Really tired of fag m'fers always berating what they claim to be "pedos". Fucking programmed mindless zombies

Really tired of fag m'fers always berating what they claim to be "pedos". Fucking programmed mindless zombies.

Tons of past empires and civilizations had people marrying at 13/14 and considered them men/women at that age. Why? Oh I dunno, maybe because they could actually procreate at that age, among other things?

The only reason why many fuckhead anons here feel that it is "wrong" for a girl (or women) at that age to be with someone who is like 20/30 is because society and government deemed it that way, when it was simply never like that for 4000 years. Why did it suddenly become wrong? Easy, so all the criminally insane trash that pull the strings at the top of the power structures throughout the world can horde it all for themselves, and then demonize and string you and me up if we get caught.

You ignorant m'fers are really going to have me believe that you wouldn't do anything at all with a 14-15-16 year old girl who was smoking hot in every way, IF IT WERE LEGAL TO DO SO?

Yeah...sure ya wouldn't. Keep telling yourself that. Me? Yep, damn fucking right I would. The only reason I am not is because I don't want to go to prison and fuck my life up because "society and government deemed it that way". Oh well, too bad, so sad.

Ya'll know the score, you just wanna go along with the mainstream rather than admit the cold hard truth of the matter.

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Really it just exists in my memories.. I can see hot 15/16ish year old body any time I want when I look inside my mind. It was fun back then and I will always cherish those times I had with her body.. but now I am getting old desu

Humans are so easily brainwashed. We should be taking advantage of this

Started with the British OP then the whole western world got with the times end of story.

Plus back then by those ages you were already doing adult things rather than being cuddled these days until people are in their 20s

Yep. They got it down to a science, using all different forms and severity levels (school, TV, propaganda, etc).

Just to be clear too, by no means would I ever advocate forcing oneself either (aka, rape). I am talking strictly consensual. Now yeah, if it were legal for me to be a 14-16 yo and she consented, damn fucking right. And heck, there are some countries where that is totally legal today too. Oh, but yes, in the western hemisphere, it's somehow a cardinal sin. LOL. Give me a fucking break already.

Heck, I knew this girl when I was 14, same age as me, and she looked 23. One of them rare bloomers way ahead of the curve: 5'9, long wiry arms and legs, think posterior, super thin waist, brick wall abs. No one knew she was 14 unless she actually told them.

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So, my question here is: does having 14/15 porn is it incorrect or not?

you guys kno one thing they never mentioned or brought up about them guys on To Catch a Predator and all that Chris Hansen shit?

ya maybe some of them guys coulda been dangerous, sure, and that wouldn't be the right to go about them hooking up wit anyone anyway, but 99% of them guys wanted to hang out with 13/14 yos because of another major reason: NO BULLSHIT. what 13-16yo girl is going to give a fuck about how much money a guy makes, their job, where they be living, and other status-seeking bs that women always make a huge deal out of?

girls at that age just wanna have a good time, chill, and hang out. think about it, when you was that age did you give a single fuck about any of that shit? nope! this is why many of them men were doing it...heck, most of them you can tell likely wouldn't have done anything physical anyway, save for some weirdos sprinkled in the mix.

a majority of the guys on to catch a predator expressed the detailed ways in which they wanted to have sex with the girls though

According to The Law it is, yeah. This also brings in that age-old declaration to by the other side, saying "they can't decide for themselves yet". **eye roll**. Well, again, they had no problem deciding for themselves for 4000 years.

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found the pedo

somebody touched you didn't they

You have to share the full album of that bitch youre posting

Ya, I get all that. Then again, speaking from experience (and I am sure I can speak for hundreds of thousands of others too going back the last 25 years), I met up with at least a dozen women so far from online chats/dating sites, had sex with 7 of them (at least that is what I can remember) but only with 2 of them did we actually do everything we talked about online.

Shit is usually always different when it is physical than when you bs'ing about things with someone online. There's no telling what would have happened in some of them cases because nothing ever happened. LIke I said though, that's the wrong avenue for them to be using to hook up with people anyway. Much better and safer ways of that kinda thing manifesting.

Here's something else to think on too. Who do you think a 15yo girl would be safer and better off being intimate with? An irresponsible shit-for-brains 15yo make HS kid who doesn't know his ass from his elbow, or a 27yo adult who's just the opposite, has a life, and has his head on his shoulders properly?

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Nigga the body/brain is scientifically not fully formed yet

I agree, but 27 year olds with their head on their shoulders wouldn't go after 15 yr olds in the first place

They didnt consent kids don’t refuse most things
They dont even know what sex is yet

The fuck they wouldn't? No straight man would turn down tight pussy and a innocent face. Get your faggot ass out of here.

that it? thats what you are tired of op? this one element of life that plagues you repeatedly to no end? interesting..

