most corrupt administration in american history
Most corrupt administration in american history
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Whered you find that?
>lesbian sex
oh,so i guess democrats only support faggots when democrats are president then
Democrats don't apply their "values" equally. All is permissible under the guise of "by any means necessary."
you try so hard
Ugh, read the fucking complaint, asshat.
Projecting. At what point has that ever happened. The majority popularity vote since the 80s has been Democrats. They're not the ones scrambling onto hold even in the face of all odds.
That's the Republicans.
as long as trump is the president,there are no republicans.they are just make america great again hat wearing democrats.considering thats what they act like
Absolute mad lad lmao
what a fucking chad
Fake and gay. This is less believable than the piss dossier
He had an administration? What kind of business?
retard,im talking about donald trump
you seem dumb enough to support your crying in your maga hat right now
>don't like gay rape?
>must not like gay people
The suit was dropped in california for technical reasons and refiled in New York. Under scrutiny, the allegations fell apart with many inconsistencies and timeline errors. Even liberal publications dropped the coverage because of the crumbling narrative.
If it was true, I hope he gets pinned against the wall. But it isn't.
>26 flights on the lolita express
Don't forget to participate in the not at all skewed trump poll
How do you feel about trump's work in office so far?
Your poll only counts if you donate as well, I'm sure you'll see trump's ratings through the roof based on that poll
>when your only defense of donald trump is bringing up the clintons or the obama's
Trump got this secret leftist pedo arested
>secret leftist
you mean,donald trump? or are we going to ignore the fact this piece of shit and his family have been either life long democrats or have been democrats most of their lives
Pointing out a known sexual deviant frequenting a known pedophiles services multiple times is defending a completely different person now?
Bill Clinton is in some serious shit.
At least the Republicans aren’t harbouring billionaire pedos. This is going to massacre your side at the elections.
Charges were dropped before it hit court, and the complainant admitted she was lying.
Why would a Trump supporter cry about the Democrats protecting a billionaire pedo? This is all you boys.
She admitted she was lying. There is no case and there never was.
at least democrats dont have a retard like trump running as their presidental candidate.this is going to massacre your side at the elections.because if you havent noticed,conservatives and gun owners already dont want to support him
Fake. Nice try.
>billionare pedo
you mean donald trump? just because you shout fake news at everything that makes your president look bad doesnt mean that everybody wants to tolerate your tantrums.your trump guy already lost his own party the midterms.lets see where 2020 takes you
Conservatives and gun owners are never going to vote for people who harboured a billionaire pedo. A lot of leftists won’t either. You fuckers shat the bed on this one. A fucking billionaire pedo hahahaha your side harboured and defended and let off with a tap on the wrist, a billionaire pedo!
i dont know what the fuck your talking about,my point on conservatives and gun owners had to do with donald trump,have fun losing 2020 retard.maybe you should be reminded that republicans support the constitution and not your presidents liberal bullshit
>commie seethes but no gulag to send me to
also,you bring up billionare like barack obama didnt just buy a mansion in washington do realize rich people can be democrats also? say hi to bernie "3 homes and drives a sports car"sanders for me
>hurr durr,mom i used my buzzword again
i support freedom and gun rights.something cadet bone spurs seems to frown upon
Yo lets take a step back from Red Team VS Blue Team American Politics League 2019 for a minute.
Elite motherfuckers on both sides are inexorably linked to this shit and people are going down.
If ol' Bill is involved I want him thrown in a cell for the rest of his life. If Trump is involved I want exactly the same. We should all want this regardless of political affiliation.
If there are old rich dudes abusing kids and getting away with it because of their endless wealth they need to be brought to fucking justice.
>there is no difference between rich people buying houses and protecting a billionaire pedo
The intelligent left, everybody! That $200k degree really worked wonders for your ethics and logical acumen!
>communist does not like admitting its aims
>unnatural lesbian act
that's homophobic, bro
This is literally what makes Trump Putin's bitch.
He's being blackmailed.
says the retard who's to stupid to realize i am not sorry you think we all need to kiss orange man's ass to be considered not left wing.your orange guy is as much of a leftist as hillary is
>libtard doesnt realize nobody cares about his buzzwords anyway
either way,calling people nazi's and communists for 8 years isnt exactly going to improve your party,libtard
While your statement is reasonable, it must sadly be disregarded due to reddit spacing.
