Ylyl thread
Ylyl thread
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holy fuck that nigger should kill himself
Couldn’t stop laughing when I heard this on tv.
Can someone tell Squidward to shut the fuck up and have a seat?
I think he's right. It's minor, but so is this story.
This is the right's version of 'Two Scoops of Ice Cream'
The pusscake execs at Nike should follow suit. God, they cave so easily.
No, that is one who hates jews, which is also go. Nigger jew.
You have been visited by the Laura of mediocre threads.
This thread is about to die with only 10 replies. OP, hopefully you got what you desired out of it and that it wasn't a total loss.
post pussy or GTFO laura
Lol this nigga thinks they in the matrix
Laura is not for lewd, user. Sorry to disappoint.
Between the national anthem thing and this cryfest about the shoes he already did user, he’s done.
Hi. Europefag here. Who is this guy?
/ SfeAynM
so is the joke that this is news or?
That’s his name.
boomer memes this is so gay
Someone in their 70’s made these memes?
>First the national anthem, and now this
>and now this
>now this
Frederick Douglass was born a slave and wrote about how slaves shouldn't want to celebrate the 4th of July... like over 150 years ago. Just because the distaste that black folks have for such commemorations is new to white people, doesn't mean that it's new. White people finally just started paying attention to something that affects people other than themselves, and they don't know how to cope with it.
sure as hell seems like it
Well maybe instead of complaining you should share some of yours.
Nigger raised by white parents who thinks everything is racist and hates america even though he makes millions playing american football.
So in short he’s a piece of shit nigger.
The kneeling was something he believed in. But now he's just trolling for lulz
He doesn't hate America, and he doesn't think everything is racist
>"Nigger... who thinks everything is racist"
Only a bigot such as yourself could make such a stupid point
His actions thus far would suggest otherwise.
FFS, his "protest" was based on misinformation and ignorance to begin with. He either honestly believes in imaginary issues, or is an attention whore with a chip on his shoulder.
>waaah stop calling things racist
t. also literal racist
What's going before?
I never once claimed that I wasn’t racist...good job user.
Yeah that response is pretty cringe, especially since I never claimed I wasn’t racist.
And what would that be
Collin Kaepernick is a pussy
See most anons don’t even give a shit about a ylyl thread making fun of him, so obviously nobody cares about his little protests either.
Typical based whitelet
Don't get how that's supposed to be funny, it's just stupid
His reasoning behind it is total retardedness, “that flag was around during slavery”
So was america, guess he better start hating America or he’s a hypocrite.
>that flag was around during slavery
>So was america
So were niggers
Trump supporters and FOXNews watchers are just crybabies who went to play the victim card all the time.
Ikr, possibly the dumbest athlete alive.
Nobody’s crying victim here except Kapernick, not too bright are ya son?
only unhinged leftists adopt nigger babies, this madness has undoubtedly seeped into his core beliefs
if there wheren't slavery at all, you wouldn't have your niggerfriends today
No shit, but you criticized Colin because he supposedly thought "everything is racist", whilst you were being racist towards him. If you're saying he's wrong, and that NOT everything is racist, then you're not exactly helping to prove him wrong. You shit for brains jackass.
I also wasn’t trying to prove him wrong, anyone with an average iq can easily see that not EVERYTHING is racist btw.
But I am for sure, fuck niggers.
Aren't all conservatives saying he's *gasp* killing America and Trump is the victim of media bias. It's not it's journalists job to investigate politicians who are doing sketchy stuff or anything.
Before any one spoke that nonsense of a buzzword rascism, learn a little bit from this meme, so you wouldn't be embarrassed by yourself
Nobody mentioned conservatives or Trump.
But that meme is completely false
Richard Henry Pratt in 1902: "Association of races and classes is necessary to destroy racism and classism."
Why does that sand nigger have jungle nigger hair?
looks like you were wrong faget
exactly...im glad someone finally said it
>black people hate the country
>black people refuse to go settle eslewhere where they could find the happiness they seek
As a slav i wasn't happy in my shitty country, so i left. Came to the states and am fucking happier.
why are we letting this nigger run things? isn't he just another pawn in the white mans football game?
obama's long gone, you dumb ass
The confederate flag is anti-American. It's literally the symbol of separatists, and those who tried to end the USA as it was known. At one time, people in this country were convicted of treason and killed for sympathisizing with it. It's the opposite of patriotic.
whatever schizo keep freaking out about politics and dumb shit
Why is this Nigger still playing?! I mean seriously he fucking disrespected America and now he's fucking crying over shoes? Why hasn't he been kicked out? I mean I know that niggers are fast runners but shit there's like half a million other people that would be happy to play in his position and they'd keep their mouths shut and play the fucking game.... If given the chance I'd happily pop a .22 in that fucking empty brain pan of his.
