Anons with girlfriends that lost a lot of weight, how'd you get them to fucking do it? My gf needs to drop the pounds real soon or I might abandon ship, I need someone who cares about their physical health
Anons with girlfriends that lost a lot of weight, how'd you get them to fucking do it...
Offer to go on jogs with her
Lol I got her addicted to meth that's how. She lost a lot of weight real quick. And now shes clean and it was all worth it.
Is it really her health you care about? How much of it is her looks? How much weight are we talking about anyway?
At least 220 pounds I'd say, I don't really know but I've never dated a girl that got this fat. Yes it's her health but of course looks are a big deal too because we're exclusive. Why does that matter though?
Lol what are you 14? That's not THAT fat. If you don't like it tell her. Don't waste your time.
220 is fat in any language, are you fucking stupid
or you could go the other direction
Don’t make a big deal of it. Just you start eating healthy and working out she will feel less confident. Possibly be like me and have a home gym she knows you use so when she sees it she feels bad. Eventually she will sighn up for Zumba or some other female based workout group and lose the weight.
Then you must be a neckbeard faggot to think that 220 pounds on a female is not fat.
I'd you care so much and won't get rid of her fat ass then you're a fucking fag
I have been eating healthy and do work out. I'm not in amazing shape but I'm definitely trim, skinny and look good. Doesn't seem to affect her since she's always happy to see me. I don't want her to feel bad I just want her to lose.some goddamn blubber
Sage advice retard, I don't want to dump her if it can be avoided
Stop being a pussy and tell her. Either that or harpoon the whale and be done.
All women are trash, do or do not take my word for it, I don’t care. Just wait til she finds another dick to monkey branch to. She’ll get on the new dick diet in no time!
Tell her you're concerned about her weight and that she needs to lose weight. You can offer to help her through it too. Other than that you can't really do much
Girlfriend lost 50 lbs... I broke up with her and dated a girl who weighed 50 lbs less.
A man of reason. Thanks for this, that's a good idea
Lol that's cold blooded
i lost the weight first, she followed
start a really strict diet and force her to eat it too, then hang with her all the time
>not that far
Found the American
That's thicc for a chick bro
Young American. I'm 40 and a bitch that fat wouldn't have even left the house 20 years ago.
220 on a woman is huge. Unless shes 7 feet tall.
I know, she used to be skinnier. Never skinny but better. Not sure what the fuck happened. She says birth control makes her gain weight but she just got on it after not being on it for a long time so I'm baffled
Jesus Christ OP. 220 is not "my birth control" weight. That's an extra bag of chips every meal for a year weight. What the fuck did she lol like before compared to now?
She gained 20-30 lbs in the 4 years we dated. She made some half-hearted attempts at exercise a couple times but that was it. I knew she wasn't going to lose it, I don't believe in demanding others change for you, I wasn't attracted to her anymore, so I broke up with her.
Start going to the gym and take her with you
post a photo of her I want to see this land whale.