>deny deny deny
Sure thing, comrade! *wink* I mean, fellow hillbilly!
you wish your mother's anus could be sadly disregarded
>1/2 the people that got him off are in the current administration
also, your a faggot, worse than OP in fact
these flowers are for you.......
oh right,another idiot leftist and his buzzwords
dont worry,someday.all those insults and violence towards trump supporters will pay off and will make the country a better place! (sarcasm)
I remember that kind of weak ass meme usage from last week. Are you the JIDF guy? How are ya? Been a while!
love how people actually think real republicans support a retard like donald trump.its sad how dumb america has gotten,learn the difference between a republican and a trump supporter
>pretending to be conservative
Good job, Herschel. Two shekels for you tonight. Much gold in future!
>real republicans support a retard like donald trump
The Senate does. Real Republicans elected them.
wow you're both underage
Obvious samefag
That was easy. Thanks for the (You)s youse guys.
>real republicans elected them
nope,ignorant hillbillys who dont understand republicans support the constitution and not their presidents liberal garbage are the ones who elected him.if you dont even know what your party believes in and supports.why even vote to begin with,redneck retard
>hurr durr bumble stocks
not like he supports freedom of speech and freedom of the press either.guy is as bad for american freedom as obama was,at least you morons cared to defend your constitution when obama was president
>understands real conservatives
>also supports protecting billionaire pedos
Well one was impeached for it the other ran on a campaign and for it and won.
um, yep faggot
You ain't off the hook for Trump
Republicans support him. The few who don't are outliers.
>republicans support the constitution
no you don't
you let Bush walk all over it and you also think gays and transgenders aren't people
fuck offf
you do realize how rich bernie sanders is right? how come wealth is only a problem with republicans
hell,even obama bought a mansion in washington come nobody complains about him being rich either?
You're suppose to show some proof supporting those claims of fake.
I know Trump doesn't, but when people call fake we presume you have proof.
Epstein is President? Or did you mean confused..
That's not what the means at all by anyone.
huh? bush walking all over the constitution? it was obama and trump who walked all over the constitution.and no,i dont support cadet bone spurs crapping on our constitutitonal rights.but his supporters do,which means there seems to be a problem with republicans today
If Clinton is involved let him fall too.
But we're after Trump, do you understand? You are not going to talk shit about this.
>huh? bush walking all over the constitution?
Yes, dipshit. Bush. And if you can't get past that, fuck off.
>durr obama durr
you're why Trump got elected, you know that?
>I dont support cadet bone spurs crapping on our constitutitonal rights
No, just other Republicans like McConnell and Graham.
>mocks poster for using buzzwords
>uses libtard unironically in the same sentence
This lack of self awareness is what got us into this mess in the first place. Take a look at yourself
Almost as if the wealthy are playing people on both sides of the aisle.
>you're why trump got elected
nope,trump got elected because of people like ignorant to realize how big of a failure he is,have fun locking hillary up and having mexico pay for your wall.glad republicans voted you in the midterms and will vote you out again in 2020 because republicans dont care about your immigration bullshit
libtard is not a buzzword though,its short for liberal retard
>the wealthy are playing people on both sides of the aisle.
You do realize that's the real "polarization" in this country?
>trump got elected because of people like you.
just like your dumb President--blaming everyone but yourself
only republican ive seen recently who has crapped on the constitution is donald j trump.time to get your head out of your ass and accept reality trumpshit,not everything is fake news
and? you retards didnt seem to mind obama and his supporters doing why care now?
I'm a liberal democrat. Thanks for asking.
Then you're underage. Bush2 took a fucking dump on the Constiitution with Iraq, Gitmo, the Patriot Act and his secret courts.
Obama did not violate the Constitution.
besides,if you ignorant hillbillys stayed at home to fuck your sister's instead of voting.donald trump wouldnt of even gotten passed the nomination part.but nope,you thought a billionare failed business was your guy.regardless how much of a left wing pile of shit he is
>durr obama
You're doing it again. Take responsibility for the utter failure you elected in 2016. Starting now.
You're either retarded or responding to the wrong poster. I am a liberal Democrat.
>legislating via ExOrd isn't violating the constitution
>liberal democrat
then you should realize your the reason why trump got sorry you couldnt have hillary ruin the country with feminism retard.we gave you 8 years and you only made america worse.stick with your failing cities and states,let the country be ran by people who can run it sucessfully
>Donald Trump
>is a left wing pile of shit
time to step away from the Internet boris
not underage,im not just a stupid bush hating pile of libearl shit like you are
Executive Orders are Constitutional, shithead.
And the reason Obama enacted those Orders is because the Republican Congress kept fucking up.
Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was indicted on federal charges of structuring bank withdrawals after prosecutors alleged Hastert had molested at least four boys as young as 14 and attempted to compensate his victims and subsequently conceal the transactions. Hastert eventually admitted that he sexually abused the boys whom he had coached decades earlier, and was sentenced to fifteen months in prison.
Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to child sex trafficking and on February 11, 2018 he was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison.
