Over 165,000 people have indicated that they are going to join an alien hunt at the classified US Air Force base on a Facebook event, titled “Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us”; while more than 200,000 users have reported themselves as interested.
The storming attempt is scheduled for 20 September, in other words in less than three months.
Yeah I mean I can't see a bunch of randomed Joes storming a US base on an announced date going poorly
Zachary Robinson
The US Government already released all the information they had on it. The "ufo" was a balloon and microphone in Project Mogul. Literally on the Wikipedia page you absolute goblin.
Carson Brooks
If one person got shot they would run If it was going to really happen Its a military base
Nah, not interested in dying. I don't know why these morons think they "can't stop all of us."
Hunter Watson
Ok, so, what and where is S4? And why does that site have such a crappy name compared to Area 51?!
Lincoln Hill
When ur babby run out bathtub
Kayden Garcia
Nice photoshop
Jordan Evans
I plan on attending in an alien costume and fucking with people then jacking off in the crowd on national tv then going into an out house,changing into normal clothes.And escaping
Samuel Lopez
Area 51 is publicly known for this exact reason, there's nothing in there anymore
Storm the Dulce Base under Archuletta Mesa
Kayden Adams
If dis proof of alens. why they all look so different?
Kayden Garcia
I honestly want to see what happens if a hundred thousand people try to storm a military base, so I hope they go. I'll read about it online.
Juan Gonzalez
He stated it's where they keep the r-real aliens. Gawrsh!
Unless it has a long running tv show or movie series devoted to FBI agents trying to uncover the truth about what’s in that base, I’m just not interested user
Benjamin Hughes
On that day, the Guinness world record for no shows to an event will be set.
Chase Hall
cos they’re shapeshifters, every time they come to earth they take on a new shape and take loans from the jews, then they bail, aliens are clever and know that the jews will never lend gold to their old shapes ever again
Dylan Turner
Makes perfect sense
Ethan Brown
If I ever saw one of them thar elains, I'd shoot the dumb mofo...
Luke Stewart
Anything worth hiding will be kept behind high security doors that your average Joe will be unable to penetrate. So even if you don get in you'll be fucked once reinforcements arrive.
Adrian Flores
>they cant stop all of us lol
Cooper Howard
"area 51" just means that at the time, it was the 51st piece of land procured by the government. it's a map thing.
Julian Brown
"The curse of man, and cause of nearly all of his woes, is his stupendous capacity for believing the incredible. The most common of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It's the chief occupation of humankind." -- H. L. Mencken,
Sebastian Murphy
No way? That’s way more boring than the X-files made it seem. How about S4, where does that name come from? And what’s there? And what’s in dulce base too?
Angel Bell
why else would they come to earth?
Hunter Phillips
This plus, since this is a FB group, the Gov knows about it. Anything important will be moved before hand and people wont even passed the gate before the military stops them
Jaxon Morales
you are on the internet, you know?
S-1 Personnel
S-2 Intelligence
S-3 Plans and Operations
S-4 Logistics
Adam Sanders
So the soi army is giving the government 3 months to prepare for said raid? I want to fly down there and get a beach chair and a cooler and some binoculars and watch the carnage from a safe distance. Also, even if there were ayy’s and aliums there, don’t you think they would move them for added security? What kind of deranged faggot comes up with a plan this bad?
He’s right. This is like week 1 basic training stuff
Christian Butler
I’m on Yea Forums, surely that’s an indication that if its not spoon fed to me in minute detail, it’s not going into my noggin. (But really, I’m not googling for secret US bases, google already thinks I’m a weirdo, I don’t want hem to think I’m some sort of domestic terrorist too, thank you very much!)
Lucas Ortiz
>What kind of deranged faggot comes up with a plan this bad? The stable geniuses that are FBs keyboard warriors
Jace Reed
trespassing on a military base is a felony and open season to be shot
>they can't stop all of us they sure as hell can and will, after the first few people are shot the rest will go running away anyways
Nathaniel Stewart
The gates are going to be wide open, warehouses empty.
Asher Garcia
Aaron Myers
This, plus I doubt they have soylent trucks in the Nevada desert. They’ll give up immediately
Adam Brown
Def empty warehouses and hangers but the gates wont be open.
Joseph Thomas
so many morons so few bullets, I hope the nellis guards stock up for the occasion
Dominic Ward
That’s an interesting theory, but why are they shapeshifters then?
Eli Nguyen
Maybe they have to shapeshift the fat away after they eat too many twinkies.
Luke Stewart
That’s the most compelling argument I’ve heard since pizza gate, I’m sold!
Daniel Phillips
No such thing as too many twinks
Charles Ortiz
Useful idiots. Protesting fake UFOs when they should be protesting real pedophiles.
Josiah Johnson
Wright pat's airforce base. All the alien shit was moved there decades ago
Mason Powell
Shapeshifters can only be powered by Twinkies
Brayden Hill
It was a video. Still fake though. He does a silly dance and wing flapd
I am going but in fairness I live within 45 minutes
Aaron Russell
That’s a damn fine point
Grayson James
I really like the idea of shooting protesters. Hope it catches on...
Connor Walker
Please live stream or post results of the fools
Oliver Cooper
Robert Ramirez
Madness. Madness I tell you.
Sebastian Hall
Scope out the guards for us. What numbers of guards are we talking here? And how heavily armed are they? You could be the man that provides key information to these dumbasses and make them reconsider literally trespassing onto an army base!
>You could be the man that provides key information to these dumbasses and make them think they can successfully invade like a heist movie ftfy
Levi Sanders
These aren’t protestors, they’re schizos that think the government is hiding alien technology in Area 51. Bullets will be cheaper to society than housing them and buying prescription meds for them every month.
Joshua Martin
>What numbers of guards are we talking here? Hundreds >And how heavily armed are they? I'll take the full fucking arsenal of the United States military with highly trained personnel for 500, Alex.
>when there's no ayy lmaos and everyone "attending" is really just going to get to the border before either nothing happens or they all get arrested
Jackson Hill
"Aliens" aren't real. They are demons. Interdimensional beings invisible to the human eye, but they're literally everywhere, they can act upon the material world but rarely choose to do so. Alien spacecraft is actually human tech, prepare for the greatest deception in history, soon "aliens" will reveal themselves and we'll see the collapse of the current order.