Where will all of you white supremacists move to once Americans are forced to pay reparations?
Where will all of you white supremacists move to once Americans are forced to pay reparations?
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You know your next president is coming hard with it. Did you think you wouldn't have to pay for Trump?
what country would accept them, honestly?
you think they'd really want say even 1 million political refugees? a lot of which aren't the brightest
Fuckin Trump. Down with Whites
America is expected to take in everyone in the world. Why aren't other countries held to the same standard?
What about Israel?
>America is expected to take in everyone in the world. Why aren't other countries held to the same standard?
well you're acting like your not at the moment, so... that sucks?
Because white people owe there lives to the minorities they raped and enslaved
But America does anyway. It has the widest mix of citizens of any nation.
whites are gonna not like it so much when they're equally raped and enslaved
It's illegal to force someone to pay for anything
>taxes are illegal
You pay taxes all of the time. If you didn't the IRS would rape you.
we owe shitskins jackshit
that whore will never be president LMFAO
Liberals make up the majority more and more with each year. Mexicans add more to the base. Every young generation is more and more progressive. You're done, white boy.
I meant more like Obama care. They can't tax us on reparations. My family had nothing to do with slavery. If you haven't noticed by now the government lies and is crooked as shit. They'll drop the whole thing if they get elected.
Yeah man, they might as well kill themselves. Saves the superior race the trouble
Simply not true
just wait until you lose another election and lol when whites are the minority that just means more racial tension between niggers and spics and less focus on white people
Ever heard of the word pandering?
what is the superior race? lol you realize when whites are the majority niggers and spics will still be minorities and whites will still be the largest minority?
Absolutely true. Young people are overwhelmingly more and more progressive, especially as toxic masculinity is stamped out of existence.
First off, reparations don't force you to pay anything. You can't be legally held responsible for something an ancestor did, outside of being named in a Will as owner of property or other legal debt. Since I was not given a slave by any of my ancestors, none of their descendants are owed anything by me.
Also, if you are a minority and receive income from the state or federal level due to not being able to earn enough to care for yourself, consider that reparations. If your response is "We didn't choose to come here," then my follow up would be, go back to your ancestor's lands and make a living there.
That's just straight up bullshit.
whites aren't even breeding at replacement levels
Not true you fuckin bigot. I can't believe you say those things about your new daddies. Racist
Reparations won’t happen. You’d have to be pretty dumb to think it’s even a possibility.
It's going to be figured into your taxes whether you like it or not, just like they've been paying for the war.
>my buzzwords
Do you even know where at child?
Yeah right. If it doesn't benefit the government it won't happen. Do you think the greedy irs cares about anyone but themselves?
yes it is true. whites will remain the largest single population segment for a long time you hypocritical white hating bigot freak
Clearly a white supremacy forum. You guys are gonna pay. Dearly.
Kek you're funny. It's time to grow up kid.
I'm not a white supremacist, all of my babies' mothers are black
That pic is literally rape. Im reporting this
I support reparations.
1) Back pay for the work their ancestors did less living expenses.
2) One way ticket back to the African country of their choice.
And, of course, they must renounce citizenship and will not be allowed back into the country.
See you soon
No you won't
Government will benefit immensely. Tons of pork will be shaved off those extra taxes billions. Politicians will give themselves another raise while they use tax money to go on speaking tours at major corporations.
Nowhere because it's not going to happen. Dems are not going to win in 2020.
If you're going to start a war I can sell you weapons and ammunition.
>mfw ill release a luxury line of product, selling it at 10 times the price to the newly paid friends
40 acres in california is worth, what, half a billion? Gonna take them a looooooooooooooong time to pay that off.
Yeah because white northern people who taught to free them and died doing so isn’t enough don’t see any of those families getting money for the price paid by there own blood for them.
It still won't happen. It would have happened by now. These candidates are just lying and pandering to a low intelligent population.
So you're admitting the only reason you want spics in this country is to vote for more democrat bullshit?
stop shit posting on mai Yea Forums
It's actually just the right time. Enough people hate Trump with so much passion that it will be easy to pass legislation like this because if you oppose it, you're an evil nazi bigot.
whatever it takes to make whites a minority
nowhere in his post did he say he "wanted" it.