I would turn it down because kids can’t consent

The fuck? They can consent, they can say yes or no. What the fuck is wrong with you?

well it can be hard to know where to draw the line, if 14 is ok is 13 ok too? it's only 1 year younger. if 13 is ok is 12 ok too? it's only 1 year younger. when exactly does consent become valid? i can tell you when i was 10 i would have absolutely consented to fucking around with a hot 18 yo. so what is ok? where should you draw the line?

is she still a kid at 15 though

They dont know better
Drugged people cant consent
Kids arent fully developed yet and get really under stand sex


Empires and civilizations used to burn cities to the ground and slaughter/rape civilians too, you retard
What people did in the past is no indicator of what they should do today.
More importantly, a 13 year old having sex with a 30 year old is psychologically damaging.
That's why it's bad.

I'm pretty sure you are attracted to kids because you're anxious about how worthless you are so you need to aim your fantasies at impressionable teens and/or retard tier girls otherwise a strong female figure comes to your mind and scares your penis back into your pants because deep down you can't stand up to her. Just a thought

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I thinks most of people on this earth agree with you but fucking governement make shit law like they are going in everythings, since consent is ok it's should be legal even before body can make child, because sex isn't only for proceeate it's good for fun too and health

ive known alot of girls whove had sex around their 14th, if they are already deflowered they understand what sex is to such an extent that they are able to consent to it.

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But there to young to make choices
Underage sex with adults causes ptsd for a reason

Exactly. Unless they have severe autism or Downs, they can understand what the deal is and what is going to happen and what it will consist of, ffs. People wanna make it seem like they are knuckledragging mouth-breathers at these ages. Again, many cultures/civs of the past regarded those ages to be of adulthood.

Uh huh. Just imagine right this second if it became legal in the US/UK and many euro countries to have sexual relations with 13-17yos. LOL! Let's just say a VAST MAJORITY (aka, A LOT) would be rushing out the door to get themselves a slice of heaven lol.

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If you're old enough to WANT to get fucked up then you're an adult.
If you can figure out how to get alcohol and drugs and then do them every weekend with friends, you're definitely an adult.

>More importantly, a 13 year old having sex with a 30 year old is psychologically damaging
sure if the guy is an asshole and all he cares about sex, but what about a scenario in which there's pure love

Your stupid they cant even own a house yet

At my age I wouldn't want to pursue a 16 year old girl. I dated a 17 year old when I was 21. It was pathetic.

Western culture has changed that's why. So deal with it. Have sex with women around your age, you missed the boat of having a sexy young girl, move on.

>Why did it suddenly become wrong?
Because necessity or lack thereof is an important factor when making a moral judgement. Also the individual is given way more ways to manifest their potential today, back in the day there was no question about what you will and what you have to do, the path was clear cut and there was no real alternative to it, so you would actually waste your potential in the most important domain of your being by not having children with 14. Today that might actually be a waste of your potential. With these two major factors out of the equation the moral implications completely change, previously the lack of cognitive maturity wasn't important, because the circumstances dictated a girl's faith. Today, that's not the case and so you have the responsibility to not impede the development of that individual by setting a path for them before they can make an informed decision of whether or not that in fact is the path for them to take.

There are no corrupt elites depriving you of underage pussy, you are just too dumb to understand reality and too unempathetic to understand other human beings.

13 year olds dont have the mental capacity for this stuff

It has little to do with government simply making a decision. It has to do with emotional maturity, and a solid grasp of accountability and personal responsibility.
Hundreds of years ago, by the age of 14 you would already have been trained in the family business and expected contribute to the family and community. You would already know respect and responsibility by that age.
Fast forward to today, where we have 24 year olds who need to run to a pillow room and play with playdough anytime someone disagrees with them.
The youth of today is sheltered and "protected" from the things that lead to a strong emotional intelligence and an "adult" state of mind.
It's not about a number. It's about maturity. You don't fuck 14 year olds because they are fucking stupid, and they have no idea what responsibility is. It is wrong to take advantage of people.

if it causes ptsd it wasnt sex but rape. ive had sex with girls since i was 11, and the funny thing is they were all the ones instigating it. a few more things, girls mature faster than boys, not only physically. and girls tend to have sex at an earlier age then boys

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yo i have a question, if i was abused by my family growing up, meaning i couldnt invite any friends over, make any friends, or go out and do things to further my social skills, how does one go about getting laid at 25? ive had some really bad shit happen to me, especially when it comes to relationships and sex. it happened so much and would get worse every time that i just stopped trying to make friends or relationships with people and now i live alone at 25 and sit by myself alone for the majority of my time. i don't even feel safe in my own house at night because of what i've been through. idk where to go from here.

