Post cute hijabis
Post cute hijabis
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That's not what I was trying to post lmao. Thanks Yea Forums.
holy cute
I wonder where that came from
She doesn't normally wear it though
western women wearing a hijab is the equivalent of jews in america wearing swastikas during WW2, it is a literal symbol of oppression, women under Sharia are treated as subhuman, I know im on Yea Forums and no one care but this shit sickens me ,
Gorgeous with or without
you’ve never spoken to a Muslim woman
not one living under sharia, by all means enlighten me user
>I know im on Yea Forums and no one care but this shit sickens me
fucking beautiful
Mia khalifa 2.0
I’d kill to watch this whore get used
>oilers fan
FUcking beautiful
under sharia women get raped legally, then get jailed for getting raped charged with adultery even if they aren't married, western women who wear hijabs are an enemy to all women
those tits need to be seen
yeah whatever faggots
don't ruin the thread I wanna fap to mulsima whores
back to /pol this is /b faggots
have fun user, i know where i am
Imagine seducing one and being the first man ever to see her body
I can't, I have too many on-off hijabi pictures. Short of leaving the west, you can pretty much assume anything female over 15 or so has had multiple men see her body.
my absolute dream and fetish
imagine you are the first man who touch her and stick your dick in her muslim mouth after that she goes and prays for forgiveness
First she cries, then prays for forgiveness.
with cum in her throat and mouth
Once in a blue moon, you'll stumble to wisdom like this on Yea Forums.
Literally the only religion i know that actually defends their beliefs against fagots. But you keep on being wrong.
oh my she's so hot and beautiful
any info?
Hahaha that’s what you sick fucks do stfu
Sick fucks I’ll cut all you go damn heads off
I actually don't know what you mean by this. DO you mean islam is the only religion that dislikes homosexuality? Because none of the big 3 care for it very much. Islam is the only one that throws them off buildings these days, though.
Fuck you faggot nigger
lips and lashes
would love to facefuck her
Plenty of them around here but they all look like walking garbage bags
Why cover up your face? You fucking sheep.
Its the only one that'll actually do something. Rather then sit with a thumb up their ass.
yeah definitely FaceFuck till she pukes
Fucking pick one you low self esteem loser.
Hahaha exactly wtf you dumb whites want dick better not show us you chin wtf is that fuck I’m soook pissed right now fucking sand nigger mongoloids
>imagine ignoring the whole thread
Lol thanks bro good shit
Might be able to cheat on gf with this north African thot, wish me luck Yea Forumsros
Muslim slut
bad fake
Not bad gl fucker cum on her eyeball for me user say I told you to pluck it out or cum in it make her choose
Lol retards enjoy
I would die to fuck a muslim girl with hijab
but I know it will never happen
I hate my life
Thanks you sick bastard. Hopefully I'll shoot a nice load on her
good luck son
will pray for you are gross I lick you armpit sweat?
Would fuck.
Pick one.
You ever eat a ham and pizza sandwich with gaot dick sliced thin but you taste it? That’s what you should become if I had a transgender whore I identify as a black Chinese white man woman who is also a continent and I’m also identifying as donkey Kong
>putting towel on your head makes you ugly
>putting a towel on your head makes you cute
Get a clue, cluebag.
Get a load of this loser
>imagine having such low standards
I’ll load ur mouth up with mAh super cum you bitch he like chicks without towlie on their face I’m with him come get it punk!
That's really fucking gay
I’ll make you gay bitch
Oh no.
Not teh gays. How will I ever enjoy the ugly towel women then??
Pools closed
Due to aids
>Pools closed
no one knows that even more too much newfags nowadays
Hmm okie dokie fucking nigger cunts midget retard mongos don’t understand my cheese dick I guess
Gross fuck I can see her wrist you sick bastard! Cover that shit up with a black bar then I can fap oollolololcunts
sauce on this?
Nice, you know, reposting my pic
Hahahahaha I guess she chose to get cum in the eye good work my user friend.
Tf is this!?!? You jerk it to a fucking set of curtains over your window???? Wtf why jerk to that you weird sick fucks I’ll nuke you with my dick just wait bitches
Imagine being the first to ever see her naked
yeah her butt is awesome you're right
and kiss & sniff her lil shithole
Of course
Not a good point who the fuck.cares if you are the first than you are a noooby booby to fucking idiot all you need is a 70year old whore who knows her way around a dick then you are set
Totally agree. It's not fair at all that the sand people legally control their women where as we cucks in the west have to stand by while they do whatever the fuck want. Women are filthy and terrible and need to be controlled. They get that
I want to fly around the world and impregnate women of all kinds
nice son nice
U a cop?
My hero!! Love you bro
Imagine just impregnating all ethnicities of women all over the world and having little versions of you everywhere
Hmm i kinda want to fuck my carpet as much as this cunt whore slut in a curtain
Nice double dubz. But see? The gave these women rights and the first thing they did was abuse them and burn themselves. This is why sharia law is needed
Hah bros gg fucking well played but take into consideration most dudes see a shower curtain walking down the street with you and think eww wtf is that dumb ass piece of fish pussy doing with my curtains from my front window???
Thanks but no sharia needs just smack them hoes when they need it don’t co ver there gorgeous faces with rags cover them with cum no need to have them walk around like a ducking carpet just beat the piss out of anyone dumb enough to hit on ur girl
I think about that all the damned time, great thought
Just look up. “ kool g rap hey mister mister” plz you will enjoy. Unless your a little cunt btw I hate frogs fuck a frog with a piece of cricket grasshopper dick
He looked manly af, damn.