Opinions on single moms?

Opinions on single moms?

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that one wears too much make up.

generally speaking, if more parents taught their children self respect, women wouldn't be whores.

Used car.
Expired milk.
Best years are behind them.

Never ever

As long d other two ex baby daddies are permanently out the picture then yea go for it

An user indirectly disagreed with me but this is the tier +from what I see in exactly this order)
White, Asian, brown and then black
And in that order is the rate of single motherhood
Latinas and blacks are 'otorious but I've seen more Latinas than blacks as single moms
My motto is that if you're a single mom chasing dick, vitch go raise your kids
You got bigger fish to fry

Even the ones that are widowed, I still laugh at their situation, but then cry cause someone will fill the position and I'm still going to be alone.

If they have daughters.Its your own personal Harem and a big cuck for the dad.

Unless she's a widow, the lowest of the low. NO quality guy wants a single mom.

There’s a reason their single mothers

you will never be number one. EVER. They are bone and disown territory.

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The result of irresponsible Men without commitment.

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I personal blame women for not see that a man isn’t worth shit

Fuck em all.

They're an excellent source of kids

Yes both parties are responsible.

And of their own irresponsibility/immaturity

At least you know they put out

Easy to get nudes from.

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Single moms don’t have anywhere to go but down. Their attractiveness automatically tops out at ‘4’ on a scale of 1-10. They can rise no further. This is an example of a situation where women often attempt to fall back on conservative or traditional values once they’ve had their party time. Attempting to appear more conservative is a single mom’s vain attempt to claw back a tiny bit of control in her life. If she can pull off this façade of wholesomeness then she may be able to tempt a middle quality “catch” of a guy into her family’s life. It’s unlikely, but possible. Most guys, alpha or not, understand what Gavin McInness once said about women having the greatest superpower in the universe, the ability to create life. A child is the living proof of the love between two people. Why would a man ever want to dedicate himself to a woman who has already exercised that glorious superpower 1) on accident and 2) without him?

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Post them

Pump and dump (with protection)
Or just stay away
No one, and no thing will ever be more of a priority than her kids


unless their husband died of natural causes, I think they are damaged goods and the scum of the earth. They raise criminals, and they are incapable of raising children on their own despite claiming they are strong independent womyn.

Holding women responsible for their actions?!


Mommies need dick, too

Truth right here

They never are and never will be

I wonder why

Serial bad decision makers.
Fine for a pump and dump.
But, never ever put a ring on it

Eitherretarded b8 or shit tiersaire
Bitc you got kids to feed and kids to raise
Dick is the last of your priorities in less it is wiping little uture single mom makers because his Pampers are full
Yeah I need to get my dick wet but not because you think I'm an incel but because sometimes I gethory
Fuc outta here

Let me fuck your stupid milf ass

A child without a father figure will have a fucked up time growing up. I haven’t seen one single mother raise a child perfectly, especially if it’s a boy

All I see in single moms are another man's problems.

Preach brotha

she aint single anymore. post more maria

A friend of mine made the mistake of falling in love with a single mother... You would think the 3 kids from 3 different fathers, and 2 divorces would have been red flags... nope.

His kid was number 4, and he's not even able to see the kid because she took advantage of the court system to file several restraining orders based on no evidence whatsoever, and then got a judge to give her full custody based on the bogus restraining orders. (this is a common tactic used by women to stop fathers from seeing their children.)

Someone failed the fuck out of english, and probably highschool altogether. Ever heard of punctuation you dumb fuck?

This.They raise perfect thots tho.

This person liked your comment!

(Yea Forums for iPhone)

That sounds about right. I guess he needed the learning lesson

Easy to fuck

Yes thots that will walk down the same path a get banged up with no father in the picture

I once met a single mom she had 4 daughters waited until they turn 16 to 18 then i fuck them.It was pretty amazing.True story.

Fuck out of here faggot

What in the fuck are you babbling about

never ever date a single mom, they'll nag you to the point where you don't want to enter your own damn house. as parents they're the most vile and hypocritical people. single moms are the worst, single dads are way better at raising boys or girls.

What's his name?

Are you from the movie idiocracy, where they speak a bunch of retarded dialects?

