The first one was only good until the morpheus pill scene then agent smith carried the film. Prove me wrong

The first one was only good until the morpheus pill scene then agent smith carried the film. Prove me wrong.

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2 was good and 3 was okay. their main problem is they got bogged down in the leather half cyberpunk half goth motif they wanted to go for which killed it for most people. if they would have stuck to the story and not pandering to edgelords it would have been a better outcome.

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Rewatch them again, and after the first film consider neo agent smiths father. Takes a whole new dimension.

Neo coming back as a nigger. Enjoy.

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why would you consider him to be something he isn't? you might as well go in it considering trinity is neo's mother at this point.

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even with slowed time they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn wearing the wrong colors if it was 10 strides away

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The oracle was agent smiths mom. The oracle knew neo was not the one. Neo was born in a machine induced factory. But agent smith was truely born in the matrix at the emd of the first film. The oracle prophised about the one born "in" the matrix and to manipulate and rewrite it. That was agent smith

Goth actually made the film. Faggots and niggers/niggerlovers ruin goth. By now you're beating a dead horse.

That was the wachowski brothers last of their sanity. Be grateful will smith was not in the film

how does that make neo his father. the father is the architect and the oracle is not the mother she is the interface that watches every one. essentially what gaia is to the druid's. in the sense it is the mother because it is all around, but it did not BIRTH him anymore than it birthed the rest of the npcs. neo had more power to manipulate and rewrite than smith had, anyway. AND that power was only given to smith after he tried to consume neo which in itself still doesn't make neo is father, just the father of the power which is still neo's, but stolen, essentially. so i still don't see what you're trying to imply.

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The real world is what really ruined it. Agreed on the story. 2 was "cool" which worked for that time era 3 was movie meme hobbit war which sucked.

Considering the feds coming to your workplace and being single and ging to fight club to do some crazy niggers drugs really made the first film which is now lost. It's classy

The rest of the film's franchise is like breaking bads Latinos cartoony shit.

this film is another example of what i've been trying to enlighten people about; that warner bros always works to pick on some weak ass, western european mindset that worships either people with special class and power, wealth, or savior status. this is why DC films suck.

neo was obviously a jesus figure who was immediately enlightened that he was "the one" and so very special, just like harry potter.

if you think about the coming "joker" film... he's a sweetie who just wants to enchant people and is constantly abused. sounds like jesus.

Community college philosophy.

Kind of like when Bane at his most cucked is God the father.

you mean to say an audience want to relate to some one who is special?

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Neo was never "born inside" the Matrix. He was born outside, in the machines' human-harvesting power plant. However, following his destruction at the end of the first movie, Smith was born inside the Matrix -- he was truly "born inside" -- the product of the Oracle's programming (hence "Mom") and Neo assimilating him. Neo's human code, systemic anomaly and all, had combined with what Smith had been to give birth to a man, the new Smith.

Still need convincing? What happened at the end of Revolutions? Smith, who had avoided returning to the Source when he chose exile upon his rebirth, never considered that Neo had been uploaded into the Matrix directly from the machine city ('01'). As soon as Smith's assimilation of Neo was complete, Smith -- The One -- was connected directly to the Source. His code was then disseminated, and the prime program was reinserted, allowing the Matrix to be reloaded. Combined with Neo's deal with Deus ex Machina, this ended the war and brought peace to the people of Zion.

The racle she deceived everyone -- Neo, Morpheus, us! To what extent she deceived her program and machine counterparts we may never be sure, because although Seraph, the Keymaker, the Merovingian, and the Architect all refer to Neo as "The One" at some time or another, they could all have been deceived by exactly who or what The One really was, and some (such as Seraph) could just as easily have been playing along with the Oracle's deception. After all, if you recall the Architect's scoffing at the Oracle in his speech in Reloaded, even he acknowledged that it was she who developed the systemic anomaly. Thus, only she knows its true nature.

you're arguing semantics and at this point if you want to argue semantics you're still wrong because whether or not neo was born in the machine world, the persona that has the ability to rewrite the code in the matrix was still birthed INSIDE the matrix. stealing some one's power doesn't make them your father, being born in the program doesn't make the oracle (a spyware) your mother. you're connecting too many dots that just don't exist or make sense.

