I am done with women. I can send 1,000 messages with no response or even a coffee date...

I am done with women. I can send 1,000 messages with no response or even a coffee date. Women are shallow and materliastic worthless fuck holes. Prove me wrong. I dare you.

I've moved on to men. I downloaded Grindr and am getting spammed with messages. About to go fuck one of them right now. Women should be erased. Fucking worthless picky stupid bitches. Fucking picky for no god damn reason. Be a 4/10? "I demand a 10/10 man". Fuck you stupid bitch. FUCK ALL WOMEN!

Attached: ALL WOMEN ARE SLUTS.jpg (980x571, 191K)

I know how you feel.....

LOL fag





nice trips though

Haha. That means you were a fag to begin with and the girls you were trying to date just realized it before you did. Come on, man. Get a clue. Nothing wrong with being gay, but don’t blame it on “picky bitches”.


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Prove with kik or snap and fuck your ass

get thread?

So ur a gay dude who's being a faggot got it

found the faggot incel who got trips

>Not taking the hooker/escort pill.
Never gonna make it.

I'm a 10 as a latino. If they're not with a gaynigger or taking on a gangbang the good ones are golddigging.

How desperate were you to continue trying after the 500th ghost?

This. One less fag in the genepool brother

You “moved on to men” because you were gay the entire time. Get out of the closet and own it.

Incel loser.

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We all know how you feel. But remember that you can find a women if you want to. I sometimes say that "Do women even have frontal lobe development". But I realise that that hating women won't get them to like you. You have to find quality waifus go on match.com don't go on tinder. Go to places where quality women are

Op is a looser

Can't even get pucci

That is worth fighting and dying for.

>fag in the closet taken out of the competition for women
> fag sexually active in LGBTQ welcomed and encouraged back into the AIDSpool.

Absolutely not, it's only trolling i'm not serious, op is probably a good guy.