The earth is a donut prove me wrong. (I’m taking the piss out of flat earthers, but please try I’m trying to make a point)
The earth is a donut prove me wrong. (I’m taking the piss out of flat earthers...
And flat earthers trying to take the piss out of anyone who thinks they're legit. No one is actually a flat earther
I’m just trying to show something. If something has the tiniest chance then it’s true 100% to someone who wants it to be through any “proof”
day night cycle would not be anything like the way they are. gravitationally unstable. there would be places where earth is visible directly overhead
The sun is an illusion duh
I'm fucking scared of that picture.
How can the earth be flat when we all know it's hollow
You’re really just scared of the truth
It is donut shaped I can prove it
It is donut shaped I can prove it.
Does gravity even make sense?
Stuff just magically attaches to other stuff I don’t think so
Actually they're gravitationally stable in some configurations.
The killer problem with any alternate-shape-of-Earth thing is lunar eclipses. The Earth casts a shadow on the moon, and that shadow is always circular. The only shape that always casts a circular shadow is a sphere.
You don’t need gravity you see everything experiences an attraction force to the ground completely removing any need for gravity
The moon is an illusion you moron, have you even seen an eclipse? No? Cuz people are paid off to say they saw one.
Of course I've seen both lunar and solar eclipses. There was a solar eclipse in America like two years ago, and lunar eclipses happen all the time.
How does water stay at the top?
So you’ve been paid off too. So sad this greed and social programming. The government drugs you and tells you it happened.
Simple the water is attracted to the donut as is everything else
It's true tho agartha is in the center and controls our concept of reallity through tv and computer screens
Oh yes they are don't fool yourself
It would be too obvious, you'd be able to see the landmasses above you, should you live inside the torus shape, that is, the hole in the donut.
I appreciate the idea, but really, it's too quickly disprovable. (the same with the flat earth).
Only people like us who have broken free from them can see the donut for what it is
Stop worshiping CGI pictures, goy.
>No one is actually a flat earther
Never underestimate human stupidity.
Humans will believe anything, look at religion.
so fake you can see the strings
It’s because Agartha prevents us from seeing the land masses above. The flat earthers are a distraction from the truth
I love that image thank you
I used to hate niggers to god damn much, but now I'm hating whites more. I'm subjected to other whites on a daily basis. Mostly right wing old cucks and left wing young retards. It angers me.
Flat earth started as a joke
Almost 10 years ago
Now it's a religion
Take this as a lesson in human gullibility
It's real. They're mostly inbred bible thumpers that love Trump and hate science.
Seriously why is it difficult for you to comprehend that the bridge already does compensate for the curve of the earth, and isn't perfectly horizontal from end to end?
Trump started as a joke too.
The measurements are fake anyway agartha is trying to urge the flat earthers on by giving them data
Agartha dosn't want them to know about the scared donut
Well, then we'd see Agartha above us, and that too would tell us something.
It's a bit older than that, but not much and I quote: "In 1956, Samuel Shenton set up the International Flat Earth Research Society (IFERS), better known as the Flat Earth Society from Dover, UK, as a direct descendant of the Universal Zetetic Society. This was just before the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik; he responded, "Would sailing round the Isle of Wight prove that it were spherical? It is just the same for those satellites." From the wiki.
It's really simple. Water is used for levelling. It can not bend. The oceans must be level. Therefore the earth must be flat. Stop using objects in the sky to prove something about the ground you stand on
No Agartha is not visible by a mortal. We can sense his aura after extensive training. He is powerful
>water can’t bend
Invisible? Then we'd see though it and again we'd see the torus above us.
There no way the earth a donut or all us fat fucks to n the would would have ate it
Standing bodies of water always flow to their lowest point and find their level.
There is not one example of a body of water bending to conform to a shape is there?
You literally can't prove it isn't a donut or any other shape. Believe me, I've tried. (((They))) won't let me do my research. When the main narrative is "it's a ball, BELIEVE US, now return to your quarters, madman" yet they won't let us see even a single shred of proof that what they say is true and stop us at every turn from checking for ourselves, it's clear that things aren't as they say. Maybe it's flat, maybe it's a donut, maybe it's a triangle, it's anyone's guess but the evidence strongly suggests it's not what they're telling us it is. If you've got a real video of a spherical Earth shot from space, let's see it. Until then, you've got NOTHING.
No you idiot you don’t understand! He prevents you from being able to see using his screens! You can’t see the other sidebars because he doesn’t want you to! Only the clerics of his clan are chosen to see through the illusion
There's an actual flat earth thread up, go there - here we're parodying the idiocy, pretending to be serious about the torus earth.
While entertaining, you're still not as daft as the flat earthers - you have be more absurd and tell us about how those screens work.
Make it insane.
Pretending! Agartha will cause you thousands of years of undying pain for disrespecting his creation!
Alright I’ll try.
You see the screens are linked through quantum entanglement. Scientists thought they had entanglement figured out but they were wrong Agartha made it to control our minds. The government knows this and will actively disappear anyone who figures it out. The donut is known as the Universal Attractor (UA) and draws everything toward it, including the sun which is slowly getting closer, that’s what global warming is the only person who can push back the sun is Agartha but he wokt because humanity is disrespecting his creation so governments are pushing global warming to get people to protect the planet and reverse global warming (get Agartha to push the sun back.)
That's the stuff!
Now we're talking!
This is worthy of /x/
The screens are projections of Agartha power allowing him to see and control all, Agartha created the donut planet in order to be as close to as much area as possible (staying in the center). The nazis realized this thanks to their superiority and attempted to use this to their advantage, of course the governments fearing humanity collapsing from this knowledge said they were insane and thought the world was inside a sphere. A sphere! How unstable! A sphere doesn’t make sense to be a UA their even thus cancelling out and attractive force.
Sorry we don’t use science terms in this argument, their unreliable sources of info
I see you haven't looked through the thread at all.
Weather makes more sense! There’s no strange north or South Pole caps it’s all bands of wind currents created by Agarthas PC cooling fans.
OP signing off
Cheers OP, that was fun.
yes, and your mom's asshole is it's hole
That's called gravity. Duh
I have actually been thinking a lot about this lately. The North Pole, along the axis of the Earth's rotation, just happens to lie right in the middle of an ocean surrounded by a circle of continents that don't include any landmasses crossing the arctic.
The South Pole is like the mirror image of this, one large roundish continent surrounded by a southern ocean that none of the southern continents penetrate. Under the ice, the north pole is a sea surrounded by land and the south pole is land surrounded by sea.
These two circular regions just happen to be at antipodes to each other (directly across the sphere from one another), along the exact axis around which the whole thing rotates.
I understand the formation of planets very well, and I don't know any principle that is supposed to explain that. Of course earth scientists would say it's a coincidence that doesn't need to be explained, because for most of the Earth's long history, the continents and oceans were laid out differently. Mars, which has been a geologically dead world for quite some time, also has the same "polar mirror" pattern with distinct and opposite geographical zones coincident to the axis of rotation. In Mars' case, a high plateau covering all of the southern hemisphere and some of the north, with a massive lowland (on Earth, it would be an ocean) centered over the north pole.
It should really be a coincidence, although this particular geography does have a lot of consequences for the climate on Earth, influencing the rises and falls of nations throughout history certainly, so maybe you could use an anthropic principle argument to suggest that a species that can develop to the point of coming to understand the formation of its world could only evolve on a world with geography like ours.
All of that is what I really believe must be true, but while I was thinking about this the other day I couldn't help but notice that a donut shaped earth would also explain it perfectly!
Shut up dickhead.
That's just my two cents.