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The Oracle is a nigger bitch that much is true. I would much rather consider the merovingians and the architect's point of view and draw conclusions from there.

Ok, im not saying this is set in stone but when you watch the films in this perspective, the shit works! Its weird idk if they wrote the films to fit like that on purpose or not, but it does flow with continuity.


i can see why you'd think that but i just don't agree. i COULD see smith being the one truly, but i completely disagree with the oracle mother, neo the father in anything other than a proxy sense of the word.

If you're talking about a movie made by trannys for college philosophers you and your source are not the authority here.

Negro fucking did when he got upgraded to the architect. He was fukin pissed.

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It makes even more sense if you think neo had 4 red pills and he just couldn't handle the truth. Morpheus the Oracle and her lies and bitch bullshit the merovingian which he just didn't take the hint and the architect. Why couldn't he choose to go to the architect and the merovingian and cut a deal to be king instead of sacrificing hilself for and get played by niggers?

because he'd still be sacrificing zion to be king. he'd be king of a virtual world that doesn't even actually exist. what a life. he isn't cypher

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No he would not be cipher. He would be like that chink called the keymaker as the mechanic and the only person to travel from the real world to the matrix.

The machines are retarded he would be the mechanic from hot tub time machine.

Neo stood to be the merovingian in the real world. Fuck trinity always bet on white. He could just trade morpheus and the Oracle to merv and the architect. Not like they weren't playing him.

Just read the Invisibles by Grant Morrison , the tranny brothers ripped it off completely

Wasn't seraph the last neo before him?

For me the movie was about Neo to keep fighting like he had a chance to defeat agent Smith. Even though the programed world they were in wasn't designed for him to succeed with that. Like Neo was controlled by fate, but could change it by not giving up. Morpheus is the heroes mentor and isn't supposed to add more value to the story. The message was that fate exists but we are not puppets. I think the movie is a masterpiece by analysing and following the heroes journey throughout the series.

Heroes journey are about following the hero, not his mentor. So I don't understand why you have a problem with a storyline which mainly focuses on the hero and his enemy? Morpheus even sacrifices himself so that the rest of the group could escape during a scene. So even he doesn't consider himself as being some sort of protagonist.

Shut up nigger

Neo is anagram for One

But lets now talk about the ending. It isnt over and neo pretty much died in vain. Stated from the architect it had happened before and it will happen again. The matrix resets

Same thing that happened the previous seven times.

Sarcasm aside, if you can find a transcript of the Neo/Architect conversation in Reloaded, sit down with a dictionary and thesaurus and decode what the Architect says. It's been years since I saw the conversation, but he speaks in an insanely precise manner, as if to leave no ambiguity, which makes him hard to understand.

Basically, to paraphrase BattleStar Gallactica, all of it happened before and all of it will happen again. The only variation is that Zion survived this time. At the End of Revolutions, the Architect and the Oracle are talking in a rebuilt and reset Matrix.

The long and short is that there won't be peace, in the sense that everyone are friends now, and it could just lead to the waltz between man and machine continuing on, going for a ninth iteration. But, we'll never know, the MMO could be argued as non-canon, but nothing else comes after Revolutions, so take it as you will.

I always felt that the most logical way to perceive the trilogy was that the whole thing was a computer programme, so a matrix within a matrix. That would explain how a blinded Neo was able to perceive things as light in the 'real world' much as he could in the matrix world. And stop the machines like he'd stopped bullets.


Yeah Smith was a focus cause he was the true "The One". That's why the architect tells the oracle that she "played a dangerous game." Which was making someone believe they're the one when in fact they weren't, but hoping they'd become just as strong as the real "one". When the oracle says "smith is your opposite, that's not possible (or at least implied impossible) based on just the name of "The One". It implies there's only one.

