Are Democrats retarded or merely misinformed?

Are Democrats retarded or merely misinformed?

Attached: President Trump.jpg (785x826, 60K)

Other urls found in this thread:

dems have become a party of free gibs for votes

Attached: democr1961-2019.jpg (692x436, 40K)

>asks if retarded
>posts retard

both also they're cucks

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misinformed or resentful

Just wildly emotional, they let their selfish personal hatred of president trump excuse their behavior and cloud their head in total. Really the dems don’t have a chance in hell, you can’t beat someone who mentally occupies you 24/7 and controls your emotions

You guys are great at projection. Like the entire damn Republican party had their first jobs at AMC.

The answer is in the shitty comb over. He's bald, it's an obvious lie.

Come on man. You know that the only reason Republicans want to secure the southern border of the United States is to keep brown people out of the country. That's the real reason.

You all keep lying about why you want border security because you know the real reason is racist as fuck.

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The timbers are triggered

Ok guy

Democrats are the ones who are great at projection.

There is literally no one more retarded than this deranged geezer in denial of his own dementia and semi-illiterateness.

you must love black dick

Or the newfag who can’t comment tag and is talking to nothing

No u! Great argument.

>comment tag

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I don't care for niggers in general, actually.

I guarantee I've been on this site a lot longer than you've had hair on your balls, kid. Go away.

Indeed, I honestly don't care. Our entire government is fucked, no matter what party. It's best for the south to rise again and Korea to nuke us.
Also tits cause tits are the tits.

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dems have been using identity politics to divide the country more and more.

Attached: democratwhtemen.jpg (999x800, 516K)

Just misinformed, they don't even know about when the revolutionary army took over the airports in 1775.

Learn some American history democrats.

Are people who fall for the jewish Dem/Rep meme retarded or merely misinformed?

Championing acceptance and tolerance in regards to minority groups is not an attempt to divide the country. If anything, Republicans are dividing it by being anti-tolerance for anyone except straight white Christian men and women.

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Bro, anyone who's been an active poster on /b for over a month can see your posting patterns.

At any given time there are a maximum 2-3 of you MAGA cock suckers who shill furiously.
You always post the same pics, the same half baked memes and echo each other.

You're more predictable than the obvious brainwashing trolls, to the point where anything against your agenda gets the same reply from you no matter how it's stated.

In other words, you use the internet like an old man uses facebook.
Your inability to communicate your "gotchas" without memes is also endemic facebook behaviour.

Can you at least TRY to make this shit interesting?

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And yet it seems to be trump supporters obsessed with continually starting threads like this. Who is in who's head again?

It's the replies that are interesting.

>dems have been using identity politics to divide the country more and more.


Kek its the right that never shuts up about how unacceptable and world ending alternative identities are.

>"cloud their head in total"
speech pattern autism confirmed

someone is projecting hard; bullied manchild has a complex!

>retarded and misinformed

what your describing is a trump supporter,not a democrat

>unique visitors per month: 27,700,000
>can see your posting patterns

Attached: $AAB.gif (415x323, 1.98M)

you are pathetically retarded

your threshold for interest is at NASCAR levels

No, he's pretty much right on the money.


lel its funny how the right have stopped even trying to defend the unbelievably retarded shit he says and does, they just pretend its not happening.

yes. dems

Kek the alt right rhetoric is literally "divide out everyone whos isn't exactly like me they are scum"

and your stupidity is astronomical

There is literally nothing wrong with Nascar

You ain't from around here, is you boy?

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get their first salary?

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Okay faggot lmao

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Neither. They're getting paid by people who personally want to fuck us up.

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>implying those numbers are real
>implying they aren't website-wide
>implying even 2% of 'unique visitors' post

anything to suit your rhetoric, eh?

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can't take a joke can we?



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Elected Democrats a mostly paid / profit to loose. So they block new more progressive incumbents at every turn.

Democrats voters are simply pissed off to see the system so clearly and so some are trying to put a fight, some have become apathetic.

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>Are Democrats retarded?
Most, no
>or merely misinformed?
Quite the opposite, especially considering their counterparts.

Now I'll follow suit:

Are Republicans retarded or merely indifferent as long as Democrats never touch the levers of power?

Protip: yes/yes

With you all the way lad

this guy can not be real

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Good luck getting any of those fuckers to admit it though.

