It's time for a real YLYL thread

It's time for a real YLYL thread

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Are you done fishing?

fishing what?

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I don't get it

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*African Technology*

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Jealous white boi?

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u jel that he gets laid and u dont??

Nice double dubs (or semi quads as some might say)
However, if you actually do this you'll die of butthole cancer (morbus anus) within 5 years

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>Yea Forums Island
This is Yea Forums country


In pragerU's defense, there are a lot of bakeries you can go to. There isn't a popular alternative to YouTube.

Smells like butthurt.

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Your welcome

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if you're in a small town there might be no other alternative.



Daily motion
Hell, make them snapchat stories
Meanwhile in my suburb, there are two bakeries. Also, sexual orientation is a protected class, political ideology is not

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If the state shouldn't control what a private buisness chooses to do youtube are also in their full right to remove him from their platform.
If the market dislikes the monopoly they should focus on creating a marketable alternative

fishing for men

fuck you faggot
in every YLYL the same stupid reddit shit

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right guy - jesus
invisible guy on surf board - cena



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u stoopid

F u

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I get the jesus walking on water joke but why is cena invisible?

can't see me

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Fuck off cancerfag

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Thanks for helping me to understand this meme. I can now die as a wise person

I didn't know Barney was jewish.


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>sexual orientation is a protected class, political ideology is not

Correct. That is why a bakery should not be able to refuse service based on sexual orientation. That being said, religion is also a protected class, and that's why the Christian (or Muslim) baker should be allowed to refuse creating a cake that is offensive to his or her religion.

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Sexual orientation is NOT a protected class on the federal level, some shitty states may support it.





fucking lost, really shouldn't have


you keep posting this type of shit

They're actually not. Once they start curating the content on their platform based on a selective bias, they become responsible for everything hosted on it. That means when cp gets uploaded to youtube, google/alphabet is responsible. Problem is google is too big to be prosecuted.

Yeah cuz female urinals are so common.





pragerU makes us all look bad

For anyone who thinks this is funny, imagine yourself as the baker, but instead of a baker, you're a prostitute. When it's your body on the line, do you really think you don't have the right to be selective in who you do business with? The only businesses that are not allowed to refuse service are ones conducted on public property, such as transportation. If it's your business, on your property, with your resources, you can do business with whoever the fuck you want. You are not a slave to the consumer. That's the only way forward for capitalism.

id never reply if i didnt want sauce, who this???

Sick shit nigger ... are you posting from a microscope because thats the only way anyone can see this shit properly

but gay marriage is a political issue though, so they didn't have to make a wedding cake for a gay marriage if they don't have to
>that's why the Christan baker should be allowed to refuse creating a cake that is offensive to his or her religion
bad argument, shows a misunderstanding of christianity

sauce nigger

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Who gives a fuck about how "popular" your platform is? Aren't conservatives always choking out appeals to "the marketplace of ideas" in between sobs over how unfair the world is to their ideology? They should practice what they preach if YouTube, a private entity, decides not to give them a platform and find an alternative video hosting site or create one of their own.

Of course, we all know the real game is that conservative ideology is garbage and the only way they can get anyone to buy into their bullshit is by tricking people who don't read above a fifth-grade level into watching one of their colorful, half-baked theory-laden, historical record-distorting, billionaire-funded videos.

>sexual orientation is a protected class
Yes, but that only means you can't refuse service to someone based on their sexual orientation. That wasn't the issue in the Masterpiece case. The bakery owner didn't refuse service to gay people, he refused to make a specific custom cake for a gay wedding. He offered to sell the customers a pre-made cake or custom cake with a different message on it. That's why the case was about exercise of religion rather than discrimination. He wasn't refusing to sell to gay people, he was refusing to produce a product that violated his religious beliefs.

No it's not

No it's not

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No, it is

There is an element of hypocrisy in not simply creating their own sites, but I think it is a valid argument that companies that take advantage of safe harbor legislation to shield themselves from liability should have to make good on their obligation to provide a viewpoint-neutral platform. Google/Youtube should have to choose. If they want to curate the content, they should be legally responsible for it. If they want safe harbor, they should be neutral.

Fuck off shlomo

Yes, that's why to ine guy won the case, and the other cake case was lost because they made it explicitly about it being because they were gay, and then doxed the lesbians

Real narcissism hours

Yes, that's why he won, but the other bakers lost

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theoretically yes, I agree, but try to understand why your opponent thinks as they do rather than them just having to imagine your viewpoint.

in my city no one would deal with black customers. they did as you say, and built their own biz district. which, of course, was promptly burned down. today, those that could not move north afterwards live in the roughest part of town as most banks dont like to finance them for housing so they cant even buy their way out.

the non-discrimination laws are there for that reason, when there is no choice. when there is choice, sure go buy from who you like that wants your money.

just understand that the "no CIS white men allowed" signs may start popping up the way it's going. you might like those protections if they still exist.

