Just turned 40. half of my lifespan is over

just turned 40. half of my lifespan is over.
what do ? all downhill from here ?

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it's downhill from the moment you're born

I wish she was crying more hysterically. But, at least she isn't enjoying it.

>half my lifespan
if you're lucky you make it another 40. i say you're dead within the next 25.

Same thought here. Cute he thinks he'll see 80.

jesus its not so fucking bad. change yer damn thinking and live man

She's begging for it

If he's a fat basement dweller I'd say shorter than that, maybe 10 more years

Live everyday like it's your last, go outside, meet some grills, have fun, don't be bitter and bitch about it on Yea Forums

Do you make enough money to travel to other countries? Do you have a wife/gf and/or kids? Have you ever wanted to do something exciting like go skydiving or caged shark diving? There's way too much to do in the world for you to think you're done at 40

half? more like two thirds!

Hey OP, it doesn't have to be half your lifespan. You can kill yourself right now and it'll be your whole life. It's only going to get worse :)

Really, your life is over when you hit 50, so you got 10 years left. Suggest you do a lot of fucking while you still can.

My dick is one foot long

Ever fucked a chub before, OP?

Ever had someone try to cut you off on the road or in a line and block their ass?

Ever got high and put on a good album?

Ever been checked out by someone out of your league?

Life ain’t downhill. Life is continue, then coast. Take it easy, OP.

> 40
> half lifespan over
Lucky you men in my family die around age 60.

Bang 18yo bitches

Lawyer up, hit the gym, and fuck girls just at the age of consent where you live. Hopefully you live in one of those wonderful red States that let you bang 15 and 16 year olds.

If you have your health (and that includes not being a druggie), you still have many, many options. TEFL. WWOOF.

Or he's fucking 9 year olds in saudia Arabia

Time to get you one of these

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Only if you allow it to be. I'm 50 by the way and I'm fitter than 90% of the fat bastards on here. I fuck as much now as I've ever done. If I feel shit I just take some drugs, if I want to fuck all night ill sniff coke pop a viagra and I fuck like a porn star. Ya know it's easy to research stuff. How to keep young or keep feeling young.

>But, at least she isn't enjoying it.
See that's where you're wrong.

>Live everyday like it's your last,
So rape women and murder the people I hate?

I'm 36, in a stable and long term relationship, but I'm also dicking an 18 year old girl from work.

If that's what you want to do

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Nah man word on the conspiracy streets is if you can live till 2042 you will live forever

Upper middle class people can live 80+ years healthily. Are you mexican?

brawa dla tego pana

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Do what All Yea Forums Yea Forumsros do when they turn 40...stick a Sharpie up the pooper.

is that pascal?

How so?

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just drink more, and better.

protip: you dont really know what you want

Who the FUCK would want to live on this shitty planet forever? Imagine the overpopulation. No thanks I'd rather an hero.

Well you do still sound like a 16 year old so I guess congratulations are in order

Become a priest.

>working out
>heart health

Pick one. I never run.

Mine too. I have exactly 20 years left.

We're alone in the universe and it's a bitch to be intelligent sentient life. And religion is a fairytale.

I hope 99% of your life is over.

nobody gives a fuck same to anyone in this treat i will tell you a secret you are alone and it will be over sooon....

deep throat a shotgun on live.me