Shota/Cub thread, no side of tittays pls

Shota/Cub thread, no side of tittays pls...
All Shota, all the time!

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Oh shi-

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W-will it fit in me??

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Who is this anime shota?

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literally me not too long ago

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Really? Day and night wetting? You wear diapers?

Noeye does great legs

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yes yes and when I was a shota

I want to uncover their secret porn stash, nobody can be that obsessed with shotas and not draw a pp once in a while

Yeah you're probably right. I have a friend who insisted he only drew SFW stuff and he got paid for it. Then I found his furry shotas...then his NAKED furry shotas...then his human shotas...then his NAKED human shotas. He's kind of a weirdo but he draws cute shotas. He also has a cute little brother but I digress

He went by another name before NoEyebrow, and yeah, you neeeed to share that shit with us please

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Medical condition or just hard headed? I wet the bed til about 13

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Shota pillow to , uhhh.... hug at night?

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probably just a little autistic tbh
I stopped wearing at 11 but I still wet the bed for a year or so after

>go in the loli thread
>go in the shota thread
>even a bit of shit
anyways, i havent been here since Allister was announce for pokemon ss. how you guys likin him?

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>be me
>see dozens of shotas naked irl
>only babies and fatbois have uncut dicks like this
really makes me think

Lil nigga cute, the lace socks and girly shoes are kinda kinky for a mainstream shota, huh?

>inb4 a million shotas running around in lace socks and mary jane shoes and creepy masks at halloween, lol

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Hump a cute gote ?

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Or BE humped by a cute gote?

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I can get humped by a shota legally but I can't legally hump one so you tell me

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What about shotas that wish they had tittays?

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No brainer..... care to explain that situation a bit?

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Icky girls noooooo!

>he is kinda cyute

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shotas can rub against you (they probably shouldn't be naked but I'm not a lawyer) but you can't return the favor

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Me in about 30 minutes
Really, more this pic, I dont feel so well.....yuk

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how I learned how girls didn't have dicks or the time my friend showed all of his friends his toddler sisters cunny

very VERY cute.
>shotas roughhousing and getting into compromising positions
gets me solid instantly

>trips of truth
As much as I want to believe....... I feel the local constabulary might feel otherwise if you let a shota lewd your leg to orgasm, and you not try to stop him...but, I WANT you to be right, lol

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Boys being boys is fun!

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He just wishes he had tittays. Give the poor boy a break. Haven't you ever wished you had tittays?

Good times man!
>did his sister play Doctor?

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Literally how I thought I invented oral sex just comes from something that happened when a friend and I were wrestling.

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>one time in elementary school on the playground someone said "bet you dont know what a pussy is" and i said "its a girls dick" having watched boku no pico and thinking pico was a girl
what an embarrassing memory

Good thread

Actually..... yeah, just to see what they were about, until I figured out what a pain in the ass they are most of the time

Thanks 15yo bigBIGtittay cousin who told me the truth.

But, feeling them bouncing on my back while she was behind me on my dirtbike did feel gud

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Sauce on this lil guy?

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Let the little tittay boy play too.

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more of this boy

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Uggghhhh...... finnneee


But it better not have teh C00ti3z

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He's so new theres not a ton, saw some sketch stuff on twitter, not really worth saving tho.

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i touched her pussy but she was like 3 at the time so id only give it 7/10 stars

>girl dick
technically correct

I was a chubby

I wish there was more art of Kana in a diaper

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it's good to have a fresh one for a baseline for other pussies though,

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What's with the weird hot air balloon sized diaper fetish? I've changed a lot of diaper boys and they start sagging heavily with just a little too much pee. That much would have the diaper literally fall off the boy.

@bokustarfox3 on twitter, IIRC.
The whole set is on his Hiccears site for like 6 bucks?

I saw my babysitters too because she was a weird pedo and I didn't like it

No clue, but I like it

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Something normal size= good
Supermegaultrahueg size= gotta be better fam!

Totally a diaperboy, miss me with that shit tho

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You'd be a bad babysitter tbh
so big shota dicks are good too?

>have u ever spanked a shota

I probably would, but I don't see what that has to do with liking oversized diapers in art

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>hueg shota peen
Well now I wouldn't say that, I was explaining THEIR thought process, not mine. Regular size for me

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When I was babysitting, yes.
Also, as a kid I received a fair amount of them as well.
Not really as fun as some want you to think it might be, tbh

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Sounds like me user. I haven't spanked a shota in awhile though because I felt bad about the last one.

Tudo umas safadas!

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Diaper covers or onesies are a great help holding diapers up. Amazon has em in bigger kid sizes as well.

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yeah I don't think I'm gonna get a nine year old to wear a onesie

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I learned there was a big difference between just whooping ass and actually using spanking as a disciplinary tool (yes, it can be done) you have to step away from your anger and look at the situation objectively and figure if the punishment fits the crime. Vast majority just get pissed Kaiden isnt doin what mommy/daddy said and start swinging. Not good for either

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>thead drowning in piss diapers

how about some house broken shotas?

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I felt bad because he didn't have underwear on but he definitely deserved a spanking

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I'm fine with the piss, but FFS I look at shota to see dicks and bare asses, not diapers.

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Shotas are never truly housebroken. I saw three pissing in the gym showers today

Yoooooo, I own this person's doujin haha

So you want to see shotas pissing in their open diaper?

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I much prefer seeing them piss or piss through their clothes. diapers are a bad fetish and you should feel bad.

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Never know, does he complain about saggy diapers?

These work good, i have em, very few leaks over disposables, and the elastics help hold up the diaper too

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Snout is awesome! Love her/his work

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I miss their shota stuff, they're more about loli nowadays.

Snouts art turned me on to MP100 and Mob. I like her design over the OP Mob, lol

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M,moar NIICHAN..?

You on Thats where the new stuff gets posted since Twitter murdered her acct.
Yeah, i wish for more shotas too.

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They're so cute in their art, but anime mob still definently is very cute as well!! Manga mob I can see losing to their version though..

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Kenoru did this OF niichan for his b'day, lol

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While I'm in my LH folder

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Yeah, I am. I love their ducktales stuff they've been doing. but sad to see an artist lost to the desire for little girls.

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Always a turn off

Oh God. This artist has good shit.

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Trying out new stuff probably challenges the artist, shota will come back around..... I hope, lol

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I would probably let skidoo treat me like one of his cubs, I love his art that much.
>what am i SAYING??

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p much

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God this picture makes me miss my Uncle Dwayne so much.

reminds me of when i did 7 min in heaven after watching a lot of porn at my friends house when we were in 3rd grade. Never penetrated just a lot of licking nipples and touching privates. Stoped being friends after though, too gay for them.

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muscle memory sucking.

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Uhhh...... they won't let you write him in prison? (I assume for fucking you silly, yeah?)

Marimo is fun

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T-that's kinda hot, too bad it broke up the squad

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Real talk time, if you're cool with it. Was it something you were "groomed" for? Do you feel like you were abused? Have you been able to have relationships as a teen/adult?
Was the sex enjoyable for you too, and what'd it feel like with you backside filled up?

Well shit, that's img. Limit, guess the fun's done.
Pretty much my bedtime anyway, g'nite shotanons!

gnite and see ya whenever
