Active kkk member here, ama

Active kkk member here, ama

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Other urls found in this thread:

are the hats comfortable to wear?

get a fucking life lmao

How does it feel to be part of an ideology that's objectively retarded?

Have you killed any niggers today?

how active is the clan these days?

what do you mean by active?

What’s your phone number?

Are you a wizard?

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Thank you for your service

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If the Klan hates catholics so much, why did you base the looks and attire of your entire order off of catholic penitents?

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whats the difference between the guys in red vs white? seen a guy in red while camping and noped out but i dont know why he was red and not white.

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do they have a notable presence anymore?

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Only in comics, films niggers portrated as strong and fearsome. Irl they are shit

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dont forget to sage this pathetic cunt

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BS, i've lived in the south my whole life and have never ever met anyone that was in the KKK. it's a way fucking overplayed media trick to make all whites look like nazis

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I hate niggers.

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What do you do day to day...job?

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this is actually really interesting, sauce?

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Op here, post was b8 to get yous

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Well, no. I’m from the Deep South and had a friend in the klan briefly. She noped out after encountering the aryan brotherhood in some backwoods. She went on to date a black dude. I didn’t know about this until several years later. You don’t exactly advertise being a kkk fag. They’re not glorified/mainstream for the most part in the south, but if you look hard enough they’re still here.

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what manga is this?
its verry good

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At this point, I’m just here for the story

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I met someone who claimed to be elijah battles while inpatient... he called me the leader of the kkk, and other various things....

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agreed, OP we must know

But I'll call him cousin any day. We get each other, though we haven't met yet outside the facility. I'm stuck shackled to my bed and desk. I mean... Battlestation... shit.. toads... fuck

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Did you know "KKK" stands for "Tiny Penis Club"?

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It's called Blaster Knuckle and it ran for 20 chapters.

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Hold up, why do the devils only eat black people?

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now, the real question is, do you fuck girls?

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found it its called "blaster knuckl"e

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Because nobody would notice so much if a random black person in the South back then.

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He takes part in the monthly circle jerk.
Remember, if you can't see a mans face jerking him off isn't gay, could be a sexy trap under those sheets.

Thanks comic poster, was a good chapter read.

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Whats the kkk?

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This is going to sound dumb, but serious question:
Where do you buy the robe? I'm sure you can get a low quality knock off made in china one from n edgy costume store, but if you want pure American cotton sewed together by your countrymen and not beaners or orientals, where do you get the robe?

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Ah, yeah makes sense

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Appreciate it comic poster

Fucking based as hell, user. Keep going. I'm reading every page.

Cecile’s got some balls to pull that shit lmao

Why do you believe in jebus?

fuuuck user you still there?

Yo, found the manga for those who wanna keep reading

Yeah. Next chapter won't fit in the image limit, tho.

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It’s ayt, I found the full manga online anyway
Thanks for the recommendation, really interesting

Have a good night man

dfu ck youu niggger


Yo, start your own thread and keep posting. I'll bump it for sure.

When did you know you were retarded for sure?

Nah. Just some nigger chink garbage

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If you started a thread, I could bump it automatically. But OP can't bump his own thread very often.

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Hey, a good story is a good story
Nigger or not

Alright then. I'm going to use that image and summon you in.

>nigger or not

i choose not

Why don’t you consider white hispanics as white?

Most of them are just as anti minorities as you all and could increase your ranks tremendously.

I'll check the rest of this out later, user. It's funny, I came to this thread expecting a shitshow with a few serious answers here and there, but I got a kick ass 1800's fantasy manga out of it instead.

New thread.

right?? thought the same thing

ha what a fuckin fag.