Soviet Socialist Republic of Waifustan
Soviet Socialist Republic of Waifustan
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first for inayuma
i disagree, all tits are sexy u mong
still here
Fuck u herpes, your waifustan threads suck
I still love u tho
Nah, tits bigger than my fists are disgusting. Fucking kill my boner
That is a very cute picture Yuu. I offer a cute picture in exchange.
Minecraft? I have a copy but have not played in some time.
Do you think Minecraft is worth getting into again?
If you know a good server we could play together one day.
objectively wrong
can smol tit do this?
Reminds me of the movie IT when the clown looks up the drain thing.
No idea how u find em sexy.. I had to deal with big tits a few times and... they just killed my boner mid sex. It's so boring and feels like shit.
Aegis claimed.
Quit lurking
> poke
i disagree with your opinion but respect it as well
> that will be 75 dollars
no u
I don't know man.. I've had so many tits but they never turned me on because the just felt like random clumps of fat. Touching a guy is way more fun.
can confirm gay
Stalin did nothing wrong.
duh... again
You're like Mac, had sex with a bunch of chicks in order to feel like a man but deep down you know you're only into dudes and never liked women in the first place.
I'm a bit different. I don't like woman nor men really. I despise both. I just take whatever I can get when I'm horny and drunk. Just happens that I get a GF from time to time. Currently my birst BF tho.
My stomach just turned on me. I had to run to the restroom to get sick.
I will try my best to stick around because I really like talking to you.
If end up not responding at any point you know that I decided to rest off this illness or food poisoning.
>lonely weeb pretends to be sex god nihilist on the internet so that other lonely weebs will be jealous
ok kid
what's better, vagina or boypussy?
feel the same to me so I don't care
thank you! i've honestly never been this lost before.. definitely will save coordinates and try not to stray too far from home ever again..
terraria has an item that teleports you to your spawn point...
sounds like a good time!
any idea what you're going to eat?
y-yea.. i guess i never really notice it because i already understand most of the rules..
oh right, here's this one he made about a tv show
i dont realy remember it, but im sure it's... pretty good
thank you.. that's a very nice gif
yea it's been a pretty long while since i last played
hmm, probably, im having a pretty nice time
ahh, i don't really know a good server, and i don't really play games with others.. sorry
you should try to get some rest if you're not feeling well... don't force yourself
> licc
Yea. When I saved the gif I first thought it would be nice to experience a kiss like that.
I may download Minecraft if that is the case. It is fine if you do not play games with others. I would be happy just hearing about the fun you had.
I think I will be okay. My stomach hit so suddenly when I fell well before. I did have two cookies and some milk ten minutes before. The milk is a fresh gallon, and the cookies had only been bought today so I don't think that would make me feel sick.
you can stray very far from home as long as you're prepared! i bet you'll create an amazing base and travel all over the world!
yeah, shame it's not so simple in minecraft
mhm! is!
i think i smelled dinner being cooked a while ago, so i guess i'll have some of that... not sure what it is, tho
i'm a total pleb!! lol
nice! i'll check it out!
hehe, i see what you did there~
how have you been, I haven't been on in a while
I just got back from my vacation. you?
>I despise both men and women but I still have a bf
Ok edgelord
Hiya Blue Eyes!
Hiya Eyes of the Unending Void!
y-yea, seems like it would be nice..
well alright.. i'll try to keep you informed then i guess. i'm not sure if i'll really commit to playing though, i have issues with that
well whatever it is, i hope you feel better soon
i've already traveled all over the world.. and yea, at least i was pretty well geared when i was lost. i finally found my house....
yay is
i hope it's tasty whatever it is
that's okay! we should watch some football together and i'll teach you the rules
i hope you enjoy the vid
hallo sleepo.
Howdy Green! How are you today...?
it's something we can try together..
If you don't keep playing that's fine. I just want to hear about the Yuu having fun.
My stomach is feeling a little better. Thank you for the concern. I think my stomach just didn't like the mix of the Chinese I had earlier today with the recent milk.
not ready to go to work. how are you purps?
I see... I'm sorry to hear that... I'm fine... I'm taking a break from going through pictures... I've been at it for around 3 hours... I still have to go through a lot more, and then when I am done I have to edit them all...