Republican state Senator Ralph Shortey was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. In November 2017, he pleaded guilty to one count of child sex trafficking in exchange for the dropping of the other charges.
Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted child rapist in Florida.
Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor.
Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
>durr hillary durr
get help user
oh right,i forgot.americans are this retarded,you think a guy who's family are life long democrats,donald trump himself has been one most of his life,is a rather have another term of george w bush then donald least bush ran the country like a republican is suppose to,unlike cadet bone spurs.bringing his liberal bullshit to the white house
If you don't hate Bush you are part of the problem.
Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls.
Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl.
Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond had sex with a 15-year old black girl which produced a child.
Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a sexual affair with a female juvenile.
Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.
>exord violates the constitution
>but bump stocks and silencers being banned dont
welcome to trump's america
bush was better then both trump and obama.cry more kid
>americans are this retarded
Oh. You're not American?
Who cares what you think?
>when your only defense of the clintons, and thus the entire current DNC legacy, is to bring up donald trump
c'mon the, the don likes fake titty blonde stripper kinda stuff, his sexuality is very circa 1993 playboy magazine, not every asshole is a pedophile.
this epstein thing is special because I think the DNC uses pedophiles as slaves of a sort, they can't defect at any point because being a pedophile in prison is horrible and potentially fatal. this is all about blackmail. pizzagate is as real as NXIVM, the NXIVM case would have sounded just as fantastical until it just sort of actually happened.
you should watch this fucking movie and wonder what Kubrik was on about.
And when the "kid" meme starts to bubble up like warm shit I know I've won this exchange.
Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having sex with a female minor and sentenced to one month in jail.
Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of child porn charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos.
Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of sex crimes involving children.
Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted sexual assault on a child.
Republican Congressman Dan Crane had sex with a female minor working as a congressional page.
Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger allegedly had sex with a 16 year old girl when he was 28.
Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having sex with a 16-year-old boy he picked up at a gay bar.
Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl and one count of delivering the drug LSD.
Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.
Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.
Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.
Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison.
Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.
Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.
Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16 (i.e. exposing himself to children).
That case was dropped years ago. With the complainant admitting she was lying.
Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.
Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to molesting a male child.
Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal sexual assault on a teenage girl.
Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to molesting his two daughters.
Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of molesting a 13-year old girl.
Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.
Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to raping a 15 year-old girl and served 6-months in prison.
Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000.
Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after child pornography was found in his possession.
Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.
Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.
Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.
Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.
The funniest part is, his reply makes no sense because I’m a Trump supporter!
To hell with the Rapeublicans and all the inbred fucksticks that support them.
so your assuming that americans cant criticize their own country?
>DNC legacy
meanwhile the RNC's legacy
>we support freedom of the constitution
>now trump gets elected
>we dont care about freedom and the constitution anymore,lets build that wall and get rid of the immigrants!
would say democrats have a better legacy currently then republicans
Why do you think the Republicans have allowed the Democrats to invent a new divisive moral outrage every few years? It keeps the common folk bickering, while the rich do whatever they like.
you dont have any sense to begin with,trumptard
Country is being overrun by rapist muslims but he's obsessed about who America has as president. Calls the other guy a retard.
“A Liberal Democrat”, also known as a sucker used by communists to further their agenda. Good ideology there pal.
You must live your life with your eyes slammed shut if you don’t see people talk about Bernie and Obama’s wealth and fences.
>Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an incestuous relationship with his step daughter.
You should include some dems in there too, you’ll seem less biased and more credible.
>I didn't elect Trump
>you did
>3 years of peace and prosperity is an utter failure
>rapist muslims
huh,im sorry retard.but america is not being over run by rapist muslims.perhaps your confused,trumptards want to make people believe the mexicans are over running the country.even though there's nothing wrong with legal that wall retard
You don’t think I could come up with a similar list of democrats?
>You should include some dems in there too
because you're this assblasted?
the communist party supported bernie sanders,who got fucked over by the dnc when they nominated hillary instead
you buzzword using morons could use a little education
so PLEASE can we have a thread where it's not REPs vs DEMs but the PEOPLE vs the POLITICAL ELITE
They are all the 'swamp'. every last one of them. thinking trump is any different is completely naive. If he was he'd be trying to take money out of politics. He'd be refusing political donations from corporate entities, he'd be supporting proportional representation.
Find me an independant who's all about that and you'll find someone worthy of my vote
>3 years of letting a retard access to the launch codes
>step daughter
That's not incest just inadvisable
>kept fucking up, or disrupted his agenda because they disagree with his ideological mistakes?
You can’t have it both ways you asshole. They did everything they could to stop him because they thought his ideas were wrong. That’s democracy pal, suck it up.
Oops. Didn't get the coup memo. Any other President's you don't like? I hear Jefferson thought Adams was a tool.