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Lol at this right wing fuckwit lecturing about identity politics, while simultaneously supporting the “old white male” party. Hypocrite much, Ivan?

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You must be
>stupid beyond fuck
>one of those "liberalism is a mental disease" cucks

My bet? All three. And I'd be a winner.

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That or they let illegals in and turn a blind eye so that said illegals can be exploited for cheap labor without having any rights

>a look in user's brain
Me no likey words
Me make words to make invisible person mad
Have to make sure he knows I'm talking to him:
>you are
How do I show how mad I am?
I know! Mean words:
>pathetically retarded

speech 0/10

Attached: a1857_thumb.jpg (180x180, 30K)

Kennedy is gay as shit. Such a cuck.

Yeah, I'm just gonna leave... this... here...

wikipedia dot org / wiki / Southern _ strategy

Looks like a state penn reunion party

This is the result of the dialectic.

Posts projecting meme about projecting. Regurgitates the "Russians got him elected" mantra

Ok, you can insult him.

But can you prove him wrong? I'd be willing to bet Trump's combover that you can't.

Attached: Trump voters 3 animals.jpg (960x636, 48K)

It can't be anything but racism? Why are people like this? How do you ever expect to have a decent understanding of people's viewpoints when you try to tell them what their viewpoint is?

This kind of shit is why Trump is in office. You do more for his cause than the shills man.

He's not. He's equating you to a Russian botfarmer, which is a very real thing.

You are too dependent on your rhetoric to even understand this?
Holy fuck, what a moron.

>I don’t know what a vpn or a botnet are
>I regularly post

Choose one faggot

Ironic posting is still gay

>>I can read the minds of strangers from really far away

Dude he's talking about border control, not every issue.

Racism is most of the problem with border control as it relates to the modern Republican platform. They have no real political arguments to backup their policy, it's all a fear debt system.

It can manifest as isolationism, power retention, etc. But border control in R agenda is defined by fear-instilling tactics; racism is the sentiment driving this.

Please don't overgeneralize just to seem profound.

Not everyone draws conclusions in a vacuum.
And not everyone equates other people's opinions as "mind reading"

I call samefagging as well.

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I like (((Trevor Noah))) and (((Steven Colbert))) too.

Classism isn’t praxis fam

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>It can't be anything but racism?
No. It literally can't. Because it is.

Ice head
Ice head
La lee la lee
Ice head.


>implying those numbers are real

The mind reading is thinking you know the opinions of people you've never met before.

I guess this must mean Hitlary is a normal middle class American with a modest salary and meager bank account...

Wait a minute...

Attached: 6e551174153365d765eebd747fbd3daf.jpg (655x655, 44K)

Why do people put (((Parenthesis))) around words?

>no argument
>resorts to mud-slinging like the mud-slingers he claims to be toxic
>no argument
Republicans are MUCH more partisan than Dems, and this thread is as much evidence to that conclusion as actual policy.

BS like this is why I'll never register with a party. Why tf are you guys so hell bent on being in a clubhouse with eachother? Scared of recognizing the vast gulf of differences Humans are capable of embracing?

It's an anti-semite wink to other anti-semites. Not that hating Jews is bad.


I would know: I live in the home of NASCAR. That shit's all around me. Can't wait to gtfo this cesspool of inanity.

>they just pretend its not happening
Monkey see, monkey do (monkey pee all over you)

>Only in a GOP wet dream can making more than $200,000 a year be considered "middle class". Try again, shitferbrains
>Dog whistle politics. Hilary literally said during one of the debates "I support the 2nd Amendment & I'm not planning on taking guns away from anyone". You say Dems are all about taking away guns, yet not ONCE apart from common sense legislation (like closing gun show loopholes & making it impossible for mental cases to purchase firearms, which NOBODY should be opposing) can you or anyone else provide proof that a Democrat tried to "teke awee urr gunnz"
>Exactly how this would be done is an excellent question but the only people who could possibly believe that black folks aren't deserving of some sort of compensation for being downtrodden, criticized, insulted, beaten and, yes, even MURDERED are people who either don't think those things ever happened (like Holocaust deniers) or who have no problem with any of it
>Not "free entry", EASIER entry. The process to immigrate for people south of Texas is prohibitively difficult; and it's done that way because the people who crafted that process are prejudiced cretins who, if they were subject to it, wouldn't be able to pass the knowledge part of the test.
>Again, easier to acuire
>Are you SURE it's abolish private health care? Or is it "create a basic government health care program that ensures a way for people who don't fit the GOP's definition of 'middle class' to receive a basic, standardized level of health care"? Pretty sure it's the 2nd option.