I know people talk shit but this dude makes 300x more than a normal hard working red blooded American and he still wants to fucking complain. THIS dude is a full blown Nigger and he should have pay cuts until he's making what a worker at McDonald's does
A Betsy Ross flag is somehow a racist symbol? Idiot.
is this a copypasta or are people this retarded?
Because he's an uppity Nigger duh
worst YLYL thread yet
>ylyl thread
>actually turns out to be a bunch of sad angry cucks complaining about black football man that makes more money then them
Why do you assume it's black people who should leave? If everyone except you is having fun at a party, and you're the only drunk incoherent rambling idiot at the party, then maybe you should leave instead of insisting everyone else does.
>still has 300x more money than you
>300 x years = okay to receive mcdonald's tier pay
You guys support him by watching football and talking about him.
>less people watching and attending games = nfl making a change.
Lol @ ruining your career over this shit. So many people are now ruining their lives over this stuff. Psychopaths. I'm not expert, but I really do believe this guy and people like him are true psychopaths just ready to explode. God only knows what a person like this would do to innocent people if given the power in this country. Fuck this guy and anyone close to him.
Yes the drunkard should get booted, in this case it's the guy complaining.
Careful with those big words. Use smaller ones so they can understand it better.
You do realize that the Betsy Ross flag was an official government symbol, right? The same government that enforced racism by law.
No I don't watch football but I am a fan of America I was born here and I've traveled to almost more than half of the world.
I've seen where actual oppression is taking place this Collin faggot wants to fucking cry about shoes and wants to bad mouth the country he plays for that's just shitty hands down.
Oh and Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Howard sterns penis
The flag of a failed rebellion, much like the swastika flag of germans. Only difference is that in the states it is protected by free speech.
It's some pasta I'm sure
Agreed, was just pointing out that the nfl will not do anything about it till the criteria for action is fulfilled. Nor will it matter since he has an exuberant amount of money.
absolutely sovereign
>ww2 vets died for niggers to have rights
yeah I bet ww2 vets died fiery deaths so this jew nigger could disrespect their country with no consequences. I'm sure if you could as their ghost that's what they would tell you.
thanks for explaining it
Lol you’re a fucking moron. You fucking traitor, go suck Russian dick.
>kids out drinking, military staff Sargent spots them and pays for their drinks.
>next thing they know they're enlisted and already off to boot or on a boat.
common practice. I'm sure most of them would be complaining that their time with mummys tendies was cut too short.
Congratulations, you have been randomly selected to scalp Ray's head using a butter knife. Just remember that there's nothing wrong with that because he's a dirty paedophile so have no remorse.
LMAO at your shitty life
It's not anti-Semitic if it's against kikes.
Wow. This guy has got a LOT to say.
I wouldn't count on a great resale or trade-in value here.
/pol/acks GTFO for your arguing
Op here, I thought my thread died. Glad to see it’s still here.
BABIES you uneducated swine
This is Yea Forums retard
He's probably an octaroon that wasn't accepted by his peers for being too white and now he's doing this kneeling bullshit. Take a look at that affro
who is that
Not even close nigger
Oh god, shut up. You're an idiot?
He's right. The US is a symbol of hatred. What we need are them Truth & Reconciliation Tribunals like they had in South Africa, you know, to expiate for all of the evils and Crimes Against Humanity perpetrated by the United States. Worked a treat over there.
What's funny is y'all just spread falsehoods specifically to file people up over something that, in reality, nobody ever said. All of you guys do it. Left, right, white, black, men, women, you're all just sheep trying to piss each other off. Sometimes you're just trying to piss your own allies off. All for the sake of getting people to pucker their assholes in anger. Pretty gay goal if you ask me.
Kill yourself, Ivan
Betsy Ross never made a flag
It was the first American flag. There is no racism attached to it, but of course to idiots like yourself everything is a racist symbol. You make me sick.
Don't know, don't care.
