You're offered $1,000,000 to eat one pound of her dead body. Do you accept and if so, what do you eat?
You're offered $1,000,000 to eat one pound of her dead body. Do you accept and if so, what do you eat?
her ass
Definitely. I will eat her tongue.
Do i get to cook it or do i have to eat it raw? Liver, brain, pacreas
And for desert her adrenal gland
I only eat ass
Of course yes but it depends how old is the body
what a shitty diet anondo
Is the body going to stare at me like that while it eat it? If so, yes.
The reward is too high to refuse
>The reward is too high to refuse
I'd pay $1,000,000 to eat her whole body
Yeah I'd do it, as long as I can fuck it afterwards
I'd accept, probably her face.
Would her face weigh a pound?
Depends on if you eat to the bone
Why do her eyes look like that?
Probably, I mean there's muscle tissue there too, tongue, eyes.
Is she dead?
Doubt it but it's possible
Are you new? How have you not seen this dead photo before?
I'm fairly new I guess. Fill me in since I have much to learn. That's a real dead person?
It was from a coroners website to help in identifying corpses with no name or identification. It's pretty old. 10 years ish I think.
that coroner should post an updated pic of what she looks like now kek
There goes my diet.
I'll take her teeth and skull
Probably her traps or lats
the back muscles of the body are the purest and softest of all