>own 2 guns & have CCP

Point: I'm the GOP nutswingers' prime demographic, but I will NEVER support their causes.

>Not everyone draws conclusions in a vacuum.
He's met people he believes are similar to you dude.
Are you that fucking dense? No objectivity at all?

That rhymed, yo.

Attached: 4047146075.jpg (1016x1476, 82K)

Thanks, user. Used to have this image but lost it in a hard drive crash. Was just thinking about it a couple days ago, in fact.

Attached: Biggs.jpg (430x289, 24K)

yea he is that dense. every little thing has to fit his rhetoric like a glove and if it doesn't he'll never come to terms and fight the idea to his dying breath.

This triggers the republican voter

Attached: preview.mp4.jpg (720x406, 50K)

Republicans have the longest trigger list of any ideological entity, bar Sub-saharan religious extremist groups

If you were objective, you wouldn't make the claim that his imaginary people are similar to me, because I'm not republican and I'm not racist and nothing suggests that I am (unless of course you think you know what others are thinking, even if they are far away and you've never met them before).

here's another example of somebody thinking they know what's going on in my head (and getting it wrong). You're literally hallucinating opinions, then arguing against them.

Don't let a delusion dictate how you feel about people. I'd bet my left nut that if you spoke to a random republican face to face you'd agree on a shit ton of things, including stuff related to race and border patrol.

Oh really? Let see you cry from this

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82nd Airborne vet here.

I don't give two rusty fucks what party you're from, if you are hell-bent on waving _ANY_ flag other than the Stars & Stripes at any kind of political rally
>you have absolutely NO business calling yourself a "patriot"
>you have absolutely NO right to call into question the patriotism of ANYONE who happens to disagree with you

Ordinarily, I have zero issues with flag-waving or any sort of identity issues. For instance, people of Italian descent wanna wave the Italian flag on Columbus Day? Have at it. People of Irish descent wanna wave the Irish flag on St. Paddy's Day? Go for it. Jewish folks wanna wave the Israeli flag on Yom Kippur? Have a great time, and malachem sholem.

But you wanna call yourself an American/Patriot, then go to a political rally and wave a flag OTHER than the official flag of this country you profess to love so much?

Pic related.

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Clearly this user is a dense motherfucker who never paid attention in history class.

Hey dumbshit? Kennedy got more pussy on accident than you'll ever get on PURPOSE.

If anything, it was Jackie who was the cuck.

Bro, most non-partisan voters considered Hillary the better of 2 evils in the last election. Far Dems will always vote for the strongest candidate b/c that's how it works, they just want the party to win.

Why are you this eager to take a side? Deliberating bears fruit.

Holy shit, that looks like Sarah Fuckawee.

Oh look who is triggered. take this

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That's exactly what they're doing. Because diversity = bad, orange man = A-ok.

This is me btw

Stay salty Chump

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>make the claim that his imaginary people are similar to me

...The fuck dude? I didn't.
I was telling you how he arrived at the conclusion b/c it's OBVIOUS you failed to GRASP.

You don't even get that? Absolutely idiotic.
Why don't you reply to this^
and not the BS posts that are convenient for you to reply to and try to feel good about yourself with?

Grey Woman Bad!

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2 non-whites fucking? DGAF.
t. Republican

Well I'm the guy he was doing that "wink" bullshit to, and
>I didn't know that (but thank you for enlightening me)
>my gf is Jewish

So if that was an anti-semite wink, if I could I woulda responded like vid related

Attached: Pwn3d Nazi.webm (700x422, 1.87M)

i watched the first debate (as a non american). it was pretty pathetic. a whole group of left wing mental cases all trying to out progressive one another and be the one who beats donald trump

lol I don't give a fuck. Burn every flag and I'll just be wondering why you're trying so hard to anger your enemies by destroying symbols that are available on Amazon. kek

A states right to do what? Own slaves you fucking idiot. Also the rebel flag is not the confederate flag, its not even really the confederate battle standard, It is a revived bastardization used in the 50s to represent opposition to the civil rights movement.

