share something interesting about the last person your dick was inside of
she has a dead dad
never happened
bottom gay B)
She’s my wife
mine, too
When I slap her five times, she asks me to slap her again
I just broke up with her cause she’s emotionally needy
Well shes your mom so...
she has diabetes
She calls me daddy.. I don't like it.
He really enjoys dissection, not as a fetish or anything he just has a ton of videos on his phone. He's a pretty good poet too.
she's your real daughter, isn't she
She's a stripper who's not my wife
Her dad died in a meth lab explosion when she was 12
Her dad raped her when she was younger.
Always felt kinda uncomfortable having sex with her.
She was a botanist and wanted to fuck my Sawzall when she found out how it worked
Did you let her?
She does not know i have a side girl, and it makes me feel more alive than i have ever been.
Shes my childhood friends sister who just turned 18, I am 25. Basically she cheated on her partner at the time with me but they were in the middle of "breaking up"
She's a dog
Also never happened never will.
Gay/ace bottom.