Explain this.
Explain this
Other urls found in this thread:
You're gay. Thats why you save naked tranny pics to your computer.
you're also butthurt about the fact most trannies are white 'men'.
just accept your homosexuality and enjoy being a gay trap lover
statistically blacks are more likely to be LGBT including transgender. there are black trannies everywhere in the innercity
>when the butthurt gayboy tries to misuse statistics
>hurr durr, explain this...
y u mad tho?
you seem quite desperate to project your own frustrations, why?
you even go so far as to misuse statistics, why?
does it make you so mad to know that white men are increasingly becoming trannies?
how will LYING stop this?
lmao that chart. you got me
that chart shows that blacks make up a larger portion of the tranny population than they make up in the general population aka blacks are more likely to be trannies. it also shows that whites make up a smaller portion of the tranny population than of the general population aka whites are less likely than average to be trannies
Forced meme
We know most sissies/traps/crossdressers are whites with pink buttholes
Stop coping you know you are less masculine and more feminine than dark skin men
the chart shows that blacks are more likely to be transexual. blacks are on 33% more likely to be trannies on average while whites are 16% less likely. whites just have a larger total US population. it's called per capita
>what are error bars?
not exactly, schlomo. what it shows is that each population matches it's percentage makeup, and since whites far outnumber everyone else, white trannies are still far more numerous.
not to mention whites are simply more likely to kill themselves, whether tranny or straight.
>what is significance?
>what is statistics?
>white trannies are still far more numerous.
because we can't find pussy, so we become pussy. improves our chances of having sex
the statistics show blacks are more likely to be transexual
>imagine being this triggered
>what is significance?
someone failed high school math
and here I thought you jews were all good at math, yet you fail to grasp the concept of significance
>imagine projecting your frustrations this hard
sorry I'm not an Asian dork like you
>the classic libtard "everything you say that I don't like is projection"
>justifying your mathematical ignorance
nigger, you need to be ashamed of your ignorance, not proud of it!
what you just admitted is you don't realize you're wrong, and in some pathetic way, you want us to believe that being ignorant of your mistake somehow makes you right
except when the one making fun of you is further to the right than your faggot ass
Explain these why are they all white?
Tip : you can’t
>further to the right
>tries to claim white men are trannies
lmfao no you are a leftist cuck
Selective statistics are selective - per 100,000, so adjust for racial distribution % and you get the real answer which is blacks are more than twice as likely to off themselves. It's right there in your graph.
(whites=18/72,400, blacks=7/12,600)
that wasn't me claiming it, nigger. try to keep up. i'm the one who actually knows mathematics, you non-math nigger.
cause reddit is for white people
Literally named black t girls
I gave you several links named generally traps/femboys/sissies
Not specified for whites and yet they are all white
you are trying to claim whites are more likely to be trannies cause you're a leftist race traitor
Trap thread is from Yea Forums
because reddit is for white people
most of the US population is white. nigger trannies in the ghetto post shit to porn sites or send dms
>Selective statistics are selective
being this much of a math nigger.
the values have been adjusted for their population already, nigger. the percents are there. for 2017, the suicide rate among whites was 2.2% of the population while for niggers it was 0.62% of the population.
If we roughly estimate a population of 327 million, 57% white and 11.5% black, this gives us
>4.1 million white people commit suicide
>233 k niggers commit suicide
no you nigger jew schlomo, i'm the one keeping everyone honest. niggers like you are controlled opposition and using LIES when you could have cited the nigger on nigger murder statistics and nobody would have argued with you.
fuck off to your chimp network, your lies will not work here. learn2math you filthy mongrel
here's me fucking a black tranny up the ass. debunk that
most of Yea Forums is white. i talked to a black tranny off here for years and have messaged multip;e
no you faggot you're a cuckold race traitor leftist who likes black dick up your ass. the statistical FACT is per capita blacks are more likely to be transexual
Give me subreddits and threads generally for traps and femboys where all of them are black or shut the fuck up
Non arguments
if you think reddit is all of society your bullshit about "muh math" is just that BULLSHIT. you use anecdotal evidence when it serves you
>named black
Try again
you're literally quoting Simpson's paradox, you dyscalculic nigger mongoloid. Not only that, but you're DOUBLING DOWN ON YOUR IGNORANCE OF SIGNIFICANCE
>holy kool-aid, what is a p-value?
that's how we know you're not white: even a hick from the Appalachian mountains knows a concept as basic as a p-value. you don't... and you are DOUBLING DOWN ON YOUR IGNORANCE OF P-VALUES!
suck a whole bag of nigger dicks, you dyscalculic mongoloid
not an argument
debunk this statement: per capita blacks are more likely to be transexual in the United States than whites
protip: you cannot
>because reddit is for white people
>because Yea Forums is for white people
>i fucked a black tranny
>nigger trannies post shit to porn sites
Yeah im the one using anecdotal evidence and baseless non arguments
whites lose to Jews because cucks like you can't understand the power of suggestion
I told you you can’t
You will keep searching on google but will find nothing
>moving the goalposts fallacy
you are still doubling down on your ignorance of statistics, you pathetic dyscalculic nigger.
do you always respond with logical fallacies?
debunk this statement: per capita blacks are more likely to be transexual in the United States than whites
protip: you cannot.
i gave you exactly what you asked for you lying cuckold who can't understand the power of suggestion. this is why you are a failure of evolution and will always be cucked by the Jews.