Lol @ the democratic base believing every white republican is a nazi. Remember when the liberal elite would tell the public they're paranoid or crazy for calling them communists? I do. Hahahaha. Now it's reversed completely. What else can they possibly force out of the public eye now? Racism and communism and claiming the other side is paranoid was the last straw seems like. Fuckin owned.
As a Republican, I’m glad the authorities apprehended those criminals and brought them to justice.
Are you 12?
What are you talking about? No democrat has ever committed a crime.
Obama did not violate the Constitution you meathead fuck. Stop pushing this.
I hear Trump is a criminal. Oh wait. You can't handle that, you have to bring up a Democrat.
Not like Trump.
You should hate the neocons who took huge sums of Israeli money. Bush’s biggest crime was being dumb. He was used as a puppet from day 1 by the neocons. Bush didn’t even realise he was their puppet till the economic crash, with his strong Republican principles, he fought hard to let Lehman’s burn. But he got suckered into bailing out the rest of the neocon’s banker buddies in that sector with overblown predictions that economic collapse was at risk, instead of letting them all burn.
So this led to a conviction for rape against Trump and he went to prison and has a criminal record complete with sex offender registration?
Oh wait no it it didn’t, and he’s the president now.
Bush was an idiot who shouldn't have been President, OK? Fuck you and your patronizing history "lesson."
>implying that if this was real he wouldn't have been charged and indicted already
>implying the media shills wouldn't be all over this already
>implying people don't know how to use photoshop
>implying this is real in general
This.. this is not a good thing. Do you not see that?
The lawsuit was real. It was dropped for various reasons. It was covered in 2016 but then the media got bored and reported about something else
>After he threw vast sums of cash at the plaintiff, the defendant promptly performed a 360 degree rotation and proceeded to moonwalk from the premises.
this,he threatened the constitution.but in the end,it took a republican president and a democrat house majority to actually violate the constitution
but they'll probably still cry about how bad obama and hillary are
he suspended habeus corpus, as long as the government labels someone a terrorist first
There are too many plaintiffs in the case. No way is this shit "dropped."
I’m not a judge and I wasn’t there.
Obama did not "threaten" the Constitution, user. Every time you revise history, you get a cockpunch.
You mean Bush did.
>you do realize how rich bernie sanders is right?
As in not at all?
Not talking about the Epstein court case, just this portion of it.
That's not what I meant, user. The Republicans have caused moral outrage with the Bush and Trump administrations as recent examples.
The point is that the rich are the ones who are divided, and they have the power to keep the division happening.
It didn't apply to american citizens under Bush, but Obama sure as fuck expanded on that with the NDAA. Dems didn't give a fuck because it was them doing it.
He’s a shill, JIDF, I think, I saw him on a few threads last week. I said hi, previously I’m this thread but he declined to reply. I don’t know why?
Bush was the one that lied to Congress to get approval for Iraq.
Jk I'm liberal. This site records IP, so at this point it doesn't really matter what I say. Wait, nah I want to be republican today. Maybe liberal tomorrow. Who knows? Keks.
Clinton should be charged along with Trump, Epstein, and anyone else that took part in it, which I imagine would be a long list of powerful people.
That's what actually draining the swamp would look like.
Yes I did, happy with my vote too. 3 years of peace and prosperity. What has my vote got to do with the fact that you, as a Liberal Democrat, are being duckweed inti pushing forward a communist agenda? Your poor ideological choices risk everything we hold dear just because you’re too stubborn to deprogram yourself.
Reminder that deposition is always hearsay.
It's 100% true but like most allegations against billionaires they tend to go away after money is thrown at the victim.
Just kinda unreal how many paid and unpaid shills there are here for libshit dems. The reality is that Trump was the only choice in 2016, and he is still the only choice in 2020.
For the record, I used to be a brainwashed libtard as well. Anyone here that is not a shill that thinks Trump is the same as any other politician should seriously consider suicide for being so retarded. He has his agenda, and at the very least it's not total destruction of American values and everything we stand for.
There’s no evidence of Trump ever being on the loli express or loli island.
you literally can't criticize Bush can you? Even after history condemns him?
STFU tankie, keep seething
you mean idiots?
Literally nobody cares if Obama or Sanders made money. They improved this country.
do you always talk to yourself like htis incel
Getting raped by a billionaire to be set for life sounds like a deal worth considering.
>the reality is I was stupid in 2016
>and I'm going to be stupid now
>and next year
There was one plaintiff, she dropped it and after a while fessed up to lying about her abuser being trump.
Until you figure out that they have connections to keep the abuse silent until long after their death.
Trump is too closely tied to these people. This could be what takes him down besides his taxes.
True, I’d ask for $$ up front.
