Wwyd with this titcow teacher?

Wwyd with this titcow teacher?

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Any wit cock

5” looks micro next to her funbags

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Post cock in pooper

wish I had some

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My wife's a teacher too and is also stacked as fuck. Shit's cash.

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unleash those beasts

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Big tit women shouldn't be teachers. I think we all know how distracting they can be.


She finds that cockteasing her students is actually a great way to make them pay attention.

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>jiggling around the classroom leaning over desk showing a foot of cleavage

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6th grade was a hell of a year

Omg... Stroking hard and moaning

Detention with her would be fun!

dem soft pale funbags and suckable nips
need to get these cows together and have titties flying everywhere

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Show us clothed so we know what the students have to deal with?


She teaches high school, actually. It's not like they aren't already obsessed with sex. Might as well shake her jugs a little.

Save it. I get off to that shit.

First thought was that they'd look excellent pressed together while they make out.

Pic related. This is common, but sometimes she's a little braver. She enjoys the attention.

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sucking eachothers titties and spanking

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Fuck her tits often?

Hook her up to an industrial milking machine.

Did you expect any answer but "yes'? All the time. She'd aims to please. It's part of why I married her.

Sounds like a party to me. I'm getting off hardto the idea of jacking off and just watching them go.

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Just curious, what size are they?

hell yeah
my girls bi and been in 3somes
gets very close to cumming just from getting her nipples sucked

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Fuck I would kill to have her ontop

34DD, but they look fucking huge on her because she's a short little bitch. Here's her Ren Fest tits. She used to flash them there back in college. Now she just shows them off like this.

I've jacked it to your wife's tits before. They're gorgeous. You do Discord?

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Your friends must stare at those tits all the fucking time

I've shown most of them her topless stuff. Some of them have even seen her bj videos, which are works of art. She knows I've shown some of them, and enjoys that they're eyefucking her.

Jesus Christ. You are a great friend to have. I'm sure they were thrilled to see those tits.

i’ve done the same shit esp when drinking
i dont use discord

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Christ those look fun to fuck

>I don't use Discord
Fuck. If you make a burner account, I'd be fun to trade some stuff. Either way, post more cocksucking, especially if there's boobs in it. A woman never looks sexier than when she's slaving away are servicing her man.
>i’ve done the same shit esp when drinking
We've been together a long time. Back when we were 19 we were drinking in a graveyard on a a friend's birthday and I talked her into showing him her boobs and jacking him off. He's in the Army now. Sometimes I still send him stuff.

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Please post some vids. Love her.

damn that’s hot
titfucking her is the best stress relievers kek

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>damn that's hot
It was. Really brutalized her once we got home after that. Tbh I'm getting off now just to thinking about our stacked wives both sucking you off while I watch.

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What size are those fucking milkers

that would be bliss
two dedicated titcows sucking away while I play with their titties
normally 38FF

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on phone and don’t have any good shit except some pics atm
her blowjobs are incredible too

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Just picture them licking gobs of your nut off each other's tits. Beautiful. No more bj pics?

I married a 19-year-old with a flat chest; hopefully the opportunity never presents itself to cheat because I'm a titty fanatic. I would do everything I could to these tits if I could get away with it.

38FF? Fuck. Well and truly more than a handful.

Is that Heather from SoCal?

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Fuck yeah. I'd love to see that slut get plastered.

If you're not super far invested into the relationship, break up with her and find a titcow. I was dating a girl with A cups for a while and she knew about my tit obsession so it got awkward sometimes. Especially since my ex wore a 28H. I had the chance to hook up with a pregnant girl with 42DDD's so I nutted up and called off my relationship and plowed the shit out of that milky bitch until she popped one out. Very worth it, best sex I've had in a long time. She would let me sit on her face so she could lick my asshole while I titfucked her and always swallowed.

Fuck you Alex, your unborn son was nourished in the womb by my cum. Your son's a faaaag

I'd probably do it if I had a titcow lined up; but, the last 4 I dated had insufferable personalities. My a-cup wife is 10 years younger than I and has a libido that keeps my balls dry. If she had tits, I'd be in heaven. I wanted to sell my project car to get her implants, but I'm hesitant to do so.

Any full body shots?

I love trying to cover her tits with cum
She prefers it on her titties anyway

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turns me on so much when she calls them her “cumcatchers”

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Would take quite a few loads to cover those

what fuels your need for big tits? maybe float the idea by your wife that you want to be able to see big tittied escorts to truly fulfill your needs?

Would happily gobble a few loads off of those


Wish I knew. It's a purely sexual thing.

I like the escort idea; I could hire one to titfuck and watch her lick my cum from her tits and be completely satisfied.

