requests?

(ah fuck she found out about my secret fetish)

Attached: rider.png (410x721, 69K)

Depends on how they built their beast I think. Even with my slow trained high stat Mons it took a bit of effort and RNG luck to drop the fat fuck.
And MewTwo's special stat wasn't that much more impressive than Starmie. Which is why I mention Starmie. Pretty sure the star had better defense speed, or something at least, that was better.
Or maybe I just had swapped Starmie from Alakazam because his HP pool was too damn low to be useful....
Either way, Hypno is another psychic option that proved to be very very effective.

One shot kills is the meta, isn't it?
With a few notable exceptions like fatty and the chancer I'm pretty sure most fights were over in one, maybe two hits if they get lucky.

Requesting King Ghidorah showing his dominance as the new king of monsters by fucking Mothra in the middle of a destroyed city.

Attached: Webp.net-resizeimage.png (1245x1137, 1.87M)

Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. ju

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562856374.449.jpg (360x640, 80K)

regarding that's forza horizon 4, not porn

25 minutes have passed.
Pull the trigger or shut t he fuck up, spambot.

Depends wat is.
I think ur underestimating the cloned alien mon.
If u have the time, these r p addicting to watch imo.
Personally i blame the marriage for his stagnation.
It seems like 1shots r a thing yes, but moves that kill in 3 or 4 turns seem to b more common.

Attached: 1562856107414.png (1024x1024, 82K)



cant show that in one pic
hold up.
i just

Attached: rferggrrerge.png (600x500, 90K)

Not too clean but I shar anyway...

Attached: 35542735_10212334510181813_749446461434888192_n.jpg (614x960, 88K)

This then?

Well, this is it Yea Forums
>no gf
>family hates me
>poor as fuck
>spent all of my life on Yea Forums
Since you guys have been chill with me, I'll be chill with you.
Live streaming my suicide in roughly 20 minutes. Xs

Live stream link + further explanation:

Attached: 1562856733.6009998.jpg (360x640, 80K)

I've seen a bunch of those videos, actually. They not bad.
I'm thinking that for me to have beating the probably just ever increasing difficulty of Pokemon Stadium, that I'd have had to start transitioning into those tactics more.
Because my OP "can crush anything and survive the few things that can't be instakilled" was starting to slow down after probably the third or fourth run through the end game shit.
Which is why I started swapping lesser mons for things like Starmie and Dragonite in the first place. Needed that extra kick and OP power to push further on.

That's fine. So long as you do what is asked. I don't need to see it. I just need to know that you've snorted one powdered baby.

>Depends wat is.

>hold up
>i just

what what...

Attached: rider.png (303x352, 38K)

You just gave provo one of the infinity stones, you fool


My boi.

Genius at several levels!!!

Awesome in its marvelous simplicity!!!

These days there r tricks like entry hazards, like spikes, and pokes can hold berries that can b auto used in a pinch.
Im not very familiar with moves like trickroom or wat moves r effective in doubles. Plus now they have natures and ev and iv stats.
It's so much more involved now.
Yet there r still staple mons for top teams.
These things intrigue me.
Thats prolly the tamest request from the pp.
I dont think i can do it justice with my finger tho.
Dont take it personnel.
Wats really gud.

Attached: 1562857034866.png (1024x1024, 91K)

That short pleated skirt makes her really sexy!!!

The power of the universe is backing those punches!!!

Dripping with emotion that arouses the viewer to desire to interact with the drawn figure. Incredible!!

>Thats prolly the tamest request from the pp.
I don't want anything crude, really
>I dont think i can do it justice with my finger tho.
>Dont take it personnel.
It's quite alright, I understand of course!

Infinity in its vertical mode. Genius at work here.

Shhhh, shhhhh, shhhhh. It's okay. Just let it happen. You'll thank me later

Attached: toad poop1.jpg (480x360, 25K)

Yeah, all that newfangled stuff is too much for me.
Did you know you can break into people's homes in the real world to catch pocket monsters now too!?
Can even take their cat and xbox too if you want!
Assuming they don't beat you in pokebattle first though.