You cant capitalize or punctuate, cletus. The other side are the dumb dumbs huh?
>revise history
to bad history is gonna tell you how shit obama was.retard,nobody cares about the fact he was black
Life without socialism is going to be hard as fuck. As an American, diversity is just part of the deal. You got caught, liberal elite. Not the average citizens problem.
at least i can say im an adult who can pronounce the english language correctly.unlike your president and his supporters
you leave bumpstock boy alone, he's one of 4chans greatest larpers
You'd be "asked" to gtfo
Actually history will revere Obama as one of the great Presidents.
>,nobody cares about the fact he was black
Trumptards like you will keep telling yourself that.
Because it’s not that simple. Some rich people just want to stay rich and do their thing with no scrutiny from the public. Other rich people literally fantasise about ushering in communism where they’ll be the ruling class and the rest of us will be impoverished, if we are lucky, and this we won’t be able to scrutinise them as they do their thing.
Different ideologies. We need to rally to root out the communists before we can sort out holding rich people and political elites to task.
Look around you, ordinary folk are more interested in calling each other Nazi or rapist or fucking white male or libtard or chuck or whatever, than actually working together to move forward. That is all down to the leftist ideology being pushed on us by communists, and it’s contermovement, that is reacting to the nonsense. That has to stop before we can properly do anything, let alone deal with abuse of power by rich people and political elites.
you mean you recognize that retard's posts?
So everyone that knew the guy did it? I cant believe Epsteins mom would do that. Evil bitch.
I guess being a recruiter is where the real $$ is at, find those old pervs the peaches they’re looking for.
>Actually history will revere Obama as one of the great Presidents.
That idiot had to build guard towers outside his communist mansion because his wife was in fear of their family. Yeah, sounds like they're trusted by the best. You fucking idiot.
>when you only point your finger at Trump because he's a republican but when a Democrat has a history of doing the same thing you dismiss it as a "whataboutism"
That chick they were fucking was hot. Now she looks like a pound of lard.
You're better off not even giving illiterates the replies. They're either using voice to text software and accommodating bots or simply not worth the time.
No, I'm resposible for my own actions. I learned how to behave like a normal human being on my own, I didn't need fake sky daddy to hand me loans and tell me how to get by in life ROFL.
>one of the great presidents
nope,history will remember obama as being black.great accomplishment their libtard(sarcasm)
>Obama has a communist mansion
>you fucking idiot
I didn't vote for Trump though. You did.
Then explain that post.
3 years of carrying around the nuclear codes and he hasn’t started one war. That’s perfect in my eyes. You must be a warmongerer if you think that is the action if a retard? Is that it? Do you love war? Do you want the US to start a war against brown people? Why?
It’s hard to miss them.
I’d like to see evidence of Trumps “ties” to Epstein beyond one statement and Trump kicking him out of his golf course.
Who told you I voted for Trump? Are you literally making things up on the spot? I thought kids were known for that kind of thinking......
>I will remember that I got triggered
>because Obama was a NIGGER
>because he's a republican
i dont consider trump a republican though.also,i criticized democrats for doing the same things trump has done.ive also criticized trump supporters who not criticizing trump when he does the same shit obama did
Muh sides!!
>durr twump hasn't fucked up yet that must mean hees smart
You must be a retard
could care less what the race of my president is.besides,after all these years,your mental illness still cant figure out what race obama actually was.he was only half black
The public knows the Democrats are communists now. Electoral success is guaranteed for Republicans for the next generation at least! Those crazy Democrats will start a civil war over communism though, watch and see!
Because Epstein was a close associate? Because they did deals together?
But no matter, Trump probably has lawyers excluding him even as a material witness.
We'll learn about all this after he's dead.
Obama hates the United States of America and Bernie is so radical it’s a joke. Sure some of his ideas sound cool on paper, until you realize we already have a form of everything he wants AND his plans would never work in real life. Socialized medical? Fuck that. I work in hospitals sometimes run by the govt, they are awful compared to non-govt hospitals. Dirty, bugs everyfuckingwhere, shit equipment, least intelligent people in the industry generally.
>he hasnt started one war
iran says hello,what are you gonna say then trumpshit?
>i love my boy trump,fuck iran and fuck muslims! maga 2020!
Oh right, you dumbertarians always get offended when it's pointed out that whatever shithead you voted for helped Trump win.
I once had a private party with jeff and 28 girls at mar-a-largo but I hardly know him. - don
dont even bother answering,we all know what your gonna say.its either gonna be
>the news media
since thats what you retards always respond with when somebody shits on your president
Just call him a nigger and get it over with.
>So misinformed
It's the only explanation.
>Obama was a NIGGER
>Sanders is a JEW
Just. Say it so we can move on k?
