Nightly skeleton queen thread!

nightly skeleton queen thread!
hail eugenia forever

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Fun fact: She took a long break from the internet, and has been working with both a psychologist and nutritionist. She looks much better already!

any recent pics of her?


no because its bullshit

Who tf cares, if you can’t take care of yourself by yourself when your an adult then don’t be alive

so you think she just had a nervous breakdown and quit the internet?

ugh we wanted the skelly not the healthy flesh person

she had an intervention

with who?

she got sectioned dude

pretty sure shes dead, her mother ate her.

some user posted one about a month ago, she looked like she weighs some 100lbs now. Still skinny, but healthy.

she needs cuddles and kisses

so she's a fat landwhale now?

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her hairstylist posted this last month. and yes, it’s real, he has appeared in several of her vids

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probably her youtuber friend jaclyn glenn. she said in a livestream a few months ago after eugenia tweeted about getting help, talking about people bullying her, and she said “eugenia is my friend. well... idk how she feels about me at this point but... i consider he a friend” seems like jaclyn forced her to seek treatment and eugenia has bad blood towards her for that as she wanted to stay anorexic. hopefully they make up after all of this

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related vid

what you guys think of this one? I used to think she was too thin, but she's up to 105 now ... was like 90 when we first started dating.

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das de won yar

skinny broad alright, but sexy. Show more.

Geez, A is for Anorexia.
Eat something

fucking hot

too thin? as if there is such a thing.
starve to the fucking bone. skeletons are sexy
seeing eugenia out and about being social and having fun is so cute to me. seeing her run was interesting too, i didn’t think she could do that

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zhe kan eet muh azz kæk

you're a lucky dude, dude.

green eyes, eh? oh, my..

would you fuck an anorexic bitch?

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shes gorgeous

She seems like a nice woman, I hope she will be ok. Anorexia is no joke.

She's a fucking hand full too. She was a bit of a druggie when she first started crashing at my place.

She's still manic as fuck.

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Anyone want to see this skeleton naked?

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lol ya

yes please

get her pregnant, brother.

post moar pls


yea she looks way better..