What's your favorite film Yea Forums?

What's your favorite film Yea Forums?

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Way too many bro that's a long list

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I don't know what that is

That's more of a meme now, it doesn't hold up.

More like you just have shit taste.

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A movie from 30 years ago can hold up, this one can't because it is trash

This guy knows what's up

He say you braderunner

Most overated superhero movie it's copied from a mel gibson movie that was released 6 mounth before and it's inferior on every level to madmax hugh jackman is an awful wolverine patrick stuart is a bad actor the cgi was chEAp and the villain i even forgot who it was

I rented that movie the clerk lady made fun of me and called me a psycho on my way out

The villain is unimportant on purpose, he isn't the focus of the film. The protagonist is. It's a great film, mimicking other films isn't what makes them bad on their own

Horrible. Felt like when Deadpool came out and Hollywood seen R movies are viable they rushed this turd out and it was terrible.

Doesn't hold up? Haha fag

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Can’t go wrong with a classic zombie movie

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The Thing is trash? Millennial detected.

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly -Action
Night of The Hunter -Drama
The Devils -Horror
The Blues Brothers -Comedy
The Umbrellas of Cherbourg -Musical
Gone With The Wind -Romance

overrated but still good

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Well, it's not trash. I was a bit overzealous there, but it doesn't hold up

Like back to the future, it is a mediocre film at best. Nostalgia plays a massive role in its praise, and the period in which it was released

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Too many good ones I know.

But for now I would say a nightmare on elm street.

I love the part dreams play in that movie. Since lucid dreams are one of the best things I can just love that story.

All things John wick...

Wong Kar-wai masterpiece

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My top five, in no order:
- Oldboy
- Kids
- Dead Man's Shoes
- Blow
- Boy A

Excellent film.

Not this shit. Holy fuck your taste is bad bro.