Of the cutie you post right? I hope you can get through them in a timely manner!
where did you go? and ive been ok. i quit my job at the hotel and got one fixing airplane electronics, but i quit after a few weeks because i was miserable being cramped in the planes for hours on end (im 6'2", 230 lbs)
Extremely based comrade
I went to a convention for a week! Was nice. Yeah that does sound like a job for someone more my height. Looking for another one rn?
you were lost but now you are found!
i hope so too! atm just waiting for the kitchen to finally be empty so i can feel comfortable leaving my room... don't like it when they talk to me
yeye, should be fun! i bet yuu is a great teacher!
mhm! i have it queued up to watch in just a bit today!
Heheh... Yeah... I do too... There's too many... Well... No-No pictures I have to go through... Its quite problematic...
Death to fascists everywhere!
ya i have an interview friday and I think I'm almost guaranteed to get it. It pays 30,000 per year which is ok where I live - a lot better than the hotel and even avionics work thats for sure
what sort of convention did you go to?
Fuck off jew rat
I still wish you the best!
Glad to hear it! lot better than what i make. An anime one!
Okay, thanks! I wish you the best too...
Heh i dont have to turn a bunch of pictures green tho
Its okay that you don't... Also... Its not just the color that I edit... I do resize and crop the pictures and some I even edit things out of, like text...
wow super busy purps. thats a lot of love
I like momiji... I also like editing my pictures... Some people may not really care about it, but I like to post nice pictures...
ehhh... maybe, i'm not too sure..
i'll try my best to have fun then
okay, i'm glad it's nothing to be concerned about
isn't it getting pretty late for you?
ah, yea... i know that feeling all too well
i-i'll try my best! at the very least it'll be fun to watch and spend time together
oh right, yui suggested that all three of us should watch every single steven seagal movie
okie, sounds good! what are you watching at the moment?
they are really cute. would gib them pats
I am sorry I said anything. I feel embarrassed
That box is such a box of cuute! I will take a dozen!
A little late yes, it does not help that my stomach still is giving me trouble.
I did not notice the time passing. I think I will take something and lay down. My stomach feels better but I have slight side effects too. Have great dreams Yuu.
That's one thing I don't have a lot of. Patting pictures... I have many new ones, and maybe even more that I haven't gotten to yet. I just have to edit them and then I'll use them to post with...
pattings are rare but cute. i hope you get through some soon!
it's okay! don't worry about it
hehe, i figured you would like that image
alright, goodnight, sleep well. i hope you have a good day tomorrow
Yeah, I do too... Thanks!
Thank you for thinking about me. That picture is a must save.
No problem purps!
now time for another adventure!!
people always love to call attention to when you leave the room, which makes you want to leave the room even less... it's a terrible cycle i tell you!
mhm! as long as it's with you i'll have lots of fun!
Bone. Boney bone... Boen? Maybe...
watashi ga kita
Bneo! Good one! I gotta write that one down...
How do I force myself to adhere to a schedule when I am a NEET
why are you up so late
mhm im a wealth of knowledge
watching stuff.
>can't motivate myself to build anything in Minecraft
I see... Such a wise and all knowing Green!
well stop it. go to bed.
nah i know a bit is all
but im not tired and nice christmas outfit
Heyo people
yea! i'm glad you like it
thank you.. and you're welcome. goodnight
the adventure of trying to get books! the most grueling, boring thing in the game!
yes, it's very bad... kind of never want to leave the room because of it, yea?
y-you really think so? thanks..
yes it definitely does sound like him..
yep, that also sounds like him
woo good times! yea, it should be nice
yes it is. i hope you enjoy it
based wormslut
Hello fren
haha then get tired idk you work tomorrow silly and ty ty cute tomo
i will be in like two or 3 hours probably
hmmm i guess thats fair enough.. fiiiine fine
I see... Maybe just a bit can go a long way and actually be a lot! Or maybe it is only just a bit and nothing more... I don't know...
>can't find the willpower to get in bed and watch random youtube videos that I won't even remember anything about tomorrow
>accidentally spent the whole day developing valuable life skills without even realizing it
we prefer to be called Sakurachads
fishing for enchanted books?
sometimes, yea... i mean i prefer leaving the room once in a while, but can only feel comfortable doing it when there's no one around downstairs
i certainly do! you're fun, yuu!
thank you for your understanding!
maybe its somewhere in the middle?