>obama hates the united states of america
>trump shits on the constitution and has golfed and went to his florida beach house the same if not more times then obama spent in hawaii and golfing.but who cares,he's my president and he's a republican! yay trump!
>I work in hospitals sometimes run by the govt
get a real job
>sanders is a JEW
so is donald trump
>so buttblasted a black man got elected
OK but I don't you calling for his removal.
Dude, if he didnt have shit policies I'd love the guy. He seems like he would be cool to hang with.
You're still making shit up. Is that a common problem among your elite circles? Remember when elite liberals would scream at the public for being paranoid by calling them communists? Now do you think anyone gives a fuck about that shit? Nope. You people are living in some other fantasy that obviously went into debt.
He didn't tho
wait a minute.
that's my dad
OK so you voted for Clinton? My bad.
probably because i understand how the goverment works,unlike you retards do.who cares if trump is'll just cry about mike pence next
OK bucko, that’s how it went down. Not sure what your ideological commissars told you to believe. If you live in the US, books are free in your local library. They’re a great source of information as long as you remember the authors may be biased. You’ll also have free access to federal archives on the internet, which should be less biased at least. Good luck pal.
When he was saying who’s your daddy that’s not what he was implying
Or you're just an anti-semitic dumbshit
Now you don't even know what to think. Your party is so far gone and ate up it's literally the laughing stock of the world. Our government had to pick an outsider for the world to do business with because the left thinks anyone who isnt them is an enemy. Fuck all that noise.
Obviously it can't because he was born instead of a cum fart
ok boomer faggot
how's that prolapsed asshole? Did you find a free clinic to get surgery?
the people who whine the most about trump's impeachment think
>if we get rid of donald trump,we can get hillary back!
or some other democrat loser,which in reality.that wont be the case,it'll either be mike pence.and if you impeach him to,it'll just be another republican.meanwhile,you'll continue tearing the country apart because the only reason you wanted to impeach donald trump is because of "muh feelings"
So you did elect Trump. I've gone through every possibility.
do you honestly think donald trump is a jew? he's as far away from a religious person as possible.i bet he doesnt even go to church
YLYL, nice.
The media cycle doesn’t determine which cases go to trial, you fools.
The case got dropped. Shortly after which, she admitted lying. There’s a video testimony out there of her, suggest you watch it, her body language screams that she’s lying.
>i understand how the goverment works
>cannot into 3rd grade grammar
I asked why aren't you calling for a Jew like Trump to be removed from office and you fed me a line.
Trump is so guilty that his administration had the dude arrested AGAIN after Bush & Obama covered up for him. What fucking logic
When are you finally going to call Obama a "nigger" user?
>Obama covered for Epstein
I knew guys for years too and then later found out they were abusing their kids, does that make me a pedo as well?
shh faggot is already mad as fuck
Paste in new tab losers
Nice dubs, I wish all black people were like this dude.
Boy that’s some breaking news evidence right there, wonder how it would go over in court?
That hypocrite has three large houses including one overlooking a lake. You really bought his communist equality working class hero indoctrination mumbo jumbo, didn’t you?
>I knew guys for years too
I'll bet you did
>durr Sanders has munnneeeee
and yet you talk shit if Trump gets out of paying shit-tons in taxes
>I've gone through every possibility
There were 17 runners in the republican party including Trump. This is how crazy your liberal elite party is, you're out of touch with reality and apparently it's going to take decades to get back in touch.
Dude, Obama likes guys. Everyone knows.
The sitting president signs bills with a sharpie.
3rd grade grammar is overqualified for government nowadays.
user you had a chance to stop Trump on 11/9.
You didn't. You don't get to point fingers.
Bite it, trumpshit. You bought it.
I don't know anyone or associate with anyone who can afford to buy out the Trump Organization or the Republican Party itself. I think your xanax is wearing off, time to go.
If you didn't vote, you also blew your chance on 11/9 to defeat Trump. You are a coward, user.
A coward.
If your "criticism" is along the line of "Trump is a good President" you can fuck off.
Yea Forums isn't the government, nigger.
>That hypocrite has three large houses including one overlooking a lake
Having to previously sell one to buy a third
And so what? He's been a senator with a 6 figure income for decades, and because he's abstained from big money, his puny net worth of 2.5 million reflects that.
>his communist equality working class
He's not a communist, or even a democratic socialist as he self describes.
What Bernie is a Social Democrat, and him being an elderly man with some property doesn't contradict his political ideals.
Not voting=one less vote from stopping Trump.
Oh. Someone told you that was a good idea?
