Gonna buy 5g of shrooms tomorrow, first time doing drugs. Tips/ Tricks/ Suggestions?

Gonna buy 5g of shrooms tomorrow, first time doing drugs. Tips/ Tricks/ Suggestions?

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Go outside its the best. I reccomend evening

This except morning. When it gets dark the visuals get intense. If its your first time might not be good for you.

Eat them all, chew thoroughly, supplement it with dark chocolate. Get comfortable in the darkest room of your place, as little light as possible.

I'm gonna eat 6 grams of Cinctulus with around 2 grams of Cubensis tonight. Is it worth doing it outside during night? It gets pretty light at 3:30am here.

Make sure you eat it on an empty stomach to get full potential.

Go to a football game or to a big Mall or something. Best environment for a good shrooms experience is a crowded place that you wouldn't want to visit even if you're sober.

This might sound idiotic but ive only ever done weed before and im really interested in mushrooms. Where exactly would i get them and what species of mushroom are recommend for newbs.

>Best environment for a good shrooms experience is a crowded place that you wouldn't want to visit even if you're sober.

Oh... I dunno about that. I prefer watching the sunset with a few very well trusted mates. Or totally on my own.

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Make sure they're cracker dry

Why would that even matter if he's eating them?

nah thats bs you can get fresh ones

Go masturbate outside the local mosque, eurocuck.

Why does everyone sleep in a straight line on their bed?
One trip taught me the irrelevance of such practice.

Don't eat all 5 at once without a spotter, someone you actually trust.

3 grams does me great, it life changing for me. Then I did 7 grams with some friends one of them creep us out, it did not end well

since this is your first time doing drugs i would reccomend 2 or 3 gs for a first time experience, 5gs is a wild ride but if you are in a good mental state and you are not afraid to sit alone with your thoughts for a while I recommend doing it in a dark room where your mind can take you places this is usually where the more profound experiences are but if you feel like that might make you uncomfortable, you would want to take during the day and having a sober friend that you are close with to help keep you grounded and keep some kind of contingency throughout your trip, ive never really had a bad experience but for my friend if we are not doing anything, just like sitting down he will start to become anxious and feel like he needs to be doing something, You have to learn how to give in to the experience, LET GO

If you start to have a bad experience your mind is the only thing that can shift it, your mind is more powerful than you think, do these things if the experience starts to go south
>change rooms or environment
>put on good music
> know that the trip will end and you will return to normal

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Yeah 5 grams is probably way too much, especially for your first time, honestly take it slow, try like a gram to a gram and a half, that much should just feel like a reallily intense weed high, then if youre cool with that do 3 or 4 grams and just work your way up.

I personally don't like going above gram and a half, I just end up freaking out and having a bad trip, and if you do have a bad trip, theirs not really much you can do, just try to chill and after the shrooms wear off you'll be chill. After I have a bad trip I feel really good actually, like my soul got cleansed or something

Can you fuck off with your pussy bullshit already? Mushrooms are a weak drug. They're not intense and even at large doses it's easy to control yourself.
Look at this guy. He did 10 grams and barely had any effects.

5 grams wet is about .5 grams dry.

I wish they were easier to find. I've never met anyone who could hook me up.

Where do you live?

>not much you can do if you have a bad trip
I swear everytime I enter one of these thread all of the psychonauts are complete idiots which will end up fucked up at some point
OP you really want some strong fucking sedatives if you're going 5 grams first time, you're popping that cherry way to hard for it to end in a good way
YOU WANT SOME BENZOS, prefferably xanax, something with good bioavailability that your tripsitter can toss in your mouth withouth you losing shit, if you are sober enough during the bad trip crush the benzos into a fine powder and snort it
if you want the trip to last a tad bit longer abd feel a tad bit comfier may I recommend some passionflower extract, it's essentialy the same shit that makes dmt trips last longer
and don't go smoking weed while you are on this shit, it's a very polarising combination that many people regret whilst other swear on being the best thing they ever experienced

Fuck off tard ass everyone is different and has different tolerance levels, especially with shrooms, the more you do them the bigger of a tolerance you gain which is why you need to take breaks if you want to keep getting fucked up on shrooms

This dude said he's never done them before so im just trying to help him out and not get him perma-fried, for all I know this dude can take 10 grams and love it, but should he take 10 grams first time? Fuck no

vastly depends on person

Did you miss the part where I said he shouldn't do 5 grams first time? Also most people don't have that kinda shit to help with a bad trip, and if you don't have that shit theirs not much you can do but try to calm yourself down and wait for the trip to end


are you too dense or what
It's irrelevant that you told OP to not take 5 grams, if OP is 6'7" 400 punder sure, he should take 5 grams because anything less than that won't register, it doesn't matter
I'm telling OP to snatch some benzos, really you shouldn't be doing psychadelics without backup benzos
all you guys do is propel "muh state of mind" and "try to calm down", no nigger you don't understand, if you lose your shit out there it's pretty damn hard to get your shit together, all of these messages "just calm down" are just noise to him that he will forget
he probably won't get a bad trip, even if hes in a fucked up mental state, but for that slight chance he does end up having a bad trip he dhould have benzos ready, since the only other alternative is to tough it out and suffer for some time

You disgusting niggers are making too much of a deal out of this shit. Just take your mushrooms and shut the fuck up. Mushrooms are not even that intense. Fucking soyboy beta numale cucks.


Im not propelling some "muh state of mind bullshit" all im saying is that is he has a bad trip and doesn't have fucking benzos (like majority of people) hes going to just have to fucking deal with the bad trip and he should just try to calm down and wait for the trip to end.
I do understand what its like to lose youre shit because its happened to me plenty of times

some things i learned the past couple years about psychadelics:
-if ur on antidepressants, ur not getting any visuals. Sorry.
-grind that shit up and put it between the sauce and cheese on a pizza. It itsnt that bad.
-dont lemon tek ur first time
-if u dont have a trip sitter, at least make sure someone close to u knows ur tripping just in case
-ur not gonna be able to sleep for 8+ hours, plan accordingly
-have fun!! I personally dont like shrooms much but drop acid every once in a while :)

Grow them.

what someone i know does. Literally just bought the spores off a website that labels them for research

I can't have spores shipped to my state. Not sure where to start or how hard it would be.

Don't panic during the come up. You're not dying. No need to get to puke. Just relax and ride with if.

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