Give me ONE (1) reason I shouldn't raise my pets on a vegan diet

Give me ONE (1) reason I shouldn't raise my pets on a vegan diet.

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Don't foist your twisted diet onto your animals.

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Do you love your pets?

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pets can't live on a vegan diet

But WHY?
Give me a single reason why I shouldn't feed my pets exclusively vegetables.

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They've been living pretty well so far, I'd say. They're doing just fine.

Yes, which is why I choose to exclusively feed them fruits and veggies.

Lol tell that to the police, see how many abuse charges you get, you Biology omitting fuck.

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What kind of pet are we talking about?
Most pets will need a diet containing meat to thrive and some to survive

Because depending on the animal a vegan diet is not biologically appropriate.

Too bad they hate you and wish you would die so they can eat you lmao
You’re literally raising a soyboy pet that my omnivorous German Sheppard would eat because it’s a cuck

that's great until they deplete their stores of the micronutrients they need but aren't getting from being fed apples and celery

>abuse charges
>for feeding my animals what anyone should ever be feeding them in the first place
oh my god, thanks for the keks

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My pets are guinea pigs.

lmao pretty sure my guinea pigs love me for feeding them the bell peppers they obsess over so much. Try again faggot.


theyll die and u r a nigger
>inb4 his pet is a cow

All animals will die eventually, you retard.

Congrats on the shittest low-tier bait

I’m pretty sure animal cruelty is a crime in most jurisdictions

>guinea pigs
Yeah my German Sheppard would gladly eat your little rodents and still have room for dinner

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>being proud of guinea pigs

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kys, then

>muh german sheppard good ur pet bad

kys faggot

You own a rodent, enough said

They'll die. Or just look like a starving African child.

Lol fucking guinea pigs, still a punk. Go Google what a lack of proteins does to an animal. They're animals, not a conscious, cantankerous cancer such as yourself.

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Where’s the lie?

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If they are herbivores then it's fine.

You vastly underestimate how fast they can run when frightened.

>lives in a cage
>literally refuses to touch meat or eggs
>encourages owners to eat healthier
>quiet (unless you rattle a plastic bag)
>emotionally available without being overbearing like a dog
>requires literally no exercise at all
>stays cute forever
>can still train them to do tricks
>can't be alone, must adopt two or more in order for them to not die of loneliness
Guinea pigs are the thinking man's pet.

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it's easier to raise them on a normal diet

Reason 1: you're pet isn't a parrot

>refuses to touch meat
So you’re saying they’re natural soyboys

Clarkson would be mad at you

Go ahead I don’t give a shit that you’ll end killing your pets and get charged.

>charged for feeding herbs to herbivores

I will give my reason in the form of a question. Does your dog have cow’s teeth?

It’s a faggy guinea pig, so no retard

The pleb's pet.

>a faggy guinea pig
excuse me, it's FOUR faggy guinea pigs, thank you very much

imagine being this retarded

where's the retardation?

Those are herbivores you shitcunt. They don't need to be feed meat.

At least you own the fact their faggy so godspeed user, may your little soyboys live long fruitful lives

They will die.

Unless you're feeding herbivores a herbivore diet, then you're retarded.

(That's the joke.)

>I was only pretending to be retarded

Its a food chain issue. You can not raise pets on a vegan diet, because if those said "pets" normally have a meat diet, then, thats makes you their pet. And pets are not allowed to have pets.
Thats how it works, you are disgrace to humanity.