You can call me what you want. It's just a stupid idea. What does trump have to do with anything? That's some heavy heavy brainwashing you've got going on.
There are plenty of countries where whites are a minority, so why don't you fucking move there? Not enough gibs I'm guessing?
you think if someone didn't want it, it wouldn't be the main focus of the debates? all candidates said not only do they support open borders but they support free health care for all immigrants - eventually whites will be a second class portion of america
No president has ever been this hated. You don't think the backlash is coming?
They won't have to, because even minorities hate your candidates
>What does trump have to do with anything?
um, he's the president?
are you retarded?
Niggers would trade it all for spinner rims and weed then be poor again in a week
settle down, i'll say again, no where in his post did he say he wanted that to happen.
stop arguing like a republican.
It's called pandering. The democrats totally flipped their ideals in the last decade
they're mostly likely going to get monthly payments for life
Maybe you should read a history book. Nobody has been 100% happy about the presidents in the past. It just seems big because of the internet and msm.
What about it
The most hilarious thing about "reparations" is that today there are white as fuck people descended from slaves taken from Africa and they can easily prove it via things like genetic testing. Then you have black people whose ancestors were never even on this side of the Atlantic during the era slavery demandin dem reparations too just because being black apparently entitles them even if their ancestors never suffered such an indignity.
Your typical progressives, socialists, and communists are illiberal authoritarian scum and should be granted nothing aside from a short drop and sudden stop.
It's happening whether you like it or not. This is coming through DAILY and you can't stop it.
The only backlash that's coming , is for the commie faggot left. First in 2016, next in 2020 featuring more Trump and if you don't get your pants off your collective heads, you'll see a fucking evangelical president in 2024. Suck no dicks.
Except never before has a president been THIS hated.
That picture is pretty old
>you can't stop it
Except we're doing exactly that right now. Hence why you faggots refuse to stop your daily crying over lowlife spics, most of them would watch you die in the street without lifting a fucking finger.
Pretty sure they have. Maybe you're right. Society is getting dumber by the day. People will believe anything they read or hear. This is exactly what the government wants. Focus on orange man while rape the shit out of you. Stay divided
I’d gladly pay for nigger return. Gladly.
>>Cant stop it
>>Your guns and ability to survive around each other without chimping out and killing each other won't help
How would a 12 year old faggot like you know that?
many thousands of pics of the same, do you think it only happened once? lol
He won't stand up to jews, are you kidding?
Its easier to kill them
>a president been THIS hated
>isn't old enough to remember GWB
You enjoying that sweet summer break, kiddo?
again, he didn't say he wanted it to happen.
this isn't fox news, you can't just keep changing the argument to dodge the point. you called him out on something he didn't say, then put words in his mouth.
go away and jerk off to a picture of hannity or something... you're bothering me now.
That picture isn't even in the United States. These pictures are from South America. I don't disagree with you though
Even he wasn't this hated.
>oh no, he's proving me wrong
>quick time to change the subject
'He' is me. Your argument is invalid. I'm simply saying it's inevitable.
Yes, he was. The only difference is we didn't have twitter, fagbook and other safe spaces for you fags to cry on.
trump has an approval rating of 39%. the lowest of any president.
anyone can google that.
do you know how to google faggot?
Trump panders to Israel. Jews stand against ICE. Pretty infallible argument.
Uh yeah I for one hated the shit out of him. He practically took our rights away in the name of "terrorism". Now the nsa dhs are up everyone's ass. Can't even take a shit without them knowing about it
Obama expanded on everything he did and the left didn't blink an eye. Americans only care about their team winning.
Darky needs to pay for all that free room in board the white man gave him
Sure, because we all know polls are reliable sources of information. Try harder next time kid, this thread is a failure.
No shit. I fucking hated Obamanation too. These people are just plain dumb, or seriously brainwashed.
This is untrue. Most of us are center and would really like to see a third party rise out of these ashes.