Read the post you're replying to, and ask yourself if you made a point
Why do you think you know his life story
>how slaves shouldn't want to celebrate the 4th of July
last time I checked Colin Kaepernick isn't a slave dumbass
>You make me sick.
Don't give them the satisfaction, Yea Forumsro. Take what pleasure there is to be had in knowing what a shithole their grandchildren will inherit from their eagerness to buy into all this bullshit.
Watch the shit show and breathe, man. They think Bernie and AOC are humanitarian saviors and they're just giving the power to the next Stalin and Mao.
Breathe and remember the course to open water.
>this is what /pol/ genuinely believes
The Confederate flag is a symbol of Southern heritage dumbass. Also it was called "The Confederate States of America", how is that anti-American?
What relevance does whoever made the first American flag have? This should be good...
2/10, troll harder faggot.
It wasn't the first American flag either
I'm probably taking the bait but you realise that these kind of easily disprovable lies fuck your movement don't you? Some of this shit is pretty convincing, but if you give me a lie I can disprove in less than a minute it makes everything else look suspect. If you really HAVE to lie to prove your point, two things are true.
1. You are probably wrong, or you'd have true evidence.
2. You should use lies that take real effort to disprove or which are vague enough that you can reframe them when called out.
Would not want to be Kaepernick. I don't think he counted on this many people hating him.
>I'm probably taking the bait
I'd rather everyone hate me while I'm rich than love me while I'm poor, especially since there are a few who worship him to kinda balance it out.
You're a complete waste of time.
I'm sorry you're fine with consuming bullshit
Worship him? You make things up as you go along, don't you?
There are niggers and liberal faggots that treat him like the greatest hero in the history of sitting down during music. Why do you think Nike hired him?
>protip: it's not because they support black rights
What a great meme...
This must be why colleges whine and cry every time a standup comedian unleashes some mildly offensive humor on campus.
>starts out the thread by posting a colin kaepernick picture
cry more trumptard,my freedom is more important then your feelings
Tbf thats actually kinda funny how they refrenced the "who is this Yea Forums anyway" thing I wasnt aware they where capable of actually reasearching anything
could someone write out what that gibberish says? I can't read muttese in its original alphabet.
You're doing the Lord's work user, keep it up
No it's not, tragedies only get a day, the closest you'll see is breast cancer awareness month
Based nigger who triggers white supremacist sjw snowflake
JJ watt is a hero in Houston
Jewfro is a hero around the world for his courageous battle for a righteous cause.
Then he should donate all the money he makes to stop police violence
On my best day I could never be half as succinct or cogent as
your life sucks
He does donate a lot of money, why does it have to be all or nothing
Reason I posted it is because I first saw it on tv and it made me laugh. Why is someone that petty over a pair of shoes with a flag. It doesn’t matter if you’re lib or conserve it’s funny that someone could be so petty.
What would the money be for , give more money to cops to calm their hormonal imbalance or pay for kevlar suit for all civillian
Wow, that was pretty smart. How do you delay a kick long enough for the guy to think it isn't coming anymore but not get fucked by gravity and still get a ton of force behind it? Ninja Gaiden off of the wall of course. Clever girl.
How is him donating stopping police violence? Is there an anti-police squad?
2/10, troll harder faggot
Funeral and medical costs for people that didn't follow the exact orders at the exact time
Except police arent the ones creating and enforcing gun bans. Most beat cops and detectives are pro second amendment. It's the ATF that you have too worry about.
You are being too obvious. You are supposed to pretend you are undecided and asking sincere questions. Pretending to actually be a BLM retard is laying it on too thick.
Back to the drawing board faggot.
>It's the ATF that you have too worry about.
No kidding, man! I keep waiting for them to release a follow up hit to "Der Kommissar." Fucking 30 years later and still nothing!
What makes you think I was insincere? I never said anything about BLM though
you know what I mean
who is this?
What are you talking about? Are you an idiot? the media going on and on about Donald Trump, the president of the United States of America, having two scoops of ice cream is asinine. Nike publicly apologizing for putting the American flag on a shoe, because some dumbass who isn't even a professional athlete anymore, is offended by the American flag is asinine as well. Calling him a fucking idiot is a perfectly normal response
Falco did it better
More airplay doesn't necessarily mean better. I'm pretty sure payola was involved.
Your cartoonish oversimplification and willful ignorance concerning the nature of officer involved shootings in the United States, of course.
Why did Daniel shaver die
We'll see what you think when the US is a muslim country
You're right about airplay. But I still prefer the song in German.