>Pure love
That's not what pedophiles want at all.
Pedo relationships are inherently predatory because adults just know too much more than kids and they also have inherent authority over children as well.

for a girl to not have daddy issues she needs to grow up having a no sex relationship with her father. It's literally where she learns how a guy should treat her. That said hippy communes back in the 60's or 70's were normal for them to get their kids off. I would love to see a follow-up report of those kids.

I'm sorry you didn't experience love as a kid user

Most adults don't either.
What's your point ?


then what are the people who want that called

They are called people who look for love. Not specifically target children.

Since ur an incel u should already know these incels might have thoughts about sex but are too afraid to do anything

so if you happen to fall in love with a kid you're not a pedo?

Men attracted to little girls who are 13 years old never want "true love."
It's just a damaging fetish, nothing more.
You can't even really talk to a 13 year old on any sort of deep level because honestly they're too stupid.
It's not about love or connection. It's about satisfying their fetish.

Imagine being this fucking stupid(brainwashed)

That's like saying gay couples can't have a real relationship because the entire relationship is based on sex.

The laws of the universe dictates when a girl is ready for sex

No it isn't. Nobody knows what is right and wrong until somebody tells them(brainwashes them)

Between two adults, that's fine.
The knowledge gap and inherent authority problems don't exist for adults, so it's not a problem.
IDGAF whether it's a real relationship or not, I care whether it's predatory.

>Just a thought.
More like just a projection.

All I see is crying about stuff you don't like

>Manifest their potential today
Lmao. Stfu

No. You are just expected to have the emotional intelligence to know that a relationship with a child a terrible idea. What exactly do you have in common? Do you really understand each others struggles, and push each other to be better people? Highly unlikely.
What is far more likely is that you don't know the difference between lust and love. Wanting to fuck someone does not even come close to meaning you love them.
Again, it's an issue of emotional intelligence.

Oh ffs. See what I mean? This is all basically the same regurgitated bs that society has brainwashed you to believe.

Ok, so you apparently believe there was this great dumbing down that took place over time and because of that, a person's mind at those ages now need to be safeguarded as much as possible, correct?

Who can make this decision that someone is "unable to decide" a certain thing for themselves? Let's be real here, these days, kids at those ages basically know all there is to know about sex. And if they want to try it with someone who is 25, and they agree to it and it's all being done mutually, then wtf is the problem then?

The whole PTSD bs some are bringing up is just another way of kicking the can down the road. I mean, seriously, PTSD? Yeah, as an user so astutely pointed out, IF THEY ARE RAPED...IF IT IS FORCED, etc. THAT IS NOT AT ALL WHAT I AM ADVOCATING AND NEVER WOULD. EVER.

Basically, your entire arguement agaisnt me is that "people at that age are too stupid nowadays, where as hundreds/thousands of years ago they were much more mature and cognizant of their feelings/surroundings/bodily changes, etc". And so based on that, we just rubber stamp EVERY PERSON AT THAT AGE with all of that? Pfffhhhhfff. C'mon now.

Like I said, let's be real. If it were made legal right this second, you can bet your muddafuggin ass that a large swath would be all over it asap.

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>Other people look down upon my depravity
>Hurr durr they're just crying

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Adults are also fucking stupid. Including you(but I doubt ur an adult)

I'm not advocating in any way that I personally want a relationship with a young girl but, most 13 have, if not all the time smoke weed and fuck.

Or maybe bc science tell us they aren’t mentally developed enough at that age to understand the consequences of marriage and sex.
The divorce rate is already sky rocketed, there’s no good reason to make this legal. Just bc I’d fuck one doesn’t mean I’d marry one, they’re too immature and too literally stupid to be in a legitimate relationship with adult problems. You haven’t experienced that either clearly or you’d understand.

Imagine being this brainwashed.

>I don't care about other's relationships
>Unless I don't approve!

All there is to know, except that it isn’t just a physical action lol you’re an idiot

>Everyone thinks I'm a sick fuck
>I'm not weird, they're just crying!
>Haha, that's right, I'm not weird...
Good coping mechanism, user.
Maybe one day you'll actually believe it.