Yeah, quit waving the flag of the losing team and pretending “states rights” means something other than “right to own slaves.” Dumbshit

Educate yourself

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This is the state of American politics on both sides of the aisle. Kind of makes sense when you think about it, it's a display to make Dems believe their party is doing something about the slide into Fascism their nation is taking.

But it's a tremendously foolish display with any external and objectivity. Counterproductive to everyone.

Cry all you want too you triggered bitch. They almost encircled the white house during the Battle of Fort Stevens.

>MAGA attempts to reason with economic scope:
Tax policy = bake sale prices

Absolute mongoloid alert

You just made my point about liberals being trigged babies.

fucking hilarious user. Good trolling.

>dark hair
>stupid beard
>big nose
>sunken eyes

that's a jew

being a triggered baby is a point you can make?
>objective portion = failed

>...The fuck dude? I didn't.
>"He's met people he believes are similar to you dude."

>Racism is most of the problem with border control as it relates to the modern Republican platform. They have no real political arguments to backup their policy, it's all a fear debt system.

>It can manifest as isolationism, power retention, etc. But border control in R agenda is defined by fear-instilling tactics; racism is the sentiment driving this.

>Please don't overgeneralize just to seem profound.

This is all mind reading. It's based off the assumption that all republicans are racist. I'd bet my other testicle that this assumption is based off of misinformation, ignorance and confirmation bias.

And to satiate some of your other thoughts, republicans are equally guilty of not actually knowing what democrats believe but thinking they do. Just look at this thread as proof.

>I'd bet my left nut that if you spoke to a random republican face to face you'd agree on a shit ton of things, including stuff related to race and border patrol.
This happens to me frequently. The disconnect comes in when, even though we agree on the issues & what ought to be done, they insist that a Republican would be a better bet to get the job done. Even if the job isn't something that's not in the typical GOP wheelhouse, like passing laws making it impossible for someone with a history of mental health issues to purchase a gun, which everyone except the NRA & Republicans on the NRA's payroll supports, somehow these Republicans believe someone from their camp would be better suited to do the job.

The REAL differences come in whenever questions or topics designed to get someone to betray whether they're racist/sexist or not are introduced. The smart ones will backpedal, equivocate (that means to respond without actually answering) or throw out a red herring. The dumb ones, and they FAR outnumber the smart ones, invariably say something that betrays their prejudices.

My dad is one of these people. I used to discuss politics with him until I realized he's basically an NPC. We agreed on just about everything; and yet he HATED Obama. I asked a series of pointed questions and his answers basically screamed "I hate Obama for two reasons: 1) he's a Democrat 2) he's black".

I no longer have intellectual discussions with him anymore. He's a great guy & I love him but he's too blinded by his prejudices & stuck in his ways to actually consider an alternative. My brother OTOH is also a Republican, but he voted for Hillary last election because, like me, he possesses common fuck sense and is capable of intellectual honesty. Something the vast majority (like high 90%) are utterly incapable of.

The city of Washington, D.C. prepared for assault in the midst of one of the worst hot spells in its history, sustaining 47 days without rain with temperatures in the nineties. The Congress and prominent residents such as Montgomery Blair left town to escape the heat as much as the impending Confederate advance. President Lincoln remained near the city, staying with his family at the Soldier's Home in present-day Northeast Washington, yet a steamer waited on the Potomac to evacuate the president if the situation became too dire.

Right? Can't beat someone if all you do is think about them? Fuck man AOC must be mighty powerful.

>Battle of Fort Stevens.
"Remember that battle we lost in the war we lost? Yeah we were pretty awesome then, werent we?"

All that, and a bag o' chips.

Attached: Colin Kaepernick protest shirt.jpg (750x746, 84K)

Trump supporters are some of the most emotional people I've ever seen. The anger, smugness, and sensitivity is unreal. The one rally I went to was a building of bratty preschoolers.

But we won the popular vote (Kill count) so according to you democrats it's a win.

Orange Man Worst In The History Of Humanity

I can do that stupid shit too, faggot. And btw, I didn't vote in the last election because as much as I hated Trump & KNOW he's a fucking turd in the punchbowl, I didn't like Hillary either. She WAS the lesser of two evils by every measurable manner, but I didn't like her.

I bounce onto /b here and there. I'm fucking retarded. How do you see someone's post history?