Single moms faggot
Y'all couldn't understand me
Dick is the last of her priorities unless it involves wiping her sons dick because his Pampers are full (parenting)
Single moms are retarded to me because they search for dick when they've got bigger things to worry about (like raising they kids) y'all are the retarded ones

Fathers use logic and reason to raise children. Women raise children on how they FeEL

>This is what men actually believe

Single moms should be off the market permanently

Try being raised by a dominant mother who assumes that position
Lopsided logic and unchecked stupidity
Fuck out of here

For real, dude just needs to get his order of big ass fries and shut the fuck up.

ye dick, booze, drugs. because they don't have a man around. the government is the daddy and there are no rules in the house, she does what she wants while getting alimony, child support, money from the gov. back in the day the woman's responsibility was to keep the man in the house and to work together to raise children and to keep him satisfied. now the court orders the man pay every penny he has just because. today's woman are utter garbage, they're not worth dating or marrying. especially if they're from a western country or western europe.

Fuck out of here
IRL I'm a bitch inb4 "oh he's trying to be a badass on the internet" but you can read. This
And understand clearly what the fuck I'm saying faggot
Those are my opinions, those of op asked for so fuck out of here faggot

That’s why I say child support should only be 50 dollars to make these bitches get off their ass

Posting on Yea Forums should be the last on your list of prioritize. You should be practicing your abc's and learning what a fucking comma and period looks like. Not to mention how to form an actual sentence. I have a strong suspicion you are currently being "home schooled" by a dick craving single mom that you paint to be scum.

Who you talking too?

this isn't the 3rd grade. you're not writing your fucking assignment so mrs cumdumpster gives you an A+. you're just writing on Yea Forums ffs

We're both faggots posting on Yea Forums so that argument would invalidate the both of us, faggot.
A, B, C, D, Ur a faggot....
With my browsing on Yea Forums I am not wasting away the childhood of the children I'm supposed to raise: single moms who chase dick.

Fr who gives a fuck about grammar or punctuation on Yea Forums?

Then why are you single?

Y'all are talking to who exactly?

Shouldnt have to read what this dumbshit says 5 times to even half way understand him though. As he once said : gEt thE fuc Outa heR FagErt

If they raise their kids fine i don't care, if we talking about fucking i don't even fuck single mom's as it isn't my thing.

Alright can we all agree single moms are shit, and end this

I gave little to no fucks when posting that post
You're getting salty because of a post I have no fucks about, then followed up with the post I should've posted to have made myself understood: you're a faggot white knight.

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Only if they have sexy kids.

MOMMY AND DADDY ARE FIGHTING!!! Oh wait I don’t have a dad

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but they are always easy

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Now why would a mom need to look club ready

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Imagine going to Yea Forums and ask about dating women

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Kik?? She turns me on so much collector345

they are single for a reason.

plus that puss is all washed up now. double neg


Most of them have mental issues

i dunno if i should, everyone seems to hate single moms

Can confirm, my cousin is basically a single mother and she's so messed up in the head.

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I'll be a hypocrite for now
Post it faggot and stop with the bs


Seems that the baddest chicks are the most messed up

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75-99% of women ar either broken, daddy issues, or raped/molested

Any titty pics? Booty?

Is it funny that she looks exactly what I picture when I think of single mother. She looks like the type to constantly post her baby and pretend to be a good parent

Takes two to tango. Dont spread your legs if youre not ready for children whore.

yes and yes

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At the end of the day hoes gone hoe. Till they hit the wall

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Show us

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Gotta put a new expiration label over the old one

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body made for breeding and child support

Women are shit honestly

"Isn’t it nice having a bunch of slutty
pussy running around?"

Thats not how pussies work, femanon. Also, tits or gtfo

opinion on single moms? no
on the children? yes
not a fan of children at all

Well don't stop there
Booty pics

this booty is too strong for you user

single mom i fucked for some time, didnt want to have anything serious though, too much for me

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Probably single for a reason. Any bitch who can either:
A. Get kids from a man and then kick him to the curb like he's nothing, or
B. Just have random unprotected sex with guys enough to have kids with someone she isn't serious with,

is a bad choice to get involved with.

Of course, if the husband died or was a major cheater or something, perhaps it wasn't her fault.

you shouldn't. we don't want to see maria's beef curtain. shitty experiences with single moms from anons seems to be more entertaining

love this tranny

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Makes poor life choices.
Often horny and desperate.

Ergo, you've got a chance.

more more more

Thank you, mommy.

I wouldn't say "thank you" to a slut who is adding to the problems of this world by chasing dick instead of being a good mother who keeps her kids in a full family (you know, with a father/husband around to help). Not a good example to her kids, either, unless the father died.



yeah but let's say for the sake of the example, I don't want/can't have kids of my own (eg, had a vasectomy/sterile) and the kids are getting around to their high school years. what then? is it still not worth it?

what if also though, based on various other posts in this thread, that the prior husband/dad is still part of their lives, eg coparenting.

You're either an inbred white hick, or you're some color darker than Asian to speak so poorly. You should probably worry more about learning proper English than what people think about your opinions on single mothers.