This except maybe a public gang rape by big burly aids infested niggers for anyone involved in this i dont care who they are or how much money they have rape them in public for humiliation and then lock them up seize all assests and split up between all exploited and abused children set into trust funds for when they turn 18 or 21 so greedy ass parents cant reap the rewards of their childs misery
The sheer desperation by the dems to somehow implicate Trump in this is just pathetic already.
It's actually pretty embarrassing watching lackeys like you try to meme your way out of this. There is no doubt the Russians interfered in our elections, and Trump has been their bitch since the early 2000s. This is documented.
>fed me a line
no,i gave you an educated answer.retard,have fun when you realize even if you impeach trump that doesnt mean hillary is gonna be president like you wanted
>Makes a remark about Trump so must be Hillary supporter
im talking about america in general retard,americans are fucking retards.they dont even understand how their own goverment works
So what, republican voters got the Don's respect. Whats wrong with that
You’re missing my point, I’m not trying to be confrontational here, but here’s what I meant:
The communist agenda isn’t just on the Democrat side. The Republican neocons are the other rich people and political elites, that hope to be among the ruling class if the Democrats push through with communism. We need to route the neocons from the Republicans too. It’s a bipartisan issue. And as such, must be taken care of before any genuine showdown between the rich and the public can be made.
First gay black president
And checked
That article has a lot of people who sound pretty sure of themselves yet strangely no evidence has been presented that can secure an indictment against Trump, imagine that.
After all, when he admitted he is a sexual predator, you elected him anyway.
Trump knew what Epstein was about, he's made statements that make that abundantly clear, and it's not like this would be the first time allegations of his misconduct around underage girls has cropped up.
And yet you can’t criticize Obama for furthering that injustice?
I've been on his island before.
Most of the things you hear are just rumors.
But I have a feeling some will be outed soon.
Most people that visit the island aren't predators - that would be absurd. But if you're there to visit the dome... let's just say that you aren't there for the humane society.
the fact trump supporters have pretty much threw everything their party has believed in before trump into the garbage can because they hate immigrants is just pathetic already.maybe we need to remind you what party the anti gun crowd belongs in
Trump's cock can't taste that good user
He isn't calling anyone in this thread a Russian bot dumbfuck. Denying that Russian interference in the 2016 election happened is delusional.
I’m sure he did.
>childish insults instead of coping
oy vey
Doesn’t mean he had intimate knowledge of Epstein and also doesn’t make him a pedo.
Tfw FBI wants help from 4chin
>3 years later still muh taxes
So you're saying you can't have Trump removed because there is still a working system in place? You should be sorry Steve Bannon left.
I'm trying to get you to admit you elected Trump. Stop running.
>you elected him
america didnt elect trump,the russians did.america wanted hillary clinton.thats why she won the popular vote
What the fuck is "the communist agenda?" You really believe Republicans are trying to make us collectivist?
i dont care about steve bannon,you cant consider yourself a republican and support trump or be a member of his administration.he's already proven how big of a left wing pile of shit he is
>fake news
keep baaing sheep
go figure somebody defends trump by posting a picture of him looking like an idiot and probably acting like a child
nice larp
No matter how much you practice your English pronunciation, the ole Israeli accent is still apparent though, isn’t it?
>trump is only a little bit criminal heavens I only have to defend his shitty ass a little
isn't President trumpshit
>I'm trying to get you to admit you elected Trump.
Well I'm sorry Judge Judy, I didn't know I had a court date today. Not happening. *lights cigar, sips aged cognac*
i like how america can bomb foreign countrys because israel wanted them to,yet everybody freaks out because democrats couldnt handle losing an election and cried about russia
besides,if you think russian collusion and democrats are bad.wait until 2020,donald trump is not going to leave the white house willingly if he loses
that kind of meant "shut up" incel
That madlad autist still beat every candidate put before him.
it's on tape trumpshit
and you voted for that shit anyway
im not gonna argue about the english language with people who elected a president who cant even speak the english language right.if obama said half the shit donald trump did,he would get called an idiot on a daily basis.yet you seem to ignore it just like you did donald trump's gun grabbing
AKA human trafficker
>cheating the govt is ok
pretty much the trumpshit mentality
His ties with Epstein and Dershowitz don't look very good, but if Epstein goes down I'm sure his kompromat will pop up. :)
Robert Steele's blog
>the truth is bait
kellyanne is that u?
Yup the Russian mafia broke into the electoral college chambers and held a gun to everyone’s head “you will elect comrade Trump” said the leader in broken English/Slav mix.
And on that day Trump was elected.
what if i told you that most of your party hates donald trump.perhaps you should stop blaming the media on the fact you couldnt get enough republicans to keep your house majority.or whatever you trumpshits blame it on
>trump is a left wing pile of shit
you were told to step away from the internet
That guy is a neocon. In his fantasyland, the Republican Party don’t need Trump, even though if Trump didn’t run, Hilary would now be the president. Sometimes I wonder if the neoconservatives now want the Democrats to win?