Attached: retarded.gif (360x202, 498K)

Samefagging yourself

>Racism is most of the problem with border control as it relates to the modern Republican platform. They have no real political arguments to backup their policy, it's all a fear debt system.

>This is all mind reading. It's based off the assumption that all republicans are racist.

Where is this assumption being voiced?
I am giving specifics. You are making broad generalizations to support your rhetoric.

>satiate some of your other thoughts
You can't satiate a thought. Nice try using the far reaches of your vocab, but you're outing yourself as a low IQ pleb.

You're a mong. You cannot have rational or objective thoughts, apparently.

I'm cool with every aspect of the photoshop you posted with one exception:

Bush/the GOP had nothing to do with 9/11. He's too fuckin' stupid & inept to have ever pulled off something as complicated as that.

Besides, the parallel with the Reichstag fire doesn't pan out. The Reichstag fire was created specifically so Hitler could use it to justify acquiring what eventually became his dictatorial powers. Again, Bush had squat to do with 9/11.

It just conveniently played into his hands to mimic Hitler.

>you can’t beat someone who mentally occupies you 24/7 and controls your emotions
But also lockherup! That bitch NEEDS to be punished!!!!!

Copy & pasted from wikipedia in true mong style.
why tf are you invoking the memory of a civil war battle?
To trigger someone? And then you follow up with earnest attempts to prove your bait? What nonsense.

Show me a Jew who's willing to wear the uniform of the Reich wing, including Swastika armband, and I'll show you the one person on this planet who's dumber than Trump.

Unless you're talking about the black guy that destroyed that neo-Nazi, in which case IDGAF.

Republicans are about getting shit done.
Democrats are about bitching and moaning.

Attached: April-29-Protecting-Terrorists.jpg (360x245, 25K)

Stay triggered Brainlet. We won the war

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You can't. That's my point, there are like 2 guys who play the MAGA side of these threads every day and it's super obvious by the way they type and the constantly recycled, shallow batch of memes they always use.

Your hallucinations about me have been noted.

Good ol cognitive dissonance. The real trick is that its not 90% of the population. It's actually like 99% of the population doing that like 99% of the time (including you and including me).

Though reverting to stupid arguments like "he's black so he's a bad president" is a strong tell that they are the ones experiencing the dissonance. I see this a lot in both my sister (super duper liberal once trump took office) and brother (always been republican since he joined the marines). I see it a lot more in my sister though. Another good tell is when they suddenly start attacking you personally. At that point you know you've won the argument and their brain literally didn't know what to do.

>kill count
ahh, we're discussing 11th century warfare again.
Someone doesn't understand the historical implications of gunpowder.

Except I didn't. Nice try, faggot.


They’re young, protected, and sheltered. It’s no coincidence that the majority of liberals are white middle-class suburbanites.

>Your hallucinations about me have been noted.
No argument, again? Kek. I win.

>points out incorrect, lofty language
You better take note. No one here is as stupid as you are and you need to get up to speed.

>cognitive dissonance
user, I've hear you use that phrase on here before. Like I said last time;
>Cognitive dissonance is when your senses give your awareness conflicting information. It isn't a valid argument tool and represents a logical fallacy.

haha dumbass.

Attached: d-logo_dumbocrats.gif (500x300, 6K)

bait sandwich with a double austism patty

I'm not a dem. Look who won the Vietnam war if you need help with the concept of modern warfare.

Dude shut the fuck up. You sound dumber and dumber with each reply

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Except when it's a Democrat in office. Then it's
>Democrats are about getting shit done, and reaching across the aisle to do so
>Republicans are about bitching and moaning because their guy isn't in charge, and doing nothing but obstructing because of it

When, within a week of a President being elected that happened NOT to be a member of his own party, the SENATE MAJORITY LEADER says proudly and repeatedly "my goal is to make him a one-term President" when the new guy hadn't done anything wrong other than align with an opposition political party, nobody from that side gets to play the "we're all about getting shit done" card anymore. Your very leaders have PROVEN that, quite the opposite, they want to get NOTHING done.

>are nice guys & are willing to be bipartisan
>understand the nature of "compromise" in that nobody gets EVERYTHING they want, but everybody gets SOMETHING they want

>are fucking pricks that are only happy & nice when they control everything
>have no concept of "compromise" because their idea of compromise boils down to "heads we win, tails you lose"

Fuck the GOP and fuck anyone who supports them.