Yeah... Or even a middle ground... Heheh... I didn't think about that one...
is ok purps.
A-Ahh... I-Is it... Okay...? I... I don't know sometimes...
mhm i dont mind in the slightest
I see... Heheh... Okay then! I'm gonna run around for a bit! Hahahaha! Weeeee!
In pop music songs are always about doing drugs so really Minecraft songs should all be titled things like "dig straight down" and "don't bring torches"
Have fun purps.
there's no bigger thrill than digging straight down with valuable, irreplaceable items in your inventory
when i've gone into endgame minecraft and have farms everywhere giving me an endless supply of every renewable resource, it's what i do to feel alive
no, making books for bookshelves.. i haven't seen a village anywhere close to my base, and the ones i have seen had no bookshelves.. maybe i'll fish for some enchanted books though
yea, it's just a lot of pressure..
i'm glad you feel that way.. you're a lot of fun too, i enjoy being around you and talking to you
yea! then we'll watch train to busan! and ocean's eleven!
that's okay! are the burritos good? glad you're enjoying it. im kind of rewatching it myself to, but im only like two minutes in
I've run out of birch trees. This is a sad day.
plant birch saplings
Don't do it man, you have too much to live for
hmm i take it back. go to bed
I'm currently waiting for the few I gathered to regrow. In the meantime, I'm questioning my choice for my roofing material. I should probably use stone in the event of lightning.
oh i see! you ought to set up a small sugarcane and cow farm so you can have the paper and leather you need to just craft the books!
unless it's my mom, i feel comfortable with her around!
aww thanks, yuu! and nou
watch a few actual good movies? sure! lol
they were pretty good ye!
the video was really good as well! this guy's videos keep surprising me, starting out fine but then getting really good towards the end! i feel like it touched on something really important in there, the way we justify government-sanctioned violence with pure fantasy and the kinda terrifying death worship it promotes... that last couple minutes gave me chills and made me giggle at the same time... what a bizarre feeling
thanks for sharing it with me!
ouch. ok.
that was easy! im so persuasive i love it
Lighting striking your house seems very unlikely but it would be catastrophic if you were gonna make it out of something that burns very fast like wool
Using bone meal for the saplings is probably not worth it but it's an option
I used to always play Minecraft on hard mode and would never bother going to the nether so now i'm gonna downgrade to normal mode and make it my goal to make a simple enchantment table, presumably for my first time.
im totally not just agreeing
It's mostly wood right now, so it may not be a huge issue. I always end up having issues choosing materials that look good together.
This is false.
oh i know no way you would do that to me!
Of course not off to bed soon soon yes. also cute
this is why you plant two saplings for every one tree you cut down
yea that's what im doing... im losing my mind doing it though. i want to go exploring and stuff, not do this...
i do feel a bit more comfortable around my mom too...
th-thanks you too
yea! it's not about the movies, it's about the fun we had along the way
but yea watching good movies does help..
yay yummy food
woo! glad you're liking him. he's probably my favorite content creator on youtube, or maybe second behind nakeyjakey
Let me just get this off my chest
You spend 80% of the game mining cobblestone but rarely dig through dirt, also dirt only takes up the top 4-5 layers of terrain while pretty much all the rest is stone
Choosing blocks that look cohesive is hard with the small selection of blocks you can reasonably use, sometimes I give up and use randomly colored wools and have parts of the house stick out oddly to be flamboyant and chadesque on purpose, cobble, wood and logs with some variety thrown in with windows slabs and fences usually does the trick though
see that wasnt so bad was it? thank goodness im the voice of reason
it was a little bed but for the best. And cute outfits too
cute and tasteful outfits is my specialty! and hmm you can thank me later then
it's minecraft!! do what you wanna do!!
ye! to be clear it's not my family that i have an issue being around... my living situation is kinda complicated to explain but most of the people i've living with i'm not related to or really particularly close to in general, my mom is the only family living with me and it's not her house
very true!
good movies and deliciously awful movies are the most fun!
mhm! it had avocado in it!
ye, i went ahead and gave him a subscribe even tho it doesn't look like he's made any new videos in quite a while
i was surprised to see one of my fav content creators in the comments, but the overlap makes sense! that video tapped into subjects that the kind of stuff i watch discusses in detail
Your slight lewds are very much appreciated.
i know that! oks
Dirt may be less common, but does it have any uses?
my pleasure rin claimer. rin is a cute too
you better at this point!
leaving now then.
