Am i modeltier?

Am i modeltier?

Attached: Screenshot_20190707-232636.png (1440x2560, 1.65M)



For a snuff film, yea.

Attached: d090681.jpg (800x534, 44K)

Yes you are
Nice jaw

is that norwood coverup game you're running?

Weirdly tiny lips and they make your chin look weird, big forehead, dark bags under eyes at too young an age, weird bulbing nose, squinty eyes, and chubby cheeks.

No 6/10.

Not to mention you look like you have the personality of a wep mop. But that may help your chances.

You have the face of that guy, you know the guy who allways gets into trouble and he says "Bro, my dads a lawyer"

More like mold tier

of course you are
tuck that shit and grow your hair out
ive got a video camera

too young age? nigga im 28

So much this.

Attached: 1294770315_1.jpg (400x300, 21K)

Yea, you only think that's old because you're autistic. I'm saying you're too young to have those dark bags under your eyes btw.

From far away you're about an 8. Close up it's about a 6.5. Cheekbone, nose and mouth are your major downfalls.

Stay mad and average faggot.

I'm 10 years older than this boy.

6/10? heres a selfie with tan

Attached: Screenshot_20190514-134451.jpg (1179x2067, 622K)

I'm sorry 4/10. Stick with the first picture, and see a therapist about your delusions of grandeur.

Why are you so greasy?

if im 4/10 its so over for rest of men i got 1.5k tinder matches in a city of under 100k people with 80km.radius

If im average you all are like lower than subhuman

Attached: fuckin.webm (450x800, 358K)

I'm proud of you user. How many want a second date once they see you just use camera tricks to fake your looks?

Well this is just one example reaction i got from a tinder match.
She saw me at mall.

Attached: Screenshot_20190711-033516.png (1440x2560, 274K)

Attached: gaylord.jpg (441x408, 99K)

These are better quality photos. I originally rated you a 6.5, but I will up that to an 8.5. The fake tan doesn't look good though.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-10-17-39-49(1).png (1039x167, 10K)

its not that orange irl thanks for rate

I didn't say it looked orange, I said it didn't look good. I stand by that statement. Fake tans are hardly ever your friend.

Look it's discount Elliot Rodger

Attached: 1562022478211.jpg (960x720, 52K)

lul i dont look like er not even remotely

Sure buddy. You'll get that ego checked soon.

Need a full body shot to judge.

im 182-182.5 cm dunno how many feet that is tho
nah people dont know im patrick bateman tier

More like a-la-nope

Theres way uglier men thsn me modelin all the time

Maybe not top model tier but extremely attractive. You might look better if you put on a little bit of weight.

You'd need to be skinnier to even be considered m8, the less loose skin they have to edit out in photoshop the better.