I’m sure it is. (I’m not murican btw)
Well it sounds dirty if you say it like that.
>i dont care about steve bannon
Bannon would have been the one to usher in a government where a Jew like Trump could be removed per our earlier conversation.
You sound more and more like a meathead the more you post. I'm glad you can't vote here.
>I’m not murican btw
Good. Shut up.
>childish insults because no rational response to 3 years of peace and prosperity
He could be best friends with Epstein and it still wouldn’t automatically make him a pedo.
Epstein has manage to dodge charges for years. It's almost like money and influence make it where there's a very different rules of justice for the ruling class vs the working class.
funny you should mention that
Both Clinton and Gore were receptive to the Neocon agenda. Perhaps it's because they wanted to go through the UN that Kristol chose Bush over Gore?
Not yet no
>childish insults
>peace and prosperity
You're just one more voice who'd support the Idiot in Chief. Fuck you.
There is no war with Iran. They don’t want war. We don’t want war.
its funny how i immediately dismissed this as true solely because you guys have bitched about trump so much that nothing really makes much of a difference anymore.
lmao congrats you retards you used so much poison to try taking him down that hes immune to all of it now, and its literally all your own fault
Russiagate is on par with Pizzagate stupidity. The Epstein case on the otherhand and the way it has ties to the most powerful politicians in America, including Trump, is the closest we've seen to a real life pizzagate scandal. Let's not muddy the waters with Russia nonsense, when they were doing the same thing corporations have been getting away with doing legally for years in the US.
>There could be video of him fucking an underaged girl but if he didn't ejaculate it still wouldn't automatically make him a pedo.
>pure paranoia
Pompeo does.
Why would I support him? I’m not murican.
and here comes the curious fetish for cock again. Some of you really need to ask your mom for help.
Is there? Present the evidence.
You know you're in a cult of Trump, when a shit ton of evidence over many years won't convince you of his guilt.
You seem to be new around here friend.
He didn't ejaculate, he's not a pedo.
>you guys have bitched about trump so much that nothing really makes much of a difference anymore.
You do tho.
>pretending like SDNY is trump and Barr’s bitch
the type of propaganda the nazis used against the jews.
>I support fascism
you know youre in a cult of anti trump when you read articles headers that state one thing and worship it as truth despite the actual article having fuckall to do with the title
>you need to be brainwashed to oppose Drumpf
>more paranoia and childish insults, now with imaginary racial tensions
You’re done, you obviously have nothing of any importance to say or you wouldn’t resort to such a childish tone. Give in and read some history books so you know what you’re talking about next time.
STFU tankie, your communists have been exposed, nobody will ever vote your way again
>Anyone say mean thing about orange man is brainwashed by the jew media.
Being this far gone
>childish insults
>You know you're in a cult of Trump, when a shit ton of evidence over many years won't convince you of his guilt
Then you're admitting right now that you have substantial court documents stating and describing what exactly he is guilty of doing. Where do you get this line of thinking? Are you not guilty of any wrong doing at all? Then I'd truly have to say you're not a fucking human being and that's fucked up.
I love it how they still can't admit they elected this turd.
technically no, but the way you guys are doing it you sound pretty cultish. i will agree that trump does bad things, but also agree that he does some good things. can you say the same?
>Where do you get this line of thinking?
>anal obsessed closet homosexual
That’s the only explanation for your insult. Straight men don’t obsess about other men’s assholes.
>trump does good things
boomer faggot
go count your dad's oil futures
>substantial court documents
Only in America, where you can be 100% guilty of a crime and get away with it because my bank account can afford an attorney who is corrupt and uses that influence to change the outcome. And then there's poor idiots like you who will defend this line of thinking like it's defending freedom.
Hi! Are you the JIDF guy that was on last week? I recognise your terrible memes. You’re still full of shit, I see. But it’s nice to see you mate regardless, how are you?
thanks for proving my point brainlet
All we need to do to put your hypocrisy into perspective is imagine if a Democrat had done any of this as President.
At least somebody understands now. Not the way I would've thrown it out there to the world but that'll work just fine.
What "good things" do you believe Trump to have done, oh constipated one?
Has nothing to do with partisan politics, so let's just make it about them hypocritical dems.
Trump gave me a tax reduction. Bernie wants to double my taxes. Go fuck your self you jobless commie, you need to improve your own life, I’m not paying for your failure.
Yes it does trumpshit.
>I'm pretending to be rich
>I’m not paying for your failure.
But I'm succeeding at triggering the fuck out of you