Anywho, I gotta get onto that work thing. Stay breezy, beanboy.

Great bee!!! Impressive.

Cute face. Arousal factor present.

ah sorry, i hate those after i saw a humanized version
hee hee ok
i'm at a loss here... ??
Just... please keep your distance. sir.

Attached: ewffefe.png (600x500, 67K)

Holy shit is that frog ok, that shits bigger than 2/3 of its body

take it easy.

Attached: 1562857901628.png (1024x1024, 34K)

Shitty requests?

Attached: alcatoo.jpg (1080x1920, 79K)

Awesome creativity. The large white space allows ample opportunity for the observer to mentally insert their own thoughts of an image to complete the tale started by the figure present. A conceive this pic starting the newest art movement that will sweep the Western world.

Why not?

You look like a steven universe character

Good day rider. If you are taking requests, would you consider mine please?


I guess you've never seen an African Bullfrog eat like 5 mice, which in total, is like twice the size of the frog. Frogs and toads can definitely pack it away

Attached: toad poop4.jpg (526x297, 26K)

Start of a bad day if you are the eatee. A good day if the eater.

Yo redpill me in dem pokemon strats snd shit
I love mismagius, mawile and lopunny
You think any of those are anything worth?
All i know mismagius is shit-tier

Cute kitty. "Purrrrrrrrrrr"

Jesus christ...

I guess its not that far out there since these dudes can literal freeze themselves for extended amount of times then be perfectly fine once they thaw

Frogs are weird

Just got up and ready to head out. Might do some food shopping.
>+1 for Snorlax

Early bird gets the word. Good for the bird, not so good for the worm.

Attached: Harpyturquoise_vore_3.jpg (900x1991, 454K)


Attached: 1481132545706.jpg (1116x1400, 279K)

jeez just because i have 3 eyes it doesnt mean i look like fucking garnet gosh darniit
lemme snort that baby powder
steamy and creamy
we gotta get them back

Attached: rider.png (643x1080, 77K)

Breh ur askin the wrong person.
I probably kno just as much as u do in this.
I also liked mismagius, i have a thing for ghost types, which does not lend itself to my teams strength watsoever, unfortunately.
Ivs and evs r additional stat points that ur mon can aquire through breeding strong stat mons (fukin really breeding nowwtf) and the other from fighting specific mons that increase ur base stats. Like real experience. Weird huh.
Natures and traits effect different things like wat they r effected by. Like floaty bois r fine against earthquake.
Lets learn together.
Get some food breh.

Attached: 1562858240907.png (1024x1024, 79K)

Tried to redo this sketch from a slightly different angle, and so my character is more sticc, less thicc. How does it look?

Attached: Terrible.jpg (2048x1536, 1.26M)

expand hip

What the fuck man my, there is nigger on the outside world !
We are some motherfuckers who like to post trannies because WE ARE A TRANNIE DISCORD, join us nigger do,
GOies GOies GOies
Summer fag DO IT!!##lFk#k#R9#2FC


Attached: rider.png (560x584, 134K)

Nice one rider! Many thanks!

Hey rider whens more of her with the dogs

boring to me
aight just take it easy geez, heck
hmm owo

Attached: dsacdsavds.png (600x500, 106K)

Tried making it a bit bigger

Attached: 20190711_083657.jpg (1536x2048, 1.25M)

>Lets learn together
Well shit i feel back at school Dam

What the fuck man my, there is nigger on the outside world !
We are some motherfuckers who like to post trannies because WE ARE A TRANNIE DISCORD, join us nigger do,
GOies GOies GOies
Summer fag DO IT!!##lFk#k#R9#2qX

>boring to me
It means a lot to me. I very much enjoy the anime and this is a rather obscure one so I can't find a single image of them doing this even though they are such a blantantly obvious ship

Co knee chi wah Em Uh Cha!!
W-well it’s not as bad as it seems since I only had Smash 4 for a long time so...
We should!! My code is in thread so add me!! Our sparring was always super close!!