Read "US" as "UK"
So much butthurt in this thread LMFAO
Yes all trolls mean the same thing, I just think you can do better Yea Forumsro
if it so bad in america, why nigger stay here?
OP is exposed as a woman who is pretending to be a man, come and see this if you want lol
Because white smart. Nigger smarter.
I am glad you had the Shaver shooting in mind, it is what I thought of when I read your comment. Almost none of the officer-involved shootings in this country are that bad, it is a real stand out.
That said, the Shaver shooting is not as simple as you probably think it is. Before I spend a bunch of time, how familiar with the shooting are you? Did you watch the video several times and also read about which officers did what? Or did you watch the video once after seeing it covered on the news.
I think less of anyone who buys Nike
Don't mix politics with your business.
You can have an individual opinion (like a CEO of a business expressing an opinion as an individual and not mixing it with his business)
But as soon as you inject your politics into your products/advertising/business practices, I'm done with you.
All this gay pride shit, all this anti-Trump shit, all this hurr durr America bad shit, is cancer.
Niggers tongue my anus
Watched the video a lot, read about the trial, I know the edgelord that shot him isn't the one shouting the idiotic commands. The commander and the shooter got off with no legal consequences, which is absolute bullshit. This country is always ready to suck off any cop or soldier
You said, "nigger." You're racis'
I've notice that you are racist if you act, dress, or even mention anything thats pre 2009
Rent. Free.
Ok so you know a lot about it, good. The part I don't get then (since you are apparently one of the few people who actually investigates things) is why are you pretending that the Shaver shooting is representative of officer-involved shootings in the US? You must know that it isn't.
There is nothing funny about your accurate representation of African Americans on university campuses in 2019.
Is Collin stupid or just retarded?
Literally the symbol of being anti american is that confederate flag. If he stood up and pushed that crap in people's faces, that's pretty ignorant, since that is a flag for people that wanted to separate from the united states and become a different country, lmao you dumb as fuck
Guess everyone using Yea Forums is fucked then.
He is a troll, and your response argues that he isn't "dumb as fuck" since he got you. The proper response to him is something like: 2/10, troll harder faggot.
he's a nigger
>There is nothing funny about your accurate representation of niggers on university campuses in 2019.
FTFY. Niggers ain't been near Africa for 150 years, or 15 generations in nigger-years. Friends from Togo and Ghana can't stand American niggers. Tell me these soft, drunken, lazy, entitled pieces of shit wouldn't last a day in the "Father land."
disrespecting the country by saying that the police need to stop being so violent towards ethnic groups? That's literally waht america stands for, is protest what you don't like. Don't keep quiet. Please tell me you are not for an america that forces people to keep quiet about inequality and violence towards minorities...that makes you a goddamned idiot and a nazi. the very definition of nazi or a dictator is you have to remain quiet unless you are speaking lovely words and support about your leader. lmao you dumb as fuck, rea d a book
Just keep in mind that there are real, normal black people in the United States, they just don't make noise or get covered by CNN / FOX. If you ask them about police, they say 1) I wish they would be more polite (hard to fault them for this honestly), and 2) We need more of them in our neighborhood, these kids selling drugs on my stoop are gay as hale.
it's not a symbol of southern heritage, dumb dumb, it's a symbol of going against AMERICAN IDEALS to become a different country. learn history...southern heritage is going against america???
I like the big red earrings though
2/10, troll harder faggot.
Don’t give in, you cuck. Our grandchildren will inherit that shithole too if we don’t stop them. They literally think Stalin and Mao were humanitarian saviors too.
a day of memorial is much different than a month of awareness, or pride months in who you are... derp...
Got an earlier usage of the word to show us?
That did not happen.
He isn't playing.
He's a person standing up for his rights, and those around him rights at the extreme loss of his monetary gain.... does it make him a hero? yup. and you are on the wrong side of history. One day you will be very embarrassed.
he is here to declare the pool's closed
Kek. Just kidding, I felt absolutely nothing. 2/10. Where the fuck are all of these 2's coming from? Yea Forums used to have some real trolls around, wtf happened to this place.
I dont think Nike ever even made any of those shoes. It's a ploy cooked up with Kap to get free publicity so they can sell other shoes.
"Hero": the word most diluted of meaning since "love"
It says fuck you
Let me ask people this how many crime ridden white ghettos do we have ?