Google is politically bias. If you were smart you wouldn't trust it. It's a propaganda machine.
I'm with you there
If that were true it would've happened by now
You know as well as I do that the average person calls that 'wasting their vote.' 3rd parties never get much of the vote. Ross Perot had the most and it was still minuscule.
Well if Obama didn't cheat and have dead people vote for him we would have gotten dr Paul. Big government couldn't handle it though.
google tells me most american inventors were black and i trust them to be accurate
You would.
why would they lie? what do they have to gain?
Ron Paul was a fucking republican you dipshit
Also I'm pretty sure he lost support because he was tied to the Nazis
He was a libertarian the first time he ran. Then he switched titles to republican because he knew a third party couldn't win. You dip shit
All white male republicans are nazis.
It was the democrats who made it seem like the kkk were on his side to smear him. Only retarded fools see otherwise. Big government couldn't handle him being leader. They'd lose power.
>Down with Whites
chuck some more spears, nigger
I say go for it...but after reparations no more race card and no more welfare/foodstamps/whateverthefuck...on your feet and on your own. No more possing and moaning about something that never happened to you personally
All whites that don't take dicks up the ass, are Nazis to you idiots.
>He was a libertarian the first time he ran
And that has what to do with Obama?
>107 replies
>19 posters
Why are you talking to yourself? And how much are you paid to do so? And could you get me a job doing it?
He couldn't win or even get close because he was a third party. Pay attention
Obama wasn't even the fucking president was he was third party. Now fuck off with this shit bait.
Man this thread is dumb, and full of idiots.
>trump has an approval rating of 39%. the lowest of any president.
Liberals attacking anyone who supports Trump kinda skews the polls.
I'm voting for Trump in 2020. Call me, send me a survey, walk up to me with a clipboard and ask me if I support Trump. I'll just say "fuck off".
If they counted "Fuck Off" as support for Trump, he'd probably hit 70% support.
That's all except the 30% loonylibs.
What are blithering on about? are you drunk? How old are you?
I was talking about Ron Paul you fuck wit.
True. Presidential candidates can literally promise anything, knowing that it will never pass even if they did control both branches of Congress.
If you find facts demoralizing then that's on you.
That would be unconstitutional on the grounds of equality
>Down with Whites
Yep, posting on Yea Forums will really make that happen.
go to kgb.ru to apply today, comrade
None of those whites or blacks are around. Why should people,pay for the sins of their fathers.
>These candidates are just lying and pandering to a low intelligent population.
It worked for the Republicans, didn't it?
My guess is that they're paid to do so. If you paid me enough money I'd become the biggest liberal there was too.
it's only 3 generations ago.. countless whites are rich due to exploitation of slavery
It did. Do you see my point? The majority of the population is dumb as fuck. On both sides.
That hardly looks like trump.
You mean jews and other blacks?
Countless whites still ipensllave whites today. Where’s my reparations?
Okay, then we should imprison niggers and spics who have family members in gangs or sell drugs. Deal?
I don't find obvious nonsense demoralizing, that's just what they are trying to do. It's kike subversion. If you believe it, you're a fucking idiot.
Spotted the nazi.
I'm of Irish descent.
Can I get reparations too.
My grandfather once showed me a photo of a diner outside of Boston with a sign saying "No Negros or Irish".
Spotted the guy who doesn't know what an actual Nazi is, stupid fucking summerfag.
You mean neo nazi. The last real nazi got us into space after the government bought him out.
how does it feel to be the niggers of the white race?
> only 3 generations ago
As usual niggers cannot into math
In all honesty he's probably only part irish
Light bulb and the telephone.
>people live often to be ~70-80
>slavery was only about 160 years ago
3 people is being generous.
Actually that's false. If it was patented then Alexander Graham bell wouldn't have been able to patent it himself.
If reparations were paid, the country would go bankrupt... And then the white man would start a new government and Put y'all back in Dem chains!
Racists love confirmation bias.
Facts aren’t racist
My family moved here in 1922. Never owned a slave. Why should I ave to pay reparations?