The only thing that has dirt in it's crafting recipe is coarse dirt, it's basically just dirt except grass won't grow on it
I didn't mean to suggest that dirt was more valuable, just rarer.
i think what i wanna do is give up..
okay that makes more sense.. yea that would be pretty uncomfortable
th-thanks y-you too
you're the most fun! but those are nice too, yes
avocado is nice.. i'd like some guacamole
his videos are kind of split between that channel and sb nation's channel, which is a 100% sportsball channel. regardless, his uploads are very infrequent, but well worth it
oh, who's that? what kind of subjects? i'll get around to fully rewatching the 24 video soon i guess
drop the unfun thing and do the fun thing!
yeah... it doesn't help that they're some of the most annoying people on the planet who constantly fight
aww that's sweet! but no, those are more fun than me, especially in person!
that makes me wish i had some tortilla chips, lol
i ended up grabbing some vanilla ice cream
it's kinda boring tho, i wanted to add something but we don't have any good ice cream toppings... but then i saw some cold brew coffee in the fridge a poured just a tiny bit on the ice cream and wow, i am glad i did! it actually integrated in like a swirl pattern, it's like it was meant to be like that, lol!
ye i'll keep my eyes open for any new content he posts, and there's plenty of content already there for me to look at in the meantime!
hmm, i'm not sure if i should say here... as for subjects, i mean like the stuff i was talking about when i first finished the 24 video that it discusses a bit, kinda serious social stuff
i decided to check out nakeyjakey as well, watching his video on illegal music downloads!
how do i fun
constant fighting is no good.. stressful...
th-th-thanks y-you too
i disagree... let's watch lots of fun movies together in person though
tortilla chips are nice! im gonna make you the best tortilla chips ever someday
vanilla ice cream is also nice
woah! very cool! tasty! innovative!
yea okay, that's fair
okay, sounds good! all his videos are really good
how to fun? hmm... do the thing you wanna do! like you said you wanna explore instead of build bookshelves, so go explore!
yeah... just arguing all day long, kids arguing, their mom yelling and lecturing at them, just yelling and arguing and arguing and yelling and none of it leading to any kind of resolution... it's exhausting to listen to, luckily i can put in my earphones and it's mostly gone!
we definitely should!
home-made tortilla chips, huh? i'd love to try yours!
it added a much needed boost to the flavor!
ye that video i just watched was pretty good!
Wheres my allistor pictures, boomer
What do you think his taint smells like?
like circuits, roses, and taint
It'd be amazing
Cmon, give it a sniff
Smells like suicide
i dont know where to explore though.. i picked a dumb place to build my base
yea, does sound like a bad time.. it's good you can mostly drown it out though
thanks! you too!
we'll watch every fun action movie ever
y-yea.. i've never made any before, but im sure i'll figure it out
woo! flavortown, usa!
this is probably my favorite video of his. it's not comedic like most of his others, but rather a bit more introspective
Sounds yummy
Lets hope we can see more depressed qt shota robot in Yokos next game
pick a direction and walk there!
my home life is a living hell! haha
that'll be quite the marathon!
hehe, maybe we should just have some store-bought tortilla chips but make our own guac!
the road to flavortown is paved with sacrifice...
nice! i'll check it out! currently watching his video on red dead 2
I hope he includes a canon crossdressing scene
molestation scene
2b looks anorexic
Ah but she's not the one I'm paying attention to
They're both s tier
hmm.. im kinda doing that.. im making a mine right now
th-that's not okay.. let's go live in a log cabin near a lake with yui
ty u2
we'll watch every fun action movie worth watching!
o-okay, yes that works too. we'll make it with love
worthy sacrifices must be made to make it to such a glorious destination...
that's a good one too! they're all good ones! watch em all!
log cabin near a lake with me *in Montana
make the best mine the world has even seen and get all the resources!
that sounds pre nice
hecc ye!!
from guac with love!
this day extracts a heavy toll
gotta watch em all!
thick meaty robot cum
hellll yeah