Not being a pedophile is brainwashed to you? You need serious help

Insults are the tools of a weak mind
No cogent argument?
Just insult them! that will invalidate their argument!

oh shit, sorry to hear that bro. i dont really have any advice to give since relationships always came to me. but women generally like it if you are yourself and even though it sounds counter intuitive, just say that you really suck at sex in a sort of joking manner. all they hear from others is that they are the best so even if they get put off by you saying this, you will have piqued their interest. and if you really want to speed things up you can use a dating site for a relationship and tinder for one night stands. relationships arent everything though, i value friendships more than any pussy ive come across. also maybe talk to a shrink, he might not fix your problems but talking is always good

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You seem to be upset.

>All I see is crying about stuff you don't like
>Insults are for the weak minded!
I guess that means you have a weak mind, then.

except I wasn't referring to love as sex, love is companionship, love is wanting to be there for the other person, love is "pushing each other to be better people", while sure kids aren't as capable as adults I believe it's noble to help them develop emotionally and sexually, again, in the idealistic scenario in which it's genuine love

>You know you're brainwashed when

>Different age of consent, town t town around the whole world.

>Still think couple years under 18 is wrong

I lost brain cells reading this. Bitch "path of development" what the fuck are you on about? Get a job. Get married. Start a family. Raise your kids. Life really is that simple.

pretty easy really, when puberty hits

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I know the guy banging Faith - his name is Ethan Perez. His older brother Joseph Perez was fucking Camila Morrone. but she dumped him to ball Leo DiCaprio and his friends. The Perez family is Jewish.

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I feel like it's in place because the social ability of teens hasn't quite developed yet. It might be easy for someone with malicious intent to take advantage of their confused behavior and manipulate that into something the teen ultimately ends up not understanding. I think the idea that 13-14 year olds may have issues with adolescence (not puberty) is part of the reason why society seems it unacceptable. Just because you do something throughout history doesn't mean that's it's valid today. Normal people don't shit in the yard and nor do they not wash themselves with soap.

It was wrong back then too

Jesus christ boo hoo you sick fuck i hope your a larper and not a real pedo ass hole

Also ptsd happens when they say yes because kids cant consent

That I have no problem with, morally speaking.
But then the table is turned on you because a person of that age has no idea who they are yet.
All human beings go through massive changes to their psyche first at puberty, then again between 18-22.
If you don't personally remember those changes, ask a parent.
If you have ever dated an 18-20 year old, you will see that they change. Sometimes dramatically.
So, I would say that allowing yourself to fall in love with someone that young is pure masochism. You are signing up for guaranteed failure. That is where your own emotional intelligence should kick in.

Haha. Nigger the main argument in this thread is saying
>well we used to marry kids why is it bad now
Yea we used to have no drinking and driving laws and used to torture people to death in public spaces. Should we go back to those times as well?

My choice to not pursue young girls isnt from society it's from experience, western society has a teenage culture separate from adult culture. Young girls and boys should be growing together not being brainwashed by some pedo who just wants to get their young blood.


Why wouldn't I be? I have a current situation revolving around this problem. I am 27 and a "girl" who is 15 (and very beautiful) that I am quite close to, well, let's just say she and I are very enamored with each other. However, I cannot do anything with her LEGALLY and I WILL NOT. It's not legal, so...oh well, nothing I can do until she can legally consent.

I just believe there is a load of pure horsehit and even worse semantics surrounding this whole issue, with bleeding heart motherfuckers wanting to play "social worker" and "mommy and daddy", who think they can think for someone else.

This "girl" btw, is quite mature for her age. Yes, sure, there are some things she doesn't have in common with me, nor me with her, but that would also go for two people who are 12 years apart at 40 and 28...oh but that's ok for course...smfh.

And to the user fuckhead with his bs "psychotherapist" breakdown who already was shotdown by a wingman of mine, GFY, pal. I am flatout admitting that, YES, I DO LIKE YOUNGER GIRLS AT THAT AGE. I like women my age too and also women who may be 10yr older than me. I love all kinds, races and colors too. So what? Look at John McAfee, he was banging 15yo girls down in Belize. IT WAS LEGAL. But if he did that here, oh noes!!! ITH EEWEEGALL!!! Utterly retarded.

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>waste your potential
Actually I'm not done with this retarded fucking post. Wasting potential is exactly what young girls are doing when they throw away their fertile years in pursue of personal development and careers and all that hogwash. Then they end up in their 30's wondering where all the good men have gone. Like bitch get pregnant have kids that's your role in nature there is no fucking "path of development" for you to follow. Because young girls can't start a family with underdeveloped boys their age, when what they need is a real man and that's where the age of consent comes in and fucks everything up. (((Pure coincidence))) meanwhile the shitskin invaders and mexicunts are popping kids out from age 14 onwards with no fucks to give.

Then everyone is scratching their heads wondering why the white race is dying.

That does not follow logically. Lack of consent does not mean ptsd will necessarily follow.