Attached: DA0FD2E4-E096-4D6D-BB18-2D56DD5B7639.jpg (300x230, 17K)

I honestly can't stop watching these.

Attached: 1562859719871.png (1024x1024, 102K)

Hey, taking requests?

My brain is too full with song lyrics and shitty jokes and overlord ln shit i can barely understand what's happening
Or maybe its cuz i slept like 3 hours
Maybe its that

no problemo
not in the mood sorri user

Attached: rider.png (505x350, 49K)

It takes a while but u start to understand wat they r saying.
Is edgy pikmin any good?
I kinda miss commanding a rt army.

Attached: 1562860096890.png (1024x1024, 64K)

anyone got like any simple requests

Sure I’ll do anything as long as it’s not a lewd of mine, I gotta eat my noodles first tho

Attached: 6E287AF2-0045-4342-AEAD-7D34C5ECCCBD.jpg (300x230, 15K)

I will leave it for later need some rest if i want to understand it
>Edgy pikmin
>rt commanding
Talk to me like a fukin normal human being my eyes hurt and all i want to sleep but got stuff to do
If you talking about overlord yea I usually go back to the anime cus its fun and the light novels are exactly what i need in my life
Fantasy book and nerd shit

U shud rest once that business is taken care of.
>the anime
Blyat i assumed u meant the game.
Iv never heard of the anime.

Attached: 1562860876849.png (1024x1024, 466K)

Hey guess what
Requesting debil in qt clothes

>kicks in

Attached: adsascascas.png (600x500, 125K)

taking some requests

there u go fam fixed it a little

Attached: 861369486.png (768x1024, 529K)


would recommend
Is p fun m8
I know the game but never played
How is it?

Its fun if i remember correctly.
Its a more linear pikmin type game.
More edgy.
Only played a demo tho.

Attached: 1562861667257.png (1024x1024, 32K)

what the fuck is that image
are you trying to get your shit into a modern art gallery

So kinda like Warcraft?
Need me more fantasy rpg games like Warcraft or dragon age

Attached: overlord.jpg (480x268, 164K)

any requests?

what in the god damn...

Attached: 9ball.png (1080x1000, 176K)

Stop being a furry

>Sure I’ll do anything as long as it’s not a lewd of mine, I gotta eat my noodles first tho
Thank you kindly, here's my request I would love to see it in your style. Also the other poster is not me

Salutations Nines

No the legends said once the QT Clother was defeated they wouldn’t be able to return..... any refs I-I don’t really know what cute clothes are like
Wachu think of Smush Jiggly??
>wasn’t around in the time of quarter-of-the-head in the corner
Yo 9s

Attached: 2FBFA8D0-9A9E-40BD-90ED-F8609EA157DC.jpg (300x230, 6K)

Thanks! So something like this then?

Attached: terrible.jpg (1536x2048, 1.27M)

Do my furry worshiping a cock

Attached: 42351124.jpg (800x800, 278K)


Attached: 1112qq.jpg (480x467, 210K)

Dragon age was fun.
I agree wit u, i need more of that in my life too.
I cant quite do in 5 wat i could do in 4 with puv.
The melee style air dodge really fuks up my smek flow. With some time maybe i can remaster this with short hops.
Even with all the new dudes she is still the lightest. Insta-die if u pop ur own shield.
Wats ur opinion on em?

Attached: 1562862185790.png (1024x1024, 121K)

i dont think dat was baby powder
hey nines provo game me some weird white powder

Attached: rider.png (430x652, 78K)

Hey pepsi
hows it going debil
Sorry user, youre too late, Ive been cleaned

Attached: 9ball.png (1200x1000, 142K)

I am literally playing with a knife right now are u sure about that

ah, can I have some

Hey my man ---->
Sea Dat sit ? Join today,
God said pN

Liliana best girl fight m

Hey my man ---->
Sea Dat sit ? Join today,
God said RF