Notice how every post in this thread made by apparent MAGA supporters is a trite, simple-minded "gotcha"

And everyone else with any sense of objectivity is trying to have a rational discussion regardless?

This is the poblem. Trump supporters are simply STUPID. End of story, that's all we need to know about this problem.

Attached: MaryTrump2-657x360.jpg (657x360, 34K)

>Another good tell is when they suddenly start attacking you personally
I'm the guy you were responding to with that. My response is pic related.

Attached: Arguing with reich wingers.png (706x674, 44K)

Pretty much anyone wanting to be president needs a ton of money, Dem or Rep. And (most) Dems are centre-right, so they're not really all that much different on the economy (people like AOC are the much needed exception).

Thing is, every time someone suggests a higher tax rate on those poor billionaires, the media crack down on it, everyone leaps to their defence, and income inequality continues to rise and rise. It's like, life could be so much better for most people, but then someone says "Venezuela" and everyone shits themselves.

lol. You are mad and incoherent again, what a surprise.
Need a safe space so you can make believe you won the civil war?

why can't it be both?

And you LOOK dumber & dumber with those stupid "republican talking point images" photoshops.

someone is triggered

And yet the ones who do the most "gibs" are the Republicans and those gibs go to billionaires and corporations that don't fucking need anything.

Corporate welfare is out of control in this country and the GOP is 100% to blame.

>This is the poblem. Trump supporters are simply STUPID. End of story, that's all we need to know about this problem.

Hmph. TELL me about it...

Attached: Trump voters.jpg (500x496, 59K)

Trump is, no exaggeration, an ACTUAL full-fledged retard.


>shut the fuck up
Imagine using the internet like this guy. I bet he's pooling armpit sweat as I type this.

The snowflakes are the Trumpanzees and the Republicans are and always have been the party of retards by retards for retards.


This was proven to be a hoax. A very cheaply constructed one at that.

It's a flag. Burning it doesn't actually hurt anyone. It does kind of indicate you're a twat though.


Attached: confederate_captain_america_by_kreigantonelli-d4onvc9.jpg (840x952, 162K)

No, it's the Trumpanzees. Final answer, end of discussion.

>retarded or merely misinformed

both along with brainwashing and being lazy

you'd better be OP because this post is even more retarded

Confederate flag.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_the_Confederate_States_of_America_(1861–1863).svg.png (1200x667, 24K)

LOL you subhumans are so scared of the dems it's adorable.

You lost. Get over it.
That means you have to accept blacks as equals.

That is the correct flag.

They're both racist.

Replace "/pol" with "every motherfucker and their grandmother" and I'd say it's pretty accurate.

It's funny you dumb fucks don't realize I posted that because I knew it would make liberals cry...and look at the replies.

>Bro, anyone who's been an active poster on /b for over a month can see your posting patterns.

says the newfag

>At any given time there are a maximum 2-3 of you LIBTARD cock suckers who shill furiously.
>You always post the same pics, the same half baked memes and same fag constantly. Its why you are banned from /pol

I fixed your projection to fit reality

>Da kidney has a very speshall place in da hart!

oh look Democrat flags

you forget your partys past

salve owners
who started the fucking KKK

Funny how this thread went from how supposedly (lol) Democrats are "retarded" to a discussion on Trump's core constituency.

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I'm not American, I didn't lose anything. Unlike Americans who all lost because they ended up with two awful candidates for president, and elected the worse one.

The hallmark of conservatism is accusing the other side that which you are guilty of.
When you commit such wrongs, you develop a guilty conscience, or subconscience, which makres you fear and project those same acts.

Republicans cry and scream about free speech and common sense and family values or whatever the fuck but don't seem to have any of them.

>I'm not American
Good. Shut up.

>Democrats get triggered over everything
>so easily butt hurt snowflakes

fixed your projection to fit reality

>two awful candidates for president,
LOL you'd still be a Trumper dipshit if you were American

If Republicans had a conscience, they would have been leading the call to impeach Trump, not create an atmosphere where impeachment is impossible.

That retarded hillbilly republicans wave around all the time. :/

Geez, this bullshit? Do you really think Trump's party is still the party of Lincoln? Everyone knows the parties switched positions.


>restates rhetoric
We fucking know user. We all know how you feel, you say it over and over.

This is what I meant by predictable.