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fucking sheldon

fucking lost

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Gibs me errthing white man habs

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fuck you and fuck your mother

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Thats racist

delete this

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Why make this?

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True, but nowadays every woman is the one in the bottom, especially if they know they can get quick financial compensation and the fawning support of likeminded zealots.

fuk u

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Except bakeries dont have as much power as a government body and monopolize what you are allowed to see or hear based on your personal ideology.

You cant also have the legal sanctions of being a platform while editing and censoring like a publisher too, either you're like a phone company or you're like a magazine. not both.

Imagine being so retarded you think google, YouTube and Facebook should be to control what you and your kids and not seeing the underlying issue with that.

Hmph. With the way corporate America sees its employees, and the way the government subsidizes that hegemony, any manager out there who honestly feels that way CLEARLY sees their management position as a well-earned vacation from doing any actual fucking WORK.

Good managers remember what it was like to be a peon.
Good managers don't lord over their employees
Good managers don't give instructions "because they said so"
Good managers are sure to let their employees see them doing the employees' job as often as possible.

Corporate America = / = good managers.

absolute unit


Recorded in 1984 (convenient) and still just as relevant today

fuck it. lost


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Women are Jews

I know a lot of people hate these comics on principal, but I feel like it's trying way too hard to be offensive. You gotta sneak it in there, make people laugh before they realize it's fucked up.

>Why did white chad cuck my GF? I better post this shit on Yea Forums

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If I worked somewhere that had this hanging up I'd probably sneak in after hours just to smear shit all over it.

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Ain't that the fuckin' truth.

you get the bullet

Fuck this thread

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A "no CIS white men allowed" is a death sentence for your business. White men make, minorities take. That's literally true. White men are the foundation of the working force, therefore they make all the money.

The progressive left isn't interested in making anything. They aren't interested in setting up their own businesses because it requires too much work. Every single place you see the "progressive" agenda is usually an already established large corporation. They infiltrate the corporations usually from the HR department spreading their fucking poison along the way until the ship sinks. They don't make, they are only capable of parasitic behavior which involves a third-party.

The moment costumers realize their favorite "something" has gone to shit they flock somewhere else.

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cool thanks dude

this is YLYL my dude

Way too late.


Listen up fucktard, we are never going to find a "collective program that works", you fucking half wit. We never have and never will. You fucking idiots are arguing over setting up rules that people are not following and you are fucking bitching at each other while politicians are making what you get in a year in a day. And your dumbass, greedy, fucking conditioned ass things that this is "a good thing" only because you are accustomed at salivating at the money that others are getting. But your own life is going to shit, your kids are probably going to turn out like the people around you - fat and dumb- and you are fucking arguing because other people are not following your dumb ass commands.

You fucktard. Prositutes are just a sign that governments haven't been able to regulate shit. And that's low-life dumbasses right there. Not to mention criminal masterminds that aren't what your dumbass expects. So get you head out of your dumbass newchannels and stupid online news articles and comment walls that are replete with this fecal material call human thought. Fucking idiot pole-smoker. Eat a dick faggot.

well you're sure helping

Well i lost

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Shit that's an old vid of his intro

There is no federal statute addressing employment discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. What, is your google broke nigger.

This would be amusing if it wasn't retards amusing themselves by saying dumbass things as if they meant it, without really meaning it, but while meaning to say that they are too smart for the rest of the world -_-

That thought pattern is extremely common nowadays. It's demented. Psychotic. And delusional. Fucking padded walls type of nuts. The only reason why it's so common and flies under the radar so easily is because of mass t.v. consumption. People are so stupid that they think that they are better than every single T.v. character that they see. Right before licking up whatever dog-bowl that the News channels lay out for them.

Also, you guys are fagtards.


I actually fucking lost....bravo.

Equity act just passed in the house


>how to derail a thread

Im a conservative and i say fuck him.....fair is fair.


>you think google, YouTube and Facebook should be to control what you and your kids and not seeing the underlying issue with that.
So the baker should be forced to bake the cake?

Small kek


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sperm swiller

boy you are outdoing yourself

>Imagine instead of baking a cake you are asked to fuck a man in the ass.

Instead of a the 'psst' a regular bottle makes, this one queefs loudly

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No problemo
Bueno trips amigo!

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No, you have the right to refuse service for any reason, as long as it it's not because they fall under a protected class. You're retarded

Remember to support Israel guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The baker isn’t an international media body that controls the bulk of people’s communications. Nor is it a publicly listed company with a board of directors. If he doesnt bake the cake you find a faggot who will. There’s not much competition for kikebook and jewtube.

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This tells me that you two understand the situation. So if you keep trying to come on to hot women when you know you have no business doing so.... youre hassing them. You should stop. And lose some weight.

How many years you got left?

shit user

Hey! That's Ryan Wells's cake!

Subtle, I had a sensible chuckle.