Give it a try, no harm in asking. If she says no she says no. There's no greater thrill than pumping a load out between some big bazumbachumbas.

If you need to get your rocks off on the sly, look into the Fuck My Big Fat Tits 36DD Mega Masturbator from Pipedream Extreme. I have one that I dress up in bras to titfuck.

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I'm curious about the bras you put on it

On this note, what would your girls think of being used as titty whores? Being told to stroke my cock with their tits and that they have to earn their money.

lol I've got a big collection, I buy used bras from random busty girls on ig and from friends to use. I bought one from Larkin love too, that's one of my favorites. Got kik? We can discuss them there.

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well that's what they are, right? an escort knows she's only renting out her cleavage at a half hourly rate

Shit your friends sell you their bras?

I don't have KIK, but I'm tempted to make one for this conversation. Is it easy to use?

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Yep it's super easy. Go download it real quick and drop your username once you make one.

Magnificent. I may have to sneak away at work and fap.

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my KIK is anonlikestits...I think

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Im paying attention

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Im stupid hard for this

>Wwyd with this titcow teacher?
Latch on and suck them sloppers until she cums all over the place. This girl is amazing. Super cute face. Big fat sloppers. Apparently loves sucking dick and getting titfucked. Would totally wife her up as long as she weren't all CM'd out by the education system.

Got me grunting and groaning

What does CM'd mean?

what project car is it?


im rock hard for her, kik or discord??

man keep it forever, take a trip to 'dam (depending on where you live if its affordable), fuck everything, come home and say you smoked weed with the bois. ez win

Link for hi-res, please?

Not really affordable. I live in TN, but I'm moving to MO in about 6 months. Lost my job so moving to one of the cheapest states.

Got one with a cock in her?

Yes I have tons but I like to keep them to myself. I'm fucking her on the side and I don't want my wife to find out.

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Nice. Gotta find me a slam pig.

Got a close-up of it? I could lick my phone.

Love those Beth pics. Any moar of her from the front showing off those tits hanging down?

How do you know Beth?

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Was interested in a thread months ago and had pics/movies emailed to me [email protected] but then OP stopped replying!

I didn't delete these pics and yet they're gone. What's up with that?

CM = Cultural Marxism. It's what they call postmodernist "sensitivity training" in the language of education.

My mom was a teacher for over 40 years and she and her more "with it" friends would tell horror stories about the CM bullshit that was forced upon them, which they were then expected to force upon students.

Until relatively recently in human history teaching was a man's job. Early pre-education and child care was considered a woman's job because that is geared more toward where the female mind is centered. But actual teaching once the child grows out of infancy was done by men.

There are reasons for that. Chiefly that manly men are far less susceptible to group think propaganda tactics whereby what the "people in charge" think is what they need to conform to. A certain group want women in teaching positions because they're a lot easier to manipulate the shit out of and use to manipulate the shit out of children. They have no moral or ethical compass aside from virtue signalling. This is also why you see a certain group's propaganda promoting the idea that we need more female CEOs and "scientists" and basically any position of authority that can be immediately abused. People who are stupidly easy to own and use.

So, in conclusion: Cultural Marxism/postmodernism = Bad. Big fat tiddies = Good.

Correction, it was just one of my posts that's gone. This one.

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>I'm fucking her on the side
I really appreciate you posting these pictures and all but please don't LARP. I feel embarrassed FOR you. Like, you know that 99% of the people in this thread know that this girl has been posted a million times on Yea Forums and /s/ and plebbit as well as other places. You don't know her IRL, and that's okay, dude. Nobody gives a shit. People only start to care about stuff like that when you make retarded claims. Please do keep up the good work, though. This chick is money and you're doing God's work by posting her pictures.

fuck. never seen this one and always wanted more full body standing shots of those tits hanging. gonna fap hard to this tonight

>Chiefly that manly men are far less susceptible to group think


That's seriously the dumbest thing I've ever read on here.

Just look at /pol or literally every religion or the alt right or.....

Fuck you are dumb.

Believe it or not, I don't care.

>clearly a deeply authentic and objective scholar of history regarding education
>clearly a deeply authentic and objective intellectual whose opinion would never be formed by pop education and pop entertainment
>clearly an intellectually superior being for posting some low effort low IQ nonsense as a response then patting itself on the back for how smart and special it feels it is for parroting its masters programming
I bow to you, kind NPC. Clearly you have irrefutably defeated me on a wise, factual, and intellectual basis with your magnificent retort to the information which I have proposed. Brava. You even managed to slip in some buzzwords and negative association memes. Bra-fucking-va.