>you are on the wrong side of history
A slogan loved by communists who’ll be branded by future historians as reckless fools when teaching their students about the Great American Famine which closely followed the disastrous US-Communist coup.
There’s only one side in history, and it’s not leftist.
Because it happened, and the officers both got off. In a war, if you shoot someone unarmed it's a war crime, but it's not too rare for cops to shoot unarmed people
He should teach Rerun on the right there when to push the fuck back from the table, while he's at it.
Missing the point entirely bud. It's not the fact that hes speaking out against his perceived inequality that people have a problem with - conservatives support and encourage free speech to it's full extent. It's the way in which he chose to voice his discontent that has patriots upset. Not standing for your national anthem is a sign of disrespect to your country and the original point of the user you responded to was of course that absolutely none of the soldiers who sacrificed in ww2 would condone it.
If whites are just as bad as blacks why are ghettos only full of blacks doing black on black crime white man is a scapegoat these days for there own shithole Cities they destroyed like detroit for instance used to be amazing
white don't give a fuck, lost
this is quality
>is this a copypasta or are people this retarded?
wtf out of everything i snorted at this shit!! vololo
These look like those filthy fucking monkeys on Gibraltar. It's all fun and games until the candy stops coming. Then those little bastards get vicious. Kind of like American niggers. 9/10 this dumb sumbitch got his face ripped off a moment after the pic was taken.
They're called white people, idiot
Actually, it's just "people." White people are "people." You don't say orange carrots or red strawberries. There are people, then all you colored niggers.
White """"""people"""""""
Those are lemurs, user. They can't even rip a fart, let alone a face off a human.
Someone already posted one, but feel free to google for 10 literal seconds if you need more.
>that truck
what an awesome find!
That was racism. Not racist.
Ok, I'm officially done with Nike. I tried to not care about the Kapernick thing, but this is fucking stupid.
>Another YLYL thread turned into non-stop politics bitching
I actually miss Ray Pist now
why did i lose to this
God these boomer memes are such shit-tier. She hasn't even said this. It's cute how conservatives are ignorant enough to think the shit she says is the mainstream liberal view. Also what do you think it is about her that makes them target her over other liberals? Maybe something about young... women... hispanic...
Alright, fair play, you're technically correct. Here are citations for racist.
I figured it was just because she was so prominent for a little while there and her manner of speaking and frequent use of figurative language leaves a lot of room for creative interpretation.
So how is the Betsy Ross flag racist? Couple of articles and the wiki just bitch about how there is not enough documents that allow us to conclude that Betsy Ross made the first flag. What's the problem?
So you think you don’t deserve to be shot for failing to following a police officer’s instructions and refusing to cooperate? If I was a cop telling you to get on the ground and you reach for your pocket instead, what is it that you think I should do?
It hurts me that I can't quite convince myself that you're trolling. Please don't exist anymore.
>actually believing Betsy Ross created the first American flag
That's actually my point. Who cares, and why does Kaepernick think it's offensive?
This upstanding black man has done way more to help blacks than that useless fucking nigger Crapperdick will ever do.
Whatever faggot. Come up with an argument or fuck off. Cops deal with crazy shit everyday and they don’t know which motherfucker is gonna pull a gun.
So your solution is to just guess based on whatever the fuck you remember about high school probability? Better shoot three brown people by accident then hesitate for one second to confirm.
Why would anyone care what them negger faggot chaink jews say
Just listen to the police and don’t resist arrest and there’s a 99.99% chance you won’t get shot. What the fuck do you think happens when you don’t listen to the guy with a gun. You don’t argue your case with a police officer, you argue it with the judge.
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O kurwa, Janusz na czanach
Get the fuck off Yea Forums with your /pol/ bullshit. Both parties are retarded crybabies who are literally accusing each other of the exact same hypocritical idiocy.
This infers that adrenaline is one of those easy to control brain chemicals. If you're pointing a gun at me, I am shitting my pants. If you shoot me because you perceived my shitting of pants as an act of aggression and shoot me it will be your fault. We need a standard of people who thrive under pressure. I am so tired of hearing cucks with guns going 'You don't know what it's like maan" Shut the fuck up, if this is so hard that you crumble the second something unexpected happens then why are you doing it for your job?
You want an example? The Canadian truck incel tried pulling the cellphone on the cop. That motherfucker with his brass balls didn't even flinch. If you can't do that shit, then don't apply to your local PD.
I like him.