I think the overt theme was overcoming propoganda and thinking for yourself, and the subversive theme was that even if you think you're thinking for yourself, something is likely controlling your decisions. In this case that was the oracle making neo believe he was the one through complex scenarios with designed outcome.

Yes , it was a ploy by the machines to get them to choose back to the first matrix

Yeah Zion was a failsafe layer of the matrix right? The way it's so bleak and hopeless. It feels real, compared to the 90s matrix world. But why do neos powers work there? I think it's cause that inkling the oracle mentioned that "the one" has that the world they're in isn't real was coming on again in the "real world" but since he accepted the real as reality so much he never saw the code like he does in the matrix. This should be cannon if it isn't already I love the layers this theory adds.

This guy was the 140th Neo. He explains to new Neo how important the machines are.

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Zion was a simulation of a simulation running in the 140th revision of a simulation.

Why can't Neo be that guy fixing the machine he was sent to in the last film?

It was random all of a sudden he has to go to the machine city to meet the last oracle.

Plenty of people in the republic were evil. People complained about morpheus all the time. Same when the merovingian called the Oracle the fortuneteller.

And so those who escaped the first matrix layer felt that they had actually broken out and were free. But that was just the plan all along. They wouldn't try to break out if they already felt they had.


The first film is one of the best ever, IMO. The second film obviously wasn't as good, but I still liked it a lot. The third one was absolute dog shit. Fuck, it's so bad. I've watched it several times. Time passes and I'm like "was it really that bad? I need to watch it again". And then I'm immediately reminded that it's poop, and I'm annoyed I wasted a couple hours yet again.

Hence hobbit war film

I also think that the reason that Neo was 'the one' was not because he broke out of the first matrix and had extra power there, loads of people did that. But because he had the potential to break out of the second layer of the matrix. By the end of the last film he had started to perceive that he could exert some control over that world too.

speaking of that shit fest and a bit of what ruined the matrix after 2 for me. the focus on cgi. when i saw the orcs were cgi and not make up, hollywood died more than a little for me.

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Neo was the psuedo one. Smith became the true after the first movie. Smith was the systemic anomaly. Neo was used by his choice to reign smith back in. Which ultimately ended neo and the matrix reset.

I think we can all agree that Speed Racer was the the Wachowski brothers finest contribution to the art of cinema.

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Holy shit

They should've just have the movies to only be in the "matrix".
Once it went to the real world it got boring

You can pontificate as much as you like, I still enjoyed trinity's tits.

I just want to imagine a spin off where Smith replaces Morpheus.

In the real world he was crazy and a religious fanatic.

They were quite perky.

Another reality bending movie came out the same year as the matrix. It was a video game based movie. eXisTenz. That movie is great!

Agreed. They did not know how to pull off their bullshit which has half of this thread arguing the paranormal and the Christian faith.

extenz? the penis pill?

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>kikes rage about christian potential because their religion is about sucking the blood out of circumcised baby dicks

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No have you seen the flick?
They play video games with pods made of amphibians parts. And it goes like 3-4 dimensions deep into a vr

How did Neo use magical powers in the real world and shut down one of the probes with a hand wave? I think that was at the end of the second movie, but it's been a few years since I've seen them.
Is it possible that they never got out the matrix, and the "real world" is just another layer made to entertain the rebel humans?

Oh and the pods plug into a hole in their back that looks like a butthole, they even lube it up before they jack in :)

Like I said if the machines are that retarded they have a self destruct from a clapping lamp neo could have just talked to all the white erm i mean bad guys and the machine king and taken over Zion.

In Zion he's the merovingian in the matrix he's God.

It's almost like they ripped off the Terminator 2 and Perfect Dark while Columbine was still hot

>pods plug into a hole in their back
You must not have understood what was really going on. Bioports only existed within the game Existenz, not in reality. Existenz was revealed at the end of the movie to exist only as part of the virtual reality game Transcendenz, which is what they were sitting on stage testing.

But they know if they were still in the game or not at the end


i wanted to watch this but the only trash putlocker i found has the movie but only 25 minutes for some fucking reason

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