Why are people allowed to express hate speech here?
Why are people allowed to express hate speech here?
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Because you're a fucking faggot op and how would we be able to communicate to you that you're a faggot if we censored everything.
Because basketball
You're lost, this isn't plebbit
I think the word you're looking for is gay. Dropping F bombs is extremely disrespectful.
because it's really art
no such thing as hate speech. thats a kike phrase popularized by cucked european betas used to prevent anyone from calling attention to the literal raping of their woman and destruction of their countries and culture.
Because we are an open minded community of geniuses who know that the best way for the world is to allow for everyone to have a voice.
#2HAAAAAAAAAAAA! Kidding bitch its because no one gives a fuck except for what they themselves say, no one changes their mind about anything and they just pad their own egos when another degenerate bastard agrees and validates their likely fucked up idiotic ideas.
Thats why.
HAAAAAAAAAAAA! Kidding, cuz fuck we have to be able to spout of all our hatred somewhere freely otherwise it will consume us!
HAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Kidding....see #2
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
dat bitch got some cute feet
I think that's the point
There's no such thing as hate speech.
Fuck, I guess I am NOT the worst scum of the earth foot fetishist degenerate.....cuz your ass thinks blurry ass invisible feet are cute.....jesus christ im saved thank you here's the torch.... I'm not "most ducked up" anymore.
Because we follow the first amendment unlike Retarddit.
Because love speech is fucking boring and now kneel down, face to the wall. Amy (my luger) is thirsty for blood.
cause hate speech is free speech
nigga are you blind,those feet are not invisible.you should get your vision checked
dub dubs checked
based user checked
Very good!
In the comments someone asks for bush, whilst also complaining her piercings are out of style, I think he's retarded.
You sound European. Enjoy your oppression.
says the american,enjoy your president who hates freedom of the press and gun rights
Haters gonna hate
Lol okay dude, call me when you've succeeded from the EU, you aren't even half qualified to talk.
im actually american you retard,have fun with president snowflake
"President snowflake" That's priceless. It's even more hilarious that you're American. Please go to the EU to learn what it's like to not have freedom of the press.
Gas the kikes race war now
Why not
who needs to go the EU when you have president "fake news"in america
you have no freedom of speech cause the EU is a police state
Because all speech is free speech, even of youre against any speech, if you silence any speech, it wont belong before they silence yours. When burning a flag is protected by tje constitution, yet fags scream and bitch about how it offends them, "they" will come for those guns the same way they came for your free speech. Think about it
>Why are people allowed to express hate speech here?
So we'll know who they are when the time comes.
When what time comes? What are you talking about?
“Hate speech” is a made up term, there is only free speech vs snowflakes.
Fuck you, nigger
Because fuck you, that's why.
Cause it is every human being’s inalienable right to speak freely no matter the content or how vile
Ow, the edge
nice, well spotted user, really good job. When i first read the OP i thought he might be 'trolling' and then i read the filename "you're a retarded sperglord" and i knew it was bait for sure!
There's no such thing as hate speech.
It's freely expressing ideas and opinions under the right to free speech.
It you're triggered by an idea or an opinion that's on you.
Who defines hate speech? The government? You?