Is there something wrong with my dick...

Is there something wrong with my dick? I thought it was normal but some women who asked me for pics have hurt my confidence by calling it small...

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This is how women actually talk to me. It was easy to ignore at first but more and more put me down like this after initially being interested in me. So as a virgin this kinda stings

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I'd gag on it....

Half of your dick is balls
so, yes, it's that bad

Maybe it’s the pic? Anyways I’m probably going to commit suicide. This shit hurts my manhood and sense of self so fucking much! I could not possibly feel more pathetic about it

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Yeah I mean you have great balls, but your dick is short as fuck and can’t really tell where your dick ends and balls begin

Kill all woman

Ok. Thanks for the honesty. I was hoping that it was just size queens I was talking to but it turns out it’s true.... I’m going to take my life today. I never would have guessed I’d ever feel this horrible with myself.

Check em, it’s just not as defined as this let’s say

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Op you gotta work your angles man.
As a guy who has a decently sized member it can still look hella small with bad lighting and bad angles.

Knowing I’m not even a normal man is

I actually would fuck OP over you.

Check em, well that’s fine gay user. But yeah just was saying with how defined my dick is. Clearly see the head, shaft, balls and where they all begin and end

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"peppa pig dick"
give this bitch a trophy

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I’m a female

Well idk I guess you prefer shorter dicks lol, it happens. What would your critiques be of it?

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First of all I am grossed out by your belly. You’re out of shape. But dick does not mean better for MOST women. My ex is smaller than OP and It felt fine, not too small.

More looking for specifically thought on the dick itself. My stomach is pretty flat lol

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Most girls call mine normal, they are delusional. Ignore them

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In your first pic it doesn’t. I just don’t like your dick lol I’m sure others do.


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7/10 bend to the left seems wrong , selecting random images from my HDD for the lulz

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Fair enough, I’m not gunna be all mad and offended you don’t like it. That’d be ridiculous. Could be douchey and say you don’t like it cause you think it’s too big lol. Super cocky ego douche

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I mean I also have seen you post your dick wayyy too much on here. You even invade other threads with your dick pics. You obviously have some sort of sickness to be driven to constantly post your dick. If you’re a narcissist that’s the most unattractive shit. A mature and normal man wouldn’t be like you lol. But I’m sure you already know all of this ~

In all fairness yeah I post myself to decently often. But I’ve noticed at least 3-4 random anons have saved my pics from other times and pretend to be me in threads and all that. Not even bullshitting, I unleashed a shitstorm on myself lol

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