>still projecting
Actually no, which Democrats are triggered over who's bathroom it is?

Because of cocaine.

Imagine being proud of a flag representing a bunch of losers that lost the Civil War.

He's actually showing how dull and predictable YOU are user. You're welcome.

They don't get out much.

It's a troll. Stop trying to convince it and do your best to enrage it. Very entertaining.

All you did was restate your obvious beliefs, again. Am I missing something or are you this much of a one noter?

It’s funny cause nothing in this thread is going to change real life events from happening anyway

Fuck no, I'm a left libertarian (in the European sense), I'm as anti-Trump as they come. The only reason to vote Hillary is because the US has such a shit election system that you have to vote against the person you dislike the most, not for the person you actually like and want to see in charge.

>bounce off me and stick to you!
Over and over and over...

Who's a troll, the user you're replying to, or the user they're replying to?

So you admit there was a reason to vote for Hillary.

But you're so boring.The same memes, the same holy fuck you sound like some moldy boomer with that bullshit. Do you know any jokes about giraffes?

Everyone in here is a troll but me.

>I'm a left libertarian (in the European sense
aren't you a bit concerned about the far right taking over your shit there too?

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>posts serial liar and retard

Listen to the Niggers try to sound smart. LOL!

This is what Trump supporters look like fag!

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Right, so when those boys were triggered and came into the girl's toilets to protest, and then stopped the girls from leaving, then one of the girls kicked the boy stopping her from leaving in the nuts, and she was the one who got in trouble for it… it clearly shows it's not the Dems who are worried about bathrooms.

Like "I'd kill any 'man' I found in a bathroom with my daughter" right up until it's not a transwoman and suddenly it doesn't matter any more.

And this.

Attached: 1498853557102.jpg (1380x942, 711K)

Using tactics as old as the world to win. His supporters got it right he's already elected for 2nd term. Anti trumpet already lost

… yes :(

>this is what low-rent models look like


Let's be honest they aren't even trying just letting him win

>a long incoherent triggered post
I think you just proved my point

an amalgam of the two mixed in with years of cultural brainwashing

So don't give me that "two shitty candidates" crap. Hillary isn't a fucking fascist.

No bitch. That and this is who is going to re-elect the man who destroyed Obama's legacy and humiliated Hillary and the mainstream news networks.

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We can all agree that AOC is hot

I guess "to block Trump" is a reason. It's not exactly a great one.

>this is what someone's abused booty call looks like wearing a trump shirt


Hillary will never be President.

TRUMP ensured that.

Thanks for handing us the Supreme Court losers!

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>ITT: Basement dwellers trying to substitute a Harvard education with opinions.

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No she's not. Like I said, I'd have voted for her (if I lived in the US, which I don't), but "not a fascist" isn't exactly setting the bar very high.

I'm sick of defending her user. I know it's beyond your understanding to consider that some of us were ready for a Clinton Presidency and were proud to have voted for her.


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I've posted no memes. You aren't very good at this user.

Democrats are American. Therefore, they're clearly misinformed, misdirected, and manipulated into believing what they hear and read. That's the American Dream, right? To be spoonfed, never have to work for anything, including how government or economics works? Good time to be alive!!

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No, you are just a fool who thinks like a bitch. We understand perfectly what you wanted and why. Don't think of yourself as enlightened, you are a dumbass. That's also why your bitch lost. She is the Queen Dumbass who spent 1 1/2 billion and rigged the election and still lost.

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nice spacing, i believe you when you say you're new. now gtfo nigger


On an unrelated note, is she taking a shit? Why is she squinting amd doing that thing with her face-pussy?


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The next one will be the last and will feature leftist women.

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white people are the only ones that matter really

I agree with this guy. Yes you have.


The women in these pics tell you all that you need to know about the Democrats.

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Ahhh, late reply but I see. Thank you kind Sir.

You can tell how unintelligent those two are just by looking at their eyes.

Educated people have been bending over backwards to inform them. In return, Dems called those people racist.

Verdict: dems are full on retarded.

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Nothing sexier than "intolerant, uneducated cunt"!

Hey, some people were proud to vote Trump, I can understand that people were proud to vote Clinton too. I can understand that people like different things to me, I'm not an idiot.

I would have voted for her (if I could), but if someone on the actual left had been standing against Trump I might have actually felt good about voting.