>Lack of consent does not mean ptsd will necessarily follow
That's true, but it will in most cases because pedos aren't looking for a loving relationship, they are doing it for the sex. Girls under a certain age are considered too young to fully understand sex, so they are saying "Yes" to something that can and will scar them for life if it is done with the wrong person.
>"B-but what if that person wants to love that child?"
If they were looking for love they'd date adults instead of kids.

Incel levels reaching critical mass.


Strawman tactic detected, level DEFCON 2. Give it up and try harder, fag. Focus on what I am talking about, NOT OTHER BS THAT HAS FUCK ALL TO DO WITH IT AND IS OF A TOTALLY DIFFERENT NATURE.

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>All human beings go through massive changes to their psyche first at puberty, then again between 18-22.
fair point, the difficulty of sticking with a relationship through those changes could range from easy to fairy tale levels of pure love which never fucking happens because people are shit

No Cat Goddess? This thread is weak

This, Good job. With this OP is indefinitely a faggot.

>If they were looking for love they'd date adults instead of kids.
you can't "look" for love, you can't choose who you fall in love with, it all should be fine as long as intentions are pure

Dude stfu it's up to the older generations to ensure the younger ones grow up and continue the cycle. Why the fuck would you want to marry a 13 year old and fuck up the system? Deprive them of childhood and growing bonds with like minded and similar aged peers.

It's a sick fantasy get over it. Move on grow the fuck up.

I mean 15/16 is the legal age in a Fuckton of places by now, including in the US

When would a healthy, grown adult interact with kids enough to fall in love with them? In fact, what would and adult see in a 13 year old girl that would make them attracted to them?

Has it never happened to you to fall in love with someone for no discernable reason? Never experienced love at first sight?

Its ok for kids to consent to xanex adderall though. there developed enough to make a decision where the side effects could affect them for the rest of there life.

Bald, untouched pussy? Young, fresh, fruity body? Want to talk about that?

>"That kid is so pretty, I know literally nothing about her and yet I'm in love"
Grow the fuck up, you just want to plow her

The brain isn't fully developed until the mid twenties. Does that mean the age of consent should be raised to 25?
Pedophilia is being attracted to prepubescent children, and it is abhorrent. Being attracted to 15-17 year old girls with double Ds and hips wider than your mom's doesn't make you a pedo.

Nice projection, looks like there's no more room for debate

>What would an adult see in a 13 year old girl that would make them attracted to them?
>"Their sweet, sweet, innocent body and pussy"
Not helping your case, it only proves that pedos only want to date children so they can fuck them

>I love someone I've never even talked to
You watch too many movies, virgin.

you are a loli dude

As user said, you keep applying this blanket bs that a person at the ages I have been arguing, WILL GET FUCKED UP. In your mind, IT WILL HAPPEN...TO ALL OF THEM. I mean, seriously, bruh? That's really quite myopic and just downright absurd to have a thought process such as that.

There can be thousands of situations right now ALL OVER THE WORLD, where a 25yo man and 14yr girl fall for each other (and IN LOVE as you say, not just for sex too). And it can work out and they live happily ever after? Will that always happen? NO, IT WON'T. But it can. This whole side of it just doesn't exist in your world for some very odd reason. You just want to run with the worst of it instead.

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No one is saying that.
It's just very likely.

>dating people you only have a sexual attraction to is wrong
You're not making a good case for yourself. That's the defining difference between friendships and romantic relationships.

There are psychological studies indicating that it is a real phenomenon, just because you haven't seen enough women for it to happen to you does not mean it never happens to anyone

>"It's NORMAL for a grown, 25 year old man to fall in love with a 14 year old girl who just finished middle school!"
Why would an adult be interacting with a young girl on a daily basis?

I know most of you can't comprehend your little sister being a totally different person when she leaves the house but I've seen lots and lots of youngins with fake ids, getting drunk and leaving with an older guy.

>"I've seen kids get drunk and leave with older guys, so let me fuck kids!"
What's your point exactly?

Yep...nice to see someone using their brain here for once. Fags keep conflating shit due to the sludge they hear on TV and from their knuckledragging friends all the time. Heck, being on Yea Forums, you'd think these m'fers would know the difference between pedos and those who you described.

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Cite those studies.
You can be instantly attracted to someone, sure, but love means something else.
Only someone with little or no sexual experience will think they're in love one they merely see someone attractive.
This is no surprise, considering that most pedos are butthurt virgins who never got laid when they were teenagers and now seek to make up for lost time.

You're forgetting that it's a child who doesn't completely understand relations or sex. And just because someone is sexually attractive doesn't mean you should date them.

Bitches are whores