Trolls love (you)s...
Blacks can't deal with racism and slavery going away. No one alive today lived during slavery, and fewer are alive when MLK was doin his thang. Their loosing their black card.
because you benefited from the spoils of slavery if you're white
Plain n simple I'm not paying that shit you want free money get it from someone else nigger
It I’m not
And no more affirmative action.
Simple I won't pay. Niggers are owed nothing. Niggers OWE shit tons.
Reparations is the latest 'oh woes look as us useless members of society... give us stuff for free'.
>forced to pay
Tiny hats are using Dindu tribe to foment racial tensions in order to start a civil war. No person with an IQ higher than potato believes a single thing those merchants have to sell.
Hard to believe from that sentence but I'm not racist and I never owned any slaves so I'm not paying a dime got something I never committed..
Israel has *complete* power over american politics and media. You've already lost.
Slavery was wrong on so many level. Namely because if our stupid ass white ancestors never dragged Africans over to America the Africans would still be over there living in mud huts.
Who pays for these reparations? Tax payers? Don’t black people pay tax thus paythemselves back? Or you suggesting a white only tax.
That power only exists if people don't see through it. The more they exert that power, the more it's noticed. One of the many reasons they are trying to replace us with beaners.
Reparations for what exactly? Those that actually deserve reparations are long dead.
Equality is about every one being on equal footing. You can't change the past and putting a boot to the neck of whites because their ancestors were assholes to the ancestors of blacks isn't making up for it. Don't like it? Tough shit. Either accept everything being equal for all races now with everyone on an even playing field or keep things the way it is and go somewhere else.
But a lot of those crying for reparations don't want true equality. They want the roles reversed.
The only people that deserve reparations are Native Americans whom are still suffering from being treated as outcasts on their own land. Don't give me that shit about how they can own casinos, that's a small minority of and already dwindling population.
And the children of former slave sellers in Africa will pay too
>white supremacists
nope just don't like niggers
most people don't
there's a reason for that
Read history blocks diligently. Who sold. What skin color had owner and seller. Do not forget black slave seller and black owner
not sure if troll or stupid, either way that will 100% never happen
My staff is a good one.
Give me money cuz we waz kangz n shietttt
What about the blacks that profited heavily off the white foundations?
Where would jay z be if that white guy never invented the phonograph?
Or spike lee with his cameras?
Yang wants to give everyone money. Why should harris only give it to blacks?
You mean black kids?
It's funny to see you sit there in important rage at the fact that black babies are just as likely to be aborted as they are born.
Seethe, nigger, seethe. Your people only exist at the whims of the white majority
But Mexico is gonna pay for that wall tho right, bud?
We even let Lando Calrissian fly the millennium falcon. IKR?
yeah subsidizing people to get houses they cant pay for, what could go wrong right!
North Korea is completely homogenous, so i don't think they'd have a problem with white supremacists
OP is a niggerfaggot. Next question.
> people live often to be ~ 70-80 years old
Yeah, sure they *live* to be 70-80 years old, but you'd be hard pressed to find any 70 year olds with a new born.
Probably not. Who gives a shit about a wall anyway. Maybe if the government did its job we wouldn't be in this mess.
i never owned a slave
you never were a slave
any questions?
He looks like the black version of beavis
You know what's a pipe dream right? It's literally impossible to tell who's eligible to receive the benefits and who should pay it. Because technically not all niggers should get it. What if they immigrated 50 years ago? Then you have the white people who would have to pay it. What if they immigrated 50 years ago? Then you have to prove these people who immigrated we're telling the truth to either receive or get out of paying the benefits. It's pretty much impossible.
You know a bunch of greedy Haitians and Jamaicans would try to lie and get d3ms monies
From what I've read the younger generation is more conservative than the millennials. The only reason why socialism appeals to millennials nowadays is because they all got married in college debt while getting worthless degrees and they can't keep their head above water. so yeah when you have these socialists that promise this get can "magically" go away. And free healthcare. They take the bait.
I meant to say buried in college debt.
Fuck yeah they would. Haha