It’s a political bait thread, and you’re stupid as fuck for participating

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If you support Trump's policies, you support racism.

>Hey, some people were proud to vote Trump,
Yeah. Dipshits.

>educated people
Only Dems are educated, kiddo.
Republicans hate academia, science, logic and colleges.

Not everyone can be content being spoon fed propaganda.

I’m ok with that

If it wasn't obvious, I agree with that.



I know but don't legitimize the other side while making it look like something was wrong with ours. There wasn't.

Democrats make more money and are better educated.
Every software engineer at my company openly detests Trump.
Republicans can't into engineering lol

>democrats before trump

>if you dont like obama your a racist

>democrats after trump

>if you support donald trump your a racist

Yes. That’s why they believe in 52 genders.

Verdict: dems are retards

democrats are not educated

so thats why detroit,a city that has been democrat for generations.has gone bankrupt? surely if democrats were making more money their cities and states wouldnt look like poverty ridden wastelands

>some people were proud to vote for Trump

True. The racists and worst of the worst subhuman Anti-American white trash in the country.

You can’t to spell or write. Nice try kike.

>dont like obama your a racist
pretty much

your point?
also it's "you're"

>dems are retarded

meanwhile,republicans just elected a president who cant even speak the english language correctly

Attached: donald-trump-this-week-02-ap-jc-181110_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg (992x558, 60K)

Trump already was a racist before he was elected user

irony is always lost on the stupid

lol,cry more libtard.republicans go to college and get degree's that worth a shit.democrats go to college and major in gender studies and end up flipping burgers at mcdonalds

oh really? you do realize he was also a democrat to

Democrats are not educated.
The sky is not blue.
Trump is not a drooling retard.
Grass is not green.
Kellyanne Conway is attractive.
Most Republicans are not racists.

Attached: Calvins mom laughing.jpg (150x145, 14K)

82% of voting STEM graduates in 2016 voted for Hillary.
Woah! That's crazy. Smart people vote blue.

>if you dont like obama your a racist
I think it was the hanging effigies, the whole birther thing, and repeatedly making attacks based on his race that made people racist. You're allowed to just not like him (plenty of people on the left didn't, but for reasons other than race).

He didn’t seem too triggered, he basically made a well constructed argument
And who said he’s a liberal? Just because one doesn’t agree with trump doesn’t even come close to meaning they’re a liberal

SURE he was.

no he wasn't trumpshit

>smart people

>voted for hillary

>even though she lost,and they continue to blame russia on it.instead of the dnc screwing over bernie sanders

smart people are unheard of in blue states

No. Democrats major in engineering. Come to Northrup Grumman; it's all Democrats.

when you say "the left" you mean extremists
most of us who voted for him recognize he was a good President.

so why dont you bitch about that then retard,since it makes better sense then thinking a white republican is only racist because he supports a political candidate you dont like

id say 50/50

nah,id rather stay in the normal part of america.not the commie land full of democrats

You are everything FOX looks for in a viewer. Retarded, gullible, willing to overwrite reality with lame stereotypes, will never question anything as long as it comes from "your team".

Everything from the kernel of your phone to the frame of your car were designed by Democrats. Go fuck your sister.

obama was not a good probably voted for him because of his skin color of the fact 99 percent of the time you vote democrat because your a worthless parasite on welfare

inb4 durr hurr i don't watch fox news

You really suck at whatever it is you're trying to do here.

>hurr durr FOX

i bet your some ignorant redneck trump supporter.since they havent shut up about the media for almost 4 years now

Yeah, I knew that. The point was someone had just suggested that I was incapable of understanding that people could actually like Hillary, it wasn't a note of admiration for people who liked Trump.

One could say they’re just as much of NPC’s

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No. I'm sorry that the US is so far right that you regard centre-left as extreme, and think a mostly centre-right party is left.

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At any rate, the "centre-left" were a minority and if their criticisms of Obama weren't generally minor, they're probably assholes I wouldn't want to associate with either.

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Do you print those out and jam them up your ass until it's bloody?

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You stick your dick through that too I'll bet

I feel like it’s mostly just uneducated or stupid or misinformed people trying to jump on the bandwagon to try to feel like they’re a part of something
“Me wiTh tHE tRuMp tEaM! Me hAvE FreNds! mE pArt of grOup!”
Just primitive people who ended up with a little too much of the Stone Age still in them.

pic related

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basically this