Im pretty baked. I almost pissed myself to this for some reason

Sauce on the video?


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Retarded, how is it different to a single Baker in the middle of nowhere? And while the competition isn't as popular, it's still there. It is stupidly easy to make your own website and post your videos, you are not entitled to an audience

You seem angry




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>vaginal lactic acid + beer

would drink all night long

Got em!

I was the Kek
almost lost

should the phone company be able to ban you if you say something they dont agree with on the phone?
should you be banned from driving on the road because someone found your bumper sticker offensive?
should your isp ban you from the internet for posting an intolerant message?

visit the kindergarten today

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YouTube puts itself out as a public platform though, not a private business. This is, it is ignorant. If they're gonna be biased, people are obligated to have them publicly announce it.

You ever heard of ethics and social responsibility?
Of course not.
Your too busy fapping it to traps.

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>and a rare deepwater Jew.
and thats where I lost

Roads are government property, so that would be censorship, otherwise, sure, as long as they're merely discontinuing a service instead of disabling hardware


fuuuck this is actually true!
Where to buy???


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to the FBI agents in this thread:

it doesn't work. fuck off.

Google received government funding, they lost their private business rights


You got me




based ricenigger

Best deepfake ever

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>What are you doing pig...
And he was spreading her pussy

sauce? please and thanks

Cool viral marketing, bro.

Lily LaBeau

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What doesn’t work?

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Worst ylyl ever

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i felt a little autistic after posting that. i meant what i said, but it sounded way too larpy

>This happened 9 years ago

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you mean, next to telekom, facebook, nasa, comcast, 20th fox and many more millenium companies google also recieved money from the cia to kickstart them? Ok, now make them all state companies and media.


Its ok user
We’ve all been there

Now, just a gentle question, remember we all love you, have you been taking your medications?

We love you. You matter. You are important.

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You must be confused, it's cos you look like the dude at the bottom.

Who made this? Michael Scott?

You get that it's based on reality right? If reality is offensive to you, you may need to re-examine your views


holy shit lost and saved

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lily labeau and some chink

lily labeau

Fuck Dick

Lol got me

wow, even as foreigner I had to reread that shit three times until I knew what they meant. Those guys are similar to grammar nazis online.


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>In pragerU's defense
There is no defense for fucking prageru

Is that a homunculus?

craft beer fags are the actual worst people in the world


So liberals can force conservatives to bake fags cake, AND they cheer for Youtube censoring no-no thoughts and still someone thinks this meme is a checkmate against right wing hypocrisy. The irony

*huggos back* y-yeah, i have

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I love lily labeau

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am i the only one that lost to this?

I can't believe how much gene Simmons has changed over the years


lost hard

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Lost. God fucking damn it

The fuck out of this thread, nigger

>this makes me think about society and stuff

This is my thread now

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Sure feels like summer in this thread. Quality memes though, thanks Yea Forumsros

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fun fact, i don't medicate any more, but growing up, i was forced to medicate, and it was pretty much exclusively for things i don't have. bipolar, chronic depression, rage issues,. they even had me take a medication for the health condition my other meds gave me. i was never medicated for my autism

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The self control / made a kek

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Youtube is a public platform funded by government money. Not the same thing.

I mean, NASA for one is an actually branch of the government. Wut?

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you don't think this is real, right?

im good, dude

what was used for the eyes?

cow eyes

Not a drink for a married man. Eat that shit for 20 years and you'll drink a PBR.

Huh, so the hypotheses have changed over the years after more evidence was gathered, but recently they've all been consistent. I wonder what it means

fuck you I chuckled

Japan gets nuked again, again was my roll

yes actually

You sure?
You’d be making life a whole lot better for a lot of people.
And it won’t hurt very much either, over in a jiffy.

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clever, reeeeeeal clever

>high school
south african detected



It's a fucking metal gear reference

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Rough stuff. I was on celexa once for the anxiety disorder my autism was attributed with.

Fuck off Randy

psycho mantis?

i’m pretty sure it fucked my brain up, and the absolutely hellish mental state i was plunged into for about 9 months after coming off of it probably didn’t help

why tho

Reply "faggot"

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>obligation to provide a viewpoint-neutral platform
doesn't exist


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No dingdong owo

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>Expecting normies to have good taste in anything




stopped reading right there famsquad

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i was half expecting a george carlin bit but u managed to deliver top tier cringe regardless, gj user

you're a fucking dumbass
go suck corpo cock you massive fucking shill

You know i like my chicken fried

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god i wish that were me

Rough stuff all up in your mom's mouth faggot


Nobody uses Vimeo or DailyMotion.
Facebook is just as censorious as YouTube if not more.
Snapchat doesn't allow anything even beginning to resemble long-form content and doesn't let you have your posts archived for later viewing.
There is no good alternative to YouTube and it's basically a monopoly.

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So vimeo and dailymotion aren't good alternatives because they're unpopular? If they were good enough, their audience would follow


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