I debunk it with what i see with my eyes
everyday i see tens of traps and crossdressers on Yea Forums and all of them are white
>moving the goalposts fallacy
still insisting on moving the goalposts?
nobody's falling for your serbian jew double bluff
Give me links not named blacks named generally traps/femboys/crossdressers where all of posts are black
>>Selective statistics are selective
>being this much of a math nigger.
>the values have been adjusted for their population already, nigger. the percents are there. for 2017, the suicide rate among whites was 2.2% of the population while for niggers it was 0.62% of the population.
>If we roughly estimate a population of 327 million, 57% white and 11.5% black, this gives us
Wait what? You're defintely wrong and trying desperately to double down because your premice was fucked from the start. ( sprc.org
its not clearly adjusted for race, rather its showing disparities amongst the races per 100,000. Also your racial distributions don't match up with recorded starts either on SPRC or US Census Bureau. ( census.gov
TL;DR: you're a nigger
But the real question is: are there more black trannies or white trannies in jail?
anecdotal evidence
i did already
>SEETHING kike in this thread still can't debunk the FACT that blacks are more likely to be transexual per capita
Everyone can see it not just me
You didnt give a single link
I did. you just denied it cause it was called "blacktraps" and "blackshemales." you still ignore the fact that reddit and Yea Forums are largely white
statistical fact: blacks are more likely to be transexual than whites per capita
you cannot debunk this
>You're defintely wrong and trying desperately to double down because your premice was fucked from the start
i've doubled on nothing. I even did the math for you, you dyscalculic nigger
>its not clearly adjusted for race, rather its showing disparities amongst the races per 100,000
per 100k is a standard epidemiological standardization technique, nigger. even an elementary kid knows why this makes sense. it adjusts for the population it was extracted from. in this case, RACE.
are you also a flat earther?
statistics do not confer facts, you dyscalculic nigger
learn2science you religious faggot
>"blacktraps" and "blackshemales."
Here you are you failed to give a single link
You can’t prove it
>Everyone can see it not just me
You are VERY wrong, blacks are way, WAY more likely to be lgbt circus freak, and I can see this every fucking day
the burden of proof is on you, faggot. you've provided no evidence to support your claim. moreover, the fact you misuse the term "fact" suggests you NEVER WILL.
That's because niggers, like dogs, always need masters.
>Explain this.
You're a divide-and-conquer shill doing your job. Don't admit stupidity by replying to shit like this. Sage
You can claim whatever you want
But every Yea Forums user sees tens and hundreds of white traps posted here everyday and you can’t deny it
the stats posted here
indicate that per capita blacks are more likely to be transexuals since they make up a larger portion of the transsexual population than they do of the general population whilst whites make up a smaller portion of the tranny population than of the general population
that's anecdotal evidence. go on xtube and there's tons of ghetto black trannies
and? white traps are attractive, blacks aren't, just that. The fact that you are using this as some kind of proof is one of the most laughable things ever
good point but you're still a gay cuck race traitor. fucking black traps and trannies is based and white domination
Ok, she’s actually kinda cute
Yes thats true whites are more feminine and can pass and thats why they become traps in the first place
Make the math and prove it before asking people to debunk it
wrong. blacks have more estrogen in their body and naturally lack body hair unlike hirsute whites
no, I just mean that blacks traps are ugly, because they indeed look like female blacks (apes)
blacks make up 12% of the population and 16% of the transgender population according to this graph
that means blacks are 33% more likely than the general population to be transsexual
non hispanic whites make up 66% of the general population but only 55% of the transgender population
that means whites are 16.7% less likely to be transgender than the general population
fucking black pussy is high test.
No they are pretty a lot of times. I know a black tranny that I make out with every now and then, damn she likes sloppy kisses
This. Sage.
this entire thread is gay as fuck
His math is sounds, you just don't know how per capita works apparently. No shit there are more white trannies when there are 5x as many white people. Percent of trannies by race is still lowest for whites. Congrats you played yourself.
how is he misusing statistics though?
16% of trannies despite being only 13% of the population is very high and significant
kek that white hating faggot is getting rekt
But the real question is: are there more black trannies or white trannies in jail?
>16% of the transgender population
Prove it
113 posts 15 posters
I can make a chart like this right now
But that doesnt make it true
>" In this report, we find that the population of adults who identify as transgender is more
racially and ethnically diverse than the U.S. general population."
>williams institute
Literally who
data is from CDC’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
keep seething kike
Whatever, banging black trannies is hot. Better asses, nicer features, plus they like to top more often than other trannies.
wanting to be topped is gay. keep that secret you fag
Then why did you link to williams institute?
Link to cdc
The whole advantage of a tranny is best of both worlds. If they don't top why bother?
fuck taking anything in the ass
Williams Institute is part of UCLA
if you don't that at least keep it secret to save face you dumb faggot. keep it private
That's because it's where most black people live...
