Imagine a world where you cacan actually be kind hearted and considerate to other people without being considered a...

Imagine a world where you cacan actually be kind hearted and considerate to other people without being considered a libtard.

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Yes hurr durr typo make me redarted


I was gonna say "who the fuck thinks that?" and then I thought... damn brother, you're right

Is this one of those posts when at the end everyone applauses and decides "Fuck borders and security!"?

Get dick cancer libtard.

nice bait newfag

Sounds disgusting. Kill yourself.

No open boarders are a terrible idea m8. Only real liberals think it will somehow be a benefit. Though with all the awful people in the world, simply not hating gay people makes you a "libtard". When really you just actually give a shit about other people and accept them for who they are. You can be the most conservative person, but if you support gays you'd be a considered a retard. This is just one example though.

>caring about being called a libshit but want everyone, including libshits, to be nice to you
sounds like libshit logic to me boys

By making this thread you insulted conservicucks. Fuck you ohpee you're also part of the problem

Some people think that being a decnt human being is a sign of weakness. We call those people republicans.

I agree with the first sentence there.

That's called stereotypes bud

op makes me cringe

Why exactly. OP just appears to have good heart, something us 4channers have a hard time comprehending. I try to understand...

nonetheless makes me cringe. cool how he comes to Yea Forums knowing that only lurkers would sympathise though

I originally came to Yea Forums for all the interesting stories and creepypastas (which turned out to be lies)
Then I saw this place for how it really is. I stick around making threads like this occasionally hoping to change some hearts. Yes I'm naive and yes I expect to much from people on b/. Though if it weren't for small contributions of people like me the world would be even more of a shit hole than it is now

Imagine a world where people take care of themselves instead of asking the government to take other people's and family's accrued wealth at gunpoint.

Uuh. Okay. Yes you hate democrats, how does that apply to this thread

Shut the fuck up cracka
Now start whipping those niggers

Because being kindhearted does not equate being considered a "libtard." Most people reserve that term for people who take the title of liberal while acting like full on, balls to the wall authoritarians.

Being kind has nothing to do with lwft vs right

If you think flooding our country with immigrants is "kind", you are betraying American citizens and being unkind to them.
If you think the left is the "nice" party, you dont know what being nice and kind even means

Joining the military is that kinda. Sure everyone is a shithead but if you're in a respectable rate you have a lot of people who you trust and are entrusted with yours and their lives so you're generally warm and kind to each other

>Imagine a world where you can actually be kind hearted and considerate to other people without being considered a libtard.
We live in that world, retard. I get that if you’re the kind of person who spends a lot of time online you have a pretty bleak view of the world outside your window. However, if you actually go outside and talk to people you might be surprised to find that the world is full of genuinely kind human beings who detest identity politics as much as you do.

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Thinking republicans care about human life. I cant even remember being this new.

It is impossible to achieve peace amongt Man, but we best keep trying, because the consequences are death.

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