Yea Forums's pretty anonymous lol, but my friends wouldn't care anyway
bump for explanation
Lmao that proves blacks are more likely to be trannies. Funniest part is you can't read graphs
Lol blacks are twice as likely to kill themselves there are just more white people because blacks won't stop shooting each other so their numbers won't spread
Easy. Black people have a hard time using computers
Blacks can't afford internet
Paper literally proves blacks are more likely to be trannies.
Lmfao when schlomo claims the opposite of what his graphs and the paper his graphs come from claim.
Blacks are 100% more likely to be tranny sissy boys FACT so stop seething
>defeated kikes and niggers tearing up with rage
Because a large percent of Reddits user base is white?
That's like saying explain why the majority of gang members are minorities?
Because a large percent of gangs thrive in those neighborhoods.
Nigs btfo.
Lincoln was a cuck but pretty based quote.
haha that faggot nigger loving hapa is getting his asshole reshaped by people who can actually interpret statistics.
enjoy that jew cock, hapa
kek, nice one dog
Damn man, not the guy replying to you but you are really retarded.
got em
Imagine actually going through tons of this gay shit just to make a picture to "prove" something to another gay faggot at Yea Forums.
You are both massive faggots.
t. triggered cuckold
you post on a board that has tons of gay shit everyday. you are gay
>like ignoring gay shit isn't an option
and yet he's not wrong. you are gay, why get so defensive as to try to turn it around?
you faggots are just pathetic, "muh master race" and shit
you are gay too that's why you come on this board.
how is that pathetic? is it better to be a whipping boy bitch who lets himself get insulted constantly for being white and never fights back? you are just an impotent pussy
you couldn't do it for this thread, triggered faggot. i bet you never complain about the white trap faggots but you complain about black traps cause you hate white dominance and probably want to get fucked up the ass by a nigger
>posts gay shit
>fights back
>calls others pussies
Faggots are gay, no matter how they look.
You may call them 'traps' but they are still faggots.
Now you tell me - why are you triggered by some faggot of your skin color being a faggot?
Do you think that this somehow makes you a faggot?
You are just an insecure closeted faggot and should kys.
yeah I post gay shit where the nigger is the bitch
yes retard. if people of your own skin color are weak faggots people are going to associate you as a weak faggot you dumbass bitch. it's not a complex concept
yet both the bottom and the top are faggots.
and you are also a closeted faggot
faggot is just a word and plenty of faggots could probably knock your weak ass out and sodomize you.
just don't fucking be a weak faggot - be a manly man, do some sports, god dammit.
what a fag
i think you're a closeted bottom sissy. you're weak socially retarded scum
bitch i could probably beat the shit out of you. i have been in more fights than you have in your little sheltered bitch boy life
try harder faggots, keep ignoring what I say
>muh 300 confirmed kills
i could still beat the shit out of you faggot or not
thanks for admitting you're a sheltered little bitch who has never been in a fight in his little suburban cuck life
keep it going faggots,
when you try this hard you make it pretty funny
t. weakling who would start a fight, get knocked out and then call the cops after he got his weak sheltered ass beat
keep trying, you can do better than this
why are you here listening to me insult you? what are you gay or something?
I know that your pathetic shit talk has nothing common with reality, so it doesn't insult me at all, I just want you to produce something funny at least once in your life.
But all of this seems hopeless - you are too retarded to be fun.
lol i have more influence on this site and have created more OC than you ever will. tell me one humorous reply you made in this entire thread mr. funny guy.
some black men make cute girls.
I'm married to one, I fill her up every morning.
this isn't funny, just pathetic
you aren't even trying
i'm not the one who said i was funny. you are, you lame ass cuck
pics or it didn't happen
not him but my OC.
I didn't say that you are funny, but you know there is a probability that a monkey will draw mona lisa with shit.
but you seem to be hopeless, I better go.
Bye, faggot.
you said YOU were funny of which i've seen no evidence
Don't want to wake her up.
wtf? I didn't, lol
you retarded motherfucker. XD
so what is your usefulness then cuck? I clearly entertain you. you just annoy me
black boipussy is the word.
>those cute smooth arms
That's the point. Why should I entertain some retarded faggot chimp?
Boy, you are retarded. And your retardness is surely entertaining. Try to get a job in a freak show.
so why don't you leave the the thread you braindead instigating faggot?
This Has to be the gayest fucking thread I ever seen on Yea Forums, just the absolute state of the replies. Bunch of faggots
nice ass
pretty cute, does she use those hands for cock more than cotton?
She's been on hormones since age 10, she is hotter than most of the girls around here.
you're one lucky dude. is her cock small? i have been with many black trannies. they are the best
she's got a good inch over me.
I'm not that big anyways, she also has a friend over, a girlfriend :^)
Will try to sneak in pictures latter.
here's my dick vs my exes dick the angle makes mine look a lot bigger but im only slightly bigger
nice. Lovely contrast.
Thanks i just found sissy personals gonna go get my dick sukked
was your ex jewish?
yo.. so what's your kik?